997 resultados para Biology, Biostatistics|Statistics|Health Sciences, Epidemiology
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a threat to public health. It has been reported to be the leading cause of death in United States. The invention of next generation sequencing (NGS) technology has revolutionized the biomedical research. To investigate NGS data of CVD related quantitative traits would contribute to address the unknown etiology and disease mechanism of CVD. NHLBI's Exome Sequencing Project (ESP) contains CVD related phenotypes and their associated NGS exomes sequence data. Initially, a subset of next generation sequencing data consisting of 13 CVD-related quantitative traits was investigated. Only 6 traits, systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP), height, platelet counts, waist circumference, and weight, were analyzed by functional linear model (FLM) and 7 currently existing methods. FLM outperformed all currently existing methods by identifying the highest number of significant genes and had identified 96, 139, 756, 1162, 1106, and 298 genes associated with SBP, DBP, Height, Platelet, Waist, and Weight respectively. ^
Maximizing data quality may be especially difficult in trauma-related clinical research. Strategies are needed to improve data quality and assess the impact of data quality on clinical predictive models. This study had two objectives. The first was to compare missing data between two multi-center trauma transfusion studies: a retrospective study (RS) using medical chart data with minimal data quality review and the PRospective Observational Multi-center Major Trauma Transfusion (PROMMTT) study with standardized quality assurance. The second objective was to assess the impact of missing data on clinical prediction algorithms by evaluating blood transfusion prediction models using PROMMTT data. RS (2005-06) and PROMMTT (2009-10) investigated trauma patients receiving ≥ 1 unit of red blood cells (RBC) from ten Level I trauma centers. Missing data were compared for 33 variables collected in both studies using mixed effects logistic regression (including random intercepts for study site). Massive transfusion (MT) patients received ≥ 10 RBC units within 24h of admission. Correct classification percentages for three MT prediction models were evaluated using complete case analysis and multiple imputation based on the multivariate normal distribution. A sensitivity analysis for missing data was conducted to estimate the upper and lower bounds of correct classification using assumptions about missing data under best and worst case scenarios. Most variables (17/33=52%) had <1% missing data in RS and PROMMTT. Of the remaining variables, 50% demonstrated less missingness in PROMMTT, 25% had less missingness in RS, and 25% were similar between studies. Missing percentages for MT prediction variables in PROMMTT ranged from 2.2% (heart rate) to 45% (respiratory rate). For variables missing >1%, study site was associated with missingness (all p≤0.021). Survival time predicted missingness for 50% of RS and 60% of PROMMTT variables. MT models complete case proportions ranged from 41% to 88%. Complete case analysis and multiple imputation demonstrated similar correct classification results. Sensitivity analysis upper-lower bound ranges for the three MT models were 59-63%, 36-46%, and 46-58%. Prospective collection of ten-fold more variables with data quality assurance reduced overall missing data. Study site and patient survival were associated with missingness, suggesting that data were not missing completely at random, and complete case analysis may lead to biased results. Evaluating clinical prediction model accuracy may be misleading in the presence of missing data, especially with many predictor variables. The proposed sensitivity analysis estimating correct classification under upper (best case scenario)/lower (worst case scenario) bounds may be more informative than multiple imputation, which provided results similar to complete case analysis.^
Background: The follow-up care for women with breast cancer requires an understanding of disease recurrence patterns and the follow-up visit schedule should be determined according to the times when the recurrence are most likely to occur, so that preventive measure can be taken to avoid or minimize the recurrence. Objective: To model breast cancer recurrence through stochastic process with an aim to generate a hazard function for determining a follow-up schedule. Methods: We modeled the process of disease progression as the time transformed Weiner process and the first-hitting-time was used as an approximation of the true failure time. The women's "recurrence-free survival time" or a "not having the recurrence event" is modeled by the time it takes Weiner process to cross a threshold value which represents a woman experiences breast cancer recurrence event. We explored threshold regression model which takes account of covariates that contributed to the prognosis of breast cancer following development of the first-hitting time model. Using real data from SEER-Medicare, we proposed models of follow-up visits schedule on the basis of constant probability of disease recurrence between consecutive visits. Results: We demonstrated that the threshold regression based on first-hitting-time modeling approach can provide useful predictive information about breast cancer recurrence. Our results suggest the surveillance and follow-up schedule can be determined for women based on their prognostic factors such as tumor stage and others. Women with early stage of disease may be seen less frequently for follow-up visits than those women with locally advanced stages. Our results from SEER-Medicare data support the idea of risk-controlled follow-up strategies for groups of women. Conclusion: The methodology we proposed in this study allows one to determine individual follow-up scheduling based on a parametric hazard function that incorporates known prognostic factors.^
Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third leading cancer in both incidence and mortality in Texas. This study investigated the adherence of CRC treatment to standard treatment guidelines and the association between standard treatment and CRC survival in Texas. The author used Texas Cancer Registry (TCR) and Medicare linked data to study the CRC treatment patterns and factors associated with standard treatment in patients who were more than 65 years old and were diagnosed in 2001 through 2007. We also determined whether adherence to standard treatment affect patients' survival. Multiple logistic regression and Cox regression analysis were used to analyze our data. Both regression models are adjusted for demographic characteristics and tumor characteristics. We found that for the 3977 regional colon cancer patients 80 years old or younger, 60.2% of them received chemotherapy, in adherence to the recommended treatment guidelines. People with younger age, female gender, higher education and lower comorbidity score are more likely adherent to this surgery guideline. Patients' adherence to chemotherapy in this cohort have better survival compared to those who are not (HR: 0.76, 95% CI: 0.68-0.84). For the 12709 colon cancer patients treated with surgery, 49.3% have more than 12 lymph nodes removed, in adherence to the treatment guidelines. People with younger age, female gender, higher education, regional stage, lager tumor size and lower comorbidity score are more likely to adherent to this surgery guideline. Patients with more than 12 lymph nodes removed in this cohort have better survival (HR: 0.86, 95% CI: 0.82-0.91). For the 1211 regional rectal cancer patients 80 years old or younger, 63.2% of them were adherent to radiation treatment. People with smaller tumor size and lower comorbidity score are more likely to adherent to this radiation guideline. There is no significant survival difference between radiation adherent patients and non-adherent patients (HR: 1.03, 95% CI: 0.82-1.29). For the 1122 regional rectal cancer patients 80 years old or younger who were treated with surgery, 76.0% of them received postoperative chemotherapy, in adherence to the treatment guidelines. People with younger age and smaller comorbidity score are related with higher adherence rate. Patients adherent with adjuvant chemotherapy in this cohort have better survival than those were not adherent (HR: 0.60, 95% CI: 0.45-0.79).^
Computer assisted learning has an important role in the teaching of pharmacokinetics to health sciences students because it transfers the emphasis from the purely mathematical domain to an 'experiential' domain in which graphical and symbolic representations of actions and their consequences form the major focus for learning. Basic pharmacokinetic concepts can be taught by experimenting with the interplay between dose and dosage interval with drug absorption (e.g. absorption rate, bioavailability), drug distribution (e.g. volume of distribution, protein binding) and drug elimination (e.g. clearance) on drug concentrations using library ('canned') pharmacokinetic models. Such 'what if' approaches are found in calculator-simulators such as PharmaCalc, Practical Pharmacokinetics and PK Solutions. Others such as SAAM II, ModelMaker, and Stella represent the 'systems dynamics' genre, which requires the user to conceptualise a problem and formulate the model on-screen using symbols, icons, and directional arrows. The choice of software should be determined by the aims of the subject/course, the experience and background of the students in pharmacokinetics, and institutional factors including price and networking capabilities of the package(s). Enhanced learning may result if the computer teaching of pharmacokinetics is supported by tutorials, especially where the techniques are applied to solving problems in which the link with healthcare practices is clearly established.
Background: The Erasmus program is a subprogram of the Lifelong Learning program, exclusive for Higher Education that promotes (among other initiatives), the mobility of students(studies, training or internships). The mobility of students of higher education seeks to improve the quality and development of future professionals, providing a multidisciplinary and multicultural experience. Setting: Academic Pharmacy/Pharmacy Technicians Methods: We conducted a descriptive and transversal study on the implementation of the mobility program and analyze the results, which involved applying a survey to students. Results: Since 2009/2010, the Pharmacy Degree at ESTSP has established 7 SMs protocols resulting in an average mobility of 5 students IN and 7 Students OUT. We have also endeavoured in SMp Protocols for extracurricular training with an average of 3 students OUT. The application process is normally open during the year before the mobility period. For most of the students involved, this was a first time opportunity to be in a foreign country and more than 70% choose the mobility program because it is seen as a possibility to improve their curriculum, for personal development or even to pursue employment opportunities abroad. The mobility for teachers is also encouraged. Conclusions: The exchange of experiences and training, acquired during cooperation activities should be an element of continuous dynamics and institutional affirmation. Initiatives such as the ERASMUS Program contribute to the educational and scientific enrichment, and promote international competitiveness among Higher Education Institutions.
TPM Vol. 21, No. 4, December 2014, 435-447 – Special Issue © 2014 Cises.
A recent and comprehensive review of the use of race and ethnicity in research that address health disparities in epidemiology and public health is provided. First it is described the theoretical basis upon which race and ethnicity differ drawing from previous work in anthropology, social science and public health. Second, it is presented a review of 280 articles published in high impacts factor journals in regards to public health and epidemiology from 2009-2011. An analytical grid enabled the examination of conceptual, theoretical and methodological questions related to the use of both concepts. The majority of articles reviewed were grounded in a theoretical framework and provided interpretations from various models. However, key problems identified include a) a failure from researchers to differentiate between the concepts of race and ethnicity; b) an inappropriate use of racial categories to ascribe ethnicity; c) a lack of transparency in the methods used to assess both concepts; and d) failure to address limits associated with the construction of racial or ethnic taxonomies and their use. In conclusion, future studies examining health disparities should clearly establish the distinction between race and ethnicity, develop theoretically driven research and address specific questions about the relationships between race, ethnicity and health. One argue that one way to think about ethnicity, race and health is to dichotomize research into two sets of questions about the relationship between human diversity and health.
Objective: To determine the prevalence of psychological distress and its relationship with academic engagement (absorption, dedication and vigor), sex and degree among students from four public universities. Method: A non-experimental,comparative correlational, quantitative investigation without intervention. Study population: 1840 nursing and physical therapy students. The data collection tool used was a questionnaire. Results: A 32.2% prevalence of psychological distress was found in the subjects; a correlation between vigor and psychological distress was found for all of the subjects and also for women. High absorption and dedication scores and low psychological distress scores predicted higher vigor scores. Conclusion: The risk of psychological distress is high, especially for women. Women seem to have a higher level of psychological distress than men. Vigor, energy and mental resilience positively influence psychological distress and can be a vehicle for better results during the learning and studying process.
BACKGROUND: Simulation techniques are spreading rapidly in medicine. Suc h resources are increasingly concentrated in Simulation Laboratories. The MSRP-USP is structuring such a laboratory and is interested in the prevalence of individual initiatives that could be centralized there. The MSRP-USP currently has five full-curriculum courses in the health sciences: Medicine, Speech Therapy, Physical Therapy, Nutrition, and Occupational Therapy, all consisting of core disciplines. GOAL: To determine the prevalence of simulation techniques in the regular courses at MSRP-USP. METHODS: Coordinators of disciplines in the various courses were interviewed using a specifically designed semi-structured questionnaire, and all the collected data were stored in a dedicated database. The disciplines were grouped according to whether they used (GI) or did not use (GII) simulation resources. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: 256 disciplines were analyzed, of which only 18.3% used simulation techniques, varying according to course: Medicine (24.7.3%), Occupational Therapy (23.0%), Nutrition (15.9%), Physical Therapy (9.8%), and Speech Therapy (9.1%). Computer simulation programs predominated (42.5%) in all five courses. The resources were provided mainly by MSRP-USP (56.3%), with additional funding coming from other sources based on individual initiatives. The same pattern was observed for maintenance. There was great interest in centralizing the resources in the new Simulation Laboratory in order to facilitate maintenance, but there was concern about training and access to the material. CONCLUSIONS: 1) The MSRP-USP simulation resources show low complexity and are mainly limited to computer programs; 2) Use of simulation varies according to course, and is most prevalent in Medicine; 3) Resources are scattered across several locations, and their acquisition and maintenance depend on individual initiatives rather than central coordination or curricular guidelines
This qualitative study investigated how a team of 7 hospital educators collaborated to develop e-curriculum units to pilot for a newly acquired learning -r management system at a large, multisite academic health sciences centre. A case study approach was used to examine how the e-Curriculum Team was structured, how the educators worked together to develop strategies to better utilize e-leaming in their ovwi practice, what e-curriculum they chose to develop, and how they determined their priorities for e-curriculum development. It also inquired into how they planned to involve other educators in using e-leaming. One set of semistructured interviews with the 6 hospital educators involved in the project, as well as minutes of team meetings and the researcher's journal, were analyzed (the researcher was also a hospital educator on the team). Project management structure, educator support, and organizational pressures on the implementation project feature prominently in the case study. This study suggests that implementation of e-leaming will be more successful if (a) educators involved in the development of e-leaming curriculum are supported in their role as change agents, (b) the pain of vmleaming current educational practice is considered, (c) the limitations of the software being implemented are recognized, (d) time is spent leaming about best practice, and (e) the project is protected as much as possible from organizational pressures and distractions.
The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the “Champion” training of the Therapeutic Recreation Specialist – Certified (TRSC) at Baycrest Health Sciences (BHS). BHS recently implemented a new model for Therapeutic Recreation Services that employs the model of champion for implementation of both best and next practices within the organization. This mixed methods study used both case study and program evaluation in order to understand whether the training that comprised of five different topics allowed the six participants to develop the skills needed to be champions. The results supported that learning did occur during the training and that the experience was positive for the participants. The overall finding from this study is that while the training was useful, the participants did not feel confident about utilizing these skills without further training; hence, this training can only be considered an introduction to the concepts presented.
Résumé Objectif : Identifier les facteurs institutionnels qui influencent la mortalité maternelle (MM) hospitalière dans les maternités chirurgicales au Sénégal. Méthode : cette étude est une analyse secondaire des données de la troisième Enquête Nationale sur la Couverture Obstétrico-chirurgicale au Sénégal en 2001. Les données analysées, issues des fiches d'activité des maternités, comptaient pour 38,239 admissions en obstétrique dans 19 hôpitaux et 450 décès maternels. Les taux de mortalité maternelle hospitalière (TMMH) brut et ajusté ont été utilisés comme variables dépendantes. Le TMMH ajusté sur les caractéristiques de la clientèle ('cases-mix') a été estimé pour chaque établissement de santé par la méthode de standardisation directe. Les indicateurs de la qualité des structures, de la gestion des ressources, et un score de qualité ont été utilisés comme variables indépendantes pour prédire la MM hospitalière. Les tests de Mann-Whitney et de Kruskal-Wallis ont été utilisés pour analyser l’association entre les variables indépendantes, le score de qualité et la MM. Une analyse multivariée a été utilisée pour estimer l’impact du score de qualité sur la MM, en tenant compte de la situation géographique (Dakar versus autre région).Résultats: En analyse bivariée, la présence d'anesthésiste, la disponibilité de boîtes de césarienne complète et la supervision de tous les accouchements par du personnel qualifié sont les facteurs institutionnels associés significativement à une réduction du TMMH brut. Quant au TMMH ajusté ce sont la présence de scialytique, la disponibilité du sulfate de magnésium, l'utilisation des guides de pratiques cliniques (GPC) pour la prise en charge des complications obstétricales. Le score de qualité est associé significativement au TMMH brut, y compris en analyse multivariée, mais pas au TMMH ajusté. Conclusion : La disponibilité du Sulfate de magnésium, et du scialytique pourrait contribuer à la réduction de la MM. En complément, une réorganisation adéquate des ressources pour réduire la disparité géographique rurale/urbaine est essentielle ainsi qu’une sensibilisation du personnel à l’usage des GPC. De plus, l’assistance par un personnel qualifié de tous les accouchements est nécessaire pour améliorer la qualité des soins et la prise en charge des complications obstétricales.
OBJECTIF: Chez les Autochtones, la relation entre le degré d'éloignement et les issues de naissance est inconnue. L’objectif de cette étude est d’évaluer cet impact parmi les Premières Nations du Québec. MÉTHODE : Nous avons utilisé les données vitales de Statistique Canada pour la province du Québec pour la période 1991-2000. L’ensemble des naissances géocodées parmi les communautés des Premières Nations groupées en quatre zones en se basant sur le degré d'éloignement a été analysé. Nous avons utilisé la régression logistique multi-niveaux pour obtenir des rapports de cotes ajustés pour les caractéristiques maternelles. RESULTATS : Le taux de naissances prématurées varie en fonction de l’éloignement de la zone d’habitation (8,2% dans la zone la moins éloignée et 5,2% dans la Zone la plus éloignée, P<0,01). En revanche, plus la zone est éloignée, plus le taux de mortalité infantile est élevé (6,9 pour 1000 pour la Zone 1 et 16,8 pour 1000 pour la Zone 4, P<0,01). Le taux élevé de mortalité infantile dans la zone la plus éloignée pourrait être partiellement expliqué par le fort taux de mortalité post-natale. Le taux de mort subite du nourrisson est 3 fois plus élevé dans la zone 4 par rapport à la zone 1. Cependant la mortalité prénatale ne présente pas de différences significatives en fonction de la zone malgré une fréquence élevée dans la zone 4. La morbidité périnatale était semblable en fonction de la zone après avoir ajusté pour l’âge, l’éducation, la parité et le statut civil. CONCLUSIONS : Malgré de plus faibles taux d’enfants à haut risque (accouchements prématurés), les Premières Nations vivant dans les communautés les plus éloignées ont un risque plus élevé de mortalité infantile et plus spécialement de mortalité post-néonatale par rapport aux Premières Nations vivant dans des communautés moins éloignées. Il y existe un grand besoin d’investissement en services de santé et en promotion de la santé dans les communautés les plus éloignées afin de réduire le taux de mortalité infantile et surtout post-néonatale.