508 resultados para Bile


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Screening for residues of anabolic steroids frequently requires extraction from tissues and fluids before analysis. Chemical procedures for these extractions can be complicated, expensive to perform and not ideal for the simultaneous extraction of analytes with different solubilities. Extraction by multi-immunoaffinity chromatography (MIAC) may be used as an alternative. Samples are passed through a column containing a range of antibodies immobilized on an inert support. The desired analytes are bound to their respective antibodies, washed and then eluted by a suitable solvent. The purified extracts can then be incorporated into the analytical tests, The analytes that can be extracted presently are alpha-nortestosterone, zeranol, trenbolone, diethylstilboestrol, boldenone and dexamethasone. Manually, the MIAC procedure is limited to about six columns per operator but bq automating the process using a robotic sample processor (RSP), 48 columns can be run simultaneously during the day or night. The RSP has also been adapted to transfer extracts and reagents on to ELISA plates. The automated system has proved to be a robust and reliable means of screening large numbers of samples for anabolic agents with minimal manual input


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Physiological secretion of bile acids has previously been linked to the regulation of blood glucose. GLP-1 is an intestinal peptide hormone with important glucose-lowering actions, such as stimulation of insulin secretion and inhibition of glucagon secretion. In this investigation, we assessed the ability of several bile acid compounds to secrete GLP-1 in vitro in STC-1 cells. Bile acids stimulated GLP-1 secretion from 3.3- to 6.2-fold but some were associated with cytolytic effects. Glycocholic and taurocholic acids were selected for in vivo studies in normal and GLP-1R(-/-) mice. Oral glucose tolerance tests revealed that glycocholic acid did not affect glucose excursions. However, taurocholic acid reduced glucose excursions by 40% in normal mice and by 27% in GLP-1R(-/-) mice, and plasma GLP-1 concentrations were significantly elevated 30 min post-gavage. Additional studies used incretin receptor antagonists to probe involvement of GLP-1 and GIP in taurocholic acid-induced glucose lowering. The findings suggest that bile acids partially aid glucose regulation by physiologically enhancing nutrient-induced GLP-1 secretion. However, GLP-1 secretion appears to be only part of the glucose-lowering mechanism and our studies indicate that the other major incretin GIP is not involved.


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19-Nortestosterone (beta-NT) is banned for use as a growth promoter in food animals within the European Union. For regulatory control purposes, urine and bile samples are routinely screened by immunoassay. The aim of the present study was to compare the ability of two immunoassays, using two rabbit polyclonal antibodies raised against two different NT derivatives, to detect NT residues in bovine bile. One antiserum cross-reacted with both alpha-NT and beta-NT (alpha/beta-NT), whereas the other was specific for alpha-NT. Bile samples from 266 slaughtered cattle were deconjugated and analyzed using both antibodies, with all screening positives (>2 ng ml(-1)) confirmed by high resolution gas chromatography mass spectrometry. The alpha/beta-NT and alpha-NT antibody-based ELISAs screened 39 and 44 samples positive, respectively, with NT confirmed in 22 and 39, respectively. The alpha/beta-NT antibody-based ELISA produced a false-negative rate of 44% compared to 0% for the alpha-NT antibody-based ELISA. Supplementary investigations concluded that a matrix effect was a major cause of the marked differences in false-negative rates. This result underlines the necessity to validate immunoassays in the sample matrix.


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Zeranol and two Fusarium toxins, alpha-zearalenol and beta-zearalenol, were confirmed by gaschromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) in bovine bile samples referred to this laboratory for analysis. No evidence of zeranol abuse was found on-farm. Given the recent suggestion that zeranol might arise from the metabolism of these Fusarium toxins, and the finding of zeranol in bovine and ovine urine across the EU, it. was concluded that the residues had arisen as a result of natural metabolism.


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A liquid chromatography-thermospray mass spectrometric assay was developed and validated to confirm the presence of illegal residues of the synthetic androgenic growth promoter, trenbolone acetate, in cattle. The assay was specific for 17alpha-trenbolone, the major bovine metabolite of trenbolone acetate. Methods were developed for the determination of 17alpha-trenbolone in both bile and faeces, the most appropriate matrices for the control of trenbolone acetate abuse. The clean-up.procedure developed relied on enzymatic hydrolysis, followed by sequential liquid-liquid and liquid-solid extraction. The extracts were then subjected to immunoaffinity chromatography. 17alpha-Trenbolone was detected by selected ion monitoring at m/z 271 using positive ion thermospray ionisation. The limit of detection was approximately 0.5 ng/g in faeces and 0.5 ng/ml in bile.


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A qualitative analysis of the cationic profile of bovine and ovine biles and of bovine, ovine and rat liver flukes has been carried out by DC are emission spectrography. A quantitative assessment of the concentrations of Na+, K+, Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions in bovine, ovine and rat flukes has been determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The levels of these ions in bovine and ovine bile samples have also been assessed and compared with those of Hedon-Heig saline. The ionic composition of the two biles is similar and the concentration of each ion is greater than that in Hedon-Heig saline. Despite the similarity in biles, ion levels in bovine flukes are generally higher than those in ovine flukes. Ion levels in rat flukes are different again but show closer similarity to those in bovine, not ovine, flukes. The results are discussed in relation to the proposed operation of the osmoregulatory system in the fluke.


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Routine intravenous cholangiography using the safer contrast medium, meglumine iotroxate, may be a useful investigation prior to laparoscopic cholecystectomy for the detection of suspected common bile duct stones. We compared this with endoscopic cholangiography.


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It has been proposed that duodenogastric reflux may be the basic underlying mechanism which gives rise to symptoms of flatulent dyspepsia. Fasting and postprandial gastric juice bile acid concentrations were measured in patients with flatulent dyspepsia with and without gall bladder disease and postcholecystectomy. There were 13 patients with gall bladder disease, 12 with normal gall bladders and 13 postcholecystectomy. Gastric juice was obtained by intubation. Bile acid concentrations were compared with 21 controls and 15 asymptomatic subjects with gall bladder disease. For 21 patients with gall bladder disease who underwent cholecystectomy, levels were again assessed postoperatively to allow correlation with outcome. The occurrence of reflux and the resultant gastric juice bile acids did not correlate with symptoms. Concentrations postcholecystectomy, including asymptomatic subjects were significantly higher than controls (p less than 0.01). It is concluded that limited duodenogastric reflux is common and need not be associated with symptoms even when the resultant intra-gastric concentrations are higher than normal.


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Resistance to high concentrations of bile salts in the human intestinal tract is vital for the survival of enteric bacteria such as Escherichia coli. Although the tripartite AcrAB-TolC efflux system plays a significant role in this resistance, it is purported that other efflux pumps must also be involved. We provide evidence from a comprehensive suite of experiments performed at two different pH values (7.2 and 6.0) that reflect pH conditions that E. coli may encounter in human gut that MdtM, a single-component multidrug resistance transporter of the major facilitator superfamily, functions in bile salt resistance in E. coli by catalysing secondary active transport of bile salts out of the cell cytoplasm. Furthermore, assays performed on a chromosomal ΔacrB mutant transformed with multicopy plasmid encoding MdtM suggested a functional synergism between the single-component MdtM transporter and the tripartite AcrAB-TolC system that results in a multiplicative effect on resistance. Substrate binding experiments performed on purified MdtM demonstrated that the transporter binds to cholate and deoxycholate with micromolar affinity, and transport assays performed on inverted vesicles confirmed the capacity of MdtM to catalyse electrogenic bile salt/H(+) antiport.


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The transmembrane proton gradient (ΔpH) is the primary source of energy exploited by secondary active substrate/H+ antiporters to drive the electroneutral transport of substrates across the Escherichia coli (E. coli) inner membrane. Such electroneutral transport results in no net movement of charges across the membrane. The charge on the transported substrate and the stoichiometry of the exchange reaction, however, can result in an electrogenic reaction which is driven by both the ΔpH and the electrical (∆Ψ) components of the proton electrochemical gradient, resulting in a net movement of electrical charges across the membrane. We have shown that the major facilitator superfamily transporter MdtM - a multidrug efflux protein from E. coli that functions physiologically in protection of bacterial cells against bile salts - imparts bile salt resistance to the bacterial cell by coupling the exchange of external protons (H+) to the efflux of bile salts from the cell interior via an electrogenic antiport reaction (Paul et al., 2014). This protocol describes, using fluorometry, how to detect electrogenic antiport activity of MdtM in inverted membrane vesicles of an antiporter-deficient strain of E. coli TO114 cells by measuring transmembrane ∆Ψ. The method exploits changes that occur in the intensity of the fluorescence signal (quenching and dequenching) of the probe Oxonol V in response to changes in membrane potential due to the MdtM-catalysed sodium cholate/H+ exchange reaction. The protocol can be adapted to detect activity of any secondary active antiporter that couples the electrogenic translocation of H+ across a biological membrane to that of its counter-substrate, and may be used to unmask otherwise camouflaged transport activities and physiological roles.


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Les acides biliaires sont des composés naturels existants dans le corps humain. Leur biocompatibilité, leur caractère amphiphile et la rigidité de leur noyau stéroïdien, ainsi que l’excellent contrôle de leurs modifications chimiques, en font de remarquables candidats pour la préparation de matériaux biodégradables pour le relargage de médicaments et l'ingénierie tissulaire. Nous avons préparé une variété de polymères à base d’acides biliaires ayant de hautes masses molaires. Des monomères macrocycliques ont été synthétisés à partir de diènes composés de chaînes alkyles flexibles attachées à un noyau d'acide biliaire via des liens esters ou amides. Ces synthèses ont été réalisées par la fermeture de cycle par métathèse, utilisant le catalyseur de Grubbs de première génération. Les macrocycles obtenus ont ensuite été polymérisés par ouverture de cycle, entropiquement induite le catalyseur de Grubbs de seconde génération. Des copolymères ont également été préparés à partir de monolactones d'acide ricinoléique et de monomères cycliques de triester d’acide cholique via la même méthode. Les propriétés thermiques et mécaniques et la dégradabilité de ces polymères ont été étudiées. Elles peuvent être modulées en modifiant les différents groupes fonctionnels décorant l’acide biliaire et en ayant recours à la copolymérisation. La variation des caractéristiques physiques de ces polymères biocompatibles permet de moduler d’autres propriétés utiles, tel que l’effet de mémoire de forme qui est important pour des applications biomédicales.


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La préparation de polymères à base d’acides biliaires, molécules biologiques, a attiré l'attention des chercheurs en raison des applications potentielles dans les domaines biomédicaux et pharmaceutiques. L’objectif de ce travail est de synthétiser de nouveaux biopolymères dont la chaîne principale est constituée d’unités d’acides biliaires. La polymérisation par étapes a été adoptée dans ce projet afin de préparer les deux principales classes de polymères utilisés en fibres textiles: les polyamides et les polyesters. Des monomères hétéro-fonctionnels à base d’acides biliaires ont été synthétisés et utilisés afin de surmonter le déséquilibre stoechiométrique lors de la polymérisation par étapes. Le dérivé de l’acide lithocholique modifié par une fonction amine et un groupement carboxylique protégé a été polymérisé en masse à températures élevées. Les polyamides obtenus sont très peu solubles dans les solvants organiques. Des polyamides et des polyesters solubles en milieu organique ont pu être obtenus dans des conditions modérées en utilisant l’acide cholique modifié par des groupements azide et alcyne. La polymérisation a été réalisée par cycloaddition azoture-alcyne catalysée par l'intermédiaire du cuivre(Ι) avec deux systèmes catalytiques différents, le bromure de cuivre(I) et le sulfate de cuivre(II). Seul le bromure de cuivre(Ι) s’est avéré être un catalyseur efficace pour le système, permettant la préparation des polymères avec un degré de polymérisation égale à 50 et une distribution monomodale de masse moléculaire (PDI ˂ 1.7). Les polymères synthétisés à base d'acide cholique sont thermiquement stables (307 °C ≤ Td ≤ 372 °C) avec des températures de transition vitreuse élevées (137 °C ≤ Tg ≤ 167 °C) et modules de Young au-dessus de 280 MPa, dépendamment de la nature chimique du lien.


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The pathogenesis of hepatic encephalopathy is multifactorial, involving gut-derived toxins such as ammonia, which has been demonstrated to induce oxidative stress. Therefore, a primary hepatic encephalopathy treatment target is reducing ammonia production in the gastrointestinal tract. AST-120, an oral adsorbent of engineered activated carbon microspheres with surface areas exceeding 1600 m(2) /g, acts as a sink for neurotoxins and hepatotoxins present in the gut. We evaluated the capacity of AST-120 to adsorb ammonia in vitro and to lower blood ammonia, oxidative stress and brain edema in cirrhotic rats. Cirrhosis was induced in rats by bile duct ligation for 6 weeks. AST-120 was administered by gavage preventively for 6 weeks (0.1, 1, and 4 g/kg/day). In addition, AST-120 was evaluated as a short-term treatment for 2 weeks and 3 days (1 g/kg/day) and as a sink to adsorb intravenously infused ammonium acetate. In vitro, AST-120 efficiently adsorbed ammonia. Ammonia levels significantly decreased in a dose-dependent manner for all AST-120-treated bile duct-ligated rats (nontreated: 177.3 ± 30.8 μM; AST-120, 0.1 g/kg/day: 121.9 ± 13.8 μM; AST-120, 1 g/kg/day: 80.9 ± 30.0 μM; AST-120, 4 g/kg/day: 48.8 ± 19.6 μM) and significantly correlated with doses of AST-120 (r = -0.6603). Brain water content and locomotor activity normalized after AST-120 treatments, whereas arterial reactive oxygen species levels remained unchanged. Furthermore, AST-120 significantly attenuated a rise in arterial ammonia after ammonium acetate administration (intravenously). Conclusion:AST-120 treatment decreased arterial ammonia levels, normalized brain water content and locomotor activity but did not demonstrate an effect on systemic oxidative stress. Also, AST-120 acts as an ammonia sink, efficiently removing blood-derived ammonia. Additional studies are warranted to evaluate the effects of AST-120 on hepatic encephalopathy in patients with advanced liver disease. (HEPATOLOGY 2011;).