914 resultados para Biometric parameters
Las patologías de la voz se han transformado en los últimos tiempos en una problemática social con cierto calado. La contaminación de las ciudades, hábitos como el de fumar, el uso de aparatos de aire acondicionado, etcétera, contribuyen a ello. Esto alcanza más relevancia en profesionales que utilizan su voz de manera frecuente, como, por ejemplo, locutores, cantantes, profesores o teleoperadores. Por todo ello resultan de especial interés las técnicas de ayuda al diagnóstico que son capaces de extraer conclusiones clínicas a partir de una muestra de la voz grabada con un micrófono, frente a otras invasivas que implican la exploración utilizando laringoscopios, fibroscopios o videoendoscopios, técnicas en cualquier caso mucho más molestas para los pacientes al exigir la introducción parcial del instrumental citado por la garganta, en actuaciones consideradas de tipo quirúrgico. Dentro de aquellas técnicas se ha avanzado mucho en un período de tiempo relativamente corto. En lo que se refiere al diagnóstico de patologías, hemos pasado en los últimos quince años de trabajar principalmente con parámetros extraídos de la señal de voz –tanto en el dominio del tiempo como en el de la frecuencia– y con escalas elaboradas con valoraciones subjetivas realizadas por expertos a hacerlo también con parámetros procedentes de estimaciones de la fuente glótica. La importancia de utilizar la fuente glótica reside, a grandes rasgos, en que se trata de una señal vinculada directamente al estado de la estructura laríngea del locutor y también en que está generalmente menos influida por el tracto vocal que la señal de voz. Es conocido que el tracto vocal guarda más relación con el mensaje hablado, y su presencia dificulta el proceso de detección de patología vocal. Estas estimaciones de la fuente glótica han sido obtenidas a través de técnicas de filtrado inverso desarrolladas por nuestro grupo de investigación. Hemos conseguido, además, profundizar en la naturaleza de la señal glótica: somos capaces de descomponerla y relacionarla con parámetros biomecánicos de los propios pliegues vocales, obteniendo estimaciones de elementos como la masa, la pérdida de energía o la elasticidad del cuerpo y de la cubierta del pliegue, entre otros. De las componentes de la fuente glótica surgen también los denominados parámetros biométricos, relacionados con la forma de la señal, que constituyen por sí mismos una firma biométrica del individuo. También trabajaremos con parámetros temporales, relacionados con las diferentes etapas que se observan dentro de la señal glótica durante un ciclo de fonación. Por último, consideraremos parámetros clásicos de perturbación y energía de la señal. En definitiva, contamos ahora con una considerable cantidad de parámetros glóticos que conforman una base estadística multidimensional, destinada a ser capaz de discriminar personas con voces patológicas o disfónicas de aquellas que no presentan patología en la voz o con voces sanas o normofónicas. Esta tesis doctoral se ocupa de varias cuestiones: en primer lugar, es necesario analizar cuidadosamente estos nuevos parámetros, por lo que ofreceremos una completa descripción estadística de los mismos. También estudiaremos cuestiones como la distribución de los parámetros atendiendo a criterios como el de normalidad estadística de los mismos, ocupándonos especialmente de la diferencia entre las distribuciones que presentan sujetos sanos y sujetos con patología vocal. Para todo ello emplearemos diferentes técnicas estadísticas: generación de elementos y diagramas descriptivos, pruebas de normalidad y diversos contrastes de hipótesis, tanto paramétricos como no paramétricos, que considerarán la diferencia entre los grupos de personas sanas y los grupos de personas con alguna patología relacionada con la voz. Además, nos interesa encontrar relaciones estadísticas entre los parámetros, de cara a eliminar posibles redundancias presentes en el modelo, a reducir la dimensionalidad del problema y a establecer un criterio de importancia relativa en los parámetros en cuanto a su capacidad discriminante para el criterio patológico/sano. Para ello se aplicarán técnicas estadísticas como la Correlación Lineal Bivariada y el Análisis Factorial basado en Componentes Principales. Por último, utilizaremos la conocida técnica de clasificación Análisis Discriminante, aplicada a diferentes combinaciones de parámetros y de factores, para determinar cuáles de ellas son las que ofrecen tasas de acierto más prometedoras. Para llevar a cabo la experimentación se ha utilizado una base de datos equilibrada y robusta formada por doscientos sujetos, cien de ellos pertenecientes al género femenino y los restantes cien al género masculino, con una proporción también equilibrada entre los sujetos que presentan patología vocal y aquellos que no la presentan. Una de las aplicaciones informáticas diseñada para llevar a cabo la recogida de muestras también es presentada en esta tesis. Los distintos estudios estadísticos realizados nos permitirán identificar aquellos parámetros que tienen una mayor contribución a la hora de detectar la presencia de patología vocal. Alguno de los estudios, además, nos permitirá presentar una ordenación de los parámetros en base a su importancia para realizar la detección. Por otra parte, también concluiremos que en ocasiones es conveniente realizar una reducción de la dimensionalidad de los parámetros para mejorar las tasas de detección. Por fin, las propias tasas de detección constituyen quizá la conclusión más importante del trabajo. Todos los análisis presentes en el trabajo serán realizados para cada uno de los dos géneros, de acuerdo con diversos estudios previos que demuestran que los géneros masculino y femenino deben tratarse de forma independiente debido a las diferencias orgánicas observadas entre ambos. Sin embargo, en lo referente a la detección de patología vocal contemplaremos también la posibilidad de trabajar con la base de datos unificada, comprobando que las tasas de acierto son también elevadas. Abstract Voice pathologies have become recently in a social problem that has reached a certain concern. Pollution in cities, smoking habits, air conditioning, etc. contributes to it. This problem is more relevant for professionals who use their voice frequently: speakers, singers, teachers, actors, telemarketers, etc. Therefore techniques that are capable of drawing conclusions from a sample of the recorded voice are of particular interest for the diagnosis as opposed to other invasive ones, involving exploration by laryngoscopes, fiber scopes or video endoscopes, which are techniques much less comfortable for patients. Voice quality analysis has come a long way in a relatively short period of time. In regard to the diagnosis of diseases, we have gone in the last fifteen years from working primarily with parameters extracted from the voice signal (both in time and frequency domains) and with scales drawn from subjective assessments by experts to produce more accurate evaluations with estimates derived from the glottal source. The importance of using the glottal source resides broadly in that this signal is linked to the state of the speaker's laryngeal structure. Unlike the voice signal (phonated speech) the glottal source, if conveniently reconstructed using adaptive lattices, may be less influenced by the vocal tract. As it is well known the vocal tract is related to the articulation of the spoken message and its influence complicates the process of voice pathology detection, unlike when using the reconstructed glottal source, where vocal tract influence has been almost completely removed. The estimates of the glottal source have been obtained through inverse filtering techniques developed by our research group. We have also deepened into the nature of the glottal signal, dissecting it and relating it to the biomechanical parameters of the vocal folds, obtaining several estimates of items such as mass, loss or elasticity of cover and body of the vocal fold, among others. From the components of the glottal source also arise the so-called biometric parameters, related to the shape of the signal, which are themselves a biometric signature of the individual. We will also work with temporal parameters related to the different stages that are observed in the glottal signal during a cycle of phonation. Finally, we will take into consideration classical perturbation and energy parameters. In short, we have now a considerable amount of glottal parameters in a multidimensional statistical basis, designed to be able to discriminate people with pathologic or dysphonic voices from those who do not show pathology. This thesis addresses several issues: first, a careful analysis of these new parameters is required, so we will offer a complete statistical description of them. We will also discuss issues such as distribution of the parameters, considering criteria such as their statistical normality. We will take special care in the analysis of the difference between distributions from healthy subjects and the distributions from pathological subjects. To reach these goals we will use different statistical techniques such as: generation of descriptive items and diagramas, tests for normality and hypothesis testing, both parametric and nonparametric. These latter techniques consider the difference between the groups of healthy subjects and groups of people with an illness related to voice. In addition, we are interested in finding statistical relationships between parameters. There are various reasons behind that: eliminate possible redundancies in the model, reduce the dimensionality of the problem and establish a criterion of relative importance in the parameters. The latter reason will be done in terms of discriminatory power for the criterion pathological/healthy. To this end, statistical techniques such as Bivariate Linear Correlation and Factor Analysis based on Principal Components will be applied. Finally, we will use the well-known technique of Discriminant Analysis classification applied to different combinations of parameters and factors to determine which of these combinations offers more promising success rates. To perform the experiments we have used a balanced and robust database, consisting of two hundred speakers, one hundred of them males and one hundred females. We have also used a well-balanced proportion where subjects with vocal pathology as well as subjects who don´t have a vocal pathology are equally represented. A computer application designed to carry out the collection of samples is also presented in this thesis. The different statistical analyses performed will allow us to determine which parameters contribute in a more decisive way in the detection of vocal pathology. Therefore, some of the analyses will even allow us to present a ranking of the parameters based on their importance for the detection of vocal pathology. On the other hand, we will also conclude that it is sometimes desirable to perform a dimensionality reduction in order to improve the detection rates. Finally, detection rates themselves are perhaps the most important conclusion of the work. All the analyses presented in this work have been performed for each of the two genders in agreement with previous studies showing that male and female genders should be treated independently, due to the observed functional differences between them. However, with regard to the detection of vocal pathology we will consider the possibility of working with the unified database, ensuring that the success rates obtained are also high.
PURPOSE. A methodology for noninvasively characterizing the three-dimensional (3-D) shape of the complete human eye is not currently available for research into ocular diseases that have a structural substrate, such as myopia. A novel application of a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) acquisition and analysis technique is presented that, for the first time, allows the 3-D shape of the eye to be investigated fully. METHODS. The technique involves the acquisition of a T2-weighted MRI, which is optimized to reveal the fluid-filled chambers of the eye. Automatic segmentation and meshing algorithms generate a 3-D surface model, which can be shaded with morphologic parameters such as distance from the posterior corneal pole and deviation from sphericity. Full details of the method are illustrated with data from 14 eyes of seven individuals. The spatial accuracy of the calculated models is demonstrated by comparing the MRI-derived axial lengths with values measured in the same eyes using interferometry. RESULTS. The color-coded eye models showed substantial variation in the absolute size of the 14 eyes. Variations in the sphericity of the eyes were also evident, with some appearing approximately spherical whereas others were clearly oblate and one was slightly prolate. Nasal-temporal asymmetries were noted in some subjects. CONCLUSIONS. The MRI acquisition and analysis technique allows a novel way of examining 3-D ocular shape. The ability to stratify and analyze eye shape, ocular volume, and sphericity will further extend the understanding of which specific biometric parameters predispose emmetropic children subsequently to develop myopia. Copyright © Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.
The relationship between accommodation and intraocular pressure (lOP) has not been addressed as a research question for over 20 years, when measurement of both of these parameters was less advanced than today. Hence the central aim of this thesis was to evaluate the effects of accommodation on lOP. The instrument of choice throughout this thesis was the Pulsair EasyEye non-contact tonometer (NCT) due principally to its slim-line design which allowed the measurement of lOP in one eye and simultaneous stimulation of accommodation in the other eye. A second reason for using the Pulsair EasyEye NCT was that through collaboration with the manufacturers (Keeler, UK) the instrument's operational technology was made accessible. Hence, the principle components underpinning non-contact lOP measures of 0.1mmHg resolution (an order of magnitude greater than other methods) were made available. The relationship between the pressure-output and corneal response has been termed the pressure-response relationship, aspects of which have been shown to be related to ocular biometric parameters. Further, analysis of the components of the pressure-response relationship together with high-speed photography of the cornea during tonometry has enhanced our understanding of the derivation of an lOP measure with the Pulsair EasyEye NCT. The NCT samples the corneal response to the pressure pulse over a 19 ms cycle photoelectronically, but computes the subject's lOP using the data collected in the first 2.34 ms. The relatively instantaneous nature of the lOP measurement renders the measures susceptible to variations in the steady-state lOP caused by the respiratory and cardiac cycles. As such, the variance associated with these cycles was minimised by synchronising the lOP measures with the cardiac trace and maintaining a constant pace respiratory cycle at 15 breathes/minute. It is apparent that synchronising the lOP measures with the peak, middle or trough of the cardiac trace significantly reduced the spread of consecutive measures. Of the 3 locations investigated, synchronisation with the middle location demonstrated the least variance (coeflicient of variation = 9.1%) and a strong correlation (r = 0.90, p = <0.001) with lOP values obtained with Goldmann contact tonometry (n = 50). Accordingly lOP measures synchronised with the middle location of the cardiac cycle were taken in the RE while the LE fixated low (L; zero D), intermediate (I; 1.50 D) and high (H; 4 D) accommodation targets, Quasi-continuous measures of accommodation responses were obtained during the lOP measurement period using the portable infrared Grand Seiko FR-5000 autorefractor. The lOP reduced between L and I accommodative levels by approximately 0.61 mmHg (p <0.00 I). No significant reduction in IOP between L and H accommodation levels was elicited (p = 0.65) (n = 40). The relationship between accommodation and lOP was characterised by substantial inter-subject variations. Myopes demonstrated a tendency to show a reduction in IOP with accommodation which was significant only with I accommodation levels when measured with the NCT (r = 0.50, p = 0.01). However, the relationship between myopia and lOP change with accommodation reached significance for both I (r = 0.61, p= 0.003) and H (r = 0.531, p= 0.0 1) accommodation levels when measured with the Ocular blood Flow Analyser (OBFA). Investigation of the effects of accommodation on the parameters measured by the OBFA demonstrated that with H accommodation levels the pulse amplitude (PA) and pulse rate (PR) responses differed between myopes and emmetropes (PA: p = 0.03; PR: p = 0.004). As thc axial length increased there was a tendency for the pulsatile ocular blood flow (POBF) to reduce with accommodation, which was significant only with H accommodation levels (r = 0.38, p = 0.02). It is proposed that emmetropes arc able to regulate the POBF responses to changes in ocular perfusion pressure caused by changes in lOP with I (r = 0.77, p <0.001) and H (r = 0.73, p = 0.001) accommodation levels. However, thc relationship between lOP and POBF changes in the myopes was not correlated for both I (r = 0.33, p = 0.20) and H (r = 0.05, p = 0.85) accommodation levels. The thesis presents new data on the relationships between accommodation, lOP and parameters of the OBFA,: and provides evidence for possible lOP and choroidal blood flow regulatory mechanisms. Further the data highlight possible deficits in the vascular regulation of the myopic eye during accommodation, which may play a putative role in the aetiology of myopia development.
Background/aims - To determine which biometric parameters provide optimum predictive power for ocular volume. Methods - Sixty-seven adult subjects were scanned with a Siemens 3-T MRI scanner. Mean spherical error (MSE) (D) was measured with a Shin-Nippon autorefractor and a Zeiss IOLMaster used to measure (mm) axial length (AL), anterior chamber depth (ACD) and corneal radius (CR). Total ocular volume (TOV) was calculated from T2-weighted MRIs (voxel size 1.0 mm3) using an automatic voxel counting and shading algorithm. Each MR slice was subsequently edited manually in the axial, sagittal and coronal plane, the latter enabling location of the posterior pole of the crystalline lens and partitioning of TOV into anterior (AV) and posterior volume (PV) regions. Results - Mean values (±SD) for MSE (D), AL (mm), ACD (mm) and CR (mm) were −2.62±3.83, 24.51±1.47, 3.55±0.34 and 7.75±0.28, respectively. Mean values (±SD) for TOV, AV and PV (mm3) were 8168.21±1141.86, 1099.40±139.24 and 7068.82±1134.05, respectively. TOV showed significant correlation with MSE, AL, PV (all p<0.001), CR (p=0.043) and ACD (p=0.024). Bar CR, the correlations were shown to be wholly attributable to variation in PV. Multiple linear regression indicated that the combination of AL and CR provided optimum R2 values of 79.4% for TOV. Conclusion - Clinically useful estimations of ocular volume can be obtained from measurement of AL and CR.
Purpose: This work investigates how short-term changes in blood glucose concentration affect the refractive components of the diabetic eye in patients with long-term Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. Methods: Blood glucose concentration, refractive error components (mean spherical equivalent MSE, J0, J45), central corneal thickness (CCT), anterior chamber depth (ACD), crystalline lens thickness (LT), axial length (AL) and ocular aberrations were monitored at two-hourly intervals over a 12-hour period in: 20 T1DM patients (mean age ± SD) 38±14 years, baseline HbA1c 8.6±1.9%; 21 T2DM patients (mean age ± SD) 56±11 years, HbA1c 7.5±1.8%; and in 20 control subjects (mean age ± SD) 49±23 years, HbA1c 5.5±0.5%. The refractive and biometric results were compared with the corresponding changes in blood glucose concentration. Results: Blood glucose concentration at different times was found to vary significantly within (p<0.0005) and between groups (p<0.0005). However, the refractive error components and ocular aberrations were not found to alter significantly over the day in either the diabetic patients or the control subjects (p>0.05). Minor changes of marginal statistical or optical significance were observed in some biometric parameters. Similarly there were some marginally significant differences between the baseline biometric parameters of well-controlled and poorly-controlled diabetic subjects. Conclusion: This work suggests that normal, short-term fluctuations (of up to about 6 mM/l on a timescale of a few hours) in the blood glucose levels of diabetics are not usually associated with acute changes in refractive error or ocular wavefront aberrations. It is therefore possible that factors other than refractive error fluctuations are sometimes responsible for the transient visual problems often reported by diabetic patients. © 2012 Huntjens et al.
In gilthead seabream aquaculture, the feed supplies in the market is very expensive due to its high content of animal protein. In this respect, spiruline appears to be a valuable substitute to animal and vegetable protein. In this study we performed two experiments. The scope of the first one was to determine the effect of the inclusion of Spirulina platensis hydrolyzed on the physiological state and growth in juveniles of Sparus aurata. A total of 180 individuals were fed for 128 days with three different feeds: control diet, diet with 2% of hydrolyzed microalgae (Sp2), and diet with 4% of hydrolyzed microalgae (Sp4).The experimental groups were tested in triplicate (except control group that was in duplicate). Biometric parameters were registered every two or three weeks. At the end of the experiment blood samples were collected to analyze plasma metabolites. After this we tried to evaluate the anti-oxidant response in animals remained from the first experiment using a toxicological assay with sodium nitrite lasting three days. Fish were divided into control, Spi 2% and Spi 4%, all them with and without NaNO2. Even then, the plasma metabolites data were collected after 24h and 72h. At the end of the first experiment the administration of S. platensis appeared to have a negative impact on growth of S. aurata respect the control feed. Furthermore, the lactate content registered showed a significant difference between the control and the spiruline administration. In the second experiment the spiruline feed showed a glucose and a lactate content with significant differences after 72h of exposition to nitrites respect the control group due to the interaction between nitrites and treatment. S. platensis hydrolyzed 2% and 4% do not seems a good substitution for S. aurata both as a growth enhancer and improver of health metabolic pathways. Its role as a good antioxidant has not been confirmed in these experiments.
Besides their own adaptation strategies, plants might exploit microbial symbionts for overcoming both biotic and abiotic stresses and increase fitness. The current scenario of rapid climate change is demanding more sustainable agricultural management practices. The application of microbe-based products as a valid alternative to synthetic pesticides and fertilizers and their use to overcome stresses exacerbated by climate change, have been reviewed in the first part of this thesis. Berry fruits are widely cultivated and appreciated for their aromatic and nutraceutical properties. This thesis is focused on the role of plant and fruit microbiome on strawberry and raspberry growth, resistance, fruit quality and aroma. A taxonomical and functional description of the microbiome of different organs of three strawberry genotypes was performed both by traditional cultural dependent method and Next Generation Sequencing technique, highlighting a significant role of plant organs and genotype in determining the composition of microbial communities. Additionally, a selection of bacteria native of strawberry plants were isolated and screened for their plant growth promoting abilities and tested under the biotic stress of Xanthomonas fragariae infection and the abiotic stress of induced salinity. The monitoring of biometric parameters allowed the selection of a more restricted panel of bacterial strains, whose beneficial potential was tested in coordinated inoculations, or singularly. Raspberry plant was used for investigating the effect of cultivation method in determining fruit microbiome, and its consequent influence of berry quality and aroma. Interestingly, the cultivation method strongly influenced fruit nutraceutical traits, aroma and epiphytic bacterial biocoenosis. The involvement of the bacterial microbiota in fruit aroma determination was evaluated by performing GC–MS analysis of VOCs occurring in control, sterile and artificially reinoculated berries and by characterizing control and reinoculated berry microbiome. Differently treated berries showed significantly different aromatic profile, confirming the role of bacteria in fruit aroma development.
The identification of tree species is a key step for sustainable management plans of forest resources, as well as for several other applications that are based on such surveys. However, the present available techniques are dependent on the presence of tree structures, such as flowers, fruits, and leaves, limiting the identification process to certain periods of the year Therefore, this article introduces a study on the application of statistical parameters for texture classification of tree trunk images. For that, 540 samples from five Brazilian native deciduous species were acquired and measures of entropy, uniformity, smoothness, asymmetry (third moment), mean, and standard deviation were obtained from the presented textures. Using a decision tree, a biometric species identification system was constructed and resulted to a 0.84 average precision rate for species classification with 0.83accuracy and 0.79 agreement. Thus, it can be considered that the use of texture presented in trunk images can represent an important advance in tree identification, since the limitations of the current techniques can be overcome.
El extraordinario auge de las nuevas tecnologías de la información, el desarrollo de la Internet de las Cosas, el comercio electrónico, las redes sociales, la telefonía móvil y la computación y almacenamiento en la nube, han proporcionado grandes beneficios en todos los ámbitos de la sociedad. Junto a éstos, se presentan nuevos retos para la protección y privacidad de la información y su contenido, como la suplantación de personalidad y la pérdida de la confidencialidad e integridad de los documentos o las comunicaciones electrónicas. Este hecho puede verse agravado por la falta de una frontera clara que delimite el mundo personal del mundo laboral en cuanto al acceso de la información. En todos estos campos de la actividad personal y laboral, la Criptografía ha jugado un papel fundamental aportando las herramientas necesarias para garantizar la confidencialidad, integridad y disponibilidad tanto de la privacidad de los datos personales como de la información. Por otro lado, la Biometría ha propuesto y ofrecido diferentes técnicas con el fin de garantizar la autentificación de individuos a través del uso de determinadas características personales como las huellas dáctilares, el iris, la geometría de la mano, la voz, la forma de caminar, etc. Cada una de estas dos ciencias, Criptografía y Biometría, aportan soluciones a campos específicos de la protección de datos y autentificación de usuarios, que se verían enormemente potenciados si determinadas características de ambas ciencias se unieran con vistas a objetivos comunes. Por ello es imperativo intensificar la investigación en estos ámbitos combinando los algoritmos y primitivas matemáticas de la Criptografía con la Biometría para dar respuesta a la demanda creciente de nuevas soluciones más técnicas, seguras y fáciles de usar que potencien de modo simultáneo la protección de datos y la identificacíón de usuarios. En esta combinación el concepto de biometría cancelable ha supuesto una piedra angular en el proceso de autentificación e identificación de usuarios al proporcionar propiedades de revocación y cancelación a los ragos biométricos. La contribución de esta tesis se basa en el principal aspecto de la Biometría, es decir, la autentificación segura y eficiente de usuarios a través de sus rasgos biométricos, utilizando tres aproximaciones distintas: 1. Diseño de un esquema criptobiométrico borroso que implemente los principios de la biometría cancelable para identificar usuarios lidiando con los problemas acaecidos de la variabilidad intra e inter-usuarios. 2. Diseño de una nueva función hash que preserva la similitud (SPHF por sus siglas en inglés). Actualmente estas funciones se usan en el campo del análisis forense digital con el objetivo de buscar similitudes en el contenido de archivos distintos pero similares de modo que se pueda precisar hasta qué punto estos archivos pudieran ser considerados iguales. La función definida en este trabajo de investigación, además de mejorar los resultados de las principales funciones desarrolladas hasta el momento, intenta extender su uso a la comparación entre patrones de iris. 3. Desarrollando un nuevo mecanismo de comparación de patrones de iris que considera tales patrones como si fueran señales para compararlos posteriormente utilizando la transformada de Walsh-Hadarmard. Los resultados obtenidos son excelentes teniendo en cuenta los requerimientos de seguridad y privacidad mencionados anteriormente. Cada uno de los tres esquemas diseñados han sido implementados para poder realizar experimentos y probar su eficacia operativa en escenarios que simulan situaciones reales: El esquema criptobiométrico borroso y la función SPHF han sido implementados en lenguaje Java mientras que el proceso basado en la transformada de Walsh-Hadamard en Matlab. En los experimentos se ha utilizado una base de datos de imágenes de iris (CASIA) para simular una población de usuarios del sistema. En el caso particular de la función de SPHF, además se han realizado experimentos para comprobar su utilidad en el campo de análisis forense comparando archivos e imágenes con contenido similar y distinto. En este sentido, para cada uno de los esquemas se han calculado los ratios de falso negativo y falso positivo. ABSTRACT The extraordinary increase of new information technologies, the development of Internet of Things, the electronic commerce, the social networks, mobile or smart telephony and cloud computing and storage, have provided great benefits in all areas of society. Besides this fact, there are new challenges for the protection and privacy of information and its content, such as the loss of confidentiality and integrity of electronic documents and communications. This is exarcebated by the lack of a clear boundary between the personal world and the business world as their differences are becoming narrower. In both worlds, i.e the personal and the business one, Cryptography has played a key role by providing the necessary tools to ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability both of the privacy of the personal data and information. On the other hand, Biometrics has offered and proposed different techniques with the aim to assure the authentication of individuals through their biometric traits, such as fingerprints, iris, hand geometry, voice, gait, etc. Each of these sciences, Cryptography and Biometrics, provides tools to specific problems of the data protection and user authentication, which would be widely strengthen if determined characteristics of both sciences would be combined in order to achieve common objectives. Therefore, it is imperative to intensify the research in this area by combining the basics mathematical algorithms and primitives of Cryptography with Biometrics to meet the growing demand for more secure and usability techniques which would improve the data protection and the user authentication. In this combination, the use of cancelable biometrics makes a cornerstone in the user authentication and identification process since it provides revocable or cancelation properties to the biometric traits. The contributions in this thesis involve the main aspect of Biometrics, i.e. the secure and efficient authentication of users through their biometric templates, considered from three different approaches. The first one is designing a fuzzy crypto-biometric scheme using the cancelable biometric principles to take advantage of the fuzziness of the biometric templates at the same time that it deals with the intra- and inter-user variability among users without compromising the biometric templates extracted from the legitimate users. The second one is designing a new Similarity Preserving Hash Function (SPHF), currently widely used in the Digital Forensics field to find similarities among different files to calculate their similarity level. The function designed in this research work, besides the fact of improving the results of the two main functions of this field currently in place, it tries to expand its use to the iris template comparison. Finally, the last approach of this thesis is developing a new mechanism of handling the iris templates, considering them as signals, to use the Walsh-Hadamard transform (complemented with three other algorithms) to compare them. The results obtained are excellent taking into account the security and privacy requirements mentioned previously. Every one of the three schemes designed have been implemented to test their operational efficacy in situations that simulate real scenarios: The fuzzy crypto-biometric scheme and the SPHF have been implemented in Java language, while the process based on the Walsh-Hadamard transform in Matlab. The experiments have been performed using a database of iris templates (CASIA-IrisV2) to simulate a user population. The case of the new SPHF designed is special since previous to be applied i to the Biometrics field, it has been also tested to determine its applicability in the Digital Forensic field comparing similar and dissimilar files and images. The ratios of efficiency and effectiveness regarding user authentication, i.e. False Non Match and False Match Rate, for the schemes designed have been calculated with different parameters and cases to analyse their behaviour.
Frailty and anemia in the elderly appear to share a common pathophysiology associated with chronic inflammatory processes. This study uses an analytical, cross-sectional, population-based methodology to investigate the probable relationships between frailty, red blood cell parameters and inflammatory markers in 255 community-dwelling elders aged 65 years or older. The frailty phenotype was assessed by non-intentional weight loss, fatigue, low grip strength, low energy expenditure and reduced gait speed. Blood sample analyses were performed to determine hemoglobin level, hematocrit and reticulocyte count, as well as the inflammatory variables IL-6, IL-1ra and hsCRP. In the first multivariate analysis (model I), considering only the erythroid parameters, Hb concentration was a significant variable for both general frailty status and weight loss: a 1.0g/dL drop in serum Hb concentration represented a 2.02-fold increase (CI 1.12-3.63) in an individual's chance of being frail. In the second analysis (model II), which also included inflammatory cytokine levels, hsCRP was independently selected as a significant variable. Each additional year of age represented a 1.21-fold increase in the chance of being frail, and each 1-unit increase in serum hsCRP represented a 3.64-fold increase in the chance of having the frailty phenotype. In model II reticulocyte counts were associated with weight loss and reduced metabolic expenditure criteria. Our findings suggest that reduced Hb concentration, reduced RetAbs count and elevated serum hsCRP levels should be considered components of frailty, which in turn is correlated with sarcopenia, as evidenced by weight loss.
Bariatric surgery is considered an effective method for sustained weight loss, but may cause various nutritional complications. The aim of this study was to evaluate the nutritional status of minerals and vitamins, food consumption, and to monitor physiologic parameters in patients with obesity before and 6 months after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery (RYGB). Thirty-six patients who had undergone RYGB were prospectively evaluated before and 6 months after surgery. At each phase their weight, height, body mass index (BMI), Electro Sensor Complex (ES Complex) data, food consumption, and total protein serum levels, albumin, prealbumin, parathyroid hormone (PTH), zinc (Zn), B12 vitamin (VitB12), iron (Fe), ferritin, copper (Cu), ionic calcium (CaI), magnesium (Mg), and folic acid were assessed. The mean weight loss from baseline to 6 months after surgery was 35.34±4.82%. Markers of autonomic nervous system balance (P<.01), stiffness index (P<.01), standard deviation of normal-to-normal R-R intervals (SDNN) (P<.01), and insulin resistance (P<.001) were also improved. With regard to the micronutrients measured, 34 patients demonstrated some kind of deficiency. There was a high percentage of Zn deficiency in both pre- (55.55%) and postoperative (61.11%) patients, and 33.33% of the patients were deficient in prealbumin postoperatively. The protein intake after 6 months of surgery was below the recommended intake (<70 g/d) for 88.88% of the patients. Laboratory analyses demonstrated an average decrease in total protein (P<.05), prealbumin (P = .002), and PTH (P = .008) between pre- and postsurgery, and a decrease in the percentage of deficiencies for Mg (P<.05), CaI (P<.05), and Fe (P = .021). Despite improvements in the autonomic nervous system balance, stiffness index markers and insulin resistance, we found a high prevalence of hypozincemia at 6 months post-RYGB. Furthermore, protein supplements were needed to maintain an adequate protein intake up to 6 months postsurgery.
Crotamine is one of the main constituents of the venom of the South American rattlesnake Crotalus durissus terrificus. Here we sought to investigate the inflammatory and toxicological effects induced by the intrahippocampal administration of crotamine isolated from Crotalus whole venom. Adult rats received an intrahippocampal infusion of crotamine or vehicle and were euthanized 24 h or 21 days after infusion. Plasma and brain tissue were collected for biochemical analysis. Complete blood count, creatinine, urea, glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase (GOT), glutamic pyruvic transaminase (GPT), creatine-kinase (CK), creatine kinase-muscle B (CK-MB) and oxidative parameters (assessed by DNA damage and micronucleus frequency in leukocytes, lipid peroxidation and protein carbonyls in plasma and brain) were quantified. Unpaired and paired t-tests were used for comparisons between saline and crotamine groups, and within groups (24 h vs. 21 days), respectively. After 24 h crotamine infusion promoted an increase of urea, GOT, GPT, CK, and platelets values (p ≤ 0.01), while red blood cells, hematocrit and leukocytes values decreased (p ≤ 0.01). Additionally, 21 days after infusion crotamine group showed increased creatinine, leukocytes, TBARS (plasma and brain), carbonyl (plasma and brain) and micronucleus compared to the saline-group (p ≤ 0.01). Our findings show that crotamine infusion alter hematological parameters and cardiac markers, as well as oxidative parameters, not only in the brain, but also in the blood, indicating a systemic pro-inflammatory and toxicological activity. A further scientific attempt in terms of preserving the beneficial activity over toxicity is required.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of mature red cell and reticulocyte parameters under three conditions: iron deficiency anemia, anemia of chronic disease, and anemia of chronic disease associated with absolute iron deficiency. Peripheral blood cells from 117 adult patients with anemia were classified according to iron status, and inflammatory activity, and the results of a hemoglobinopathy investigation as: iron deficiency anemia (n=42), anemia of chronic disease (n=28), anemia of chronic disease associated with iron deficiency anemia (n=22), and heterozygous β thalassemia (n=25). The percentage of microcytic red cells, hypochromic red cells, and levels of hemoglobin content in both reticulocytes and mature red cells were determined. Receiver operating characteristic analysis was used to evaluate the accuracy of the parameters in differentiating between the different types of anemia. There was no significant difference between the iron deficient group and anemia of chronic disease associated with absolute iron deficiency in respect to any parameter. The percentage of hypochromic red cells was the best parameter to discriminate anemia of chronic disease with and without absolute iron deficiency (area under curve=0.785; 95% confidence interval: 0.661-0.909, with sensitivity of 72.7%, and specificity of 70.4%; cut-off value 1.8%). The formula microcytic red cells minus hypochromic red cells was very accurate in differentiating iron deficiency anemia and heterozygous β thalassemia (area under curve=0.977; 95% confidence interval: 0.950-1.005; with sensitivity of 96.2%, and specificity of 92.7%; cut-off value 13.8). The indices related to red cells and reticulocytes have a moderate performance in identifying absolute iron deficiency in patients with anemia of chronic disease.
The main aim of this investigation was to verify the relationship of the variables measured during a 3-minute all-out test with aerobic (i.e., peak oxygen uptake [(Equation is included in full-text article.)] and intensity corresponding to the lactate minimum [LMI]) and anaerobic parameters (i.e., anaerobic work) measured during a 400-m maximal performance. To measure force continually and to avoid the possible influences caused by turns, the 3-minute all-out effort was performed in tethered swimming. Thirty swimmers performed the following tests: (a) a 3-minute all-out tethered swimming test to determine the final force (equivalent to critical force: CF3-MIN) and the work performed above CF3-MIN (W'3-MIN), (b) a LMI protocol to determine the LMI during front crawl swimming, and (c) a 400-m maximal test to determine the (Equation is included in full-text article.)and total anaerobic contribution (WANA). Correlations between the variables were tested using the Pearson's correlation test (p ≤ 0.05). CF3-MIN (73.9 ± 13.2 N) presented a high correlation with the LMI (1.33 ± 0.08 m·s; p = 0.01) and (Equation is included in full-text article.)(4.5 ± 1.2 L·min; p = 0.01). However, the W'3-MIN (1,943.2 ± 719.2 N·s) was only moderately correlated with LMI (p = 0.02) and (Equation is included in full-text article.)(p = 0.01). In summary, CF3-MIN determined during the 3-minute all-out effort is associated with oxidative metabolism and can be used to estimate the aerobic capacity of swimmers. In contrast, the anaerobic component of this model (W'3-MIN) is not correlated with WANA.
Current data indicate that the size of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) may be considered an important marker for cardiovascular disease risk. We established reference values of mean HDL size and volume in an asymptomatic representative Brazilian population sample (n=590) and their associations with metabolic parameters by gender. Size and volume were determined in HDL isolated from plasma by polyethyleneglycol precipitation of apoB-containing lipoproteins and measured using the dynamic light scattering (DLS) technique. Although the gender and age distributions agreed with other studies, the mean HDL size reference value was slightly lower than in some other populations. Both HDL size and volume were influenced by gender and varied according to age. HDL size was associated with age and HDL-C (total population); non- white ethnicity and CETP inversely (females); HDL-C and PLTP mass (males). On the other hand, HDL volume was determined only by HDL-C (total population and in both genders) and by PLTP mass (males). The reference values for mean HDL size and volume using the DLS technique were established in an asymptomatic and representative Brazilian population sample, as well as their related metabolic factors. HDL-C was a major determinant of HDL size and volume, which were differently modulated in females and in males.