56 resultados para Bacteriocin
Nisin is a promising alternative to chemical preservatives for use as a natural biopreservative in foods. This bacteriocin has also potential biomedical applications. Lactic acid bacteria are commonly cultivated in expensive standard complex media. We have evaluated the cell growth and nisin production of Lactococcus lactis in a low-cost natural medium consisting of diluted skimmed milk in a 2-L bioreactor. The assays were performed at 30 degrees C for 56 h, at varying agitation speeds and airflow rates: (1) 200 rpm (no airflow, and airflow at 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 L/min); (2) 100 rpm (no airflow, and airflow at 0.5 L/min). Nisin activity was evaluated using agar diffusion assays. The highest nisin concentration, 49.88 mg/L (3.3 log AU/mL or 1,995.29 AU/mL), was obtained at 16 h of culture, 200 rpm and no airflow (k(L)a = 5.29 x 10(-3)). These results show that a cultivation medium composed of diluted skimmed milk supports cell growth to facilitate nisin biosynthesis.
Capability to produce antilisterial bacteriocins by lactic acid bacteria (LAB) can be explored by the food industry as a tool to increase the safety of foods. Furthermore, probiotic activity of bacteriogenic LAB brings extra advantages to these strains, as they can confer health benefits to the consumer. Beneficial effects depend on the ability of the probiotic strains to maintain viability in the food during shelf-life and to survive the natural defenses of the host and multiply in the gastrointestinal tract (GIT). This study evaluated the probiotic potential of a bacteriocinogenic Lactobacillus plantarum strain (Lb. plantarum ST16Pa) isolated from papaya fruit and studied the effect of encapsulation in alginate on survival in conditions simulating the human GIT. Good growth of Lb. plantarum ST16Pa was recorded in MRS broth with initial pH values between 5.0 and 9.0 and good capability to survive in pH 4.0, 11.0 and 13.0. Lb. plantarum ST16Pa grew well in the presence of oxbile at concentrations ranging from 0.2 to 3.0%. The level of auto-aggregation was 37%, and various degrees of co-aggregation were observed with different strains of Lb. plantarum, Enterococcus spp., Lb. sakei and Listeria, which are important features for probiotic activity. Growth was affected negatively by several medicaments used for human therapy, mainly anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics. Adhesion to Caco-2 cells was within the range reported for other probiotic strains, and PCR analysis indicated that the strain harbored the adhesion genes mapA, mub and EF-Tu. Encapsulation in 2, 3 and 4% alginate protected the cells from exposure to 1 or 2% oxbile added to MRS broth. Studies in a model simulating the transit through the GIT indicated that encapsulated cells were protected from the acidic conditions in the stomach but were less resistant when in conditions simulating the duodenum, jejunum, ileum and first section of the colon. To our knowledge, this is the first report on a bacteriocinogenic LAB isolated from papaya that presents application in food biopreservation and may be beneficial to the consumer health due to its potential probiotic characteristics.
Rhizobium leguminosarum (Rl) es una alfa-proteobacteria capaz de establecer una simbiosis diazotrófica con distintas leguminosas. A pesar de la importancia de esta simbiosis en el balance global del ciclo del nitrógeno, muy pocos genomas de rhizobios han sido secuenciados, que aporten nuevos conocimientos relacionados con las características genéticas que contribuyen a importantes procesos simbióticos. Únicamente tres secuencias completas de Rl han sido publicadas: Rl bv. viciae 3841 y dos genomas de Rl bv. trifolii (WSM1325 y WSM2304), ambos simbiontes de trébol. La secuencia genómica de Rlv UPM791 se ha determinado por medio de secuenciación 454. Este genoma tiene un tamaño aproximado de 7.8 Mb, organizado en un cromosoma y 5 replicones extracromosómicos, que incluyen un plásmido simbiótico de 405 kb. Este nuevo genoma se ha analizado en relación a las funciones simbióticas y adaptativas en comparación con los genomas completos de Rlv 3841 y Rl bv. trifolii WSM1325 y WSM2304. Mientras que los plásmidos pUPM791a y b se encuentran conservados, el plásmido simbiótico pUPM791c exhibe un grado de conservación muy bajo comparado con aquellos descritos en las otras cepas de Rl. Uno de los factores implicados en el establecimiento de la simbiosis es el sistema de comunicación intercelular conocido como Quorum Sensing (QS). El análisis del genoma de Rlv UPM791 ha permitido la identificación de dos sistemas tipo LuxRI mediados por señales de tipo N-acyl-homoserina lactonas (AHLs). El análisis mediante HPLC-MS ha permitido asociar las señales C6-HSL, C7-HSL y C8-HSL al sistema rhiRI, codificado en el plásmido simbiótico; mientras que el sistema cinRI, localizado en el cromosoma, produce 3OH-C14:1-HSL. Se ha identificado una tercera sintasa (TraI) codificada en el plásmido simbiótico, pero su regulador correspondiente se encuentra truncado debido a un salto de fase. Adicionalmente, se han encontrado tres reguladores de tipo LuxR-orphan que no presentan una sintasa LuxI asociada. El efecto potencial de las señales tipo AHL se ha estudiado mediante una estrategia de quorum quenching, la cual interfiere con los sistemas de QS de la bacteria. Esta estrategia está basada en la introducción del gen aiiA de Bacillus subtilis, que expresa constitutivamente una enzima lactonasa degradadora de AHLs. Para llevar a cabo el análisis en condiciones simbióticas, se ha desarrollado un sistema de doble marcaje que permite la identificación basado en los marcadores gusA y celB, que codifican para una enzima β–glucuronidasa y una β–galactosidasa termoestable, respectivamente. Los resultados obtenidos indican que Rlv UPM791 predomina sobre la cepa Rlv 3841 para la formación de nódulos en plantas de guisante. La baja estabilidad del plásmido que codifica para aiiA, no ha permitido obtener una conclusión definitiva sobre el efecto de la lactonasa AiiA en competitividad. Con el fin de analizar el significado y la regulación de la producción de moléculas señal tipo AHL, se han generado mutantes defectivos en cada uno de los dos sistemas de QS. Se ha llevado a cabo un análisis detallado sobre la producción de AHLs, formación de biofilm y simbiosis con plantas de guisante, veza y lenteja. El efecto de las deleciones de los genes rhiI y rhiR en Rlv UPM791 es más drástico en ausencia del plásmido pUPM791d. Mutaciones en cinI o cinRIS muestran tanto ausencia de señales, como producción exclusivamente de las de bajo peso molecular, respectivamente, producidas por el sistema rhiRI. Estas mutaciones mostraron un efecto importante en simbiosis. El sistema rhiRI se necesita para un comportamiento simbiótico normal. Además, mutantes cinRIS generaron nódulos blancos e ineficientes, mientras que el mutante cinI fue incapaz de producir nódulos en ninguna de las leguminosas utilizadas. Dicha mutación resultó en la inestabilización del plasmido simbiótico por un mecanismo dependiente de cinI que no ha sido aclarado. En general, los resultados obtenidos indican la existencia de un modelo de regulación dependiente de QS significativamente distinto a los que se han descrito previamente en otras cepas de R. leguminosarum, en las cuales no se había observado ningún fenotipo relevante en simbiosis. La regulación de la producción de AHLs Rlv UPM791 es un proceso complejo que implica genes situados en los plásmidos UPM791c y UPM791d, además de la señal 3-OH-C14:1-HSL. Finalmente, se ha identificado un transportador de tipo RND, homologo a mexAB-oprM de P. aeruginosa e implicado en la extrusión de AHLs de cadena larga. La mutación he dicho transportador no tuvo efectos apreciables sobre la simbiosis. ABSTRACT Rhizobium leguminosarum (Rl) is a soil alpha-proteobacterium that establishes a diazotrophic symbiosis with different legumes. Despite the importance of this symbiosis to the global nitrogen cycling balance, very few rhizobial genomes have been sequenced so far which provide new insights into the genetic features contributing to symbiotically relevant processes. Only three complete sequences of Rl strains have been published: Rl bv. viciae 3841, harboring six plasmids (7.75 Mb) and two Rl bv. trifolii (WSM1325 and WSM2304), both clover symbionts, harboring 5 and 4 plasmids, respectively (7.41 and 6.87 Mb). The genomic sequence of Rlv UPM791 was undertaken by means of 454 sequencing. Illumina and Sanger reads were used to improve the assembly, leading to 17 final contigs. This genome has an estimated size of 7.8 Mb organized in one chromosome and five extrachromosomal replicons, including a 405 kb symbiotic plasmid. Four of these plasmids are already closed, whereas there are still gaps in the smallest one (pUPM791d) due to the presence of insertion elements and repeated sequences, which difficult the assembly. The annotation has been carried out thanks to the Manatee pipeline. This new genome has been analyzed as regarding symbiotic and adaptive functions in comparison to the Rlv 3841 complete genome, and to those from Rl bv. trifolii strains WSM1325 and WSM2304. While plasmids pUPM791a and b are conserved, the symbiotic plasmid pUPM791c exhibited the lowest degree of conservation as compared to those from the other Rl strains. One of the factors involved in the symbiotic process is the intercellular communication system known as Quorum Sensing (QS). This mechanism allows bacteria to carry out diverse biological processes in a coordinate way through the production and detection of extracellular signals that regulate the transcription of different target genes. Analysis of the Rlv UPM791 genome allowed the identification of two LuxRI-like systems mediated by N-acyl-homoserine lactones (AHLs). HPLC-MS analysis allowed the adscription of C6-HSL, C7-HSL and C8-HSL signals to the rhiRI system, encoded in the symbiotic plasmid, whereas the cinRI system, located in the chromosome, produces 3OH-C14:1-HSL, previously described as “bacteriocin small”. A third synthase (TraI) is encoded also in the symbiotic plasmid, but its cognate regulator TraR is not functional due to a fameshift mutation. Three additional LuxR orphans were also found which no associated LuxI-type synthase. The potential effect of AHLs has been studied by means of a quorum quenching approach to interfere with the QS systems of the bacteria. This approach is based upon the introduction into the strains Rl UPM791 and Rl 3841 of the Bacillus subtilis gene aiiA expressing constitutively an AHL-degrading lactonase enzyme which led to virtual absence of AHL even when AiiA-expressing cells were a fraction of the total population. No significant effect of AiiA-mediated AHL removal on competitiveness for growth in solid surface was observed. For analysis under symbiotic conditions we have set up a two-label system to identify nodules produced by two different strains in pea roots, based on the markers gusA and celB, encoding a β–glucuronidase and a thermostable β–galactosidase enzymes, respectively. The results obtained show that Rlv UPM791 outcompetes Rlv 3841 for nodule formation in pea plants, and that the presence of the AiiA plasmid does not significantly affect the relative competitiveness of the two Rlv strains. However, the low stability of the pME6863 plasmid, encoding aiiA, did not lead to a clear conclusion about the AiiA lactonase effect on competitiveness. In order to further analyze the significance and regulation of the production of AHL signal molecules, mutants deficient in each of the two QS systems were constructed. A detailed analysis of the effect of these mutations on AHL production, biofilm formation and symbiosis with pea, vetch and lentil plants has been carried out. The effect of deletions on Rlv UPM791 rhiI and rhiR genes is more pronounced in the absence of plasmid pUPM791d, as no signal is detected in UPM791.1, lacking this plasmid. Mutations in cinI or cinRIS show either no signals, or only the small ones produced by the rhiRI system, suggesting that cinR might be regulating the rhiRI system. These mutations had a strong effect on symbiosis. Analysis of rhi mutants revealed that rhiRI system is required for normal symbiotic performance, as a drastic reduction of symbiotic fitness is observed when rhiI is deleted, and rhiR is essential for nitrogen fixation in the absence of plasmid pUPM791d. Furthermore, cinRIS mutants resulted in white and inefficient nodules, whereas cinI mutant was unable to form nodules on any legume tested. The latter mutation is associated to the instabilization of the symbiotic plasmid through a mechanism still uncovered. Overall, the results obtained indicate the existence of a model of QS-dependent regulation significantly different to that previously described in other R. leguminosarum strains, where no relevant symbiotic phenotype had been observed. The regulation of AHL production in Rlv UPM791 is a complex process involving the symbiotic plasmid (pUPM791c) and the smallest plasmid (pUPM791d), with a key role for the 3-OH-C14:1-HSL signal. Finally, we made a search for potential AHL transporters in Rlv UPM791 genome. These signals diffuse freely across membranes, but in the case of the long-chain AHLs an active efflux system might be required, as it has been described for C12-HSL in the case of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. We have identified a putative AHL transporter of the RND family homologous to P. aeruginosa mexAB-oprM. A mutant strain deficient in this transporter has been generated, and TLC analysis shows absence of 3OH-C14:1-HSL in its supernatant. This deficiency was complemented by the reintroduction of an intact copy of the genes via plasmid transfer. The mutation in mexAB genes had no significant effects on the symbiotic performance of R. leguminosarum bv. viciae.
Regulation of toxin synthesis in Clostridium difficile by an alternative RNA polymerase sigma factor
Clostridium difficile, a causative agent of antibiotic-associated diarrhea and its potentially lethal form, pseudomembranous colitis, produces two large protein toxins that are responsible for the cellular damage associated with the disease. The level of toxin production appears to be critical for determining the severity of the disease, but the mechanism by which toxin synthesis is regulated is unknown. The product of a gene, txeR, that lies just upstream of the tox gene cluster was shown to be needed for tox gene expression in vivo and to activate promoter-specific transcription of the tox genes in vitro in conjunction with RNA polymerases from C. difficile, Bacillus subtilis, or Escherichia coli. TxeR was shown to function as an alternative sigma factor for RNA polymerase. Because homologs of TxeR regulate synthesis of toxins and a bacteriocin in other Clostridium species, TxeR appears to be a prototype for a novel mode of regulation of toxin genes.
We have identified verotoxin 1 (VT1) as the active component within an antineoplastic bacteriocin preparation from Escherichia coli HSC10 studied over two decades. Recombinant VT1 can simulate the toxicity of anticancer proteins (ACP), and the antineoplastic activity of ACP (and VT1) was abrogated by treatment with anti-VT1 antibody. Similarly, VT1 mimics the protective effect of ACP in a murine metastatic fibrosarcoma model. Prior immunization with VT1 B subunit prevents the effect of VT1 or ACP in this model. The activity of ACP against a variety of human ovarian cell lines was mimicked by VT1, and multidrug-resistant variants were significantly hypersensitive. Primary ovarian tumors and metastases contain elevated levels of globotriaosylceramide compared with normal ovaries, and overlay of frozen tumor sections showed selective VT binding to tumor tissue and the lumen of invading blood vessels. Our contention that VT1 could provide an additional approach to the management of certain human neoplasms is discussed.
The bacteriocin class of antimicrobial peptides have emerged as a viable alternative to at least partially fill the void created by the end of the golden age of antibiotic discovery. Along with this potential use in a clinical setting, bacteriocins also play an important role as bio-preservatives in the food industry. This thesis focuses on a specific bacteriocin group, the lantibiotics (Lanthionine-containing antibiotics). Their numerous methods of appliance in a food setting and how their gene-encoded nature can be modified to improve on overall bioactivity and functionality are explored here. The use of a lantibiotic (lacticin 3147) producing starter culture to control the Crohn’s disease-linked pathogen Mycobacterium paratuberculosis was assessed in a raw milk cheese. Although lacticin 3147 production did not effectively control the pathogen, the study provided an impetus to employ a variety of PCR-based mutagenesis techniques with a view to the creation of enhanced lantibiotic derivatives. Through the use of these techniques, a number of enhanced derivatives were generated from the ‘hinge’ region of the nisin peptide. Furthermore, a derivative in which the three hinge amino acids were replaced with three alanines represents the first enhanced derivative of nisin to have been designed through a rational process. This derivative also formed the backbone for the creation of an active, trypsin resistant, variant. Through the employment of further mutagenesis methods a derivative was created with potential use as an oral anti-bacterial in the future. Finally a number of lead nisin derivatives were investigated to assess their anti- Streptococcus agalactiae ability, a mastitis associated pathogen. Also a system was developed to facilitate the large scale production of these candidates, or other nisin derivatives, from dairy substrates.
The abuse of antibiotics and the emergence of multi-drug resistant bacterial strains have created the need to explore alternative methods of controlling microbial pathogens. The bacteriocin family of antimicrobial peptides has been proposed as one such alternative to classic antibiotics. Nisin A belongs to the subgroup of bacteriocins called the lantibiotics, which contain several unusual amino acids as a consequence of enzyme-mediated post-translational modifications. As nisin is produced by generally regarded as safe (GRAS) microorganisms, it could potentially be applied in a clinical setting. However, as lantibiotics are naturally produced in such small quantities, this can hinder their industrial potential. In order to overcome this, several approaches can be utilised. For example, given the gene encoded nature of lantibiotics, genetic engineering approaches can be implemented in order to yield variants with enhanced properties. Here, the use of mutagenesis-based strategies was employed to obtain a derivative of nisin with enhanced bioactivity in vitro. Investigations with purified peptide highlighted the enhanced specific activity of this variant, nisin M21V, against food-borne Listeria monocytogenes strains. Furthermore, this specific enhanced bioactivity was evident in a mouse model of listeriosis. Reductions in bioluminescence and microbial counts in organs from infected mice were observed following treatment with nisin M21V compared to that of wild-type nisin A. Peptide bioengineering approaches were also implemented to obtain additional novel derivatives of nisin. The generation of “S5X” and “S33X” banks (representing a change of natural serines at positions 5 and 33 to all possible alternative residues) by a combination of site-saturation and site-directed mutagenesis led to the identification of several derivatives exhibiting improved stability. This allowed the rational design of variants with enhanced stability compared to that of wild type nisin. Another means of tackling issues associated with lantibiotic yield is to combine lantibiotics with other antimicrobials. This could circumvent the need for enhanced production while also reducing concentrations of the peptide antimicrobials. We observed that combinations of nisin variants and low levels of plant essential oils (thymol, carvacrol, trans-cinnamaldehyde) significantly controlled Gram negative foodborne pathogens in in vitro assays compared to nisin A-essential oil combinations. This enhanced control was also evident in model food systems. Nisin variants used in conjunction with carvacrol significantly reduced numbers of E. coli O157:H7 in apple juice while a commercial nisin preparation used in combination with citric acid significantly controlled C. sakazakii in infant milk formula. It is noteworthy that while nisin is generally associated with Gram positive targets, upon combination with plant essential oils the spectrum of inhibition was broadened to Gram negative targets.
The emergence and dissemination of multi-drug resistant pathogens is a global concern. Moreover, even greater levels of resistance are conferred on bacteria when in the form of biofilms (i.e., complex, sessile communities of bacteria embedded in an organic polymer matrix). For decades, antimicrobial peptides have been hailed as a potential solution to the paucity of novel antibiotics, either as natural inhibitors that can be used alone or in formulations with synergistically acting antibiotics. Here, we evaluate the potential of the antimicrobial peptide nisin to increase the efficacy of the antibiotics polymyxin and colistin, with a particular focus on their application to prevent biofilm formation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The results reveal that the concentrations of polymyxins that are required to effectively inhibit biofilm formation can be dramatically reduced when combined with nisin, thereby enhancing efficacy, and ultimately, restoring sensitivity. Such combination therapy may yield added benefits by virtue of reducing polymyxin toxicity through the administration of significantly lower levels of polymyxin antibiotics.
Efficacy of Sakacin on Selected Food Pathogenic Microorganisms Isolated from Fermented Milk Products
The efficacy of sakacin on selected food pathogenic microorganisms isolated from fermented milk products was investigated. The L. sake was isolated using the pour plate technique and was characterized based on it colony, cell morphology and some biochemical tests. This isolate was identified using standard scheme. The L. sake FCF 33 was propagated in De Man Rogosa Sharpe (MRS) broth for bacteriocin (sakacin) production. The sakacin had inhibitory effects on all test microorganisms (ranging from +5mm to +6mm) except Shigella dysenteriae N11, Salmonella typhimurium N8, Klebsiella ozaenae W24 and Proteus mirabilis N16a). Bacteriocins are antimicrobial substances of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) have gained tremendous attention as potential bio preservatives in the food and dairy industries. The LAB can serve as probiotics, which are products aimed at delivering living, potentially beneficial bacterial cells to the gut ecosystem of humans and other animals.
The present work describes the molecular characterization of five circular plasmids found in the human clinical strain Lactococcus garvieae 21881. The plasmids were designated pGL1-pGL5, with molecular sizes of 4,536 bp, 4,572 bp, 12,948 bp, 14,006 bp and 68,798 bp, respectively. Based on detailed sequence analysis, some of these plasmids appear to be mosaics composed of DNA obtained by modular exchange between different species of lactic acid bacteria. Based on sequence data and the derived presence of certain genes and proteins, the plasmid pGL2 appears to replicate via a rolling-circle mechanism, while the other four plasmids appear to belong to the group of lactococcal theta-type replicons. The plasmids pGL1, pGL2 and pGL5 encode putative proteins related with bacteriocin synthesis and bacteriocin secretion and immunity. The plasmid pGL5 harbors genes (txn, orf5 and orf25) encoding proteins that could be considered putative virulence factors. The gene txn encodes a protein with an enzymatic domain corresponding to the family actin-ADP-ribosyltransferases toxins, which are known to play a key role in pathogenesis of a variety of bacterial pathogens. The genes orf5 and orf25 encode two putative surface proteins containing the cell wall-sorting motif LPXTG, with mucin-binding and collagen-binding protein domains, respectively. These proteins could be involved in the adherence of L. garvieae to mucus from the intestine, facilitating further interaction with intestinal epithelial cells and to collagenous tissues such as the collagen-rich heart valves. To our knowledge, this is the first report on the characterization of plasmids in a human clinical strain of this pathogen.
This thesis describes a study of various methods to produce bioactive peptides. Initially, the generation of anti-Cronobacter spp. peptides by fermentation of milk protein is described. Lactobacillus johnsonii DPC6026 was used to generate two previously described antimicrobial peptides. Phenotypic analysis indicated unsatisfactory casein hydrolysis. The genome of the strain was sequenced and annotated. Results showed a number of unique features present, most notably a large symmetrical inversion of approximately 750kb in comparison with the human isolate L. johnsonii NCC 533. The data suggest significant genetic diversity and intra-species genomic rearrangements within the L. johnsonii spp.. Cronobacter spp. have emerged as pathogens of concern to the powdered infant formula industry. Chapters 3 and 4 of this thesis describe novel methods to generate two antimicrobial peptides, Caseicin A and B. In Chapter 3 a bank of Bacillus strains was generated and investigated for caseicin production. Following casein hydrolysis by specific B. cereus and B. thuringiensis strains the peptides of interest were generated. Chapter 4 describes a sterile enzymatic method to generate peptides from casein. Bioinformatic tools were used to predict enzymes capable of liberating caseicin peptides from casein. Hydrolysates were generated using suitable enzymes, examined and some were found to produce peptides with activity against Cronobacter spp.. This study establishes a potential industrial-grade method to generate antimicrobial peptides. Administration of GLP-1 leads to improved glycaemic control in diabetes patients. Generation of a recombinant lactic acid bacteria capable of producing a GLP-1 analogue is described in Chapter 5. In-vivo analysis confirmed insulinotropic activity. The results illustrate a method using bacteriocin producing cellular machinery to generate bioactive peptides. This thesis describes the generation of bioactive peptides by bacterial fermentation, tailored enzymatic hydrolysis and recombinant bacterial methods. The techniques described contribute to bioactive peptide research with regards novel methods of production and industrial scale-up.