875 resultados para Bedouins, Druzes, Israeli Arabs and poverty


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This book sets out the findings of research conducted into the links between ecosystem services and poverty alleviation in Southern Africa. It follows from extensive primary research conducted in the region, as well as intensive engagement with researchers, policy-makers and relevant institutions in several countries in southern Africa, as part of the Ecosystem Services and Poverty Alleviation Programme led by DFI, NERC and ESRC.


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This article explores the role of women's inheritance and ownership of property in urban Senegal. It shows how being able to inherit and own property promotes the economic and emotional security of widows and their children in urban areas, and discusses the challenges posed by legal pluralism in working on poverty alleviation and social protection in the city.


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This paper goes over some of the recent discussions on the effects on growth and poverty of institutions and policies, especially those that relate to the functioning of the private sector. It examines the empirical relationship between various measures of institutional quality and regulatory policies, and economic growth and poverty. The results suggest that good governance, as measured by a strong commitment to the rule of law, among other things, matters for poverty reduction largely through its effect on economic growth. In terms of business regulations, the paper finds that less restrictive regulations pertaining to starting a business are associated with higher economic growth as well as lower rates of $2-a-day poverty. Political freedom is not associated with either higher growth or lower poverty. Taken together, the evidence here seems to suggest that the delivery of good governance and policies that facilitate the creation of new enterprises are more relevant for growth and poverty reduction than the nature of the political system per se.


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This study focuses beyond the traditional role of microfinance in addressing poverty to examine also its effect on social exclusion and human development. It proposes and tests a model of the relationships between these three concepts using data from Bangladesh Association for Social Advancement (ASA)'s participants in Bangladesh compared to a control group.


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Pastoral traditional livelihood systems are under threat from drought and human predation. Those who diversified into irrigation farming are less vulnerable and able to re-invest in the pastoral economy and alternative livelihood activities. Small-scale irrigation has contributed towards economic growth and poverty alleviation in the target area. These changes may however not be sustainable.


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While investors are advised to diversify in order to manage risk, developing countries are advised instead to liberalise their trade regimes and specialise according to their current comparative advantage. This study uses 67 regions of the GTAP database to investigate the effects of unilateral liberalisation and its impacts on countries’ economic structures and the extent to which this affects countries’ vulnerability to an economic shock. While liberalisation resulted in improvements in GDP and welfare on average, there were significant variations. A number of countries experienced contractions in their GPDs and declines in welfare. While there was no evidence of a relationship between the percentage change in GDP and the initial export or output concentration, there was a positive relationship between the percentage change in GDP and the percentage change in export and output concentrations. On average, increases in GDP following liberalisation were associated with increases in concentration in both the export sector and in overall industrial output and also reductions in the fraction of unskilled labour employed by the main export sector. Initial GDP per capita has no significant effect, implying that once concentration measures and the fraction of costs in the main export are accounted for, the per capita income levels of a country show no systematic effects on the percentage change in GDP induced by the liberalisation. For developing countries undergoing unilateral liberalisation, the results imply that they are likely to experience an increase in GDP, but an increase accompanied by more highly concentrated industrial output and exports, and also a lower fraction of main export costs due to unskilled labour. Following liberalisation, the responses of liberalised and non-liberalised versions of the region’s economies to a shock were compared. The rest of the world’s productivity in the country’s main export was increased by 10%, with the liberalised economies faring marginally worse on average in welfare and terms of trade effects, but slightly better on GDP effects. When the net effects of the initial liberalisation and subsequent technology shock were compared, countries were better off on average if they had liberalised. But this average masked important sectoral differences. Countries specialising in sectors with high proportions of own-commodity inputs in their main export’s total cost, such as manufacturing, did best, while those specialising in food tended to suffer welfare declines. Higher levels of export and output concentration also tended to reduce welfare. This suggests that increased concentration does indeed make countries more vulnerable to certain economic shocks. Finally, the economic network structures of the two extreme cases, Tanzania and Vietnam are compared visually as an aid to interpretation.


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The thesis examines the role of social capital in determining a number of socio-economic factors in Bangladesh. It uses cross-sectional data of 5600 extreme poor households and finds that social capital plays an important role in improving health and hygienic behaviour, and labour market outcomes during lean season.


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This paper uses the Vietnamese Households Living Standards Surveys of 2002, 2004, 2006and 2008 to examine the effects of nonfarm activity on poverty in rural Vietnam. We show that nonfarm activity helps the poor, but not the poorest, given that households need to own a minimum level of endowment to partake in nonfarm activity. We find an inverted-U shaped relationship between households’ endowment levels and the probability of participating in nonfarm activity. Also, in contrast to previous studies which largely by-passed the endogeneity of nonfarm activity, we instrument it with nonfarm networks, and find that nonfarm activity plays an important role in poverty reduction, however, this impact decreases over time.


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This paper addresses topics - either relevant or confusing or needing more attention - related to measuring the trade and poverty nexus. It sheds a critical light on the existing material and suggests needed research lines. It starts with questions akin to the LAC realities; then, keeping this view, general methodological issues are also examined. In a broader perspective, further ideas for the research agenda are formulated. The main conclusion is that relevant findings still demand considerable efforts. Moreover, the Information-measurement-model-evaluation paradigm is not enough, policy guidelines being usually too general. In LAC, it must be extended and deepened, accounting more for the heterogeneity of cases, including, whenever possible, the physical constraints and incorporating new ways of integrating both the local and global perspectives. Other aspects, like the role of specific juridical measures, should play a role. How all this can be combined into more encompassing evaluations remains open


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This paper examines the issue of how tourism affects poverty in the context of the effects of tourism on an economy as a whole and on particular sectors within it. A framework for analysing the channels through which tourism affects different households is developed, and a computable general equilibrium model of the Brazilian economy is used to examine the economic impact and distributional effects of tourism in Brazil. It is shown that the effects on all income groups are positive. The lowest income households benefit from tourism but by less than some higher income groups. Policies that could redistribute greater shares of the revenue to the poor are considered.


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Esse artigo estabelece uma base para pesquisas que tratam da relação entre pobreza, distribuição de recursos e operação do mercado de capitais no Brasil. O principal objetivo é auxiliar a implementação de políticas de reforço de capital dos pobres. A disponibilidade de novas fontes de dados abriu condições inéditas para implementar uma análise de posse de ativos e pobreza nas áreas metropolitanas brasileiras. A avaliação de distribuição de recursos foi estruturada sobre três itens: Capital físico, capital humano e capital social. A estratégia empírica seguida é de analisar três diferentes tipos de impactos que o aumento dos ativos dos pobres podem exercer no nível de bem estar social. A primeira parte do artigo avalia a posse de diferentes tipos de capitais através da distribuição de renda. Esse exercício pode ser encarado como uma ampliação de medidas de pobreza baseadas em renda pela incorporação de efeitos diretos exercidos pela posse de ativos no bem estar social. A segunda parte do artigo descreve o impacto de geração de renda que a posse de ativos pode ter sobre os pobres. Estudamos como a acumulação de diferentes tipos de capital impactam os índices de pobreza baseados na renda usando regressões logísticas. A terceira parte estuda o efeito que o aumento da posse de ativos dos pobres tem no melhoramento da habilidade dos indivíduos pobres em lidar com choques adversos da renda. Estudamos a interação entre a dinâmica da renda, imperfeições do mercado de capitais e comportamentos financeiros levando em consideração diferentes horizontes de tempo. As questões de longo prazo estão relacionadas com o estudo das flutuações de renda de baixa freqüência e ciclo da vida da posse de ativos usando análise de coorte. As questões de curto prazo estão relacionadas com o comportamento do pobre e as perdas de bem estar ao lidar com hiatos de alta freqüência entre renda e consumo desejado. A análise da dinâmica de renda e pobreza é conduzida a partir da combinação de dados de painel de renda com dados qualitativos sobre comportamento financeiro de curto prazo das famílias.