998 resultados para Birth Experience
BACKGROUND Fetal weight estimation (FWE) is an important factor for clinical management decisions, especially in imminent preterm birth at the limit of viability between 23(0/7) and 26(0/7) weeks of gestation. It is crucial to detect and eliminate factors that have a negative impact on the accuracy of FWE. DATA SOURCES In this systematic literature review, we investigated 14 factors that may influence the accuracy of FWE, in particular in preterm neonates born at the limit of viability. RESULTS We found that gestational age, maternal body mass index, amniotic fluid index and ruptured membranes, presentation of the fetus, location of the placenta and the presence of multiple fetuses do not seem to have an impact on FWE accuracy. The influence of the examiner's grade of experience and that of fetal gender were discussed controversially. Fetal weight, time interval between estimation and delivery and the use of different formulas seem to have an evident effect on FWE accuracy. No results were obtained on the impact of active labor. DISCUSSION This review reveals that only few studies investigated factors possibly influencing the accuracy of FWE in preterm neonates at the limit of viability. Further research in this specific age group on potential confounding factors is needed.
QUESTIONS UNDER STUDY The impact of assisted reproductive technology (ART) on Swiss demography was quantified. From 1993 to 2012 the number of deliveries, including multiples, generated by ART was compared with overall delivery numbers. Swiss experts in ART collaborated in a consensus to increase successful outcomes, to reduce the incidence of complications of ART and to validate recommendations through statistical review of available data. METHODS Data generated between 1993 and 2012 and published by the Federal Office of Statistics (BfS) were compared with the Swiss database on ART (FIVNAT-CH) as organised by the Swiss Society of Reproductive Medicine (SGRM). From these analyses a panel of Swiss experts in ART extracted recommendations to improve current practice, to prevent complications related to ART and to recommend changes in current Swiss legislation dealing with ART. RESULTS Since 1993 the age of women giving birth rose together with the number of women asking for ART. This demographic trend was reflected in a rise in the number of deliveries generated by ART (in 2012: 2.2%) and the proportion of multiple births (in 2012: 17.6%). The outcome of ART was most negatively influenced by the age of the treated patient. The number of retrieved oocytes decisively impacted the likelihood of delivery, the risk of multiple births and the incidence of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome. CONCLUSIONS Optimal ovarian stimulation should be designed for the retrieval of 10 to 15 oocytes per treatment. Swiss legislation should enable and stimulate a policy of elective single embryo transfer to avoid multiple births.
BACKGROUND AND AIMS Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs) may impair quality of life (QoL) in paediatric patients. We aimed to evaluate in a nationwide cohort whether patients experience QoL in a different way when compared with their parents. METHODS Sociodemographic and psychosocial characteristics were prospectively acquired from paediatric patients and their parents included in the Swiss IBD Cohort Study. Disease activity was evaluated by the Paediatric Crohn's Disease Activity Index (PCDAI) and the Paediatric Ulcerative Colitis Activity Index (PUCAI). We assessed QoL using the KIDSCREEN questionnaire. The QoL domains were analysed and compared between children and parents according to type of disease, parents' age, origin, education and marital status. RESULTS We included 110 children and parents (59 Crohn's disease [CD], 45 ulcerative colitis [UC], 6 IBD unclassified [IBDU]). There was no significant difference in QoL between CD and UC/IBDU, whether the disease was active or in remission. Parents perceived overall QoL, as well as 'mood', 'family' and 'friends' domains, lower than the children themselves, independently of their place of birth and education. However, better concordance was found on 'school performance' and 'physical activity' domains. Marital status and age of parents significantly influenced the evaluation of QoL. Mothers and fathers being married or cohabiting perceived significantly lower mood, family and friends domains than their children, whereas mothers living alone had a lower perception of the friends domain; fathers living alone had a lower perception of family and mood subscores. CONCLUSION Parents of Swiss paediatric IBD patients significantly underestimate overall QoL and domains of QoL of their children independently of origin and education.
In the visual cortex, as elsewhere, N-methyl-d-aspartate receptors (NMDARs) play a critical role in triggering long-term, experience-dependent synaptic plasticity. Modifications of NMDAR subunit composition alter receptor function, and could have a large impact on the properties of synaptic plasticity. We have used immunoblot analysis to investigate the effects of age and visual experience on the expression of different NMDAR subunits in synaptoneurosomes prepared from rat visual cortices. NMDARs at birth are comprised of NR2B and NR1 subunits, and, over the first 5 postnatal weeks, there is a progressive inclusion of the NR2A subunit. Dark rearing from birth attenuates the developmental increase in NR2A. Levels of NR2A increase rapidly (in <2 hr) when dark-reared animals are exposed to light, and decrease gradually over the course of 3 to 4 days when animals are deprived of light. These data reveal that NMDAR subunit composition in the visual cortex is remarkably dynamic and bidirectionally regulated by sensory experience. We propose that NMDAR subunit regulation is a mechanism for experience-dependent modulation of synaptic plasticity in the visual cortex, and serves to maintain synaptic strength within an optimal dynamic range.
The objective of this study was to examine the influence of sensory experience on the synaptic circuitry of the cortex. For this purpose, the quantitative distribution of the overall and of the gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) population of synaptic contacts was investigated in each layer of the somatosensory barrel field cortex of rats which were sensory deprived from birth by continuously removing rows of whiskers. Whereas there were no statistically significant changes in the quantitative distribution of the overall synaptic population, the number and proportion of GABA-immunopositive synaptic contacts were profoundly altered in layer IV of the somatosensory cortex of sensory-deprived animals. These changes were attributable to a specific loss of as many as two-thirds of the GABA contacts targeting dendritic spines. Thus, synaptic contacts made by GABA terminals in cortical layer IV and, in particular, those targeting dendritic spines represent a structural substrate of experience-dependent plasticity. Furthermore, since in this model of cortical plasticity the neuronal receptive-field properties are known to be affected, we propose that the inhibitory control of dendritic spines is essential for the elaboration of these functional properties.
Objective: To explore endocrine-related and general symptoms among three groups of middle-aged women defined by country of birth and country of residence, in the context of debates about biological, cultural and other factors in menopause. Methods: British-born women participating in a British birth cohort study (n=1,362) and age-matched Australian-born (n=1,724) and British-born (n=233) Australian women selected from the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women's Health (ALSWH) responded to two waves of surveys at ages 48 and 50. Results: Australian-Australian and British-Australian women report reaching menopause later than British-British women, even after accounting for smoking status and parity. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) use was lower and hysterectomy was more common among both Australian groups, probably reflecting differences in health services between Britain and Australia. The Australian-Australian and British-Australian groups were more likely to report endocrine-related symptoms than the British-British group, even after adjusting for menopausal status. British-British women were more likely to report some general symptoms. Conclusions: Symptom reporting is high among Australian and British midlife women and varies by country of residence, country of birth and menopausal status. Implications: The data do not support either a simple cultural or a simple biological explanation for differences in menopause experience.
In recent years there has been a resurgence of decentralized social governance concerned with the spatial dimensions of disadvantage. This article examines aspects of this resurgence in the Australian state of Queensland where, after the hasty birth of 'place management' in response to the rise of 'Hansonism', a plethora of 'joined-up' policy initiatives were undertaken in relation to the regional dimensions of poverty. We propose that these trends reflect in part new ways of thinking about the spatial aspects of disadvantage which have emerged in recent years and which have the potential to take regional policy beyond the narrow confines imposed by neoliberal economic orthodoxy. These new ways of thinking have arisen in social policy through the refraining of disadvantage in terms of social exclusion and in regional economic policy through the influence of the so-called 'new regionalism'. The article shows how together these bodies of theory point us towards a new model of 'associational governance'. The article reviews recent Queensland experience and indicates those features of 'associational governance' which have become characteristic of locality-based social policy ideas in Queensland. 'Joined-up' and regional policy aspirations of the Queensland State government have shown the influence of these new approaches. The political and policy sustainability of these trends, however, is uncertain. The lingering shadow of managerialism and neoliberal policy frameworks remains a significant barrier to the innovation and viability of these approaches. More directly, the inherent limits of the 'local' or 'regional' initiatives in the face of broader national and global factors will significantly constrain the capacity of associational governance systems to deliver positive democratic, social and economic outcomes. The article examines recent Queensland policy refors in light of this complex set of factors and concludes by offering directions for future research and policy development.
Background : Increasing numbers of preschool children are being referred for specialist dental management in a paediatric hospital. Most cases have severe early childhood caries and require comprehensive management under general anaesthesia. The present study investigated risk factors for disease presence at initial consultation. Methods : A convenience sample of 125 children under four years of age from the north Brisbane region were examined and caries experience recorded using dmft and dmfs indices. A self-administered questionnaire obtained information regarding social, demographic, birth, neonatal, infant feeding and dental health behaviour variables. The data were analysed using the chi-square and one-way analysis of variance procedures. Results : Ninety-four per cent of referred children had severe ECC with mean dmft of 10.5 ± 3.8 and mean dmfs of 27.1 ± 15.1. Prevalence of severe ECC was significantly higher in children allowed a sweetened liquid in the infant feeding bottle (99 per cent) and allowed to sip from an infant feeding bottle during the day (100 per cent). Mean dmfs was significantly higher in children allowed to sleep with a bottle (28.7) and sip from a bottle during the day (29.9), children from a non-Caucasian background (31.8), those children that commenced regular toothbrushing between 6 to 12 months of age (28.1), had no current parental supervision of daily tooth-brushing (34.2) and had not taken daily fluoride supplements (27.8), vitamin supplements (27.8) or prescription medicine previously (27.6). Conclusions : The behavioural determinants for severe early childhood caries presence in hospital-referred children were similar to those identified in the regional preschool population.
Native speakers learn their mother tongue slowly, from birth, by the constant repetition of common words and phrases in a variety of contexts and situations, within the language community. As foreign language learners, we face considerable disadvantages when compared to children learning their mother tongue. Foreign language learners start later in life, have less time, have fewer opportunities to experience the language, and learn in the restricted environment of the classroom. Teachers and books give us information about many words and phrases, but it is difficult for us to know what we need to focus on and learn thoroughly, and what is less important. The rules and explanations are often difficult for us to understand. A large language corpus represents roughly the amount and variety of language that a native-speaker experiences in a whole lifetime. Learners can now access language corpora. We can check which words and phrases are important, and quickly discover their common meanings, collocations, and structural patterns. It is easier to remember things that we find out ourselves, rather than things that teachers or books tell us. Each click on the computer keyboard can show us the same information in different ways, so we can understand it more easily. We can also get many more examples from a corpus. Teachers and native-speakers can also use corpora, to confirm and enhance their own knowledge of a language, and prepare exercises to guide their students. Each of us can learn at our own level and at our own speed.
Fathers in the United Kingdom (UK) usually attend the birth and immediate care of their baby. They also have an increasing presence during complicated and preterm childbirth, newborn resuscitation and early neonatal unit(NNU) care. However, there is limited evidence about the effect of these experiences on them. The aim of this study was to gain an understanding of the experiences of fathers encountering these situations. The study consisted of three phases and was undertaken in one National Health Service trust in the UK. Qualitative semi-structured interviews using a phenomenological approach were undertaken with 20 first-time fathers present at the delivery, resuscitation and/or admission of their baby to the NNU. Direct observations were made of 22 normal and complicated deliveries and initial newborn care and qualitative semi-structured interviews using the critical incident approach were undertaken with 37 health care professionals (HCPs). The study generated qualitative and quantitative data that were analysed accordingly. The findings show that most fathers were involved for at least some of the time and often spontaneously initiated their involvement. Their most important need was for information. They were usually more concerned about their partner, irrespective of the baby?s need for resuscitation and NNU care. To facilitate their involvement, fathers needed guidance and support from HCPs, particularly delivery suite midwives. Most HCPs recognised the needs of fathers and ways in which they could be helped to connect with their experience. However, these needs were not always met, usually because of inadequate staffing levels, a lack of resources or a mother-centred philosophy of care. The findings suggest the service often determines the extent to which fathers are involved. It is anticipated that these findings will inform HCP education and training and the development of both policy and health education thereby enhancing the quality of care provision for fathers.
The extraordinary growth of the Irish economy since the mid-1990s - the 'Celtic Tiger' - has attracted a great deal of interest, commentary and research. Indeed, many countries look to Ireland as an economic development role model, and it has been suggested that Ireland might provide key lessons for other EU members as they seek to achieve the objectives set out in the Lisbon Agenda. Much of the discussion of Ireland's growth has focused on its possible triggers: the long term consequences of the late 1980s fiscal stabilisation; EU structural funds; education; wage moderation; and devaluation of the Irish punt. The industrial policy perspective has highlighted the importance of inflows of foreign direct investment, but a notable absence from the discourse on the 'Celtic Tiger' has been any mention of the role of new business venture creation and entrepreneurship. In this paper we use unpublished Irish VAT data for the years 1988 to 2004 to provide the first detailed look at national trends in business birth and death rates in Ireland over the 'take-off' period. We also use sub-national VAT data to shed light on spatial trends in new venture creation. Our overall conclusions are that new business formation made no detectable contribution to the acceleration of Ireland's growth in the late 1990s, although we do find evidence of spatial convergence in per capita business stocks.
The extraordinary growth of the Irish economy since the mid-1990s—the ‘Celtic Tiger’—has attracted a great deal of interest, commentary and research. Indeed, many countries look to Ireland as an economic development role model, and it has been suggested that Ireland might provide key lessons for other EU members as they seek to achieve the objectives set out in the Lisbon Agenda. Much of the discussion of Ireland’s growth has focused on its possible triggers: the long-term consequences of the late 1980s fiscal stabilisation, EU structural funds, education, wage moderation and devaluation of the Irish punt. The industrial policy perspective has highlighted the importance of inflows of foreign direct investment, but a notable absence from the discourse on the ‘Celtic Tiger’ has been any mention of the role of new business venture creation and entrepreneurship. In this paper we use unpublished Irish VAT data for the years 1988–2004 to provide the first detailed look at national trends in business birth and death rates in Ireland over the ‘take-off’ period. We also use sub-national VAT data to shed light on spatial trends in new venture creation. Our overall conclusions are that new business formation made no detectable contribution to the acceleration of Ireland’s growth in the late 1990s, although we do find evidence of spatial convergence in per capita business stocks.
The influence of birth order on personality and sibling rivalry is controversial; little research has been conducted into academic sibling rivalry, and none into the connection with personality traits. This study considers the interaction of all three factors. Firstborns (N=22) and lastborns (N=24) completed online personality tests and an Academic Sibling Rivalry Questionnaire. Lastborns were found to experience more academic sibling rivalry: t=2.33, DF=44; p less than 0.05, whereas firstborns are more likely to be conscientious: F(1,44)=3.58; p less than 0.05, and dutiful: F(1,44)=5.39; p less than 0.05. This raises possible implications in domains including education, health and psychotherapy. Further research could be conducted to expand these findings in terms of variables and geographical location. (Contains 2 figures.)
From birth, infants preferentially attend to human motion, which allows them to learn to interpret other peoples’ facial expressions and mental states. Evidence from adults shows that selectivity of the amygdala and the posterior superior temporal sulcus (pSTS) to biological motion correlates with social network size. Social motivation—one’s desire to orient to the social world, to seek and find reward in social interaction, and to maintain social relationships—may also contribute to neural specialization for biological motion and to social network characteristics. The current study aimed to determine whether neural selectivity for biological motion relates to social network characteristics, and to gain preliminary evidence as to whether social motivation plays a role in this relation. Findings suggest that neural selectivity for biological motion in the pSTS is positively related to social network size in middle childhood and that this relation is moderated by social motivation.
To compare neonatal deaths and complications in infants born at 34-36 weeks and six days (late preterm: LPT) with those born at term (37-41 weeks and six days); to compare deaths of early term (37-38 weeks) versus late term (39-41 weeks and six days) infants; to search for any temporal trend in LPT rate. A retrospective cohort study of live births was conducted in the Campinas State University, Brazil, from January 2004 to December 2010. Multiple pregnancies, malformations and congenital diseases were excluded. Control for confounders was performed. The level of significance was set at p<0.05. After exclusions, there were 17,988 births (1653 late preterm and 16,345 term infants). A higher mortality in LPT versus term was observed, with an adjusted odds ratio (OR) of 5.29 (p<0.0001). Most complications were significantly associated with LPT births. There was a significant increase in LPT rate throughout the study period, but no significant trend in the rate of medically indicated deliveries. A higher mortality was observed in early term versus late term infants, with adjusted OR: 2.43 (p=0.038). LPT and early term infants have a significantly higher risk of death.