928 resultados para Bank business models


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Regional development could present different strategies: •Relocation of industry clusters •Foreign Direct Investment attraction •Innovation based on new business models The Regional Government of Madrid (3rd largest GDP in the EU) selected strategic industries to compete & innovate: •Travel & Transportation •Aerospace •Nanotech. & •Biotech. •ICTs. •Energy


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The airline industry is often unstable and unpredictable forcing airlines to restructure and create flexible strategies that can respond to external operating environmental changes. In turbulent and competitive environments, firms with higher flexibility perform better and the value of these flexibilities depends on factors of uncertainty in the competitive environment. A model is sought for and arrived at, that shows how an airline business model will function in an uncertain environment with the least reduction in business performance over time. An analysis of the business model flexibility of 17 Airlines from Asia, Europe and Oceania, that is done with core competence as the indicator reveals a picture of inconsistencies in the core competence strategy of certain airlines and the corresponding reduction in business performance. The performance variations are explained from a service oriented core competence strategy employed by airlines that ultimately enables them in having a flexible business model that not only increases business performance but also helps in reducing the uncertainties in the internal and external operating environments.


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Innovations in the current interconnected world of organizations have lead to a focus on business models as a fundamental statement of direction and identity. Although industry transformations generally emanate from technological changes, recent examples suggest they may also be due to the introduction of new business models. In the past, different types of airline business models could be clearly separated from each other. However, this has changed in recent years partly due to the concentration process and partly to reaction caused by competitive pressure. At least it can be concluded that in future the distinction of different business models will remain less clear. To advance the use of business models as a concept, it is essential to be able to compare and perform analyses to identify the business models that may have the highest potential. This can essentially contribute to understanding the synergies and incompatibilities in the case of two airlines that are going in for a merger. This is illustrated by the example of Swiss Air-Lufthansa merger analysis. The idea is to develop quantitative methods and tools for comparing and analyzing Aeronautical/Airline business models. The paper identifies available methods of comparing airline business models and lays the ground work for a quantitative model of comparing airline business models. This can be a useful tool for business model analysis when two airlines are merged


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La comprensión actual de la heterogeneidad de las empresas académico rendimiento en el entorno entra industria necesita un mayor desarrollo. Gestión estratégica y el discurso sobre la literatura empresarial necesita mayor explicación de por qué los modelos de negocio aparentemente similares en el mismo sector actúan de forma diferente. También qué factores del entorno sectorial y operativo determina el surgimiento y funcionamiento de los modelos de negocio sostenibles e innovadoras permanecen sin explorar. Un marco se conceptualiza acompañado de estudios de caso sobre la compañía aérea y las industrias de energía renovable. El estudio lleva a una visión basada en los recursos de los modelos de negocio que las empresas alcancen posiciones heterogéneas de recursos. Una explicación para la heterogeneidad firme desempeño que se busca por intermediación conocimiento que genera valor a partir de la utilización eficaz de los recursos de conocimientos adquiridos a entornos entra y inter-empresa. Un marco para la aparición de nuevos modelos de negocios verdes se conceptualiza y deducciones se obtienen mediante un estudio de caso sobre la base de la industria de biocombustibles de energías renovables para explicar la dinámica de los mercados verdes y cómo se puede crear valor sostenible y capturó e innovadora de los modelos de negocios verdes. El marco desarrollado proporciona una visión cíclica de la flexibilidad del modelo de negocio en la que se propaga la acumulación de recursos basada en el conocimiento del modelo de negocio a través de los ambientes dentro y inter-empresa. Estrategias de conocimiento de corretaje del resultado ambientes inter e dentro-firma en un mejor desempeño del modelo de negocio. La flexibilidad del modelo de negocio que adquiere está determinada por la eficiencia con la acumulación de recursos está alineado con su ambiente externo. Las características de la que el modelo de negocio alcanza ventajas competitivas, como la innovación y la flexibilidad se atribuyen a la heterogeneidad de los recursos. La investigación se extiende a la literatura orientación de servicio al conceptualizar y medir la orientación a servicios como un requisito clave para la innovación del modelo de negocio, mientras que aboga por la necesidad de identificar correctamente las competencias básicas de la empresa, especialmente relevante en el contexto de la empresa orientada a los servicios, donde la creación de valor requiere recursos y la prestación eficiente de los servicios. La investigación trata de llegar a una descripción de los modelos de negocio sostenibles verdes y argumenta que la innovación, la flexibilidad y la sostenibilidad son los tres habilitadores básicos de los cuales el concepto de modelo de negocio verde puede evolucionar la explotación de nuevos mecanismos de mercado y los mercados para crear y capturar valor en el mantenimiento de su innovadora ambiente externo. La investigación integra efectivamente los conceptos de corretaje de conocimientos y modelos de negocio a partir de un recurso basado en la acumulación de vista y al mismo tiempo llega a la heterogeneidad rendimiento de los modelos de negocio aparentemente similares dentro de la misma industria. La investigación indica cómo se producen perturbaciones del mercado en una industria como resultado de modelos de negocio innovador y flexible, y cómo los nuevos modelos de negocio evolucionan en base a estos trastornos. Avanza la comprensión de cómo la estrategia de núcleo competencia y la innovación del modelo de negocio construcciones se comportan en el esfuerzo de la empresa de servicios para obtener una ventaja competitiva sostenible. Los resultados tienen implicaciones en el rendimiento de las empresas que empiezan sin recursos distintos de los suyos, o que utilizan un modelo de negocio imitado, para lograr un mejor rendimiento a través de la evolución del modelo de negocio alineado con las exitosas estrategias de conocimiento de corretaje. Dicho marco puede permitir a las empresas a evaluar y elegir un modelo de negocio basado en la innovación, la flexibilidad, la sostenibilidad y las opciones para el cambio. La investigación se suma a la literatura acumulación de recursos, explicando cómo los recursos pueden ser efectivamente adquirida para crear valor. La investigación también se suma a la literatura empresarial verde, explicando cómo las empresas crear y capturar valor en los nuevos mecanismos dinámicos de mercado.


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Purpose – The strategic management literature lacks a comprehensive explanation as to why seemingly similar business models in the same industry perform differently. This paper strives to explain this phenomenon. Design/methodology/approach – The model is conceptualized and accompanied by a case study on the airline industry to explain knowledge brokerage that creates value from the effective utilization of knowledge resources acquired from intra- and inter-firm environments. Findings – The model explains a cyclical view of business model flexibility in which the knowledge-based resource accumulation of the business model is spread across the intra- and inter-firm environments. Knowledge brokerage strategies from the inter- and intra-firm environments result in improved performance of the business model. The flexibility that the business model acquires is determined by how efficiently resource accumulation is aligned with its external environment. Originality/value – The paper effectively integrates the concepts of knowledge brokerage and business models from a resource accumulation-based view and simultaneously arrives at the performance heterogeneity of seemingly similar business models within the same industry. It has performance implications for firms that start out without any distinct resources of their own, or that use an imitated business model, to attain better performance through business model evolution aligned with successful knowledge brokerage strategies. It adds to the resource accumulation literature by explaining how resources can be effectively acquired to create value.


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International Conference on Dynamics of the Media and Content Industry. European Forum for Science and Industry.


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In recent years new models for organizations working on overty alleviation have emerged. One of them, the social enterprise, has attracted the attention of both academics and practitioners all over the world. Even if defined in different ways depending on the context, social enterprise has an enormous potential to generate social benefits and to promote local agency and private initiative in poverty alleviation. In this sense, it is fitting to highlight the importance of identifying the main standards that permit the characterization of diverse social enterprises, in order to understand their main specificities and guarantee value generation for low-income populations. Another crucial factor is understanding innovation as a critical factor in promoting social enterprises. A powerful tool to enhance the impact and application of this model is Information and Communication Technologies. In the 21st century,these tools allow users to find new ways of collaboration, new sustainable business models and a cost-effective way of scaling-up initiatives. This paper, a product of the collaborative research between the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and the Universidade Federal Fluminense, examines different business models for social enterprises and the role that ICT can play in scale and impact of these initiatives


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Considering that non-renewable energy resources are dwindling, the smart grid turns out to be one of the most promising and compelling systems for the future of energy. Not only does it combine efficient energy consumption with avant-garde technologies related to renewable energies, but it is also capable of providing several beneficial utilities, such as power monitoring and data provision. When smart grid end users turn into prosumers, they become arguably the most important value creators within the smart grid and a decisive agent of change in terms of electricity usage. There is a plethora of research and development areas related to the smart grid that can be exploited for new business opportunities, thus spawning another branch of the so-called ?green economy? focused on turning smart energy usage into a profitable business. This paper deals with emerging business models for smart grid prosumers, their strengths and weaknesses and puts forward new prosumer-oriented business models, along with their value propositions.


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In the last decade energy utility sector has undergone major changes in terms of liberalization, increased competition, efforts in improving energy efficiency, and in new technological solution such as smart meter and grid operations. There are new information technology solutions (e.g. Advanced Metering Infrastructure /AMI ) on the horizon that will not only introduce new technical and organizational concepts, but have a very strong potential to radically change modus operandi of utility companies. Coordinated, multi-utility programs can help accelerate the development and market success of new high-efficiency technologies. These programs provide opportunities for researchers to develop new high-efficiency equipment for manufacturers to sell this new equipment with utility help, for utilities to increase the amount of energy they save from incentive programs, and for consumers to benefit from lower utility bills and a cleaner environment (as energy is reduced, pollutants produced at power plants decline).


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We develop foreign bank technical, cost and profit efficiency models for particular application with data envelopment analysis (DEA). Key motivations for the paper are (a) the often-observed practice of choosing inputs and outputs where the selection process is poorly explained and linkages to theory are unclear, and (b) foreign bank productivity analysis, which has been neglected in DEA banking literature. The main aim is to demonstrate a process grounded in finance and banking theories for developing bank efficiency models, which can bring comparability and direction to empirical productivity studies. We expect this paper to foster empirical bank productivity studies.


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How are innovative new business models established if organizations constantly compare themselves against existing criteria and expectations? The objective is to address this question from the perspective of innovators and their ability to redefine established expectations and evaluation criteria. The research questions ask whether there are discernible patterns of discursive action through which innovators theorize institutional change and what role such theorizations play for mobilizing support and realizing change projects. These questions are investigated through a case study on a critical area of enterprise computing software, Java application servers. In the present case, business practices and models were already well established among incumbents with critical market areas allocated to few dominant firms. Fringe players started experimenting with a new business approach of selling services around freely available opensource application servers. While most new players struggled, one new entrant succeeded in leading incumbents to adopt and compete on the new model. The case demonstrates that innovative and substantially new models and practices are established in organizational fields when innovators are able to refine expectations and evaluation criteria within an organisational field. The study addresses the theoretical paradox of embedded agency. Actors who are embedded in prevailing institutional logics and structures find it hard to perceive potentially disruptive opportunities that fall outside existing ways of doing things. Changing prevailing institutional logics and structures requires strategic and institutional work aimed at overcoming barriers to innovation. The study addresses this problem through the lens of (new) institutional theory. This discourse methodology traces the process through which innovators were able to establish a new social and business model in the field.


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Most prior new product diffusion (NPD) models do not specifically consider the role of the business model in the process. However, the context of NPD in today's market has been changed dramatically by the introduction of new business models. Through reinterpretation and extension, this paper empirically examines the feasibility of applying Bass-type NPD models to products that are commercialized by different business models. More specifically, the results and analysis of this study consider the subscription business model for service products, the freemium business model for digital products, and a pre-paid and post-paid business model that is widely used by mobile network providers. The paper offers new insights derived from implementing the models in real-life cases. It also highlights three themes for future research.


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The lecture analyses the traditional business model in scientific communication and describes the new emerging models in the context of Open Access. Copyright and licensing part provides an overview of the legal issues and copyright at the heart of Open Access.


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A szerzők célja, hogy megvizsgálják, milyen kölcsönhatásban áll az ellátási láncban elfoglalt pozíció, valamint a szolgálatosodás szintje az európai termelővállalatoknál. Vizsgálatuk azt mutatja, hogy a globalizáció és a termelés nemzetközivé válása mindkét tényezőt jelentős mértékben befolyásolja. A termelés globalizációs trendjeinek megfelelően így a kelet-európai (fejlődő), illetve a nyugat-európai (fejlett) országokban eltérő üzleti modellek válnak dominánssá, amelyek különböző ellátásilánc-pozícióval és más-más szintű szolgáltatásnyújtással jellemezhetőek. A domináns üzleti modellek mellett természetesen más üzleti modellek is működőképesnek bizonyulhatnak a két vizsgált régióban. A létesítmények elhelyezésére, valamint az üzleti eredményességre vonatkozó mutatók elemzésbe történő bevonásával cikkük az Európában működő üzleti modellek kialakításának okára, valamint jövőbeli fenntarthatóságára is megpróbál választ adni. __________ The objective of this paper is to examine the relationship between supply chain position and level of servitization in European manufacturing companies. The analysis shows that globalization and internationalization of production has dramatic impact on both phenomena. Due to the globalization trends different business models became dominant in the less developed Eastern-European and the more developed Western European countries, which can be characterized by different supply chain position and servitization level. Certainly other business models can also be successful in the two regions. Involving facility location motivations and business performance indicators the article shed light on the reasons of why these business models came alive and how sustainable they can be.