82 resultados para Barks


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Annona species have been used as a natural remedy for a variety of illnesses with antiparasitic, antispasmodic, antidiarrheal, antiulcer, sedative, analgesic, hypotensive, and vermifugal effects. These properties are due to the presence of a number of bioactive compounds on the leaves, fruit, seeds, and stem. The aim of this review is to show the main species of Annona, their medicinal properties and the chemical constituents that may be related to these effects. In the leaves it is possible to find acetogenins, annopentocins A, B, and C, cis- and trans-annomuricin-D-ones, goniothalamicin, arianacin, and javoricin, related to anticancer properties. Quercetin-3-O-glucoside, also found in the leaves mediates antidiabetic and antioxidative effects. In the fruit are found annonaine, nornuciferine and asimilobine, associated to antidepressive effects. In the seeds are found muricatetrocin A and muricatetrocin B, longifolicin, corossolin, corossolone, uvarigrandin A, bullatacin, squamotatin. These acetogenins are associated with anticancer effects. Cyclosquamosin B, quercetin, and cyclosquamosin from the seeds have respectively vasorelaxant, antithyroidal and, antiinflammatory activity. In the stem parts there are several components as N-trans-feruloyltyramine, N-p-coumaroyltyramine, and N-trans-caffeoyltyramine, lignans, syringaresinol, syringaldehyde, beta-sitosterol and beta-sitosterol-beta-D-glucoside which exhibit antiplatelet aggregation activity. Copaene, patchoulane, 1H-cycloprop (e) azulene and kaur-16-en-19-oic acid found in the barks exhibit significant central as well as peripheral analgesic and antiinflammatory activities. The properties of the biological compounds in Annona species support information that may provide validation for its medicinal uses, but further studies should be performed to establish ideal and safe doses of consumption to ensure the effectiveness of the benefits. © 2012 Bentham Science Publishers.


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The present study describes the leishmanicidal and trypanocidal activities of two quinonemethide triterpenes, maytenin (1) and pristimerin (2), isolated from Maytenus ilicifolia root barks (Celastraceae). The compounds were effective against the Trypanosomatidae Leishmania amazonensis and Leishmania chagasi and Trypanosoma cruzi, etiologic agents of leishmaniasis and Chagas' disease, respectively. The quinonemethide triterpenes 1 and 2 exhibited a marked in vitro leishmanicidal activity against promastigotes and amastigotes with 50% inhibitory concentration (IC50) values of less than 0.88 nM. Both compounds showed IC50 lower than 0.3 nM against Trypanosoma cruzi epimastigotes. The selectivity indexes (SI) based on BALB/c macrophages for L. amazonensis and L. chagasi were 243.65 and 46.61 for (1) and 193.63 and 23.85 for (2) indicating that both compounds presented high selectivity for Leishmania sp. The data here presented suggests that these compounds should be considered in the development of new and more potent drugs for the treatment of leishmaniasis and Chagas' disease. © 2013 by the authors.


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The present study investigates the chemical composition of the African plant Parkia biglobosa (Fabaceae) roots and barks by Liquid Chromatography - Electrospray Ionization and Direct Injection Tandem Mass Spectrometry analysis. Mass spectral data indicated that B-type oligomers are present, namely procyanidins and prodelphinidins, with their gallate and glucuronide derivatives, some of them in different isomeric forms. The analysis evidenced the presence of up to 40 proanthocyanidins, some of which are reported for the first time. In this study, the antiradical activity of extracts of roots and barks from Parkia biglobosa was evaluated using DPPH method and they showed satisfactory activities.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Genética e Melhoramento de Plantas) - FCAV


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The barks generated from the wood processing industries are wastes generated in significant quantities, becoming interesting to have basic studies of their anatomical and chemical properties in order to make better use of this material. This study aimed to carry out anatomical studies, chemical and tannins from the barks of commercial clones of Eucalyptus. For this, permanent histological slides for anatomical characterization and percentage of cellular elements were prepared; and cellular elements were dissociated for biometry of the elements. The analyses were related to chemical extractives, ash, lignin, suberin, sugars, phenols, tannins, flavonoids and antioxidant activity of the extracts. The tannins were extracted in pure water and with water mixed with sodium sulfite, and were subsequently evaluated the properties by FT-IR. It was verified by the anatomical characterization and chemical quantification, the similarity between the clones. Regarding the biometrics of cellular elements, statistically significant differences were not observed for the following parameters: length and diameter of sieve tube, axial parenchyma diameter, and rays hight. The yield of condensed tannins and Stiasny index for studied clones are low, showing the infeasibility of using bark for the extraction of tannins to produce adhesives, however tannins and other bioactive phenolic compounds can be used in the pharmaceutical and cosmetics sectors due to its antioxidant potential. The spectrum of tannins is the same as the one found the literature. Due to the high yield of verified sugar, (around 46,68%) sugars are potencial products, with a high yield of glucose , it is interesting for application in biorefinery.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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Para o registro de fitoterápicos e disponibilização deles para os usuários, a ANVISA estabelece parâmetros de eficácia, qualidade e segurança e, estipula requisitos de controle semelhantes àqueles aplicados aos medicamentos sintéticos. Este trabalho relata a investigação da casca de Himatanthus lancifolius e seus extratos, a fim de contribuir para a padronização dos derivados desta espécie vegetal; os ensaios foram desenvolvidos utilizando amostras comerciais Q e S e uma autêntica, E, fornecida pela EMBRAPA. A comparação microquímica, anatômica e cromatográfica de Q, S e E não permite que se caracterizem as amostras comerciais como H. lancifolius. A presença de uleína não pôde ser caracterizada em qualquer amostra, mesmo em E. Os dados de CCD e CLAE mostram que as três amostras têm perfil cromatográfico diferente. As características morfológicas e a caracterização microquímica das cascas de H. lancifolius mostram córtex com grupos de fibras do floema primário inclusos, com cristais e lactíferos na região do floema secundário, e positividade para alcalóides, flavonóides, açúcares redutores e amido. O método de quantificação desenvolvido mostra alta seletividade a 281nm, o que confere confiança para a detecção dos alcalóides. O método é robusto, de acordo com o regulamento em vigor e mostra linearidade, precisão e robustez, ao lado da acessibilidade, sendo ainda de fácil execução. A fração de alcalóides totais do extrato aquoso da amostra coletada (E) representa 0,219% do extrato seco. Espera-se com este trabalho ter contribuído para reduzir a insuficiência de métodos de controle da qualidade para fitoterápicos preparados a partir de Himatanthus lancifolius.