984 resultados para Biogas. eng


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This paper presents the development of a combined experimental and numerical approach to study the anaerobic digestion of both the wastes produced in a biorefinery using yeast for biodiesel production and the wastes generated in the preceding microbial biomass production. The experimental results show that it is possible to valorise through anaerobic digestion all the tested residues. In the implementation of the numerical model for anaerobic digestion, a procedure for the identification of its parameters needs to be developed. A hybrid search Genetic Algorithm was used, followed by a direct search method. In order to test the procedure for estimation of parameters, first noise-free data was considered and a critical analysis of the results obtain so far was undertaken. As a demonstration of its application, the procedure was applied to experimental data.


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The people of Bangladesh are underprivileged from continuous grid electricity. Despite the plentiful supply of renewable sources of energy in Bangladesh, currently their contribution to the electricity supply remains inconsequential. Use of renewable energy is considered an indispensable component of sustainable energy systems, as renewable energy resources emit less greenhouse gas emissions compared to other non-renewable energy systems. Out of the various renewable sources, solar and biogas and to a limited extend, wind and hydro-power are effectively used. Though the biogas production was the leading and most appropriate renewable energy resource in our country, it has become notably insignificant due to the lack of appropriate strategies and institutional settings. To address this, this article examines Bangladesh's current energy strategies and institutional settings and investigates future strategies for the advancement of biogas production. This article argues that further significant efforts could be made toward energy sustainability in Bangladesh and the development for a national sustainable energy policy.


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As fossil fuel prices increase and environmental concerns gain prominence, the development of alternative fuels from biomass has become more important. Biodiesel produced from microalgae is becoming an attractive alternative to share the role of petroleum. Currently it appears that the production of microalgal biodiesel is not economically viable in current environment because it costs more than conventional fuels. Therefore, a new concept is introduced in this article as an option to reduce the total production cost of microalgal biodiesel. The integration of biodiesel production system with methane production via anaerobic digestion is proved in improving the economics and sustainability of overall biodiesel stages. Anaerobic digestion of microalgae produces methane and further be converted to generate electricity. The generated electricity can surrogate the consumption of energy that require in microalgal cultivation, dewatering, extraction and transesterification process. From theoretical calculations, the electricity generated from methane is able to power all of the biodiesel production stages and will substantially reduce the cost of biodiesel production (33% reduction). The carbon emissions of biodiesel production systems are also reduced by approximately 75% when utilizing biogas electricity compared to when the electricity is otherwise purchased from the Victorian grid. The overall findings from this study indicate that the approach of digesting microalgal waste to produce biogas will make the production of biodiesel from algae more viable by reducing the overall cost of production per unit of biodiesel and hence enable biodiesel to be more competitive with existing fuels.


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This project follows on from and utilises a floating cover currently being installed on the primary effluent pond at a southern piggery.


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Establish a greenhouse gas pond cover and collection system providing data on methane and CO2 emissions.


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This paper describes a simple technique for the fermentation of untreated or partly-treated leafy biomass in a digester of novel design without incurring the normal problems of feeding, floating and scum formation of feed, etc. The solid phase fermentation studied consists of a bed of biomass frequently sprinkled with an aqueous bacterial inoculum and recycling the leachate to conserve moisture and improve the bacterial dispersion in the bed. The decomposition of the leaf biomass and water hyacinth substrates used in this study was rapid, taking 45 and 30 days for the production of 250 and 235 l biogas per kg total solids (TS) respectively, for the above mentioned substrates at a daily sprinkled volume of 26 ml cm−2 of bed per day sprinkled at 12 h intervals. Very little volatile fatty acid (VFA) intermediates accumulated in the liquid sprinkled, suggesting acidogenesis to be rate-limiting in this process. From the pattern of VFA and gas produced it is concluded that most of the biogas produced is from the biomass bed, thus making the operation of a separate methanogenic reactor unnecessary.


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A reduction in the heat losses from the top of the gas holder of a biogas plant has been achieved by the simple device of a transparent cover. The heat losses thus prevented have been deployed to heat a water pond formed on the roof of the gas holder. This solar-heated water is mixed with the organic input for ‘ hot-charging ’ of the biogas plant. A thermal analysis of such a solar water-heater ‘ piggy-backing ’ on the gas holder of a biogas plant has been carried out.To test whether the advantages indicated by the thermal analysis can be realised in practice, a biogas plant of the ASTRA design was modified to incorporate a roof-top solar water-heater. The operation of such a modified plant, even under ‘ worst case ’ onditions, shows a significant improvement in the gas yield compared to the unmodified plant. Hence, the innovation reported here may lead to drastic reductions in the sizes and therefore costs of biogas plants. By making the transparent cover assume a tent-shape, the roof-top solar heater can serve the additional function of a solar still to yield distilled water. The biogas plant-cum-solar water-heater-cum-solar still described here is an example of a spatially integrated hybrid device which is extremely cost-effective.


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A thermal model for a conventional biogas plant has been developed in order to understand the heat transfer from the slurry and the gas holder to the surrounding earth and air respectively. The computations have been performed for two conditions : (i) when the slurry is at an ambient temperature of 20°C, and (ii) when it is at 35°C, the optimum temperature for anaerobic fermentation. Under both these conditions, the gas holder is the major “culprit” with regard to heat losses from the biogas plant. The calculations provide an estimate for the heat which has to be supplied by external means to compensate for the net heat losses which occur if the slurry is to be maintained at 35°C. Even if this external supply of heat is realised through (the calorific value of) biogas, there is a net increase in the biogas output, and therefore a net benefit, by operating the plant at 35°C. At this elevated temperature, the cooling effect of adding the influent at ambient temperature is not insignificant. In conclusion, the results of the thermal analysis are used to define a strategy for operating biogas plants at optimum temperatures, or at higher temperatures than the ambient.


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In this paper, the design basis of the conventional Khadi and Village Industries Commission biogas plants has been elucidated. It has been shown that minimisation of the cost of the gas holder alone leads to the narrow and deep digesters of conventional plants. If instead, the total capital cost of the gas holder plus digester is minimised, the optimisation leads to wide and shallow digesters, which are less expensive. To test this alternative, two prototype plants have been designed, constructed and operated. These plants are not only 25–40% cheaper, but their performance is actually slightly better than the conventional plants.


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This paper gives an account of a conventional 5.66 m3/day (200 cubic ft/day) biogas plant which has been instrumented, operated and monitored for 2 1/2 years. The observations regarding input to the plant, sludge and biogas outputs, and conditions inside the digester, have been described. Three salient features stand out. First, the observed average daily gas yield is much less than the rated capacity of the plant. Secondly, the plants show ease of operation and a very slow response to reductions and cessations of dung supply. Thirdly, the unexpectedly marked uniformity of density and temperature inside the digester indicates the almost complete absence of the stratification which is widely believed to take place; hence, biogas plants may be treated as isothermal, ‘ uniform ’ density, most probably imperfectly mixed, fed-batch reactors operating at the mean ambient temperature and the density of water.


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This study is about the challenges of learning in the creation and implementation of new sustainable technologies. The system of biogas production in the Programme of Sustainable Swine Production (3S Programme) conducted by the Sadia food processing company in Santa Catarina State, Brazil, is used as a case example for exploring the challenges, possibilities and obstacles of learning in the use of biogas production as a way to increase the environmental sustainability of swine production. The aim is to contribute to the discussion about the possibilities of developing systems of biogas production for sustainability (BPfS). In the study I develop hypotheses concerning the central challenges and possibilities for developing systems of BPfS in three phases. First, I construct a model of the network of activities involved in the BP for sustainability in the case study. Next, I construct a) an idealised model of the historically evolved concepts of BPfS through an analysis of the development of forms of BP and b) a hypothesis of the current central contradictions within and between the activity systems involved in BP for sustainability in the case study. This hypothesis is further developed through two actual empirical analyses: an analysis of the actors senses in taking part in the system, and an analysis of the disturbance processes in the implementation and operation of the BP system in the 3S Programme. The historical analysis shows that BP for sustainability in the 3S Programme emerged as a feasible solution for the contradiction between environmental protection and concentration, intensification and specialisation in swine production. This contradiction created a threat to the supply of swine to the food processing company. In the food production activity, the contradiction was expressed as a contradiction between the desire of the company to become a sustainable company and the situation in the outsourced farms. For the swine producers the contradiction was expressed between the contradictory rules in which the market exerted pressure which pushed for continual increases in scale, specialisation and concentration to keep the production economically viable, while the environmental rules imposed a limit to this expansion. Although the observed disturbances in the biogas system seemed to be merely technical and localised within the farms, the analysis proposed that these disturbances were formed in and between the activity systems involved in the network of BPfS during the implementation. The disturbances observed could be explained by four contradictions: a) contradictions between the new, more expanded activity of sustainable swine production and the old activity, b) a contradiction between the concept of BP for carbon credits and BP for local use in the BPfS that was implemented, c) contradictions between the new UNFCCC1 methodology for applying for carbon credits and the small size of the farms, and d) between the technologies of biogas use and burning available in the market and the small size of the farms. The main finding of this study relates to the zone of proximal development (ZPD) of the BPfS in Sadia food production chain. The model is first developed as a general model of concepts of BPfS and further developed here to the specific case of the BPfS in the 3S Programme. The model is composed of two developmental dimensions: societal and functional integration. The dimension of societal integration refers to the level of integration with other activities outside the farm. At one extreme, biogas production is self-sufficient and highly independent and the products of BP are consumed within the farm, while at the other extreme BP is highly integrated in markets and networks of collaboration, and BP products are exchanged within the markets. The dimension of functional integration refers to the level of integration between products and production processes so that economies of scope can be achieved by combining several functions using the same utility. At one extreme, BP is specialised in only one product, which allows achieving economies of scale, while at the other extreme there is an integrated production in which several biogas products are produced in order to maximise the outcomes from the BP system. The analysis suggests that BP is moving towards a societal integration, towards the market and towards a functional integration in which several biogas products are combined. The model is a hypothesis to be further tested through interventions by collectively constructing the new proposed concept of BPfS. Another important contribution of this study refers to the concept of the learning challenge. Three central learning challenges for developing a sustainable system of BP in the 3S Programme were identified: 1) the development of cheaper and more practical technologies of burning and measuring the gas, as well as the reduction of costs of the process of certification, 2) the development of new ways of using biogas within farms, and 3) the creation of new local markets and networks for selling BP products. One general learning challenge is to find more varied and synergic ways of using BP products than solely for the production of carbon credits. Both the model of the ZPD of BPfS and the identified learning challenges could be used as learning tools to facilitate the development of biogas production systems. The proposed model of the ZPD could be used to analyse different types of agricultural activities that face a similar contradiction. The findings could be used in interventions to help actors to find their own expansive actions and developmental projects for change. Rather than proposing a standardised best concept of BPfS, the idea of these learning tools is to facilitate the analysis of local situations and to help actors to make their activities more sustainable.


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The economic prosperity and quality of life in a region are closely linked to the level of its per capita energy consumption. In India more than 70% of the total population inhabits rural areas and 85-90% of energy requirement is being met by bioresources. With dwindling resources, attention of planners is diverted to viable energy alternatives to meet the rural energy demand. Biogas as fuel is one such alternative, which can be obtained by anaerobic digestion of animal residues and domestic and farm wastes, abundantly available in the countryside. Study presents the techniques to assess biogas potential spatially using GIS in Kolar district, Karnataka State, India. This would help decision makers in selecting villages for implementing biogas programmes based on resource availability. Analyses reveal that the domestic energy requirement of more than 60% population can be met by biogas option. This is based on the estimation of the per capita requirement of gas for domestic purposes and availability of livestock residues.