975 resultados para Bacia de Santos


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The National Water Management Policy was defined by Law 9.433/97 (Water Act), establishing the hydrographic basin as the management unity, independently of geographic limits and respective federal organisms. Nevertheless, water management entities and instruments are directly associated to different federal entities located within the same basin, and depend on them for being effective. The absence of law mechanisms that conciliate the various requisitions of federal organisms located in the same basin is a challenge still without brazilian law support. This study describes the integration process of information systems in Paraíba do Sul river basin. It also emphasizes integration restrictions of these systems, the cooperation level and the instruments used by the various actors and federal organisms in order to meet National Water Management Policy objectives. The management instrument Water Management Information System is presented as an important component that helps the stakeholders decision making process involved in water management, respecting federalism and the water domains defined in the brazilian constitution, and according to the policy established in the Water Act. In theoretical aspects, this work presents the basic concepts of National Water Management Policy institutional arrangement, considering the network aspects in public policy, the limits imposed by federalism and the way that the water domains is defined in the brazilian constitution and according to the brazilian Water Act. Besides, it identifies the most significant questions related with information systems implementation in public administration and water management. It also illustrates how cooperative federalism and information systems may create conditions that do guarantee the National Water Management Policy management instruments operationality within a hydrographic basin. The action research method was used to develop the research and the selected entity was the Fundação Superintendência Estadual de Rios e Lagoas (Serla). Serla was the water management entity in Rio de Janeiro state, at the research beginning. Others methods as bibliographic and documentary research were also used, aiming to describe the hydrographic basin, as well as the processes and systems concerned with the implementation of the National Water Management Policy in Paraíba do Sul basin.


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A Formação Sergi é composta por uma espessa sucessão de depósitos fluviais, eólicos e lacustres relacionados à sedimentação jurássica pré-rifte da Depressão Afro- Brasileira. Com base em dados de subsuperfície (testemunhos e perfis), foram reconhecidas três unidades deposicionais na Formação Sergi no Campo de Fazenda Bálsamo, Bacia do Recôncavo. A Seqüência Ia interdigita-se com os pelitos do Membro Capianga e o seu limite inferior não foi determinado. Depósitos flúvio-lacustres e lençóis de areia eólicos sinalizam a franca progradação de sistemas fluviais distais, com pontuadas retrogradações lacustres e eventuais acumulações eólicas relacionadas a condições ambientais áridas e semi-áridas. A arquitetura tabular dos depósitos reproduz suaves gradientes de amplas áreas recortadas por fluxos estabelecidos em canais pouco estáveis e pobremente definidos. O seu registro relaciona-se a subidas do nível de base estratigráfico, em momentos que as taxas de suprimento sedimentar excederam as taxas de criação de espaço de acomodação, ou, de outro modo, pela progressiva redução nas taxas de subida do nível de base. A Seqüência Ib é constituída por associações de depósitos de fluxos fluviais efêmeros, lacustres e dunas, interdunas e lençóis de areia eólicos. O contato inferior é marcado por um consistente pacote eólico que denota um expressivo rebaixamento do nível de base estratigráfico, enquanto que o superior corresponde a uma superfície erosiva de caráter regional com a Seqüência II que lhe sobrepõe ou, quando da ausência desta, diretamente com os pelitos da Formação Itaparica, unidade litoestratigráfica imediata. Depósitos de dunas e interdunas eólicas na base do intervalo tiveram sua preservação assegurada pela subida do lençol freático, agente que também abasteceu corpos lacustres nas áreas topograficamente rebaixadas do campo de dunas. Seguida aos pontuais fluxos fluviais efêmeros desenvolvidos em canais rasos e pouco estáveis nas épocas mais úmidas, passavam-se longos períodos de rigor climático favoráveis aos processos eólicos. A dinâmica fluvial impôs à geometria deposicional da sucessão uma forma de corpos arenosos amalgamados, pacotes eólicos descontínuos e níveis pelíticos lenticulares. O modelo evolutivo estratigráfico para a Seqüência Ib é similar ao da Seqüência Ia, porém com variações na taxa de subida do nível de base estratigráfico ao longo do tempo. A Seqüência II ocupa a porção superior da Formação Sergi. Sua ocorrência é restrita na área de estudo se confrontada com outras partes da bacia, mas, nem por isso é destituída de importância. Suas características litológicas indicam continuidade dos processos deposicionais em sistemas fluviais de canais entrelaçados e baixa sinuosidade, supostamente associados a condições perenes e mais úmidas, com poucas evidências de variações extremas na descarga. Em resposta às baixas taxas de criação de espaço de acomodação, o registro sedimentar de uma complexa rede de canais multilaterais e multiepisódicos se manifesta em corpos arenosos amalgamados, com baixo potencial de preservação dos depósitos extracanais. A drástica mudança no estilo fluvial teria vínculo com severas mudanças climáticas, bem como a reorganização da drenagem em conseqüência de primitivas manifestações do tectonismo que atingiu seu auge no Eocretáceo, durante o rifteamento da bacia.


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O Campo de Jacuípe, localizado no Compartimento Central da Bacia do Recôncavo, é importante produtor de gás na bacia. Os reservatórios são constituídos por corpos arenosos originados por fluxos gravitacionais subaquosos, intercalados a folhelhos e diamictitos da Formação Maracangalha, de idade cretácea inferior (Andar Rio da Serra Superior). Através da descrição sistemática de cerca de 1200 m de testemunhos, foram definidas três fácies deposicionais e seis fácies deformacionais para o intervalo estudado. O agrupamento das fácies em conjuntos que apresentam características estruturais e genéticas semelhantes permitiu a proposição de cinco associações de fácies. A Associação de Fácies I representa principalmente a sedimentação de background lacustre da área. A Associação de Fácies II é interpretada como o registro de deslizamentos (slides) ou porções proximais de escorregamentos (slumps). Os corpos da Associação de Fácies IIIa representam escorregamentos ou porções distais de deslizamentos. A Associação de Fácies IIIb constitui, possivelmente, o registro de fluxos turbidíticos. A Associação de Fácies IV representa um estágio transicional entre escorregamentos altamente móveis e fluxos de detritos (debris flows). O grau deformacional aumenta progressivamente da Associação de Fácies I para a Associação de Fácies IV. Através da análise dos perfis de raios gama (GR) e potencial espontâneo (SP) dos poços, observa-se um padrão granodecrescente geral, da base do intervalo ao datum utilizado nas seções estratigráficas; seguido de um padrão granocrescente geral, do datum para o topo do intervalo. Esta observação permite a interpretação de uma grande seqüência deposicional de terceira ordem (cerca de 7,5 M.a.), com um trato transgressivo na base e um trato de nível de lago alto no topo, separados por uma superfície de máxima inundação, representada pelo datum Os complexos de escorregamentos/deslizamentos, pontuando o trato de nível alto, podem estar relacionados a eventos de rebaixamento de uma ordem superior (de mais alta freqüência), possivelmente ligados a períodos de quiescência, após pulsos tectônicos episódicos. Os mecanismos de disparo dos fluxos gravitacionais foram provavelmente terremotos, causados pela atividade tectônica de movimentação de falhas, inerente ao estágio sin-rift; associados a instabilizações em áreas de frentes deltaicas progradantes a altas taxas de sedimentação, especialmente em locais de forte mudança no gradiente deposicional, como na paleo-linha de charneira, localizada a norte-noroeste do campo. Um importante mecanismo auxiliar pode ter sido a atividade de soerguimento de diápiros de folhelhos. A conectividade vertical e lateral entre os corpos pode ser considerada baixa. As áreas proximais de corpos arenosos de escorregamentos e, especialmente, de corpos de deslizamentos, pelo baixo grau deformacional, devem se constituir nos melhores reservatórios da área.


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It is located in an area of increasing oil exploration, the region of the Lower Açu is at the mercy of a possible pollution generated by this economic activity, which includes various chemical substances harmful to health, such as metals. This thesis aims to, diagnose the areas of River Piranhas-Açu, a region of the Lower Açu, which are polluted by traces factors and more. In this study, it was determined the concentration of the chemica elements Al, CD, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, P, Pb, V and Zn, through the technique of ICP-OES analysis and the size of sediments and their contents organic matter. Were mapped by GPS, 12 points from collections. The interpretations of the results, together associating that allowed pollution to a possible contamination by oil activity. The results showed tha some regions have low concentrations of cadmium, lead, copper, manganese and zinc unable to promote damage to human health. However, there are places where the concentrations of certain metals chromium, iron and zinc are moderately polluted compared to the results with the reference values of literature and others that are highly polluted by iron. However, due to a greater number of wells in production in those locations, those higher concentrations, it can be suggested a possible influence of oi production in some areas with concentrations of chromium and lead are higher than the rest of the points of monitoring. Moreover, it is observed that the highest levels of metals found in sediment of finer texture and more organic matter content


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This work aims to study the fluctuation structure of physical properties of oil well profiles. It was used as technique the analysis of fluctuations without trend (Detrended Fluctuation Analysis - DFA). It has been made part of the study 54 oil wells in the Campo de Namorado located in the Campos Basin in Rio de Janeiro. We studied five sections, namely: sonic, density, porosity, resistivity and gamma rays. For most of the profiles , DFA analysis was available in the literature, though the sonic perfile was estimated with the aid of a standard algorithm. The comparison between the exponents of DFA of the five profiles was performed using linear correlation of variables, so we had 10 comparisons of profiles. Our null hypothesis is that the values of DFA for the various physical properties are independent. The main result indicates that no refutation of the null hypothesis. That is, the fluctuations observed by DFA in the profiles do not have a universal character, that is, in general the quantities display a floating structure of their own. From the ten correlations studied only the profiles of density and sonic one showed a significant correlation (p> 0.05). Finally these results indicate that one should use the data from DFA with caution, because, in general, based on geological analysis DFA different profiles can lead to disparate conclusions


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The objective of this Doctoral Thesis was monitoring, in trimestral scale, the coastal morphology of the Northeastern coast sections of Rio Grande do Norte State, in Brazil, which is an area of Potiguar Basin influenced by the oil industry activities. The studied sections compose coastal areas with intense sedimentary erosion and high environmental sensitivity to the oil spill. In order to achieve the general objective of this study, the work has been systematized in four steps. The first one refers to the evaluation of the geomorphological data acquisition methodologies used on Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of sandy beaches. The data has been obtained from Soledade beach, located on the Northeastern coast of Rio Grande Norte. The second step has been centered on the increasing of the reference geodetic infrastructure to accomplish the geodetic survey of the studied area by implanting a station in Corta Cachorro Barrier Island and by conducting monitoring geodetic surveys to understand the beach system based on the Coastline (CL) and on DEM multitemporal analysis. The third phase has been related to the usage of the methodology developed by Santos; Amaro (2011) and Santos et al. (2012) for the surveying, processing, representation, integration and analysis of Coastlines from sandy coast, which have been obtained through geodetic techniques of positioning, morphological change analysis and sediment transport. The fourth stage represents the innovation of surveys in coastal environment by using the Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS), based on Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR), to evaluate a highly eroded section on Soledade beach where the oil industry structures are located. The evaluation has been achieved through high-precision DEM and accuracy during the modeling of the coast morphology changes. The result analysis of the integrated study about the spatial and temporal interrelations of the intense coastal processes in areas of building cycles and destruction of beaches has allowed identifying the causes and consequences of the intense coastal erosion in exposed beach sections and in barrier islands


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A conversão do Cerrado nativo em áreas de exploração agrícola pode modificar os processos de decomposição e síntese da matéria orgânica do solo e, assim, na disponibilidade de nutrientes. Objetivou-se avaliar as propriedades químicas e físicas do solo em topossequência caracterizada por apresentar uso com pastagem cultivada com Brachiaria brizantha ao lado do Cerrado nativo, na camada de 0- 15 cm de profundidade. O estudo foi realizado no município de Colmeia, Estado do Tocantins. Foram determinados 10 pontos de coleta (cinco para Cerrado nativo e cinco para pasto) para cada posição do relevo (topo, encosta e pedimento); em cada ponto amostral, foram coletados solos em três profundidades (0-5, 5-10 e 10- 15 cm), totalizando 90 amostras. Foram realizadas as seguintes análises químicas e físicas: C orgânico, P, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, H + Al, pH e granulometria. O C orgânico não apresentou diferença (p > 0,05) entre os valores encontrados no Cerrado nativo e pastagem e as posições do relevo avaliadas. A conversão de Cerrado nativo para uso agropecuário reduziu os teores de P. Os teores de K trocável não foram alterados pela retirada da cobertura vegetal original. Observou-se aumento dos teores de areia quando se passou da meia-encosta para o pedimento.


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Anthropic disturbances in watersheds, such as inappropriate building development, disorderly land occupation and unplanned land use, may strengthen the sediment yield and the inflow into the estuary, leading to siltation, changes in the reach channel conformation, and ecosystem/water quality problems. Faced with such context, this study aims to assess the applicability of SWAT model to estimate, even in a preliminary way, the sediment yield distribution along the Potengi River watershed, as well as its contribution to the estuary. Furthermore, an assessment of its erosion susceptibility was used for comparison. The susceptibility map was developed by overlaying rainfall erosivity, soil erodibility, the slope of the terrain and land cover. In order to overlap these maps, a multi-criteria analysis through AHP method was applied. The SWAT was run using a five year period (1997-2001), considering three different scenarios based on different sorts of human interference: a) agriculture; b) pasture; and c) no interference (background). Results were analyzed in terms of surface runoff, sediment yield and their propagation along each river section, so that it was possible to find that the regions in the extreme west of the watershed and in the downstream portions returned higher values of sediment yield, reaching respectively 2.8 e 5.1 ton/ha.year, whereas central areas, which were less susceptible, returned the lowest values, never more than 0.7 ton/ha.ano. It was also noticed that in the west sub-watersheds, where one can observe the headwaters, sediment yield was naturally forced by high declivity and weak soils. In another hand, results suggest that the eastern part would not contribute to the sediment inflow into the estuary in a significant way, and the larger part of the sediment yield in that place is due to anthropic activities. For the central region, the analysis of sediment propagation indicates deposition predominance in opposition to transport. Thus, it s not expected that isolated rain storms occurring in the upstream river portions would significantly provide the estuary with sediment. Because the model calibration process hasn t been done yet, it becomes essential to emphasize that values presented here as results should not be applied for pratical aims. Even so, this work warns about the risks of a growth in the alteration of natural land cover, mainly in areas closer to the headwaters and in the downstream Potengi River


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This thesis deals with the tectonic-stratigraphic evolution of the Transitional Sequence in the Sergipe Sub-basin (the southern segment of the Sergipe-Alagoas Basin, Northeast Brazil), deposited in the time interval of the upper Alagoas/Aptian stage. Sequence boundaries and higher order internal sequences were identified, as well as the structures that affect or control its deposition. This integrated approach aimed to characterize the geodynamic setting and processes active during deposition of the Transitional Sequence, and its relations with the evolutionary tectonic stages recognized in the East Brazilian Margin basins. This subject addresses more general questions discussed in the literature, regarding the evolution from the Rift to the Drift stages, the expression and significance of the breakup unconformity, the relationships between sedimentation and tectonics at extensional settings, as well as the control on subsidence processes during this time interval. The tectonic-stratigraphic analysis of the Transitional Sequence was based on seismic sections and well logs, distributed along the Sergipe Sub-basin (SBSE). Geoseismic sections and seismic facies analysis, stratigraphic profiles and sections, were compiled through the main structural blocks of this sub-basin. These products support the depositional and tectonic-stratigraphic evolutionary models built for this sequence. The structural analysis highlighted similarities in deformation styles and kinematics during deposition of the Rift and Transitional sequences, pointing to continuing lithospheric extensional processes along a NW trend (X strain axis) until the end of deposition of the latter sequence was finished by the end of late Aptian. The late stage of extension/rifting was marked by (i) continuous (or as pulses) fault activity along the basin, controling subsidence and creation of depositional space, thereby characterizing upper crustal thinning and (ii) sagstyle deposition of the Transitional Sequence at a larger scale, reflecting the ductile stretching and thinnning of lower and sub crustal layers combined with an increasing importance of the thermal subsidence regime. Besides the late increments of rift tectonics, the Transitional Sequence is also affected by reactivation of the border faults of SBSE, during and after deposition of the Riachuelo Formation (lower section of the Transgressive Marine Sequence, of Albian age). It is possible that this reactivation reflects (through stress propagation along the newlycreated continental margin) the rifting processes still active further north, between the Alagoas Sub-basin and the Pernambuco-Paraíba Basin. The evaporitic beds of the Transitional Sequence contributed to the development of post-rift structures related to halokinesis and the continental margin collapse, affecting strata of the overlying marine sequences during the Middle Albian to the Maastrichtian, or even the Paleogene time interval. The stratigraphic analysis evidenced 5 depositional sequences of higher order, whose vertical succession indicates an upward increase of the base level, marked by deposition of continental siliciclastic systems overlain by lagunar-evaporitic and restricted marine systems, indicating that the Transitional Sequence was deposited during relative increase of the eustatic sea level. At a 2nd order cycle, the Transitional Sequence may represent the initial deposition of a Transgressive Systems Tract, whose passage to a Marine Transgressive Sequence would also be marked by the drowning of the depositional systems. At a 3rd order cycle, the sequence boundary corresponds to a local unconformity that laterally grades to a widespread correlative conformity. This boundary surface corresponds to a breakup unconformity , being equivalent to the Pre-Albian Unconformity at the SBSE and contrasting with the outstanding Pre-upper Alagoas Unconformity at the base of the Transitional Sequence; the latter is alternatively referred, in the literature, as the breakup unconformity. This Thesis supports the Pre-Albian Unconformity as marker of a major change in the (Rift-Drift) depositional and tectonic setting at SBSE, with equivalent but also diachronous boundary surfaces in other basins of the Atlantic margin. The Pre-upper Alagoas Unconformity developed due to astenosphere uplift (heating under high lithospheric extension rates) and post-dates the last major fault pulse and subsequent extensive block erosion. Later on, the number and net slip of active faults significantly decrease. At deep to ultra deep water basin segments, seaward-dipping reflectors (SDRs) are unconformably overlain by the seismic horizons correlated to the Transitional Sequence. The SDRs volcanic rocks overly (at least in part) continental crust and are tentatively ascribed to melting by adiabatic decompression of the rising astenospheric mantle. Even though being a major feature of SBSE (and possibly of other basins), the Pre-upper Alagoas Unconformity do not correspond to the end of lithospheric extension processes and beginning of seafloor spreading, as shown by the crustal-scale extensional structures that post-date the Transitional Sequence. Based on this whole context, deposition of the Transitional Sequence is better placed at a late interval of the Rift Stage, with the advance of an epicontinental sea over a crustal segment still undergoing extension. Along this segment, sedimentation was controled by a combination of thermal and mechanical subsidence. In continuation, the creation of oceanic lithosphere led to a decline in the mechanical subsidence component, extension was transferred to the mesoceanic ridge and the newly-formed continental margin (and the corresponding Marine Sequence) began to be controlled exclusively by the thermal subsidence component. Classical concepts, multidisciplinary data and new architectural and evolutionary crustal models can be reconciled and better understood under these lines


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Baixo Vermelho area, situated on the northern portion of Umbuzeiro Graben (onshore Potiguar Basin), represents a typical example of a rift basin, characterized, in subsurface, by the sedimentary rift sequence, correlated to Pendência Formation (Valanginian-Barremian), and by the Carnaubais fault system. In this context, two main goals, the stratigraphic and the structural analysis, had guided the research. For this purpose, it was used the 3D seismic volume and eight wells located in the study area and adjacencies. The stratigraphic analysis of the Valanginian-Barremian interval was carried through in two distinct phases, 1D and 2D, in which the basic concepts of the sequence stratigraphy had been adapted. In these phases, the individual analysis of each well and the correlation between them, allowed to recognize the main lithofacies, to interpret the effective depositional systems and to identify the genetic units and key-surfaces of chronostratigraphic character. The analyzed lithofacies are represented predominantly by conglomerates, sandstones, siltites and shales, with carbonate rocks and marls occurring subordinately. According to these lithofacies associations, it is possible to interpret the following depositional systems: alluvial fan, fluvio-deltaic and lacustrine depositional systems. The alluvial fan system is mainly composed by conglomerates deposits, which had developed, preferentially in the south portion of the area, being directly associated to Carnaubais fault system. The fluvial-deltaic system, in turn, was mainly developed in the northwest portion of the area, at the flexural edge, being characterized by coarse sandstones with shales and siltites intercalated. On the other hand, the lacustrine system, the most dominant one in the study area, is formed mainly by shales that could occur intercalated with thin layers of fine to very fine sandstones, interpreted as turbidite deposits. The recognized sequence stratigraphy units in the wells are represented by parasequence sets, systems tracts and depositional sequences. The parasequence sets, which are progradational or retrogradational, had been grouped and related to the systems tracts. The predominance of the progradation parasequence sets (general trend with coarsening-upward) characterizes the Regressive Systems Tract, while the occurrence, more frequently, of the retrogradation parasequence sets (general trend with finning-upward) represents the Transgressive System Tract. In the seismic stratigraphic analysis, the lithofacies described in the wells had been related to chaotic, progradational and parallel/subparallel seismic facies, which are associated, frequently, to the alluvial fans, fluvial-deltaic and lacustrine depositional systems, respectively. In this analysis, it was possible to recognize fifteen seismic horizons that correspond to sequence boundaries and to maximum flooding surfaces, which separates Transgressive to Regressive systems tracts. The recognition of transgressive-regressive cycles allowed to identify nine, possibly, 3a order deposicional sequences, related to the tectonic-sedimentary cycles. The structural analysis, in turn, was done at Baixo Vermelho seismic volume, which shows, clearly, the structural complexity printed in the area, mainly related to Carnaubais fault system, acting as an important fault system of the rift edge. This fault system is characterized by a main arrangement of normal faults with trend NE-SO, where Carnaubais Fault represents the maximum expression of these lineations. Carnaubais Fault corresponds to a fault with typically listric geometry, with general trend N70°E, dipping to northwest. It is observed, throughout all the seismic volume, with variations in its surface, which had conditioned, in its evolutive stages, the formation of innumerable structural features that normally are identified in Pendencia Formation. In this unit, part of these features is related to the formation of longitudinal foldings (rollover structures and distentional folding associated), originated by the displacement of the main fault plan, propitiating variations in geometry and thickness of the adjacent layers, which had been deposited at the same time. Other structural features are related to the secondary faultings, which could be synthetic or antithetic to Carnaubais Fault. In a general way, these faults have limited lateral continuity, with listric planar format and, apparently, they play the role of the accomodation of the distentional deformation printed in the area. Thus, the interaction between the stratigraphic and structural analysis, based on an excellent quality of the used data, allowed to get one better agreement on the tectonicsedimentary evolution of the Valanginian-Barremian interval (Pendência Formation) in the studied area


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The structural knowledge of the western portion of the Potiguar Basin is still in its infancy, especially these related to NW-trending fault systems. This paper analyzes the Poço Verde-Caraúbas Fault System, which was initially recognized in subsurface. The activities involved in this study correspond to remote-sensing analysis and, in particular, to the geometric and kinematic analysis of post-rift sequences of the basin. In addition, the study aimed to determine the stress fields operating in the area. The studies were carried out in an area of 1,000 km², located in the western portion of Potiguar Basin along the Poço Verde-Caraúbas Fault System, Rio Grande do Norte State. The remote sensing imagery indicates a predominance of NW-SE-trending lineaments, consistent with the fault system under study, followed by the NE-SW, N-S and E-W directions. The tectonic structures mapped were analyzed only in outcrops of the Jandaíra Formantion. They are joints (filled or not) in all directions, but with predominance of the NW-trending joints. Faults are usually N-S-trending normal faults and NW-SE and NE-SW-trending strike-slip faults. Geodynamic analysis identified two tectonic stress fields: the first field, "Field 1" is represented by an N-S-trending horizontal compression and E-W-trending horizontal extension. This field affected the Potiguar Basin at least until the Miocene. The second field, "Field 2", is represented by an E-W-trending horizontal compression and N-S-trending horizontal extension. This is the present-day stress field and has affected the Potiguar basin since the Pliocene


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Pyrometamorphism results from conditions of high temperatures and very low pressures provoked by the intrusion of hypabyssal basic bodies into sedimentary or metassedimentary hosting rocks. The onshore portion of the Potiguar Basin in NE Brazil offers examples of this type of metamorphism nearby the contacts of Paleogene to Neogene plugs, sills and dikes of diabases and basalts crosscutting sandstones, siltstones and shales of the Açu Formation (Albian-Cenomanian). The thermal effects over these rocks are reflected on textures and minerals assemblages that characterize the sanidinite facies of metamorphism, often with partial melting of the feldspathic and mica-rich matrix. The liquid formed is potassic and peraluminous, with variably colored rhyolitic glass (colorless, yellow, brown) comprising microcrystals of tridymite, sanidine and clinoenstatite, besides residual detrital clasts of quartz and rarely zircon, staurolite and garnet. Lenses of shale intercalated within the sandstones display crystallites of Fe-cordierite (sekaninaite), mullite, sanidine, armalcolite (Fe-Ti oxide) and brown spinel. The rocks formed due to the thermal effect of the intrusions are called buchites for which two types are herein described: a light one derived from feldspathic sandstone and siltstone protoliths; and a dark one derived from black shale protoliths. Textures indicating partial melting and minerals such as sanidine, mullite, tridymite and armalcolite strongly demonstrate that during the intrusion of the basic bodies the temperature reached 1,000-1,150°C, and was followed by quenching. Cooling of the interstitial melts has as consequences the closure of pores and decrease of the permeability of the protolith, which varies from about 17-11% in the unaffected rocks to zero in the thermally modified types. Although observed only at contacts and over small distances, the number of basic intrusions hosted within the Potiguar Basin in both onshore and offshore portions leaves opened the possibility of important implications of the thermal effects over the hydrocarbon exploration in this area as well in other Cretaceous and Paleozoic basins in Brazil


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O ponto médio de cada trecho foi georreferenciado via satélite com receptor GPS e o uso de metodologia padronizada de coleta de dados ambientais e peixes (baseada principalmente na pesca elétrica), possibilitou a obtenção das seguintes informações em cada local: 1) composição taxonômica da ictiofauna e contribuição, em termos de número de indivíduos e biomassa, de cada espécie para a ictiofauna local como um todo; 2) documentação fotográfica de espécimes representativos de cada espécie coletada com sua coloração natural; 3) descrição de cada ambiente coletado, com ilustrações fotográficas coloridas, e seus principais parâmetros bióticos e abióticos. No total foram coletados 3.070 exemplares, pertencentes a seis ordens, 18 famílias, 44 gêneros e 64 espécies, com biomassa total de 14,3 kg. Das espécies coletadas, aproximadamente 50% pertencem a ordem Characiformes, 26,5% a Siluriformes, 11% a Perciformes, 6% a Gymnotiformes, 5% a Cyprinodontiformes e 1,5% a Synbranchiformes. As espécies mais abundantes em termos de número de indivíduos foram Astyanax altiparanae (17,4%) e Hypostomus ancistroides (9%); aquelas com maior biomassa foram A. altiparanae (35%) e Geophagus brasiliensis (9%). em termos de abundância e biomassa por família, a composição da fauna de peixes estudada indica a predominância expressiva de Characidae, seguida por Loricariidae e Cichlidae. Dentre os trechos amostrados, o trecho SG6 (26 espécies) e o PG4 (três espécies), apresentaram a maior e a menor riqueza em espécies, respectivamente, coincidindo com os valores obtidos para o índice de diversidade específica de Shannon-Wiener (H'= 1,08 e 0,26, respectivamente). A riqueza média encontrada foi de 12 espécies por trecho de riacho. Na estimativa de riqueza por extrapolação para o conjunto total de riachos amostrados na bacia do Rio Grande, obtivemos um valor de 93 espécies (erro padrão igual a três) indicando ser necessário um esforço amostral adicional moderado para atingir a assíntota da curva. Das 64 espécies coletadas, quatro (aproximadamente 6% do total) são seguramente novas, sete (aproximadamente 11% do total) possuem status taxonômico ainda indefinido, enquanto outras duas (aproximadamente 3% do total) são espécies certamente introduzidas. Analisando a estrutura trófica e espacial da ictiofauna estudada as 10 espécies numericamente dominantes nos riachos amostrados dividem-se, com base em dados de literatura, em ordem decrescente de importância numérica, em cinco guildas: onívoros nectônicos; invertívoros bentônicos; perifitívoros; algívoros e onívoros bentônicos. Uma chave de identificação para todas as espécies de peixes coletadas durante este estudo é fornecida ao final deste trabalho.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This paper presents the results of the longitudinal profile analysis and the application of gradient index (RDE) in the Patos River, a tributary of the Ivaí River basin, PR. The goal is identify and quantify the anomalous zones along river course concerning their genesis - activity neotectonic or/and lithological imposition. The Patos River has a length of 127 km and a relief amplitude of 660 m, The occurrence of an important knickpoint in the middle course the Patos River can be divided into two stretches. Of the 22 sections measured, 10 were considered anomalous, distributed in both upper and lower course. In the upper course, over a basaltic bedrock of the Serra Geral Formation the RDE values are lower than those in the lower course, where river flows over sedimentary rocks of the Terezina Formation. The 2 nd order anomalies are related to lithological changes, relief alignments and channel confluences - as in the case of São João River. The 1st order anomalies are linked to differences in rock resistance associated with structural control, which provides the formation of waterfalls.