912 resultados para Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
The primary objective of this research project was to identify prostate cancer (PCa) -specific biomarkers from urine. This was done using a multi-faceted approach that targeted (1) the genome (DNA); (2) the transcriptome (mRNA and miRNA); and (3) the proteome. Toward this end, urine samples were collected from ten healthy individuals, eight men with PCa and twelve men with enlarged, non-cancerous prostates or with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH). Urine samples were also collected from the same patients (PCa and BPH) as part of a two-year follow-up. Initially urinary nucleic acids and proteins were assessed both qualitatively and quantitatively for characteristics either unique or common among the groups. Subsequently macromolecules were pooled within each group and assessed for either protein composition via LC-MS/MS or microRNA (miRNA) expression by microarray. A number of potential candidates including miRNAs were identified as being deregulated in either pooled PCa or BPH with respect to the healthy control group. Candidate biomarkers were then assessed among individual samples to validate their utility in diagnosing PCa and/or differentiating PCa from BPH. A number of potential targets including deregulation of miRNAs 1825 and 484, and mRNAs for Fibronectin and Tumor Protein 53 Inducible Nuclear Protein 2 (TP53INP2) appeared to be indicative of PCa. Furthermore, deregulation of miR-498 appeared to be indicative of BPH. The sensitivities and specificities associated with using deregulation in many of these targets to subsequently predict PCa or BPH were also determined. This research project has identified a number of potential targets, detectable in urine, which merit further investigation towards the accurate identification of PCa and its discrimination from BPH. The significance of this work is amplified by the non-invasive nature of the sample source from which these candidates were derived, urine. Many cancer biomarker discovery studies have tended to focus primarily on blood (plasma or serum) and/or tissue samples. This is one of the first PCa biomarker studies to focus exclusively on urine as a sample source.
Revisión sistemática de la literatura tomando ensayos clínicos aleatorizados sobre el uso de la inyección intraprostática de la toxina botulínica en los pacientes con hiperplasia prostática benigna evaluando una escala validada de síntomas del tracto urinario bajo como desenlace primario
Els pacients amb càncer presenten una taxa de supervivència superior si es diagnostiquen a estadis inicials, per la qual cosa és indispensable disposar de marcadors tumorals adequats. Glicoformes de proteïnes específiques es podrian utilizar com marcadors tumorals. S’han investigat les subformes i glicosilació de l’Antígen Prostàtic Específic (PSA) per millorar la seva capacitat de diagnosis de pacients amb càncer de pròstata vs aquells amb hiperplàsia benigna prostàtica. També s’han avaluat glicoproteïnes sèriques amb alteracions glucídiques en pacients de càncer de pàncrees, comparat amb pacients amb pancreatitis crònica i controls. S’ha observat una disminució de la fucosilació core i sialilació del PSA en càncer de pròstata i un augment de la fucosilació core i Sialyl-Lewis X en algunes Proteïnes de fase Aguda en càncer de pàncrees. Aquest canvis s’haurien d’avaluar en un cohort de pacients més gran per determinar el seu paper en el cribratge, diagnòstic o monitorització dels cancers estudiats.
Avaliou-se histologicamente a próstata de 30 cães adultos e idosos sexualmente intactos que apresentavam ou não sintomatologia clínica de doença prostática, e verificou-se a incidência de possíveis alterações da glândula. Dentre as alterações encontradas, a hiperplasia prostática benigna constituiu o diagnóstico mais comum, 85,6% (n=24), seguida por prostatite crônica, 64,3% (n=18), displasia do epitélio glandular, 42,8% (n=12), atrofia do epitélio glandular, 39,3% (n=11), infiltrado inflamatório focal, 25% (n=7), dilatação glandular focal, 21,4% (n=6), prostatite aguda, 7,1% (n=2), metaplasia escamosa, 3,6%, (n=1), metástase de neoplasia sistêmica, 3,6% (n=1) e abscesso prostático, 3,6% (n=1). Como em muitos casos os cães são assintomáticos, ressalta-se a importância da realização rotineira de exames clínicos específicos, como o toque retal e a ultrassonografia, para o diagnóstico precoce e o tratamento das afecções prostáticas.
Onze cães, sem raça definida, machos, adultos, não castrados e hígidos foram submetidos à punção aspirativa com agulha fina da próstata guiada por ultrassom para avaliação citológica e, após um período mínimo de sete dias, à videolaparoscopia para obtenção de fragmento prostático para avaliação histológica. Nos exames citológicos, dois animais apresentaram alterações celulares compatíveis com hiperplasia prostática benigna. Durante a videolaparoscopia, a colheita do fragmento prostático foi realizada de maneira rápida, não sendo observada hemorragia significativa após o procedimento. Os animais não apresentaram nenhuma complicação no período pós-operatório. Verificaram-se, ao exame histológico, morfologia e estrutura celulares e teciduais nos padrões normais do parênquima prostático em 10 animais; um único cão apresentou alterações celulares e teciduais sugestivas de hiperplasia prostática benigna.
The characterization of the nursing diagnoses in prostatectomized patients is important to provide an unique nursing language, facilitating the communication between professionals and patients. The objective of this study was to analyze the nursing diagnoses of patients in the immediate prostatectomy postoperative period. This is a cross-sectional and descriptive study, developed at the surgical-clinic of Onofre Lopes University Hospital, in the Natal City RN - Brazil. The sample was composed of 50 patients included by the criteria: have presented a diagnosis of a benign prostatic hyperplasia or a prostate cancer, have been subjected to a prostate surgery at the mentioned hospital, and have been in the immediate postoperative period at the moment of the data collection. The exclusion criteria were: haven t been in an appropriate physical and mental condition, have presented a brain vascular disease, a lung disease, an advanced liver disease, a heart disease or a extensive coronary artery disease. The data collection instruments were: the script of an interview and physical examination. The data collection period was between November 2010 and April 2011. The data were organized in two phases: the diagnostic process and the construction of the database. The project was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte The results showed that most patients came from the countryside, was living with partners, had an average of 67.78 years, was pensionerthose with low schooling, Catholic and often did not perform preventive examinations of prostatic disease. The patients showed an average of 9.48 nursing diagnoses, defining characteristics 21.70 and 20.72 related or risk factors per patient. We identified 30 nursing diagnoses, of which 7 were above the 75 percentile: Risk of falls, Impaired ambulation, Risk of infection, Self-care deficit bath / hygiene and dress up and Risk for deficient fluid volume. The top six nursing diagnoses were in all patients, and therefore could not apply any statistical test. The others ND were associated with their defining characteristics and related or risk factors. We conclude that the nursing diagnoses identified in this study contribute to the progress of the nursing care to the prostatectomized patients in post-surgery period, allowing the deployment of nursing actions for the effective resolution of identified problems
Confeccionou-se um microarranjo de tecido (TMA) com 146 amostras de lesões prostáticas caninas. Este continha 17,2% de hiperplasia prostática benigna (HPB), 32,4% de atrofia inflamatória proliferativa (PIA), 2,6% de prostatite, 8,6% de focos de neoplasia intraepitelial prostática (PIN), 29,1% de carcinomas e 9,3% de próstatas normais. Cortes histológicos sequenciais foram feitos e utilizados para reação de imunoistoquímica com os anticorpos primários anti-p-53, anti-NOS-2 e anti-GSTP. Avaliou-se de cada core o escore de células marcadas para cada anticorpo utilizado. Os resultados foram tabulados por grupo diagnóstico e submetidos ao teste Tuckey. Os carcinomas prostáticos do cão e a PIA apresentaram maior número de amostras (41) com mais de 75% das células positivas para NOS-2, demonstrando a influência do estresse oxidativo no desenvolvimento dessas lesões. As próstatas normais e as afecções desta glândula, HPB, PIA, PIN, prostatite e carcinoma, expressaram a proteína GSTP-1, o que conferiu proteção ao tecido prostático canino a danos oxidativos. A proteína p53 estava presente em todas as amostras estudadas, incluindo o tecido prostático normal, porém as lesões prostáticas apresentaram maior número de amostras com escores mais elevados de marcação (escores três e quatro), presente em 95% dos focos de PIA e carcinoma. Concluiu-se que o aumento de expressão de óxido nítrico nas lesões prostáticas no cão e a expressão de GSTP-1 podem ter protegido o tecido prostático canino e que a expressão de p53 foi positiva e uniforme nas próstatas normais e com lesões hiperplásicas e displásicas.
Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a expressão das metaloproteinases 2 (MMP-2) e 9 (MMP-9) em próstatas caninas normais e com desordens proliferativas, verificando o papel dessas enzimas na remodelação da matriz extracelular (MEC) e no processo de invasão tecidual. Um total de 355 amostras prostáticas foram obtidas, sendo 36 (10,1%) normais, 46 (13,0%) com hiperplasia prostática benigna (HPB), 128 (36,1%) com atrofia inflamatória proliferativa (PIA), 74 (20,8%) com neoplasia intraepitelial prostática (PIN) e 71 (20,0%) com carcinoma prostático (CP). Houve diferença de imunomarcação citoplasmática para MMP-2 e MMP-9 entre o epitélio acinar e o estroma periacinar, quanto aos diferentes diagnósticos. Observou-se correlação entre a expressão de MMP-2 e MMP-9 em relação ao número de células marcadas no epitélio acinar e estroma periacinar, bem como para a intensidade de marcação das células estromais periacinares em próstatas caninas com PIA. Conclui-se que há variação na expressão de MMP-2 e MMP-9 em próstatas caninas de acordo com a lesão, com menor expressão em próstatas caninas normais e com HPB, e maior naquelas com PIA, PIN e CP. Ainda, o microambiente inflamatório na PIA influencia a atividade de ambas as enzimas.
Diseases. such as cancer and benign prostatic hyperplasia, are related to disruption of the mechanism regulating the balance between cell proliferation and apoptosis in prostatic cells. Since castration and vasectomy might alter that balance, this study evaluates the cell proliferation, apoptosis and height of the secretory epithelium of the ventral-prostate ductal system post-castration and vasectomy. Immunohistochemical (PCNA and Ki67), cytochemical (Fuelgen reaction) and morphometric investigation have been carried out. Cell proliferation indices decreased significantly in both regions of the ventral-prostate ductal system after castration compared to the sham-operated group. The apoptotic index increased significantly after 48 h, declining 7 days post-castration. The cell proliferation indices did not differ after 48 h significantly; however, they increased 7 days post-vasectomy in both regions. The apoptotic index did not differ significantly in either time post-vasectomy. Castration caused an imbalance in favor of apoptosis, whereas vasectomy caused an imbalance in favor of cell proliferation. (c) 2005 International Federation for Cell Biology. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The normal growth, differentiation and maintenance of the morphofunctional integrity of the prostate gland are dependent on the interaction of constant levels of androgens with their receptors. The need to study the responses to hormones under several conditions and the effect of their blockage is due to the fact that the human prostate is the site of a great number of age-related diseases, and the ones with a major medical importance are prostate cancer (Cap) and benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), which can both be treated with androgen suppression. Seventy-five male gerbils were divided, randomly, into 3 groups of 25 animals each, where each group corresponded to one phase of postnatal development. In each phase, it was possible to morphologically and stereologically analyze the compartments of prostatic ventral lobe, as well as to immunohistochemically analyze the degree of expression of androgen receptors (ARs) after the androgen blockage therapies. In addition, it was possible to establish the hormonal dosage of serum testosterone levels given the comparative approach of the expression of androgen receptors. There is a pattern of AR distribution in the prostatic ventral lobe throughout postnatal development, in which the younger the animal is the higher, the interaction of circulating androgens that stimulate the AR expression in both the epithelial and stromal compartments. The androgen blockage therapies decreased AR expression in the prostatic compartments, but the androgen reposition after these blockages was not sufficient to recover the glandular structure or stimulate the AR expression up to normal physiological conditions. Both the regulation and distribution of androgen receptors along the gerbil prostatic tissues are complex mechanisms that are likely to be genetically regulated by androgens prenatally or by other factors that are still unknown. This rodent species seems to be a valuable model in the attempt to improve the understanding of the morphophysiological and pathological behavior of this important gland in humans throughout aging and to stimulate new therapeutic ideas to fight prostate cancer. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Estrogen seems to have an essential role in the fibromuscular growth characteristic of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). This paper describes the effects of chronic estradiol treatment on Guinea pig prostatic stroma at different ages. Tissues from experimental animals were studied by histological and histochemical procedures, morphometric-stereological analysis and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Marked fibromuscular hypertrophy was observed after estradiol treatment in animals of pre-pubertal and adult ages. Increases in the density and thickness of the collagen and elastic fibers were observed by histochemistry. TEM revealed wide distributions of collagen fibrils and large elastic fibers adjacent to the epithelial basal lamina and between the stromal cells, establishing contacts between them. These results indicate that the Guinea pig prostate simulates the stromal modifications observed in BPH in some aged animals after estrogen treatment at different ages, making it a good model for this disease. (c) 2005 International Federation for Cell Biology. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The prostate is an accessory gland of the mammal reproductive system with great volume and high functional importance. Many works infer that, in addition to the androgenic ones, the estrogen can be associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostatic cancer, but no conclusive evidence exists on the role of estrogen in normal prostatic and neoplastic tissue. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of chronic administration of estradiol benzoate on the lateral prostate of guinea pigs in the pre-pubescent, pubescent, post-pubescent and adult phases, with emphasis on the modifications provoked by this hormone on the glandular epithelium. The analyses of the estradiol-treated and control groups were investigated using histological procedures and transmission electron microscopy. The histopathological analysis of the lateral prostate in the treated group revealed areas where epithelial dysplasia was observed, assuming at some places a pattern of epithelial stratification characteristic of prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia. After ultrastructural analysis, the following were observed: enlargement of the internal membranes, heterogeneity in the cellular types, hypertrophy of the basal cells and apparent decrease of cytoplasmic organelles in some cells of the prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia. Still, a loss of cellular polarity was observed, along with nuclei of various forms, sizes and heights - as well as irregular chromatin distribution patterns. Such alterations were found mainly in pubescent, post-pubescent and adult animals subject to the chronic administration of estradiol. These findings reinforce the already existent data in understanding the role of estrogen in the etiology of prostatic diseases.