971 resultados para Bacalhau salgado (Gadus morhua)
Kinematics of swimming behavior of larval Atlantic cod, aged 12 and 27 days post-hatch (dph) and cultured under three pCO2 conditions (control-370, medium-1800, and high-4200 µatm) from March to May 2010, were extracted from swim path recordings obtained using silhouette video photography. The swim paths were analyzed for swim duration, distance and speed, stop duration, and horizontal and vertical turn angles to determine whether elevated seawater pCO2-at beyond near-future ocean acidification levels-affects the swimming kinematics of Atlantic cod larvae. There were no significant differences in most of the variables tested: the swimming kinematics of Atlantic cod larvae at 12 and 27 dph were highly resilient to extremely elevated pCO2 levels. Nonetheless, cod larvae cultured at the highest pCO2 concentration displayed vertical turn angles that were more restricted (median turn angle, 15°) than larvae in the control (19°) and medium (19°) treatments at 12 dph (but not at 27 dph). Significant reduction in the stop duration of cod larvae from the high treatment (median stop duration, 0.28 s) was also observed compared to the larvae from the control group (0.32 s) at 27 dph (but not at 12 dph). The functional and ecological significance of these subtle differences are unclear and, therefore, require further investigation in order to determine whether they are ecologically relevant or spurious.
Ocean acidification, as a consequence of increasing marine pCO2, may have severe effects on the physiology of marine organisms. However, experimental studies remain scarce, in particular concerning fish. While adults will most likely remain relatively unaffected by changes in seawater pH, early life-history stages are potentially more sensitive - particularly the critical stage of fertilization, in which sperm motility plays a central role. In this study, the effects of ocean acidification (decrease of pHT to 7.55) on sperm motility of Baltic cod, Gadus morhua, were assessed. We found no significant effect of decreased pH on sperm speed, rate of change of direction or percent motility for the population of cod analyzed. We predict that future ocean acidification will probably not pose a problem for sperm behavior, and hence fertilization success, of Baltic cod.
The growth and development of the aragonitic CaCO3 otoliths of teleost fish could be vulnerable to processes resulting from ocean acidification. The potential effects of an increase in atmospheric CO2 on the calcification of the otoliths were investigated by rearing Atlantic cod Gadus morhua L. larvae in 3 pCO2 concentrations-control (370 µatm), medium (1800 µatm) and high (4200 µatm)-from March to May 2010. Increased otolith growth was observed in 7 to 46 d post hatch (dph) cod larvae at elevated pCO2 concentrations. The sagittae and lapilli were usually largest in the high pCO2 treatment followed by the medium and control treatments. The greatest difference in mean otolith surface area (normalized to fish length) was for sagittae at 11 dph, with medium and high treatments being 46 and 43% larger than the control group, respectively. There was no significant pCO2 effect on the shape of the otoliths nor were there any trends in the fluctuating asymmetry, defined as the difference between the right and left sides, in relation to the increase in otolith growth from elevated pCO2.
Oceans are experiencing increasing acidification in parallel to a distinct warming trend in consequence of ongoing climate change. Rising seawater temperatures are mediating a northward shift in distribution of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua), into the habitat of polar cod (Boreogadus saida), that is associated with retreating cold water masses. This study investigates the competitive strength of the co-occurring gadoids under ocean acidification and warming (OAW) scenarios. Therefore, we incubated specimens of both species in individual tanks for 4 months, under different control and projected temperatures (polar cod: 0, 3, 6, 8 °C, Atlantic cod: 3, 8, 12, 16 °C) and PCO2 conditions (390 and 1170 µatm) and monitored growth, feed consumption and standard metabolic rate. Our results revealed distinct temperature effects on both species. While hypercapnia by itself had no effect, combined drivers caused nonsignificant trends. The feed conversion efficiency of normocapnic polar cod was highest at 0 °C, while optimum growth performance was attained at 6 °C; the long-term upper thermal tolerance limit was reached at 8 °C. OAW caused only slight impairments in growth performance. Under normocapnic conditions, Atlantic cod consumed progressively increasing amounts of feed than individuals under hypercapnia despite maintaining similar growth rates during warming. The low feed conversion efficiency at 3 °C may relate to the lower thermal limit of Atlantic cod. In conclusion, Atlantic cod displayed increased performance in the warming Arctic such that the competitive strength of polar cod is expected to decrease under future OAW conditions.
Egg and early larval stages of Baltic cod, Gadus morhua duirng ocean acidification experiments, 2012
The accumulation of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will lower the pH in ocean waters, a process termed ocean acidification (OA). Despite its potentially detrimental effects on calcifying organisms, experimental studies on the possible impacts on fish remain scarce. While adults will most likely remain relatively unaffected by changes in seawater pH, early life-history stages are potentially more sensitive, due to the lack of gills with specialized ion-regulatory mechanisms. We tested the effects of OA on growth and development of embryos and larvae of eastern Baltic cod, the commercially most important fish stock in the Baltic Sea. Cod were reared from newly fertilized eggs to early non-feeding larvae in 5 different experiments looking at a range of response variables to OA, as well as the combined effect of CO2 and temperature. No effect on hatching, survival, development, and otolith size was found at any stage in the development of Baltic cod. Field data show that in the Bornholm Basin, the main spawning site of eastern Baltic cod, in situ levels of pCO2are already at levels of 1,100 µatm with a pH of 7.2, mainly due to high eutrophication supporting microbial activity and permanent stratification with little water exchange. Our data show that the eggs and early larval stages of Baltic cod seem to be robust to even high levels of OA (3,200 µatm), indicating an adaptational response to CO2.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a cinética de secagem do bacalhau salgado verde (Gadus morhua) em secador convectivo. É apresentada a análise da composição físico-química dos bacalhaus utilizados nos ensaios experimentais, bem como o estudo das isotermas de sorção do produto, através de experiências e modelação matemática. Dos modelos usados para o ajuste das isotermas de sorção do bacalhau salgado verde, o que melhor se adaptou aos resultados experimentais foi o modelo de GAB Modificado, com coeficientes de correlação variando entre 0,992 e 0,998. Para o controlo do processo de secagem (nomeadamente os parâmetros temperatura, humidade relativa e velocidade do ar) foi utilizada lógica difusa, através do desenvolvimento de controladores difusos para o humidificador, desumidificador, resistências de aquecimento e ventilador. A modelação do processo de secagem foi realizada através de redes neuronais artificiais (RNA), modelo semi-empírico de Page e modelo difusivo de Fick. A comparação entre dados experimentais e simulados, para cada modelo, apresentou os seguintes erros: entre 1,43 e 11,58 para o modelo de Page, 0,34 e 4,59 para o modelo de Fick e entre 1,13 e 6,99 para a RNA, com médias de 4,38, 1,67 e 2,93 respectivamente. O modelo obtido pelas redes neuronais artificiais foi submetido a um algoritmo de otimização, a fim de buscar os parâmetros ideais de secagem, de forma a minimizar o tempo do processo e maximizar a perda de água do bacalhau. Os parâmetros ótimos obtidos para o processo de secagem, após otimização realizada, para obter-se uma humidade adimensional final de 0,65 foram: tempo de 68,6h, temperatura de 21,45°C, humidade relativa de 51,6% e velocidade de 1,5m/s. Foram também determinados os custos de secagem para as diferentes condições operacionais na instalação experimental. Os consumos por hora de secagem variaram entre 1,15 kWh e 2,87kWh, com uma média de 1,94kWh.
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica
The exponential growth of studies on the biological response to ocean acidification over the last few decades has generated a large amount of data. To facilitate data comparison, a data compilation hosted at the data publisher PANGAEA was initiated in 2008 and is updated on a regular basis (doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.149999). By January 2015, a total of 581 data sets (over 4 000 000 data points) from 539 papers had been archived. Here we present the developments of this data compilation five years since its first description by Nisumaa et al. (2010). Most of study sites from which data archived are still in the Northern Hemisphere and the number of archived data from studies from the Southern Hemisphere and polar oceans are still relatively low. Data from 60 studies that investigated the response of a mix of organisms or natural communities were all added after 2010, indicating a welcomed shift from the study of individual organisms to communities and ecosystems. The initial imbalance of considerably more data archived on calcification and primary production than on other processes has improved. There is also a clear tendency towards more data archived from multifactorial studies after 2010. For easier and more effective access to ocean acidification data, the ocean acidification community is strongly encouraged to contribute to the data archiving effort, and help develop standard vocabularies describing the variables and define best practices for archiving ocean acidification data.
Este relatório contempla um período de estágio de 8 meses numa empresa transformadora de bacalhau, com o objetivo de melhorar a sua competitividade. A análise revelou um planeamento informal à base da experiência, com custos associados – stocks excessivos ou escassos, falta de planeamento médio/longo prazo, tempos de espera, entre outros, provocando desperdícios a minimizar ou mesmo corrigir e um conjunto de problemas no processo produtivo que foram devidamente identificados. As propostas de solução contemplaram uma análise estratégica com o modelo de Porter e uma análise SWOT. Relativamente aos desperdícios identificados, utilizou-se a filosofia Lean, concretamente os 5S, para sugerir e implementar um vasto conjunto de melhorias.