993 resultados para Basis path testing


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Based on field survey, laboratory testing and numerical modeling, engineering characteristics of undisturbed loess and the mechanism of long-runout loess landslides caused by underground water level rise, as well as the formation conditions and spatial distribution of landslides, are systematically studied and analyzed. Loess landslides at south Plateau of Jingyang County are mainly classified as flowslide, slide and fall. Flowslide is the main type characteristic of high velocity, long runout and multi-stages. The steep relief composed of loose structured loess-old aged soil serials and the rise of groundwater table are the predominant conditions for landslides in the study area. To study loess mechanic poperties and loess landslides mechanisims, isotropically and anisotropically consolidated undrained compression(ICU and ACU) tests and constant-deviator-drained compression (CQD) tests were carried out on undisturbed samples. The results of undrained compression tests performed at the in-situ stress level show that the soils are of consistently strain-softening in the stress-strain relations and cause high excess pore pressure. The steady-state line and the potential region of instability are obtained from ICU and ACU test results. A necessary condition for liquefaction is that the soil state initially lies in or is brought into the potential instability region. In addition, a strong strain-softening model is also formed. CQD tests demonstrate that the mobilized friction angle is far less than the steady-state angle and that the soil experiences undrained contractive failure suddenly at very small strains when its stress path during drained loading tries to cross the potential instability region,thus validates the proposed instability region. Based on the location of the region of potential instability and the stress state of slope soil, a method of static liquefaction analysis is proposed for loess landslides caused by rise in groundwater table. Compared with other liquefaction analysis methods, this method overcomes the limitations inherent in conventional slope stability method and undrained brittleness index method. Triaxial tests composed of constant water content (CW) and wetting tests at constant deviator stress are performed on undisturbed unsaturated samples. The stress-strain relation of CW tests takes on strain-hardening behavior; The results of wetting tests at constant deviator stress designed to study the mechanics of failure of unsaturated loess caused by an increase in the degree of saturation (wetting) shows that a contractive failure occurs in the undisturbed samples. On the basis of the above triaxial test results, the initiation of static liquefaction is presented for long-runout loess landslides caused by rise in groundwater table, that is, the loess slope soil gradually transfer from unsaturated to saturated state under the infiltration of irrigation. A contractive failure occurs in the local region at very small strain by increasing the pore-water pressure at constant deviator stresses under drained conditons. It is the contractive failrue resulting from rise of pore pressure that leads to high excess pore pressure in the neighbour soil which reduces shear resistance of soil. The neighbour soils also fail due to the rapid increase in pore-water pressure. Thus a connected failure surface is developed quickly and a flowslide occurs. Based on the saturated-unsaturated seepage theory, transient seepage is computed using the finite element method on loess slope under groundwater table rise. Pore-water pressure distribution for every time step after irrigation are obtained. The phreatic surface in the slope increases with the groundwater table. Pore-water pressure distribution within 8m above the phreatic surface changes very quickly,but the water content and pore water pressure in the region ranging from 8m above the phreatic surface up to ground surface is almost not affected and the matric suction usually is kept at 100~120 kPa. Based on the results of laboratory tests and seepage flow analysis, the development process of loess landslide is modeled considering groundwater table rise. The shearing plastic zone first occurs at the slope toe where the soil is soaked for long term during rise in groundwater table. As irrigation continues, the shearing plastic zone gradually extends to the interior soils, with the results that the tensile plastic zone occurs at the slope crown. As time goes on, both the shearing plastic zone and tensile plastic zone continue to extend. Then a connected plastic zone is formed and fowslide occurs. In comparision to laboratory test results, the results of numerical simulation quite well verify the presented mechanism of static liquefaction of long-runout loess landslides caused by rise in groundwater table.


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Knowing one's HIV status is particularly important in the setting of recent tuberculosis (TB) exposure. Blood tests for assessment of tuberculosis infection, such as the QuantiFERON Gold in-tube test (QFT; Cellestis Limited, Carnegie, Victoria, Australia), offer the possibility of simultaneous screening for TB and HIV with a single blood draw. We performed a cross-sectional analysis of all contacts to a highly infectious TB case in a large meatpacking factory. Twenty-two percent were foreign-born and 73% were black. Contacts were tested with both tuberculin skin testing (TST) and QFT. HIV testing was offered on an opt-out basis. Persons with TST >or=10 mm, positive QFT, and/or positive HIV test were offered latent TB treatment. Three hundred twenty-six contacts were screened: TST results were available for 266 people and an additional 24 reported a prior positive TST for a total of 290 persons with any TST result (89.0%). Adequate QFT specimens were obtained for 312 (95.7%) of persons. Thirty-two persons had QFT results but did not return for TST reading. Twenty-two percent met the criteria for latent TB infection. Eighty-eight percent accepted HIV testing. Two (0.7%) were HIV seropositive; both individuals were already aware of their HIV status, but one had stopped care a year previously. None of the HIV-seropositive persons had latent TB, but all were offered latent TB treatment per standard guidelines. This demonstrates that opt-out HIV testing combined with QFT in a large TB contact investigation was feasible and useful. HIV testing was also widely accepted. Pairing QFT with opt-out HIV testing should be strongly considered when possible.


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Broad scale climate forcing can interact with local environmental processes to affect the observed ecological phenomena. This causes potential problems of over-extrapolation for results from a limited number of sites or the averaging out of region-specific responses if data from too wide an area are combined. In this study, an area similar in extent to the Celtic Biscay Large Marine Ecosystem, but including off-shelf areas, was partitioned using clustering of satellite chlorophyll (chl-a) measurements. The resulting clusters were used to define areas over which to combine copepod data from the Continuous Plankton Recorder. Following filtering due to data limitations, nine regions were defined with sufficient records for analysis. These regions were consistent with known oceanographic structure in the study area. Off-shelf regions showed a progressively later timing in the seasonal peak of chl-a measurements moving northwards. Generalised additive models were used to estimate seasonal and multiannual signals in the adult and juvenile stages of Calanus finmarchicus, C. helgolandicus and the Paracalanus–Pseudocalanus group. Associations between variables (sea surface temperature (SST), phenology and annual abundance) differed among taxonomic groups, but even within taxonomic groups, relationships were not consistent across regions. For example, in the deep waters off Spain and Portugal the annual abundance of Calanus finmarchicus has a weak positive association with SST, in contrast to the pattern in most other regions. The regions defined in this study provide an objective basis for investigations into the long term dynamics of plankton populations and suggest suitable sub regions for deriving pelagic system indicators.


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This paper examines the possibilities for peripheral localities to achieve upward mobility in the world-system by “hooking on” to larger processes of world-system accumulation. In particular, is it possible for economies that are dependent on foreign investment to receive a flow of investments that is high enough to overcome the negative impacts of a high stock of foreign investment, thus enabling them to cross a threshold and achieve upward mobility in the world-system? An analysis of therecent experience of the southern Irish “Celtic Tiger” economy during 1990-2000 indicates that such an upward movement is possible on the basis of massive foreign investment inflows. On closer examination, however, the Irish-type model appears to be highly deficient, because a high proportion of growth is illusionary and also on grounds of social desirability and lack of generalizability.


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We present an analysis of the Northern Irish bog oak record presented in Turney et al. (2005) for the last 4500 years. The record is compared with a compiled peatland water table record from the same region and palaeohydrological data from northern England and mid-latitude Europe. It is apparent that there is no consistent relationship between the population frequency of Irish bog oaks and the palaeohydrological reconstructions, illustrating that the record is not reflecting wetness changes in peatlands. We suggest that the bog oaks should be scrutinised on a within-site and a site-by-site basis to assess the spatial coherency of the shifts in tree populations and the synchronicity of phases of germination and dying off (GDO). Further work is needed to critically examine the controls on the establishment and demise of bog oaks on Irish peatlands before these data can be used as a palaeoclimate proxy. Only then can they be used to test solar forcing of Holocene climate change.


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The research reported here is based on the standard laboratory experiments routinely performed in order to measure various geotechnical parameters. These experiments require consolidation of fine-grained samples in triaxial or stress path apparatus. The time required for the consolidation is dependent on the permeability of the soil and the length of the drainage path. The consolidation time is often of the order of several weeks in large clay-dominated samples. Long testing periods can be problematic, as they can delay decisions on design and construction methods. Acceleration of the consolidation process would require a reduction in effective drainage length and this is usually achieved by placing filter drains around the sample. The purpose of the research reported in this paper is to assess if these filter drains work effectively and, if not, to determine what modifications to the filter drains are needed. The findings have shown that use of a double filter reduces the consolidation time several fold.


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Continuous large-scale changes in technology and the globalization of markets have resulted in the need for many SMEs to use innovation as a means of seeking competitive advantage where innovation includes both technological and organizational perspectives (Tapscott, 2009). However, there is a paucity of systematic and empirical research relating to the implementation of innovation management in the context of SMEs. The aim of this article is to redress this imbalance via an empirical study created to develop and test a model of innovation implementation in SMEs. This study uses Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) to test the plausibility of an innovation model, developed from earlier studies, as the basis of a questionnaire survey of 395 SMEs in the UK. The resultant model and construct relationship results are further probed using an explanatory multiple case analysis to explore ‘how’ and ‘why’ type questions within the model and construct relationships. The findings show that the
effects of leadership, people and culture on innovation implementation are mediated by business improvement activities relating to Total Quality Management/Continuous Improvement (TQM/CI) and product and process developments. It is concluded that SMEs have an opportunity to leverage existing quality and process improvement activities to move beyond continuous
improvement outcomes towards effective innovation implementation. The article concludes by suggesting areas suitable for further research.


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Chronic kidney disease is common with up to 5% of the adult population reported to have an estimated glomerular filtration rate of


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The identification of the sensory cues and mechanisms by which migratory birds are able to reach the same breeding and wintering grounds year after year has eluded biologists despite more than 50 years of intensive study. While a number of environmental cues have been proposed to play a role in the navigation of birds, arguments still persist about which cues are essential for the experience based navigation shown by adult migrants. To date, few studies have tested the sensory basis of navigational cues used during actual migration in the wild: mainly laboratory based studies or homing during the non-migratory season have been used to investigate this behaviour. Here we tested the role of olfactory and magnetic cues in the migration of the catbird (Dumetella carolinensis) by radio tracking the migration of birds with sensory manipulations during their actual migratory flights. Our data suggest that adult birds treated with zinc sulphate to produce anosmia were unable to show the same orientation as control adults, and instead reverted to a direction similar to that shown by juveniles making their first migration. The magnetic manipulation had no effect on the orientation of either adults or juveniles. These results allow us to propose that the olfactory sense may play a role in experience based migration in adult catbirds. While the olfactory sense has been shown to play a role in the homing of pigeons and other birds, this is the first time it has been implicated in migratory orientation.


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A full-scale seven-storey in-situ advanced reinforced concrete building frame was constructed in the Building Research Establishment's Cardington laboratory encompassing a range of different concrete mixes and construction techniques. This provided an opportunity to use in-situ non-destructive test methods, namely Lok and CAPO tests, on a systematic basis during the construction of the building. They were used in conjunction with both standard and temperature-matched cube specimens to assess their practicality and their individual capabilities under field conditions. Results have been analysed and presented to enable comparisons of the performance of the individual test methods employed.


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A full-scale, non-uniform natural fire test on a cold-formed steel portal frame building is described. The results of the test are used to validate a non-linear, elasto-plastic, finite element shell idealisation, for the purposes of later forming the basis of a performance-based design approach for cold-formed steel portal frames at elevated temperatures.


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Background: Clostridium difficile (C. difficile) is a leading cause of infectious diarrhoea in hospitals. Sending faecal samples for testing expedites diagnosis and appropriate treatment. Clinical suspicion of C. difficile based on patient history, signs and symptoms is the basis for sampling. Sending faecal samples from patients with diarrhoea ‘just in case’ the patient has C. difficile may be an indication of poor clinical management.

Aim: To evaluate the effectiveness of an intervention by an Infection Prevention and Control Team (IPCT) in reducing inappropriate faecal samples sent for C. difficile testing.

Method: An audit of numbers of faecal samples sent before and after a decision-making algorithm was introduced. The number of samples received in the laboratory was retrospectively counted for 12-week periods before and after an algorithm was introduced.
Findings: There was a statistically significant reduction in the mean number of faecal samples sent post the algorithm. Results were compared to a similar intervention carried out in 2009 in which the same message was delivered by a memorandum. In 2009 the memorandum had no effect on the overall number of weekly samples being sent.

Conclusion: An algorithm intervention had an effect on the number of faecal samples being sent for C. difficile testing and thus contributed to the effective use of the laboratory service.


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In the fields of marketing and general management, many are the contributions of literature relating trust and e‐commerce. Trust is perceived as an issue that concerns the consumers’ intention to purchase. As so, in this research, a path model is empirically tested in order to develop solutions for Internet vendors on how to deal with consumers and increase their trust. The path model measures how the dimensions of trust, named as competence, integrity and benevolence positively influence the overall trust of the consumers and at the same time how the sources of trust – consumer characteristics, firm characteristics, website infrastructure and interactions influence those dimensions. The data used to test the model was collected in Portugal, through 365 valid cases. Findings revealed that consumers, which have high level of overall trust, are more likely to intent to purchase online.


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PURPOSE: We report on the in vivo testing of a novel noninvasively adjustable glaucoma drainage device (AGDD), which features an adjustable outflow resistance, and assess the safety and efficiency of this implant. METHODS: Under general anesthesia, the AGDD was implanted on seven white New Zealand rabbits for a duration of 4 months under a scleral flap in a way analogous to the Ex-PRESS device and set in an operationally closed position. The IOP was measured on a regular basis on the operated and control eyes using a rebound tonometer. Once a month the AGDD was adjusted noninvasively from its fully closed to its fully open position and the resulting pressure drop was measured. The contralateral eye was not operated and served as control. After euthanization, the eyes were collected for histology evaluation. RESULTS: The mean preoperative IOP was 11.1 ± 2.4 mm Hg. The IOP was significantly lower for the operated eye (6.8 ± 2 mm Hg) compared to the nonoperated eye (13.1 ± 1.6 mm Hg) during the first 8 days after surgery. When opening the AGDD from its fully closed to fully open position, the IOP dropped significantly from 11.2 ± 2.9 to 4.8 ± 0.9 mm Hg (P < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Implanting the AGDD is a safe and uncomplicated surgical procedure. The fluidic resistance was noninvasively adjustable during the postoperative period with the AGDD between its fully closed and fully open positions.


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The purpose of this study was to replicate and extend a motivational model of problem drinking (Cooper, Frone, Russel, & Mudar, 1995; Read, Wood, Kahler, Maddock & Tibor, 2003), testing the notion that attachment is a common antecedent for both the affective and social paths to problem drinking. The model was tested with data from three samples, first-year university students (N=679), students about to graduate from university (N=206), and first-time clients at an addiction treatment facility (N=21 1). Participants completed a battery of questionnaires assessing alcohol use, alcohol-related consequences, drinking motives, peer models of alcohol use, positive and negative affect, attachment anxiety and attachment avoidance. Results underscored the importance of the affective path to problem drinking, while putting the social path to problem drinking into question. While drinking to cope was most prominent among the clinical sample, coping motives served as a risk factor for problem drinking for both individuals identified as problem drinkers and university students. Moreover, drinking for enhancement purposes appeared to be the strongest overall predictor of alcohol use. Results of the present study also supported the notion that attachment anxiety and avoidance are antecedents for the affective path to problem drinking, such that those with higher levels of attachment anxiety and avoidance were more vulnerable to experiencing adverse consequences related to their drinking, explained in terms of diminished affect regulation. Evidence that nonsecure attachment is a potent predictor of problem drinking was also demonstrated by the finding that attachment anxiety was directly related to alcohol-related consequences over and above its indirect relationship through affect regulation. However, results failed to show that attachment anxiety or attachment avoidance increased the risk of problem drinking via social influence.