998 resultados para Benthocosm B1
An analytical study based on extraction with methanol-water, immunoaffinity cleanup and separation, identification and quantification of aflatoxin B1 by thin-layer chromatography,in ground black and white pepper and oregano was carried out. Validation of the applied methodology was done through accuracy and precision studies. Recoveries of aflatoxin B1 and relative standard deviations, from spice samples spiked at levels from 4.86 to 97.70 µg/kg, were, respectively, higher than 72% and lower than 20%. Application to spice samples available in Minas Gerais state, purchased at popular markets, showed no contamination with aflatoxin B1.
A photometric procedure was developed for determination of aflatoxin B1 in peanuts by TLC-CCD technique. The quantification and detection limit were 1.2 μg kg-1 and 0.4 ng per spot, respectively, with mean recovery of 98%. The CCD camera is sufficiently sensitive to detect small changes in spots fluorescence intensity and the results for performance confirmed the efficiency of the method. Another important property of CCD detector is its linearity for a wide range of luminous stimulus determined by analysis of five-point calibration curves using the intensity of AFB1 fluorescence versus AFB1 concentration (0.8 to 4.8 ng per spot). The method was applied to the analysis of thirty nine peanut samples and aflatoxin B1 levels ranged from 16 to 115 μg kg-1. The TLC-CCD and the photometric procedure developed in this study demonstrated to be a simple and efficient tool for quantitative analyses of AFB1 in peanut samples.
Trinta e seis (36) cultivares de milho foram avaliadas em relação à incidência de grãos ardidos, mofados e produção de fumonisina B1. Amostras de 1,2 kg de grãos foram analisadas visualmente para a quantificação de grãos ardidos (Fusarium subglutinans), mofados (Penicillium oxalicum) e para a análise de fumonisina B1. Os grãos ardidos foram submetidos à análise de sanidade (papel de filtro com congelamento) visando identificar os fungos a eles associados. A cultivar Hatã 3052 apresentou 7,6% de grãos ardidos, ultrapassando o limite de tolerância que é de 6,0%. As cultivares AG 5011, HT 7105-3, Dina 1000 e C 701 apresentaram 16,8% , 3,4%, 3,2% e 3,1% de grãos mofados, respectivamente, acima do limite de tolerância que é de 3,0%. O fungo Fusarium subglutinans (Gibberella fujikuroi var. subglutinans) foi o causador de grãos ardidos, cuja detecção variou de 50,0 a 99,0%. A análise de variância mostrou diferenças significativas entre as cultivares com relação às incidências de grãos ardidos e de grãos mofados. Com relação à produção de fumonisina B1, as cultivares Hatã 3052, NB 6077 e 983 P produziram 7,0; 6,1 e 5,9 µg.g-1 de grãos, respectivamente, diferindo significativamente da cultivar P3071 (2,2 µg.g-1 de grãos). Conclui-se que há diferenças significativas entre as cultivares de milho em relação à produção de grãos ardidos e mofados, bem como acentuada interação entre as cultivares e o fungo toxigênico Fusarium subglutinans (Gibberella fujikuroi var. subglutinans) quanto à biossíntese de fumonisina B1 em grãos de milho.
In August 2007 an outbreak of neurological disease and sudden death in Arabian horses occurred in a farm located in Coronel Rosales County, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. The animals were on a pasture of native grasses and supplemented ad libitum with corn kernels and wheat bran. Three horses were observed having acute neurologic signs including blindness, four leg ataxia, hyperexcitability, aimless walking and circling, followed by death in two of them. Four other horses were found dead overnight without a history of neurologic signs. The morbidity, mortality and lethality rates were 11.6%, 10% and 85.7%, respectively. Grossly, the brain showed focal areas of hemorrhage, brown-yellow discoloration and softening of the sub-cortical white matter. The microscopic brain lesions consisted of extensive areas of malacia within the white matter of the cerebral hemispheres, brainstem and cerebellum, characterized by rarefaction of the white matter with cavitations filled with proteinaceous edema, multifocal hemorrhages and mild infiltration by neutrophils, and rare eosinophils. Swollen glial cells with abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm, distinct cell borders, intracytoplasmic deeply eosinophilic globules and eccentric, hyperchromatic, occasionally pyknotic nucleus were present throughout the areas of rarefaction hemorrhage, edema and necrosis. The feed supplements contained 12,490µg/kg of fumonisin B1 and 5,251µg/ kg of fumonisin B2. This is the first reported outbreak of ELEM associated with consumption of feed supplements containing high concentrations of fumonisins in Argentina.
The objective of this study was to determine the effects of three doses of fumonisin B1 (0, 100, and 200mg/kg of feed) on biological variables (relative weight of liver [RWL], total plasma protein [TPP], albumin [Alb], calcium [Ca], phosphorus [P], uric acid [UA], alanine aminotransferase [ALT], aspartate aminotransferase [AST], gamma glutamyltransferase [GGT], alkaline phosphatase [AP], total cholesterol [Chol], triglycerides [Tri], sphinganine-to-sphingosine ratio [SA:SO], and C-reactive protein [CRP]), morphological evaluation of the small intestine (villus height [VH], crypt depth [CD], and villus-to-crypt ratio [V:C]), histological evaluation, and on performance (body weight [BW], feed intake [FI], and feed conversion rate [FCR]) of broiler chickens. Significant effects of FB were observed on BW and FI (reduced), on RWL, TPP, Ca, ALT, AST, GGT, Chol, and Tri (increased) at both 14 and 28 days evaluations. In addition, significant increase was observed on FCR, Alb, P, SA:SO, and CRP and significant reduction in UA, VH, and V:C only at the 28 days evaluation. Significant histological lesions were observed on liver and kidney of FB inoculated broilers at 14 and 28 days. Those results show that FB has a significant effect on biological and histological variables and on performance of broiler chickens.
A qualidade da dieta ofertada às vacas em lactação é uma preocupação dos agentes de saúde devido à possibilidade da detecção de micotoxinas prejudiciais a saúde humana e animal. Os objetivos do trabalho foram avaliar o perfil da micobiota, determinar a atividade de água (Aa) e a ocorrência natural de aflatoxina B1 (AFB1) em dietas ofertadas a vacas em lactação de fazendas leiteiras no estado de São Paulo, Brasil. As amostragens das dietas foram realizadas diretamente dos cochos de lote de 15 vacas, em dois dias consecutivos com intervalos de 24h e a cada 15 dias, perfazendo um período de 45 dias de amostragens por fazenda. A purificação e determinação de AFB1 foram realizadas em colunas de imunoafinidade e Cromatografia Líquida de Alta Eficiência (CLAE). O estudo da micobiota presente nas amostras das dietas (288) revelou que as leveduras foram predominantes em todas as dietas (83,97 a 99,98%). Foram isolados 15 gêneros de fungos filamentosos, com os gêneros Aspergillus spp (20,09%), Fusarium spp (14,16%) e Penicillium spp (11,48%) os mais prevalentes. As contagens de Unidades Formadoras de Colônias por grama de alimento (UFC. g-1) variaram de 102 a 1011. A atividade de água das amostras variou entre 0,91 a 0,98. Foi detectada a presença de AFB1 em 31,44% das amostras com teores entre 1,68 a 194,51μg.kg-1. Medidas de boas práticas de produção, estocagem e utilização devem ser tomadas para diminuir a ocorrência de AFB1 nas dietas ofertadas às vacas em lactação.
Resumo:A fumonisina B1 (FB1) é um metabólito secundário produzido principalmente por Fusarium verticilioides em diversos tipos de alimentos, principalmente o milho, o qual constitui a base para composição de rações para várias espécies de animais domésticos. A FB1é particularmente tóxica para suínos, cujas manifestações clínicas são evidentes em animais expostos a altas concentrações de FB1 na ração (em geral, acima de 30mg/kg). No entanto, são escassos os estudos sobre os efeitos da FB1em suínos alimentados com rações contendo baixas concentrações de fumonisinas, as quais são mais prováveis de serem encontradas em condições de campo. O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar os efeitos da exposição de leitões a baixos níveis de FB1 na ração, durante 28 dias, sobre o ganho de peso, consumo de ração, peso relativo de órgãos e aspectos histológicos do baço, fígado, pulmões, rins e coração. Vinte e quatro leitões foram distribuídos em 4 grupos experimentais e alimentados com rações contendo 0mg (controle), 3,0mg, 6,0mg ou 9,0mg FB1/kg de ração. As diferentes dietas não afetaram (P>0,05) o ganho de peso e nem o peso relativo dos órgãos analisados. Não foram constatadas lesões macroscópicas ou histopatológicas no baço, fígado, rins e coração. No entanto, foram observadas lesões histopatológicas nos pulmões de todos os suínos alimentados com rações contaminadas com fumonisinas, indicando que nenhum dos níveis de FB1 usados no experimento poderia ser considerado como seguro para suínos. São necessários novos estudos sobre os mecanismos de ação tóxica da FB1 em suínos, sobretudo em condições de exposição prolongada a baixos níveis de contaminação na ração.
1 kartta :, vär. ;, 51,2 x 42,7 cm, lehti 58 x 50,2 cm
Breast cancer is a highly heterogenous malignancy, which despite of the similar histological type shows different clinical behaviour and response to therapy. Prognostic factors are used to estimate the risk for recurrence and the likelihood of treatment effectiveness. Because breast cancer is one of the most common causes of cancer death in women worldwide, identification of new prognostic markers are needed to develop more specific and targeted therapies. Cancer is caused by uncontrolled cell proliferation. The cell cycle is controlled by specific proteins, which are known as cyclins. They function at important checkpoints by activating cyclin-dependent kinase enzymes. Overexpression of different cyclins has been linked to several cancer types and altered expression of cyclins A, B1, D1 and E has been associated with poor survival. Little is known about the combined expression of cyclins in relation to the tumour grade, breast cancer subtype and other known prognostic factors. In this study cyclins A, B1 and E were shown to correlate with histological grade, Ki-67 and HER2 expression. Overexpression of cyclin D1 correlated with receptor status and non-basal breast cancer suggesting that cyclin D1 might be a marker of good prognosis. Proteolysis in the surrounding tumour stroma is increased during cancer development. Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are proteolytic enzymes that are capable of degrading extracellular matrix proteins. Increased expression and activation of several MMPs have been found in many cancers and MMPs appear to be important regulators of invasion and metastasis. In this study MMP-1 expression was analysed in breast cancer epithelial cells and in cancer associated stromal cells. MMP-1 expression by breast cancer epithelial cells was found to carry an independent prognostic value as did Ki-67 and bcl-2. The results suggest that in addition to stromal cells MMP-1 expression in tumour cells control breast cancer progression. Decorin is a small proteoglycan and an important component of the extracellular matrix. Decorin has been shown to inhibit growth of tumour cells and reduced decorin expression is associated with a poor prognosis in several cancer types. There has been some suspicion wheather different cancer cells express decorin. In this study decorin expression was shown to localize only in the cells of the original stroma, while breast cancer epithelial cells were negative for decorin expression. However, transduction of decorin in decorin-negative human breast cancer cells markedly modulated the growth pattern of these cells. This study provides evidence that targeted decorin transduction to breast cancer cells could be used as a novel adjuvant therapy in breast malignancies.
The deficiency of the A isoenzyme of ß-hexosaminidase (Hex) produced by different mutations of the gene that codes for the alpha subunit (Tay-Sachs disease) has two variants with enzymological differences: the B variant consists of the absence of Hex A isoenzyme and the B1 variant produces an inactive Hex A isoenzyme for the hydrolysis of the GM2 ganglioside and synthetic substrates with negative charge. In contrast to the early childhood form of the B variant, the B1 variant appears at a later clinical stage (3 to 7 years of age) with neurodegenerative symptoms leading to the death of the patient in the second decade of life. The most frequent mutation responsible for the GM2 gangliosidosis B1 variant is R178H, which has a widespread geographic and ethnic distribution. The highest incidence has been described in Portugal, which has been suggested as the point of origin of this mutation. Biochemical characterization of this lysosomal disease is carried out using negatively charged synthetic alpha subunit-specific sulfated substrates, since Hex A isoenzyme heat-inactivation assays are not applicable. However, the determination of the apparent activation energy of Hex using the neutral substrate 3,3'-dichlorophenolsulfonphthaleinyl N-acetyl-ß-D-glucosaminide, may offer a valid alternative. The presence of an alpha subunit in the alphaß heterodimer Hex A means that its activation energy (41.8 kJ/mol) is significantly lower than that of the ßß homodimer Hex B (75.1 kJ/mol); however, as mutation inactivates the alpha subunit, the Hex A of the B1 variant presents an activation energy that is similar to that of the Hex B isoenzyme.
In a previous study we monitored the distribution and phenotype expression of B1 cells during the evolution of experimental murine schistosomiasis mansoni and we proposed that the B1 cells were heterogeneous: a fraction which originated in the spleen and followed the migratory pathway to mesenteric ganglia, while the other was the resident peritoneal B1-cell pool. In the present study, we have addressed the question of whether these two B1-lymphocyte populations are involved in the production of the late Ig isotype IgE, which is present in high levels in schistosomal infection. Lymphocyte expression of surface markers and immunoglobulins were monitored by immunofluorescence flow cytometry. Both in the spleen and mesenteric ganglia, the B1 and B2 cells were induced to switch from IgM to IgE in the early Th2-dominated phase of the disease, with an increase of IgE in its later phases. Conversely, peritoneal B1-IgM+ switched to the remaining IgE+ present in high numbers in the peritoneal cavity throughout the disease. We correlated the efficient induction of the expression of late Ig isotypes by B1 cells with high levels of inflammatory cytokines due to the intense host response to the presence of worms and their eggs in the abdominal cavity. In conclusion, B1 cells have a different switch behavior from IgM to IgE indicating that these cell sub-populations depend on the microenvironment.
Previous studies have shown that the vascular reactivity of the mouse aorta differs substantially from that of the rat aorta in response to several agonists such as angiotensin II, endothelin-1 and isoproterenol. However, no information is available about the agonists bradykinin (BK) and DesArg9BK (DBK). Our aim was to determine the potential expression of kinin B1 and B2 receptors in the abdominal mouse aorta isolated from C57BL/6 mice. Contraction and relaxation responses to BK and DBK were investigated using isometric recordings. The kinins were unable to induce relaxation but concentration-contraction response curves were obtained by applying increasing concentrations of the agonists BK and DBK. These effects were blocked by the antagonists Icatibant and R-715, respectively. The potency (pD2) calculated from the curves was 7.0 ± 0.1 for BK and 7.3 ± 0.2 for DBK. The efficacy was 51 ± 2% for BK and 30 ± 1% for DBK when compared to 1 µM norepinephrine. The concentration-dependent responses of BK and DBK were markedly inhibited by the arachidonic acid inhibitor indomethacin (1 µM), suggesting a mediation by the cyclooxygenase pathway. These contractile responses were not potentiated in the presence of the NOS inhibitor L-NAME (1 mM) or endothelium-denuded aorta, indicating that the NO pathway is not involved. We conclude that the mouse aorta constitutively contains B1 and B2 subtypes of kinin receptors and that stimulation with BK and DBK induces contractile effect mediated by endothelium-independent vasoconstrictor prostanoids.
Vitamins are essential compounds mainly involved in acting as enzyme co-factors or in response to oxidative stress. In the last two years it became apparent that apicomplexan parasites are able to generate B vitamers such as vitamin B1 and B6 de novo. The biosynthesis pathways responsible for vitamin generation are considered as drug targets, since both provide a high degree of selectivity due to their absence in the human host. This report updates the current knowledge about vitamin B1 and B6 biosynthesis in malaria and other apicomplexan parasites. Owing to the urgent need for novel antimalarials, the significance of the biosynthesis and salvage of these vitamins is critically discussed in terms of parasite survival and their exploitation for drug development.
Foi avaliada a eficiência de dois kits ELISA disponíveis no mercado para detecção de aflatoxina B1, que permitem a triagem de milho contaminado com aflatoxina B1 aos níveis de 5 e 20 ppb. Eles foram comparados ao método de Soares & Rodriguez-Amaya que utiliza cromatografia em camada delgada (CCD) e tem como limite de quantificação 4,0μg/kg (ppb). Foram analisadas 53 amostras incluindo milho, ração para peixe e amendoim e produtos. Os resultados mostraram boa concordância entre as duas técnicas quanto à detecção de aflatoxina B1. O método ELISA mostrou-se mais rápido, menos trabalhoso, utilizando menos solventes orgânicos, porém apresentou resultados presuntivos positivos, tornando necessária a sua confirmação.
Avaliou-se a produção de aflatoxina B1 pelo Aspergillus flavus IMI 190443, inoculado em sementes de genótipos de amendoim: Tatu Vermelho, VRR-245, 2117 e 2155, in natura e autoclavado a 1210 C por 20 minutos, previamente cultivados no Centro Experimental do Instituto Agronômico de Campinas, em 1995/96. A aflatoxina B1 foi quantificada por cromatografia em camada delgada, utilizando comparação visual com padrões. Os níveis de aflatoxina B1 das amostras autoclavadas e in natura dos genótipos Tatu Vermelho, VRR-245 e 2155 foram significativamente diferentes (p <0,05, Teste de Duncan) quando comparados aos níveis do genótipo 2117. O genótipo 2117, originário da Índia, apresentou independente do processo com e sem aquecimento os menores níveis de aflatoxina B1 em relação aos dos outros genótipos. Os resultados obtidos mostram perspectivas de exploração da resistência varietal no controle da aflatoxina.