55 resultados para Babesiosis


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Five cases of fatal babesiosis in free-ranging chamois (Rupicapra r. rupicapra) attributed to infections with Babesia capreoli were recently recorded in two regions of the Swiss Alps. To investigate the ecologic factors that possibly lead to those fatal B. capreoli infections in chamois, blood, ticks, and demographic data of 46 roe deer (Capreolus c. capreolus), 48 chamois, and nine red deer (Cervus elaphus) were collected in 2006 and 2007 in both affected regions. Whereas no parasitic inclusions were found by microscopical examination of blood smears, B. capreoli was identified by polymerase chain reaction/sequencing in blood of 12 roe deer (26%, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 14.3-41.1), one chamois (2%, CI: 0-6.1), and one red deer (11%, CI: 0.3-48.2). Prevalence of B. capreoli was significantly higher in roe deer compared with chamois (P<0.001). All 214 ticks were identified as Ixodes ricinus, and significantly more roe deer (63%, CI: 47.5-76.8) were infested compared with chamois (21%, CI: 10.5-35.0, P<0.001). Overall, prevalences of both tick infestation and Babesia infection increased significantly (P<0.001) with decreasing altitude, and Babesia-positive samples were detected significantly more often from animals with tick infestation compared with animals without ticks (P = 0.040). Our results indicate that roe deer may play an important reservoir role for B. capreoli. It is hypothesized that the expansion of the presumed vector I. ricinus to higher elevations and its increased abundance in overlapping habitats of roe deer and chamois may favor the spillover of B. capreoli from roe deer to chamois.


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A human-derived strain of the agent of human granulocytic ehrlichiosis, a recently described emerging rickettsial disease, has been established by serial blood passage in mouse hosts. Larval deer ticks acquired infection by feeding upon such mice and efficiently transmitted the ehrlichiae after molting to nymphs, thereby demonstrating vector competence. The agent was detected by demonstrating Feulgen-positive inclusions in the salivary glands of the experimentally infected ticks and from field-derived adult deer ticks. White-footed mice from a field site infected laboratory-reared ticks with the agent of human granulocytic ehrlichiosis, suggesting that these rodents serve as reservoirs for ehrlichiae as well as for Lyme disease spirochetes and the piroplasm that causes human babesiosis. About 10% of host-seeking deer ticks were infected with ehrlichiae, and of these, 20% also contained spirochetes. Cotransmission of diverse pathogens by the aggressively human-biting deer tick may have a unique impact on public health in certain endemic sites.


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We analyzed the geographic distribution of the Ixodes ricinus-like ticks in eastern North America by comparing the mitochondrial 16S rDNA sequences of specimens sampled directly from the field during the 1990s. Two distinct lineages are evident. The southern clade includes ticks from the southeastern and middle-eastern regions of the United States. The range of the northern clade, which appears to have been restricted to the northeastern region until the mid-1900s, now extends throughout the northeastern and middle-eastern regions. These phyletic units correspond to northern and southern taxa that have previously been assigned specific status as Ixodes dammini and Ixodes scapularis, respectively. The expanding range of I. dammini appears to drive the present outbreaks of zoonotic disease in eastern North America that include Lyme disease and human babesiosis.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Investigation of swine plague -- Investigation of southern cattle fever -- Contagious lung plague of cattle -- Miscellaneous -- Correspondence.


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Continuation of Special reports no. 12 and 22. No. 12 entitled: Investigation of diseases of swine [etc.]


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Also published in U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. Bureau of Animal Industry. Annual report, 8th-9th, 1891-92, p. 177-304.


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Bibliography: p. 38-39.


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"September 9, 1912."


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A serological survey of bovine babesiosis and anaplasmosis in communal cattle was conducted in the northwestern province of Tete, Mozambique. Blood was collected from cattle ranging from 4 to 15 months old from randomly selected farms from six districts. Thirty-nine per cent of all 478 calves tested in Tete Province were seropositive to the ELISA for Babesia bovis antibodies and 63% of all calves were seropositive in the card agglutination test for Anaplasma marginale. Seroprevalence of B. bovis ranged from 22.8% in Tete City District to 48.1% in Angonia District. For A. marginale, it ranged from 34.4% in Angonia District to 87.3% in Moatize District. The dominant factor affecting seroprevalence for both haemoparasites was district and there was a trend for higher intensity of tick control to be associated with a higher seroprevalence of B. bovis and a lower seroprevalence of A. marginale. The obvious differences were the low prevalence of B. bovis in Tete City Council District and the low prevalence of A. marginale in Angonia District. The levels of exposure to B. bovis seen in our study are well below any that could be considered to be consistent with endemic stability, yet they are sufficiently high to ensure that clinical disease would be a risk. The seroprevalence of A. marginale, however, suggests that endemic stability with respect to this disease could exist in districts other than Angonia. There was no strong and consistent relationship between the intensity of control and the likelihood of seropositivity to either of the diseases.