233 resultados para Beckman


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This article presents and discusses the concepts found in the literature about the individual in the context of business organizations. It also addresses the relations between individuals and information and communication technologies within this environment. It presents the data analysis from the application of a questionnaire among the employees of a private company, in which the following elements were analyzed on a scale of importance: technology, information and people.


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This article presents and discusses the concepts found in the literature about informational culture, informational behavior, information management, knowledge management and competitive intelligence. It focuses the correlation among those elements and shows, from theliterature analysis, the importance of the informational culture for the development of competitive intelligence in organizations.


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The aim of this study was to study the seroepidemiological profile of brucellosis and leptospirosis in horses traction Island Maiandeua, state of Para. In two distinct periods, blood samples were collected from 52 animals of both sexes and different ages (2 to 17 years), totaling 104 samples. For the research of antibodies anti-Brucella abortus were used in rapid agglutination test in plate. In the first harvest, none animal was positive, however in the second harvest there were three animals reactive serum. The research of antibodies anti-Leptospira spp. was performed with the use of the microscopic agglutination test (MAT), the first harvest was 23.07% reacting animals and 15.38% at the second harvest, for one or more Leptospira spp. with titers ranging from 100 to 200. The predominant serotype at first and second harvest was the Autumnalis 40% and 37.5% respectively. According to age, it was observed in group 1 (2 to 7 years) 27.78% and 13.89% respectively in the two samples and the second group (> 7 years) was found 12.50% and 18 75% of reactive serum. The results observed in this study demonstrated that the island of Maiandeua, state of Para, there is the presence of Leptospira spp, with the most frequent serovar autumnalis and possible exposure of animals to brucella smooth, suggesting low risk of infection in the population of horses examined.


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Beckman-Coulter has recently introduced the ProteomeLab PF2D for 2-D liquid separation of protein samples. The system features separation in the first dimension by chromatofocusing, followed by RP chromatography in the second dimension, allowing the analysis of complex proteomics samples. When used by the standard protocol, reproducibility and column life times are limited, making the use of the instrument very costly. We here present an improved protocol for chromatofocusing, which enhances column life by at least fivefold.


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Although the alteration of properties resulting from the alloying of metals in their usual commercial forms has been extensively investigated, the field of electrodeposition of alloys is believed generally not to have received the atten­tion that it merits.


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A simple and inexpensive method is described for analysis of uranium (U) activity and mass in water by liquid scintillation counting using $\alpha$/$\beta$ discrimination. This method appears to offer a solution to the need for an inexpensive protocol for monitoring U activity and mass simultaneously and an alternative to the potential inaccuracy involved when depending on the mass-to-activity conversion factor or activity screen.^ U is extracted virtually quantitatively into 20 ml extractive scintillator from a 1-$\ell$ aliquot of water acidified to less than pH 2. After phase separation, the sample is counted for a 20-minute screening count with a minimum detection level of 0.27 pCi $\ell\sp{-1}$. $\alpha$-particle emissions from the extracted U are counted with close to 100% efficiency with a Beckman LS6000 LL liquid scintillation counter equipped with pulse-shape discrimination electronics. Samples with activities higher than 10 pCi $\ell\sp-1$ are recounted for 500-1000 minutes for isotopic analysis. Isotopic analysis uses events that are automatically stored in spectral files and transferred to a computer during assay. The data can be transferred to a commercially available spreadsheet and retrieved for examination or data manipulation. Values for three readily observable spectral features can be rapidly identified by data examination and substituted into a simple formula to obtain $\sp{234}$U/$\sp{238}$U ratio for most samples. U mass is calculated by substituting the isotopic ratio value into a simple equation.^ The utility of this method for the proposed compliance monitoring of U in public drinking water supplies was field tested with a survey of drinking water from Texas supplies that had previously been known to contain elevated levels of gross $\alpha$ activity. U concentrations in 32 samples from 27 drinking water supplies ranged from 0.26 to 65.5 pCi $\ell\sp{-1}$, with seven samples exceeding the proposed Maximum Contaminant Level of 20 $\mu$g $\ell\sp{-1}$. Four exceeded the proposed activity screening level of 30 pCi $\ell\sp{-1}$. Isotopic ratios ranged from 0.87 to 41.8, while one sample contained $\sp{234}$U activity of 34.6 pCi $\ell\sp{-1}$ in the complete absence of its parent, $\sp{238}$U. U mass in the samples with elevated activity ranged from 0.0 to 103 $\mu$g $\ell\sp{-1}$. A limited test of screening surface and groundwaters for contamination by U from waste sites and natural processes was also successful. ^


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Sediments of Lake Donggi Cona on the northeastern Tibetan Plateau were studied to infer changes in the lacustrine depositional environment, related to climatic and non-climatic changes during the last 19 kyr. The lake today fills a 30 X 8 km big and 95 m deep tectonic basin, associated with the Kunlun Fault. The study was conducted on a sediment-core transect through the lake basin, in order to gain a complete picture of spatiotemporal environmental change. The recovered sediments are partly finely laminated and are composed of calcareous muds with variable amounts of carbonate micrite, organic matter, detrital silt and clay. On the basis of sedimentological, geochemical, and mineralogical data up to five lithological units (LU) can be distinguished that document distinct stages in the development of the lake system. The onset of the lowermost LU with lacustrine muds above basal sands indicates that lake level was at least 39 m below the present level and started to rise after 19 ka, possibly in response to regional deglaciation. At this time, the lacustrine environment was characterized by detrital sediment influx and the deposition of siliciclastic sediment. In two sediment cores, upward grain-size coarsening documents a lake-level fall after 13 cal ka BP, possibly associated with the late-glacial Younger Dryas stadial. From 11.5 to 4.3 cal ka BP, grainsize fining in sediment cores from the profundal coring sites and the onset of lacustrine deposition at a litoral core site (2m water depth) in a recent marginal bay of Donggi Cona document lake-level rise during the early tomid-Holocene to at least modern level. In addition, high biological productivity and pronounced precipitation of carbonate micrites are consistent with warm and moist climate conditions related to an enhanced influence of summer monsoon. At 4.3 cal ka BP the lake system shifted from an aragonite- to a calcite-dominated system, indicating a change towards a fully open hydrological lake system. The younger clay-rich sediments are moreover non-laminated and lack any diagenetic sulphides, pointing to fully ventilated conditions, and the prevailing absence of lake stratification. This turning point in lake history could imply either a threshold response to insolation-forced climate cooling or a response to a non-climatic trigger, such as an erosional event or a tectonic pulse that induced a strong earthquake, which is difficult to decide from our data base.


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Geochemical and mineralogical proxies for paleoenvironmental conditions have the underlying assumption that climate variations have an impact on terrestrial weathering conditions. Varying properties of terrigenous sediments deposited at sea are therefore often interpreted in terms of paleoenvironmental change. Also in gravity core GeoB9307-3 (18° 33.99' S, 37° 22.89' E), located off the Zambezi River, environmental changes during Heinrich Stadial 1 (HS 1) and the Younger Dryas (YD) are accompanied by changing properties of the terrigenous sediment fraction. Our study focuses on the relationship of variability in the hydrological system and changes in the magnetic properties, major element geochemistry and granulometry of the sediments. We propose that changes in bulk sedimentary properties concur with environmental change, although not as a direct response of climate driven pedogenic processes. Spatial varying rainfall intensities on a sub-basin scale modify sediment export from different parts of the Zambezi River basin. During humid phases, such as HS 1 and the YD, sediment was mainly exported from the coastal areas, while during more arid phases sediments mirror the hinterland soil and lithological properties and are likely derived from the northern Shire sub-basin. We propose that a de-coupling of sedimentological and organic signals with variable discharge and erosional activity can occur.


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The IMAGES core MD99-2343, recovered from a sediment drift north of the island of Minorca, in the north-western Mediterranean Sea, holds a high-resolution sequence that is perfectly suited to study the oscillations of the overturning system of the Western Mediterranean Deep Water (WMDW). Detailed analysis of grain-size and bulk geochemical composition reveals the sensitivity of this region to climate changes at both orbital and centennial-millennial temporal scales during the last 50 kyr. The dominant orbital pattern in the K/Al record indicates that sediment supply to the basin was controlled by the insolation evolution at 40°N, which forced changes in the fluvial regime, with more efficient sediment transport during insolation maxima. This orbital control also modulated the long-term pattern of the WMDW intensity as illustrated by the silt/clay ratio. However, deep convection was particularly sensitive to climatic changes at shorter time-scales, i.e. to centennial-millennial glacial and Holocene oscillations that are well documented by all the paleocurrent intensity proxies (Si/Al, Ti/Al and silt/clay ratios). Benthic isotopic records (d13C and d18O) show a Dansgaard-Oeschger (D-O) pattern of variability of WMDW properties, which can be associated with changing intensities of the deep currents system. The most prominent reduction on the WMDW overturning was caused by the post-glacial sea level rise. Three main scenarios of WMDW overturning are revealed: a strong mode during D-O Stadials, a weak mode during D-O Interstadials and an intermediate mode during cooling transitions. In addition, D-O Stadials associated with Heinrich events (HEs) have a very distinct signature as the strong mode of circulation, typical for the other D-O Stadials, was never reached during HE due to the surface freshening induced by the inflowing polar waters. Consequently, the WMDW overturning system oscillated around the intermediate mode of circulation during HE. Though surface conditions were more stable during the Holocene, the WMDW overturning cell still reacted synchronously to short-lived events, as shown by increments in the planktonic d18O record, triggering quick reinforcements of the deep water circulation. Overall, these results highlight the sensitivity of the WMDW to rapid climate change which in the recent past were likely induced by oceanographic and atmospheric reorganizations in the North Atlantic region.


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We studied the response in development times of Calanus finmarchicus and Calanus helgolandicus to changes in temperature and food conditions. The ingestion response to temperature was determined in the laboratory, where the copepods C. finmarchicus and C. helgolandicus were fed the diatom Thalassiosira weissflogii (cultivated at 18°C-20°; 12 : 12 light :dark cycle; exponential growth). C. finmarchicus was obtained for experiments from the Gullmar fjord. C. finmarchicus was incubated at in situ temperature (5°C) until the experiments were performed. First-generation cultures were grown in the laboratory at 15°C from the eggs from the Sta. L4 females. During growth both C. finmarchicus and C. helgolandicus cultures were fed a mixture of the cryptophyte Rhodomonas salina, the diatom Thalassiosira weissflogii, and the dinoflagellate Prorocentrum minimum. Five 600-mL glass bottles containing 1400 cells mL**-1 or 5 mg chlorophyll a (Chl a) L**-1 of T. weissflogii (200 mg C) and 1-2 C. finmarchicus or C. helgolandicus copepodite stage 5 (CV) or females were incubated in darkness at series of temperatures between 1°C and 21 ± 0.5°C. Three bottles without copepods served as control. In the C. helgolandicus experiment, T. weissflogii cells were counted at the beginning and end of the experiment in the grazing bottles and controls using a Coulter CounterH (MultisizerTM 3, Beckman Coulter). In the C. finmarchicus experiment, phytoplankton reduction was determined by Chl a measurements. The reduction in phytoplankton during any of the experiments was generally below 20% and never more than 32%. Clearance rates were calculated following Harris et al. (2000).


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Grain-size, terrigenous element and rock magnetic remanence data of Quaternary marine sediments retrieved at the NW African continental margin off Gambia (gravity core GeoB 13602-1, 13°32.71' N, 17°50.96'W) were jointly analyzed by end-member (EM) unmixing methods to distinguish and budget past terrigenous fluxes. We compare and cross-validate the identified single-parameter EM systems and develop a numerical strategy to calculate associated multi-parameter EM properties. One aeolian and two fluvial EMs were found. The aeolian EM is much coarser than the fluvial EMs and is associated with a lower goethite/hematite ratio, a higher relative concentration of magnetite and lower Al/Si and Fe/K ratios. Accumulation rates and grain sizes of the fluvial sediment appear to be primarily constrained by shore distance (i.e., sea-level fluctuations) and to a lesser extent by changes in hinterland precipitation. High dust fluxes occurred during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and during Heinrich Stadials (HS) while the fluvial input remained unchanged. Our approach reveals that the LGM dust fluxes were ~7 times higher than today's. However, by far the highest dust accumulation occurred during HS 1 (~300 g m**-2 yr** -1), when dust fluxes were ~80 fold higher than today. Such numbers have not yet been reported for NW Africa, and emphasize strikingly different environmental conditions during HSs. They suggest that deflation rate and areal extent of HSs dust sources were much larger due to retreating vegetation covers. Beyond its regional and temporal scope, this study develops new, in principle, generally applicable strategies for multi-method end-member interpretation, validation and flux budgeting calibration.


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Physical, chemical, and mineralogical properties of a set of surface sediment samples collected along the Chilean continental slope (21-44°S) are used to characterise present-day sedimentation patterns and sediment provenance on the Chilean margin. Despite the presence of several exceptional latitudinal gradients in relief, oceanography, tectonic evolution, volcanic activity and onshore geology, the present-day input of terrigenous sediments to the Chilean continental margin appears to be mainly controlled by precipitation gradients, and source-rock composition in the hinterland. General trends in grain size denote a southward decrease in median grain-size of the terrigenous (Corganic, CaCO3 and Opal-free) fraction, which is interpreted as a shift from aeolian to fluvial sedimentation. This interpretation is supported by previous observations of southward increasing bulk sedimentation rates. North-south trends in sediment bulk chemistry are best recognised in the iron (Fe) and titanium (Ti) vs. potassium (K) and aluminium (Al) ratios of the sediments that most likely reflect the contribution of source rocks from the Andean volcanic arc. These ratios are high in the northernmost part, abruptly decrease at 25°S, and then more or less constantly increase southwards to a maximum at ~40°S.


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The first detailed stratigraphic record from a deep-water carbonate mound in the Northeast Atlantic based on absolute datings (U/Th and AMS 14C) and stable oxygen isotope records reveals that its top sediment sequences are condensed by numerous hiatuses. According to stable isotope data, mainly sediments with an intermediate signal are preserved on the mound, while almost all fully glacial and interglacial sediments have either not been deposited or have been eroded later. The resulting hiatuses reduce the Late Pleistocene sediment accumulation at Propeller Mound to amounts smaller than the background sedimentation. The hiatuses most likely result due to the sweeping of the mound in turn with the re-establishment of vigour interglacial circulation patterns after sluggish current regimes during glacials. Thus, within the discussion if internal, fluid-driven or external environmentally driven processes control the evolution of such carbonate mounds, our findings for Propeller Mound clearly point to environmental forcing as the dominant mechanism shaping deep-water carbonate mounds in the NE Atlantic during the Late Pleistocene and Holocene.