990 resultados para Biomechanical analysis


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Osteoporosis is a major complication of chronic cholestatic liver disease (CCLD). We evaluated the efficacy of using disodium pamidronate (1.0 mg/kg body weight) for the prevention (Pr) or treatment (Tr) of cholestasis-induced osteoporosis in male Wistar rats: sham-operated (Sham = 12); bile duct-ligated (Bi = 15); bile duct-ligated animals previously treated with pamidronate before and 1 month after surgery (Pr = 9); bile duct-ligated animals treated with pamidronate 1 month after surgery (Tr = 9). Rats were sacrificed 8 weeks after surgery. Immunohistochemical expression of IGF-I and GH receptor was determined in the proximal growth plate cartilage of the left tibia. Histomorphometric analysis was performed in the right tibia and the right femur was used for biomechanical analysis. Bone material volume over tissue volume (BV/TV) was significantly affected by CCLD (Sham = 18.1 ± 3.2 vs Bi = 10.6 ± 2.2%) and pamidronate successfully increased bone volume. However, pamidronate administered in a preventive regimen presented no additional benefit on bone volume compared to secondary treatment (BV/TV: Pr = 39.4 ± 12.0; Tr = 41.2 ± 12.7%). Moreover, the force on the momentum of fracture was significantly reduced in Pr rats (Sham = 116.6 ± 23.0; Bi = 94.6 ± 33.8; Pr = 82.9 ± 22.8; Tr = 92.5 ± 29.5 N; P < 0.05, Sham vs Pr). Thus, CCLD had a significant impact on bone histomorphometric parameters and pamidronate was highly effective in increasing bone mass in CCLD; however, preventive therapy with pamidronate has no advantage regarding bone fragility.


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INTRODUCTION: Ruptures of the anterior cruciate ligament are being diagnosed with increasing frequency in skeletally immature individuals. It was our aim to investigate the graft remodelling process following an autologous, transphyseal reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) in skeletally immature sheep. We hypothesized that the ligamentisation process in immature sheep is quicker and more complete when compared to adult sheep. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Skeletally immature sheep with an age of 4 months underwent a fully transphyseal ACL reconstruction using an autologous tendon. The animals were subsequently sacrificed at 3, 6, 12 and 24 weeks following surgery. Each group was characterised histomorphometrically, by immunostaining (VEGF, SMA), by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and biomechanically (UFS Roboter). RESULTS: The histomorphometric analysis and presence of VEGF and SMA positive cells demonstrated a rapid return to a ligament like structure. The biomechanical analysis revealed an anteroposterior translation that was still increased even 6 months following surgery. CONCLUSION: As in adult sheep models, the remodeling of a soft tissue graft used for ACL reconstruction results in a biomechanically inferior substitute. However, the immature tissue seems to remodel faster and more complete when compared to adults.


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El principal objetivo del presente trabajo de investigación fue determinar las diferencias en distintas variables relacionadas con el rendimiento físico entre atletas de distinto nivel durante la prueba de los 60 metros vallas. Un total de 59 vallistas masculinos (los 31 participantes en el Campeonato del Mundo Absoluto de Pista Cubierta y los 28 participantes en el Campeonato de España Absoluto de Pista Cubierta, ambos celebrados en Valencia en el año 2008) formaron la muestra del estudio. El análisis biomecánico se realizó mediante un sistema fotogramétrico en dos dimensiones que permitió calcular, aplicando algoritmos basados en el procedimiento de la DLT (Abdel-Aziz y Karara, 1971), las coordenadas (x, y) de los sucesivos apoyos de los pies de los atletas sobre toda la superficie de competición. La filmación de las pruebas se llevó a cabo con seis cámaras de vídeo, ubicadas sobre la gradas, con una frecuencia de muestreo para el tratamiento de los datos de 50 Hz. En la fase de salida, los atletas de nivel superior mostraron una menor longitud (p<0,05) y tiempo de zancada (p<0,001), debido a un menor tiempo de vuelo (p<0,05). En la fase de vallas, los atletas de nivel más elevado presentaron mayores distancia de ataque a la valla (p<0,001), así como menores distancias de caída de la valla (p<0,001), tiempos de zancada (p<0,01-0,001) y de apoyo (p<0,01-0,001 ) en los cuatro pasos que conforman cada ciclo de vallas, así como un menor tiempo de vuelo en el paso de valla (p<0,001) y en el paso de transición (p<0,001). De manera adicional, se encontraron importantes diferencias en el reparto de los pasos entre vallas entre la primera y tercera valla y el resto de obstáculos. En la fase final, se observó una mayor longitud de zancada en los atletas de nivel superior (p<0,001), así como un menor tiempo de zancada (p<0,01) y de apoyo (p<0,01). Los resultados obtenidos en el presente estudio de investigación avalan la utilización de la fotogrametría en dos dimensiones para el análisis biomecánico de la prueba de 60 metros vallas en competición. Su aplicación en competiciones del máximo nivel internacional ha posibilitado conocer las características de los vallistas a lo largo de toda la prueba y determinar posibles implicaciones de cara al proceso de entrenamiento. ABSTRACT The aim of this research was to determine the differences in different variables related to physical performance among athletes of different levels during the race of 60 meter hurdles. A total of 59 male hurdlers (the 31 participants in the World Indoor Championship and the 28 participants in the Spanish Indoor Championship, both held in Valencia in 2008) formed the sample of the study. The biomechanical analysis of athletes was performed using a two-dimensional photogrammetric system which enabled calculation, applying algorithms based on the DLT method (Abdel -Aziz y Karara , 1971), the coordinates (x , y) of the successive supports of the feet on the entire competition surface. Filming test was conducted with six video cameras, located on the bleachers, with a sampling frequency for data processing of 50 Hz. In the approach run phase, the top-level athletes showed a smaller length step (p<0.05), and shorter step time (p<0.001), due to a shorter step flight time (p<0.05). In the hurdle unit phase, the higher level athletes had greater take-off distances (p<0.001), shorter landing distances (p<0.001), smaller step times (p<0.01-0.001), and support times (p<0.01- 0.001) in the four steps that comprised each hurdle unit, and smaller flight times in the hurdle step (p < 0.001), and the recovery step (p<0.001). Additionally, differences in the distribution of hurdle unit steps between the first and third hurdle, and other hurdles were found. In the run-in phase, a greater step length in top-level athletes (p<0.001), and a shorter step time (p<0.01) and contact time (p<0.01) was observed. The results obtained in this study support the use of photogrammetry in two dimensions for biomechanical analysis in 60 meter hurdles competition events. Its application at the highest international level competitions has allowed to know the characteristics of the hurdlers over the entire race and identify possible implications for the training process.


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Os cães, por fatores diversos, acabam por apresentar dentes fraturados com ou sem exposição de polpa. Estas fraturas basicamente são identificadas como fraturas recuperáveis não complicadas, recuperáveis complicadas ou irrecuperáveis. As fraturas recuperáveis (localizadas apenas no esmalte e dentina) são tratadas com dentística restauradora. As recuperáveis complicadas (com lesões em esmalte, dentina e exposição do canal radicular) passam por tratamento endodôntico, podendo ser seguidas de restaurações metálicas. Os dentes mais comumente acometidos são os dentes caninos, superiores ou inferiores. Este trabalho em dentes artificiais simulando considerável destruição de sua porção coronal objetivou testar, após a adaptação da restauração metálica fundida, a resistência às fraturas no dente canino. Os dentes artificiais foram padronizados com uma técnica de replicação de raízes artificiais em molde de resina acrílica quimicamente ativada. Oitenta réplicas iguais de resina composta fotopolimerizável, padronizadas em tamanho e forma, foram construídas a partir desta técnica. Antes da reconstrução protética, aplicou-se o tratamento endodôntico, desobturação, preparo do canal radicular e moldagem. Proteticamente, um pino intrarradicular reto e outro curvo, ambos com núcleo para sustentar a coroa metálica fundida foram cimentados na porção coronal de cada raiz-réplica. Os núcleos e coroa metálica foram ambos ferulados ou estojados. Avaliou-se os dois tipos de restauração com pino intrarradicular curvos ou retos cimentados com cimento de fosfato de zinco ou resinoso para identificar o melhor conjunto restaurador. Os testes de resistência biomecânica de 80 raízes-réplicas foram divididos em 4 grupos com 20 corpos de prova para cada um dos grupos. Grupo 1: das raízes-réplicas com pino intrarradicular curvo cimentados com cimento resinoso. Grupo 2: das raízes-réplicas com pino intrarradicular curvo cimentados com cimento de fosfato de zinco. Grupo 3: das raízes-réplicas com pino intrarradicular reto cimentados com cimento resinoso. Grupo 4: das raízes-réplicas com pino intrarradicular reto cimentados com cimento de fosfato de zinco. Estes grupos foram submetidos a teste de força com pré-carga de 1,5 N, com velocidade de avanço constante de 0,05 mm por minuto em ponto pré- determinado (mésio-lateral vestibularizada) até ocorrência de fratura do conjunto ou parte dele em uma Máquina Universal Kratos. Com a avaliação biomecânica e estudo estatístico de Kruskall-Wallis, identificou-se que os dados obtidos não seguiram distribuição normal. Esta diferença mostrou-se com o p<0,05 na interpretação do teste. No caso de dados não paramétricos o post-hoc do Kruskal-Wallis foi o teste de U de Mann-Withney. Paralelamente, um estudo com análise de elementos finitos comparou os resultados obtidos. Não houve diferença significativa sobre o tipo de cimento utilizado ou que favorecesse o uso do pino reto ou do pino curvo, recaindo a escolha para o operador decidir de acordo com a melhor indicação para cada caso clínico


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El propósito del presente estudio era generar los valores normativos de salto largo para niños de 9-17.9 años, e investigar las diferencias de sexo y grupo de edad


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Computer aided joint replacement surgery has become very popular during recent years and is being done in increasing numbers all over the world. The accuracy of the system depends to a major extent, on accurate registration and immobility of the tracker attachment devices to the bone. This study was designed to asses the forces needed to displace the tracker attachment devices in the bone simulators. Bone simulators were used to maintain the uniformity of the bone structure during the study. The fixation devices tested were 3mm diameter self drilling, self tapping threaded pin, 4mm diameter self tapping cortical threaded pin, 5mm diameter self tapping cancellous threaded pin and a triplanar fixation device ‘ortholock’ used with three 3mm pins. All the devices were tested for pull out, translational and rotational forces in unicortical and bicortical fixation modes. Also tested was the normal bang strength and forces generated by leaning on the devices. The forces required to produce translation increased with the increasing diameter of the pins. These were 105N, 185N, and 225N for the unicortical fixations and 130N, 200N, 225N for the bicortical fixations for 3mm, 4mm and 5mm diameter pins respectively. The forces required to pull out the pins were 1475N, 1650N, 2050N for the unicortical, 1020N, 3044N and 3042N for the bicortical fixated 3mm, 4mm and 5mm diameter pins. The ortholock translational and pull out strength was tested to 900N and 920N respectively and still it did not fail. Rotatory forces required to displace the tracker on pins was to the magnitude of 30N before failure. The ortholock device had rotational forces applied up to 135N and still did not fail. The manual leaning forces and the sudden bang forces generated were of the magnitude of 210N and 150N respectively. The strength of the fixation pins increases with increasing diameter from three to five mm for the translational forces. There is no significant difference in pull out forces of four mm and five mm diameter pins though it is more that the three mm diameter pins. This is because of the failure of material at that stage rather than the fixation device. The rotatory forces required to displace the tracker are very small and much less that that can be produced by the surgeon or assistants in single pins. Although the ortholock device was tested to 135N in rotation without failing, one has to be very careful not to put any forces during the operation on the tracker devices to ensure the accuracy of the procedure.


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Background: Diabetic peripheral neuropathy is an important cause of foot ulceration and limb loss. This systematic review and meta-analysis investigated the effect of diabetic peripheral neuropathy on gait, dynamic electromyography and dynamic plantar pressures. Methods: Electronic databases were searched systematically for articles reporting the effect of diabetic peripheral neuropathy on gait, dynamic electromyography and plantar pressures. Searches were restricted to articles published between January 2000 and April 2012. Outcome measures assessed included spatiotemporal parameters, lower limb kinematics, kinetics, muscle activation and plantar pressure. Meta-analyses were carried out on all outcome measures reported by ≥3 studies. Findings: Sixteen studies were included consisting of 382 neuropathy participants, 216 diabetes controls without neuropathy and 207 healthy controls. Meta-analysis was performed on 11 gait variables. A high level of heterogeneity was noted between studies. Meta-analysis results suggested a longer stance time and moderately higher plantar pressures in diabetic peripheral neuropathy patients at the rearfoot, midfoot and forefoot compared to controls. Systematic review of studies suggested potential differences in the biomechanical characteristics (kinematics, kinetics, EMG) of diabetic neuropathy patients. However these findings were inconsistent and limited by small sample sizes.; Interpretation: Current evidence suggests that patients with diabetic peripheral neuropathy have elevated plantar pressures and occupy a longer duration of time in the stance-phase during gait. Firm conclusions are hampered by the heterogeneity and small sample sizes of available studies. Interpretation: Current evidence suggests that patients with diabetic peripheral neuropathy have elevated plantar pressures and occupy a longer duration of time in the stance-phase during gait. Firm conclusions are hampered by the heterogeneity and small sample sizes of available studies.


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Background: Biomechanical stress analysis has been used for plaque vulnerability assessment. The presence of plaque hemorrhage (PH) is a feature of plaque vulnerability and is associated with thromboembolic ischemic events. The purpose of the present study was to use finite element analysis (FEA) to compare the stress profiles of hemorrhagic and non-hemorrhagic profiles. Methods and Results: Forty-five consecutive patients who had suffered a cerebrovascular ischemic event with an underlying carotid artery disease underwent high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of their symptomatic carotid artery in a 1.5-T MRI system. Axial images were manually segmented for various plaque components and used for FEA. Maximum critical stress (M-CstressSL) for each slice was determined. Within a plaque, the maximum M-CstressSL for each slice of a plaque was selected to represent the maximum critical stress of that plaque (M-CstressPL) and used to compare hemorrhagic and non-hemorrhagic plaques. A total of 62% of plaques had hemorrhage. It was observed that plaques with hemorrhage had significantly higher stress (M-CstressPL) than plaques without PH (median [interquartile range]: 315 kPa [247-434] vs. 200 kPa [171-282], P=0.003). Conclusions: Hemorrhagic plaques have higher biomechanical stresses than non-hemorrhagic plaques. MRI-based FEA seems to have the potential to assess plaque vulnerability.


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Objective: The aim of this study was to explore whether there is a relationship between the degree of MR-defined inflammation using ultra small super-paramagnetic iron oxide (USPIO) particles, and biomechanical stress using finite element analysis (FEA) techniques, in carotid atheromatous plaques. Methods and Results: 18 patients with angiographically proven carotid stenoses underwent multi-sequence MR imaging before and 36 h after USPIO infusion. T2 * weighted images were manually segmented into quadrants and the signal change in each quadrant normalised to adjacent muscle was calculated after USPIO administration. Plaque geometry was obtained from the rest of the multi-sequence dataset and used within a FEA model to predict maximal stress concentration within each slice. Subsequently, a new statistical model was developed to explicitly investigate the form of the relationship between biomechanical stress and signal change. The Spearman's rank correlation coefficient for USPIO enhanced signal change and maximal biomechanical stress was -0.60 (p = 0.009). Conclusions: There is an association between biomechanical stress and USPIO enhanced MR-defined inflammation within carotid atheroma, both known risk factors for plaque vulnerability. This underlines the complex interaction between physiological processes and biomechanical mechanisms in the development of carotid atheroma. However, this is preliminary data that will need validation in a larger cohort of patients.


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Introduction The number of revision hip arthroplasties is increasing but several aspects of this procedure could be improved. One method of reducing intra-operative complications is the cement-in-cement technique. This procedure entails cementing a smaller femoral prosthesis into the existing stable cement mantle. The aim of this systematic review is to provide a concise overview of the existing historical, operative, biomechanical and clinical literature on the cement-in-cement construct.


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Purpose: The objective of this study was to evaluate, using three-dimensional finite element analysis (3D FEA), the stress distribution in peri-implant bone tissue, implants, and prosthetic components of implant-supported single crowns with the use of the platform-switching concept. Materials and Methods: Three 3D finite element models were created to replicate an external-hexagonal implant system with peri-implant bone tissue in which three different implant-abutment configurations were represented. In the regular platform (RP) group, a regular 4.1-mm-diameter abutment (UCLA) was connected to regular 4.1-mm-diameter implant. The platform-switching (PS) group was simulated by the connection of a wide implant (5.0 mm diameter) to a regular 4.1-mm-diameter UCLA abutment. In the wide-platform (WP) group, a 5.0-mm-diameter UCLA abutment was connected to a 5.0-mm-diameter implant. An occlusal load of 100 N was applied either axially or obliquely on the models using ANSYS software. Results: Both the increase in implant diameter and the use of platform switching played roles in stress reduction. The PS group presented lower stress values than the RP and WP groups for bone and implant. In the peri-implant area, cortical bone exhibited a higher stress concentration than the trabecular bone in all models and both loading situations. Under oblique loading, higher intensity and greater distribution of stress were observed than under axial loading. Platform switching reduced von Mises (17.5% and 9.3% for axial and oblique loads, respectively), minimum (compressive) (19.4% for axial load and 21.9% for oblique load), and maximum (tensile) principal stress values (46.6% for axial load and 26.7% for oblique load) in the peri-implant bone tissue. Conclusion: Platform switching led to improved biomechanical stress distribution in peri-implant bone tissue. Oblique loads resulted in higher stress concentrations than axial loads for all models. Wide-diameter implants had a large influence in reducing stress values in the implant system. INT J ORAL MAXILLOFAC IMPLANTS 2011;26:482-491


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In implant therapy, a peri-implant bone resorption has been noticed mainly in the first year after prosthesis insertion. This bone remodeling can sometimes jeopardize the outcome of the treatment, especially in areas in which short implants are used and also in aesthetic cases. To avoid this occurrence, the use of platform switching (PS) has been used. This study aimed to evaluate the biomechanical concept of PS with relation to stress distribution using two-dimensional finite element analysis. A regular matching diameter connection of abutment-implant (regular platform group [RPG]) and a PS connection (PS group [PSG]) were simulated by 2 two-dimensional finite element models that reproduced a 2-piece implant system with peri-implant bone tissue. A regular implant (prosthetic platform of 4.1 mm) and a wide implant (prosthetic platform of 5.0 mm) were used to represent the RPG and PSG, respectively, in which a regular prosthetic component of 4.1 mm was connected to represent the crown. A load of 100 N was applied on the models using ANSYS software. The RPG spreads the stress over a wider area in the peri-implant bone tissue (159 MPa) and the implant (1610 MPa), whereas the PSG seems to diminish the stress distribution on bone tissue (34 MPa) and implant (649 MPa). Within the limitation of the study, the PS presented better biomechanical behavior in relation to stress distribution on the implant but especially in the bone tissue (80% less). However, in the crown and retention screw, an increase in stress concentration was observed.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)