1000 resultados para Bassin malli
Référence bibliographique : Weigert, 369
Échelle(s) : [1:50 000], échelle de deux milles marins [= 7,5 cm], échelle de quatre mille mètres [= 8 cm]
English abstract: A curriculum model of environmental education for a business school context
From August 91 to December 94, 20 external fixators were used for severely injured patients (avg. ISS 25.2). The fractures were essentially open book with or without lateral compression and vertical lesions. The indication for fixation was treatment of shock and stabilization in 8 cases, stabilization alone in 9 cases, and in 3 cases as complementary fixation after internal fixation of posterior lesions. The fixation of the pelvis was effective on the amount of blood loss. One acetabulum fracture required surgery, two patients had internal fixation for loss of reduction and two others for late pubic and posterior pain. The clinical results are good; they are more related to the severity of the initial lesion than to the mode of fixation or the quality of the reduction. No superficial sepsis or osteitis was observed in relation to the pins.
Summary: Supervisors as appliers of a pay system : a model of how supervisors can affect the functioning of a pay system
Abstract: The Finnish technology policy model: beoynd the elite playground?
Sosiaalipsykologian päivillä Tampereella 27.11.2004 pidetyn alustuksen pohjalta muokattu kirjoitus