956 resultados para Biomarkers


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INTRODUCTION: MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are being increasingly studied in relation to energy metabolism and body composition homeostasis. Indeed, the quantitative analysis of miRNAs expression in different adiposity conditions may contribute to understand the intimate mechanisms participating in body weight control and to find new biomarkers with diagnostic or prognostic value in obesity management. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was the search for miRNAs in blood cells whose expression could be used as prognostic biomarkers of weight loss. METHODS: Ten Caucasian obese women were selected among the participants in a weight-loss trial that consisted in following an energy-restricted treatment. Weight loss was considered unsuccessful when <5% of initial body weight (non-responders) and successful when >5% (responders). At baseline, total miRNA isolated from peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) was sequenced with SOLiD v4. The miRNA sequencing data were validated by RT-PCR. RESULTS: Differential baseline expression of several miRNAs was found between responders and non-responders. Two miRNAs were up-regulated in the non-responder group (mir-935 and mir-4772) and three others were down-regulated (mir-223, mir-224 and mir-376b). Both mir-935 and mir-4772 showed relevant associations with the magnitude of weight loss, although the expression of other transcripts (mir-874, mir-199b, mir-766, mir-589 and mir-148b) also correlated with weight loss. CONCLUSIONS: This research addresses the use of high-throughput sequencing technologies in the search for miRNA expression biomarkers in obesity, by determining the miRNA transcriptome of PBMC. Basal expression of different miRNAs, particularly mir-935 and mir-4772, could be prognostic biomarkers and may forecast the response to a hypocaloric diet.


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Organic contaminants are readily bioaccumulated by aquatic organisms. Exposure to and toxic effects of contaminants can be measured in terms of the biochemical responses of the organisms (i.e. molecular biomarkers). The hepatic biotransformation enzyme cytochrome P4501A (CYP1A) in vertebrates is specifically induced by organic contaminants such as aromatic hydrocarbons, PCBs and dioxins, and is involved in chemical carcinogenesis via catalysis of the covalent binding of organic contaminants to DNA (DNA-adducts). Hepatic CYP1A induction has been used extensively and successfully as a biomarker of organic contaminant exposure in fish. Fewer but equally encouraging studies in fish have used hepatic bulky, hydrophobic DNA-adducts as biomarkers of organic contaminant damage. Much less is known of the situation in marine invertebrates, but a CYPlA-like enzyme with limited inducibility and some potential for biomarker application is indicated. Stimulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) production is another potential mechanism of organic contaminant-mediated DNA and other damage in aquatic organisms. A combination of antioxidant (enzymes, scavengers) and pro-oxidant (oxidised DNA bases, lipid peroxidation) measurements may have potential as a biomarker of organic contaminant exposure (particularly those chemicals which do not induce CYP1A) and/or oxidative stress, but more studies are required. Both CYP1A- and ROS-mediated toxicity are indicated to result in higher order deleterious effects, including cancer and other aspects of animal fitness.


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Lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM) is a rare lung-metastasizing neoplasm caused by the proliferation of smooth muscle-like cells that commonly carry loss-of-function mutations in either the tuberous sclerosis complex 1 or 2 (TSC1 or TSC2) genes. While allosteric inhibition of the mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR) has shown substantial clinical benefit, complementary therapies are required to improve response and/or to treat specific patients. However, there is a lack of LAM biomarkers that could potentially be used to monitor the disease and to develop other targeted therapies. We hypothesized that the mediators of cancer metastasis to lung, particularly in breast cancer, also play a relevant role in LAM. Analyses across independent breast cancer datasets revealed associations between low TSC1/2 expression, altered mTOR complex 1 (mTORC1) pathway signaling, and metastasis to lung. Subsequently, immunohistochemical analyses of 23 LAM lesions revealed positivity in all cases for the lung metastasis mediators fascin 1 (FSCN1) and inhibitor of DNA binding 1 (ID1). Moreover, assessment of breast cancer stem or luminal progenitor cell biomarkers showed positivity in most LAM tissue for the aldehyde dehydrogenase 1 (ALDH1), integrin-beta 3 (ITGB3/CD61), and/or the sex-determining region Y-box 9 (SOX9) proteins. The immunohistochemical analyses also provided evidence of heterogeneity between and within LAM cases. The analysis of Tsc2-deficient cells revealed relative over-expression of FSCN1 and ID1; however, Tsc2-deficient cells did not show higher sensitivity to ID1-based cancer inhibitors. Collectively, the results of this study reveal novel LAM biomarkers linked to breast cancer metastasis to lung and to cell stemness, which in turn might guide the assessment of additional or complementary therapeutic opportunities for LAM.


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In the last decades the creation of new Environmental Specimen Banks (ESB) is increasing due to the necessity of knowing the effects of pollutants in both the environment and human populations. ESBs analyze and store samples in order to understand the effects of chemicals, emerging substances and the environmental changes in biota. For a correct analysis of the effect induced by these variables, there is a need to add biological endpoints, such as biomarkers, to the endpoints based on chemical approaches which have being used until now. It is essential to adapt ESB´s sampling strategies in order to enable scientists to apply new biological methods. The present study was performed to obtain biochemical endpoints from samples stored in the BBEBB (Biscay Bay Environmental Biospecimen Bank) of the Marine Station of Plentzia (PIE - UPV/EHU). The main objective of the present work was to study the variability caused in biochemical biomarkers by different processing methods in mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) from two localities (Plentzia and Arriluze) with different pollution history. It can be concluded that the selected biomarkers (glutathione S-transferase and acetylcholinesterase) can be accurately measured in samples stored for years in the ESBs. The results also allowed the discrimination of both sampling sites. However, in a further step, the threshold levels and baseline values should be characterized for a correct interpretation of the results in relation to the assessment of the ecosystem health status.


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Biochemical ecotoxicology and biomarkers using are a new sciences that are used for biomonitoring in aquatic environment. Biomonitoring plays a vital role in strategies to identify, assess, and control contaminants. On the other hands in recent year's attention to polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) and heavy metals increased in aquatic environments because of their carcinogenic and mutagenic properties combined with their nearly ubiquitous distribution in depositional environments by oil pollution or industrial waste waters. The present research aimed to assess PAHs and Ni, V levels in surface sediments and bivalves (Anodonta cygnea)and the effects of PAHs and heavy metals (Ni,V) on the hemocyte of the Anodonta cygnea were investigated in 2 stations (Mahrozeh, Selke in Anzali Lagoon, North of Iran). Samples were collected during at 2 different periods of the year, Dry and rain seasons, (June & September) and to confirm our first observations, Cage station is added. The bivalves hemocytes were monitored for membrane injury by NRR methods (neutral red retention assay). Heavy metal (Ni, V) concentrations were determined by Atomic Absorption in Anodonta cygnea and the sediments in Anzali Lagoon. The vanadium concentration in bivalves and sediments was ND(not detect )-0.4231 μg/g and 1.4381-306.9603 μg/g dry weight respectively. Nickel concentration in bivalves and sediments was 0.0231-1.3351, 0.4024-19.3561 μg/g dry weight respectively. PAHs concentrations were determined by GC-Mass in Anodonta cygnea and the sediments. Average concentration of PAHs is 115-373.788 ng/g dry weight in bivalves and average concentration of PAHs is 34.85-1339.839 ng/g dry weight in sediments. Bioaccumulation sediments factor(BASF) is high about PAHs (>1) and BASF is low for Ni, V (<1) . Internal Damage mechanisms of bivalves hemocytes (cell mortality, dye leakage, decreased membrane stability, are observed (Lowe Methods). Statistical analysis was used to explore the relationship between altered cellular and above contaminants. There are power and negative correlations between PAHs and NRR method for hemocytes in Anodonta cygnea (P<0.0005), but good correlation is not observed between Ni, V and NRR method for hemocytes in every time. This research indicates that the NRR assay is a useful screening technique able to discriminate polluted sites and at first we announce that Anodonta cygnea hemocytes are efficient biomarker for PAHs pollutants in fresh water.


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To investigation of the toxic effects of atrazine on newly hatched larvae and releasing age fry of the Caspian Kutum, Rutilus frisii kutum, the 96h LC50 was determined as 18.53 ppm and 24.95 ppm, respectively. Newly hatched larvae were exposed to three sublethal concentrations of atrazine (1/2LC50, 1/4LC50 and 1/8LC50) for 7 days. Different histopathological alterations were observed in fins and integument, gills, Kidney, digestive system, liver and the brain of the exposed larvae. Fry’s were exposed to one sublethal concentration of atrazine (1/2LC50) for four days, and like the larvae’s, many histopathological alterations were observed in fins and integument, gills, Kidney, digestive system, liver and the brain of the exposed fry’s, too. Also, measurements of the body ions: Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+ and Cl- in atrazine exposed larvae and fry’s compare to control groups showed that atrazine is changed the body ions composition. No significant differences were found in length growth rate, weight growth rate and the condition factor of the atrazine exposed larvae and fry. Immunohistochemical localization of the Na+, K+-ATPase in integumentary and gill ionocytes, showed no differences in dispersion pattern of the ionocytes in atrazine exposed larvae and fry, compare to control group. Measuring the dimensions of the ionocytes and counting the ionocytes showed that atrazine is affecting on ionocytes by mild increasing in size and mild decreasing in number. Ultrastructural studies, using SEM and TEM, showed that atrazine have significant effects on cellular and subcellular properties. It caused necrosis in surface of the pavement cells in branchial epithelium, necrosis in endoplasmic reticulum of the ionocytes and changed the shape of the mitochondria in these cells. Results showed that sublethal concentrations of atrazine were very toxic to larvae and fry of the Rutilus frisii kutum, and at these levels can made some serious histopathological alterations in their tissues. Related to the severe histopathological alterations in osmoregulatory organs, like gill, kidney and digestive system, and the alterations in the body ion composition, it could be concluded that atrazine could interfere with the osmoregulation process of the Rutilus frisii kutum at the early stages of the life history.


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Triterpanes and steranes in condensates from the YA13-1 gas field, Qiongdongnan Basin, were monitored. The YA13-1 condensates have unusual biomarker distributions dominated by terpanes and steranes derived from higher plants. Anomalously abundant 1 got-oleanane and remarkably abundant bicadinanes are present in the YA13-1 condensates, whereas the 17alpha-hopane contents are extremely low. Taraxastane and significantly abundant 17alpha-diahopanes occur in the condensates. In addition, a number of unknown C-29 and C-30 pentacyclic triterpanes including previously unreported compounds were detected in the condensates, some of which are significantly abundant. The unknown compounds may be terrestrial biomarkers. C-29 homologues are relatively predominant among the regular and rearranged steranes. The diasterane concentrations are markedly higher than those of regular steranes. The maturity of the YA13-1 condensates is relatively high, at the peak to late oil generation stage (corresponding to 0.85-1.10% Ro), based on sterane and terpane and including bicadinane maturity parameters (i.e. T/(T-1 + R) and 2T/R bicadinane ratios). The above maturity assessment result is different from that based on diamondoid maturity parameters (%Ro = 1.60-1.70) [Org. Geochem. 25 (1996) 179], which can be explained by a contribution of hydrocarbons from two sources at different depths. The YA13-1 condensates were probably generated from the Yacheng and Lingshui coal-bearing source rocks buried both in the Qiongdongnan Basin (3400-5000 m) and in the Yinggehai Basin (>5000 m). The possible contribution of lower maturity hydrocarbons from the Yacheng and Lingshui Formations (3400-4100 m) in the Qiongdongnan Basin to the YA13-1 gases and condensates should not be neglected. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fish Lateolabrax japonicus were exposed to 0.1 and 1 mg/L of anion surfactant sodium dodecylbenzene sulfonate (SDBS) and to 2 and 20 mu g/L of benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P) for 6, 12, and 18 days, with control and solvent control groups. Liver antioxidant enzymes, including superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), reduced glutathione (GSH), and glutathione S-transferase (GST), were determined; brain acetyleholinesterase (AChE) and liver inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) activities were also measured. The results indicated that (1) L. japonicus avoided oxidative damage through antioxidant systems; (2) SOD, GPx, and GSH were induced, and GST was inhibited and then induced by B[a]P exposure; and (3) CAT, GPx, and AChE were induced while NOS was inhibited, and GST was induced and then inhibited by SDBS stress in experimental period. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Food Sources of three filter-feeding bivalves from two habitats (intertidal oyster Crassostrea gigas, mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis. and subtidal cultured scallop Chlamys farreri) of Jiaozhou Bay (Qingdao,China) were determined by fatty acid and stable isotope in analysis. Cultured scallop was characterized by significant diatom markets such as 16:1/16:0 close to 1 and high ratio of 20:5(n - 3)/22:6(n - 3), hence we assume that the scallop mainly feeds on diatoms. Fatty acid biomarkers specific to bacteria and terrestrial materials were also found in considerable amounts in scallop tissue, which suggested that there were Substantial bacterial and terrestrial input into the food of the species. Intertidal oyster and mussel, however, exhibited significant flagellate marker. 22:6(n - 3). and lower level of diatom markers. which indicated that flagellates are also part of intertidal bivalves' Planktonic food Sources: meanwhile, high level of Chlorophyta fatty acid marker, Sigma 18:2(n - 6) + 18:3(n - 3), suggested that Ulva pertusa (Chlorophyta) seaweed bed supplied important food sources to intertidal bivalves. Additionally, result of stable isotope analysis showed that phytoplankton contributed 86.2 to 89.0% to intertidal bivalves' carbon budget; macroalga U. pertusa origin source had a contribution of MIX, to 11.0%, which indicated its role Lis in important supplemental food source to intertidal bivalves. From this study. it is concluded that the dietary difference of three bivalves probably relates to the different potential food sources in the scallop farm and intertidal zone in Jiaozhou Bay.


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The field of redox biology is inherently intertwined with oxidative stress biomarkers. Oxidative stress biomarkers have been utilized for many different objectives. Our analysis indicates that oxidative stress biomarkers have several salient applications: (1) diagnosing oxidative stress, (2) pinpointing likely redox components in a physiological or pathological process, and (3) estimating the severity, progression and/or regression of a disease. On the contrary, oxidative stress biomarkers do not report on redox signaling. Alternative approaches to gain more mechanistic insights are: (1) measuring molecules that are integrated in pathways linking redox biochemistry with physiology, (2) using the exomarker approach and (3) exploiting -omics techniques. More sophisticated approaches and large trials are needed to establish oxidative stress biomarkers in the clinical setting.