979 resultados para Benthic amphipod


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This report is the final product of a two-year study conducted for the Office, Chief of Engineers, by the Moss Landing Marine Laboratories, Moss Landing, California, under Contract No. DACW39-74-C-OI51 with the Environmental Effects Laboratory (EEL), U. S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station (WES), Yicksburg, Mississippi. (PDF contains 192 pages)


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The benthic macrofauna of the New York Bight has been monitored extensively, primarily to determine trends over space and time in biological effects of waste inputs. In the present study, from 44 to 48 stations were sampled each summer from 1980-1985. Data from other Bight benthic studies are included to· extend the temporal coverage from 1979 to 1989. Numbers of species and amphipods per sample, taken as relatively sensitive indicators of environmental stress, showed consistent spatial patterns. Lowest values were found in the Christiaensen Basin and other inshore areas, and numbers increased toward the outermost shelf and Hudson Shelf Valley stations. There were statistically significant decreases in species and amphipods at most stations from 1980 to 1985. (Preliminary data from a more recent study suggest numbers of species increased again between 1986 and 1989.) Cluster analysis of 1980-85 data indicated several distinct assemblages-sewage sludge dumpsite, sludge accumulation area, inner Shelf Valley, outer Shelf Valley, outer shelf-with little change over time. The "enriched" and "highly altered" assemblages in the Basin appear similar to those reported since sampling began there in 1968. No consistently defaunated areas have been found in any sampling programs over the past 20 years. On a gross level, therefore, recent faunal responses to any environmental changes are not evident, but the more sensitive measures used, i.e. numbers of species and amphipods, do indicate widespread recent effects. Causes of the faunal changes are not obvious; some possibilities, including increasing effects of sewage sludge or other waste inputs, natural factors, and sampling artifacts, are discussed. (PDF file contains 54 pages.)


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Information on long-term temporal variability of and trends in benthic community-structure variables, such as biomass, is needed to estimate the range of normal variability in comparison with the effects of environmental change or disturbance. Fishery resource distribution and population growth will be influenced by such variability. This study examines benthic macrofaunal biomass and related data collected annually between 1978 and 1985 at 27 sites on the continental shelf of the northwestern Atlantic, from North Carolina to the southern Gulf of Maine. The study was expanded at several sites with data from other studies collected at the same sites prior to 1978. Results indicate that although there was interannual and seasonal variability, as expected, biomass levels over the study period showed few clear trends. Sites exhibiting trends were either in pollution-stressed coastal areas or influenced by the population dynamics of one or a few species, especially echinoderms. (PDF file contains 34 pages.)


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The purpose of this study was to measure and evaluate relationships between populations of benthic macroinvertebrates and fish, as well as variations in water quality in streams affected by acid Mine drainage. (PDF contains 21 pages)


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Approximately 100,000 cubic yards of sand was transported to the ocean beach to renourish the eroded beach front during the period December 1985 through May 1986. The ocean beach at Sebastian Inlet SRA was previously studied in a project examining the benthic macrofauna and the fishes of the nearshore zone during 1981-1982 (Allenbaugh, 1984; Peters, 1984; Nelson, unpublished). In view of the existing data, the US Army Corps of Engineers provided funding to study the effects of the beach renourishment activities at Sebastian Inlet SRA on the benthic macrofauna and the fishes of the nearshore zone. This is the report on the results of this study.


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In this paper, the background to the development of an analytical quality control procedure for the Trophic Diatom Index (TDI) is explained, highlighting some of the statistical and taxonomic problems encountered, and going on to demonstrate how the system works in practice. Most diatom-based pollution indices, including the TDI, use changes in the relative proportions of different taxa to indicate changing environmental conditions. The techniques involved are therefore much simpler than those involved in many studies of phytoplankton, for example, where absolute numbers are required.


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The nature and extent of morphological variation within populations of Gammarus duebeni are examined. The exceptional tolerance of G. duebeni to salinities that encompass three orders of magnitude was known in the 19th Century, and has attracted considerable attention from physiologists and ecologists in the 20th Century, including the likelihood that populations in freshwater are distinct from those living in more saline environments. It is concluded that gradual evolution into discrete and readily distinguished subspecies is currently underway, eventually producing several new species in freshwater and saline habitats.


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In studying sexual attraction in gammarids of the group pulex, it has seemed necessary to dissociate the processes of moulting and ovogenesis in order to recognize their respective effects on this phenomenon. For this purpose a synthetic hormone, ecdysterone, was utilized. In the first instance the author followed the action of the hormone on isolated females in vitellogenesis. It was proved that the behaviour of Gammarus pulex and Gammarus fossarum vis-a-vis the ecdysterone used proves to be very close to that of isopods that was observed in Orchestia gammarellus in earlier research. Although they were in vitellogenesis, the females saw their intermoult cycle shortened.


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The amphipods are major food items for many commercial fishes, and they are used as protein food for agricultural animals. In the present paper are presented the results of four-year observations on the feeding of Gammarus balcanicus in nature and in an aquarium. Among the studied aspects were the dependence of daily food ration on sex and physiological state (with and without eggs) and feeding on different kinds of plant food. The study concludes that Gammarus balcanicus willingly feed on soft half-decayed plant residues; into their ration also enters food of animal origin. In contrast to other amphipods, G. balcanicus eats representatives of its own species very rarely, and only dead or immobile ones.


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Observations and laboratory experiments are summarised that examine the widely discussed issue of what Gammarus pulex feeds on. On the basis of the observations of the authors and data from the literature it can be noted that G. pulex belongs to the omnivorous organisms, but, depending on the conditions of subsistence, in its rations either plant or animal food can predominate.


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The first bilateral study of methods of biological sampling and biological methods of water quality assessment took place during June 1977 on selected sampling sites in the catchment of the River Trent (UK). The study was arranged in accordance with the protocol established by the joint working group responsible for the Anglo-Soviet Environmental Agreement. The main purpose of the bilateral study in Nottingham was for some of the methods of sampling and biological assessment used by UK biologists to be demonstrated to their Soviet counterparts and for the Soviet biologists to have the opportunity to test these methods at first hand in order to judge the potential of any of these methods for use within the Soviet Union. This paper is concerned with the nine river stations in the Trent catchment.


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Both chemical and biological methods are used to assess the water quality of rivers. Many standard physical and chemical methods are now established, but biological procedures of comparable accuracy and versatility are still lacking. This is unfortunate because the biological assessment of water quality has several advantages over physical and chemical analyses. Several groups of organisms have been used to assess water quality in rivers and these include Bacteria, Protozoa, Algae, macrophytes, macroinvertebrates and fish. Hellawell (1978) provides an excellent review of the advantages and disadvantages of these groups, and concludes that macroinvertebrates are the most useful for monitoring water quality. Although macroinvertebrates are relatively easy to sample in shallow water (depth < 1m), quantitative sampling poses more problems than qualitative sampling because a large number of replicate sampling units are usually required for accurate estimates of numbers or biomass per unit area. Both qualitative and quantitative sampling are difficult in deep water (depth > 1m). The present paper first considers different types of samplers with emphasis on immediate samplers, and then discusses some problems in choosing a suitable sampler for benthic macroinvertebrates in deep rivers.


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This annotated bibliography covers literature to the end of November 1977, and includes references to samplers that could be used for the rapid removal of benthic invertebrates from natural substrata of rivers and streams. Marine samplers which have been, or could be, used in freshwater. Coverage of Russian literature is incomplete, although a selection of recent and important references are included. The references are arranged under the following headings, Reviews; Nets and quadrat samplers; Scoops, shovels and dredges; Grabs; Corers; Suction and air-lift samplers; Electroshocking samplers; Efficiencies and comparisons; and Samplers from catalogues. There is an index to samplers (by the common name) and an author index.


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The effects of stress on both microalgal and macroalgal communities are considered. On one hand the contrasting approaches of studies of these two communities reflect intrinsic differences in plant size, longevity and ease of handling. On the other hand they reveal that biological monitoring of the potentially deleterious effects of man's activities has focused largely on freshwater environments in which macroalgae only occasionally dominate. Large conspicuous plants can be readily investigated as individuals, whereas it is virtually impossible to trace effects of stress on an individual cell of a vegetatively-reproducing microalga; a population approach is almost inevitably necessary. However, rapid turnover rates, a spectrum of ecological characteristics distributed between many taxa, and the potential for statistical analysis, have facilitated the use of microalgae in environmental impact studies. Failure to extend such investigations into marine systems rests as much on man's ability to ignore environmental deterioration until it affects his quality of life as on the visual dominance of seaweeds around our coasts. However, large gaps remain in our knowledge of both large and small algae; some reported community changes over time are suspect, and the causes of even blatant changes are not always apparent.