914 resultados para BLAST Hits
The complex crystallization process of a Brazilian blast-furnace slag glass was investigated using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), X-ray diffraction, optical microscopy, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), selected area diffraction (SAD), energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and micro-Raman spectroscopy. Three crystalline phases (merwinite, melilite and larnite) were identified after heat treatment between Tg (742°C) and the DSC crystallization peak (T = 1000°C). Merwinite was identified as a metastable phase. A small amount (0.004 wt%) of metallic platinum was found in the glass composition. Particles of Pt3Fe, detected by EDS and SAD-TEM, were the starting points of crystallization acting, therefore, as heterogeneous nucleating sites. Only melilite and larnite precipitated in a glass sample heat-treated at 1000°C for 1 h. The flexural strength of this crystallized sample was less than that of the glass, probably due the allotropic phase transformation of larnite. © 2000 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
The consumption of the carbonaceous mortar for injection in the CSN's blast furnaces hearth has increased in the last years, as a function of the modern situation of the blast furnaces com paign. Allied to the growing consumption background, the devaluation of the Brazilian currency stroke hardly the importation costs of this product.
This paper describes the main characteristics and advantages of convective heating system for refractory lining, compared with conventional heating systems. In addition the main results obtained are presented with its implementation in CSN Blast Furnace #2 and 3 Runners, in terms of cost and equipment availability, as well as the need for ceramic coating to protect the lining against oxidation, arising from excessive air combustion. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conditioned suppression is an animal model of anxiety disorders that has been broadly used to investigate the behavioral effects of different drugs. However, various methodological variables (e.g., the type of aversive stimulus) that supposedly interfere with the acquisition of conditioned suppression may also contribute to conflicting results among the studied drugs. Additionally, few studies have sought to investigate the effects of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). The present study investigated the effect of subchronic 5-day administration of 5 mg/kg fluoxetine in the retention of conditioned suppression produced by a hot air blast (HAB). The subjects were 12 albino Wistar rats distributed into an Experimental Group (EG) and Control Group (CG). After sessions were conducted to pair two stimuli, a sound and HAB, fluoxetine (EG) or saline (CG) was administered. Twentyfour hours after the last injection, a test session was conducted. The results showed no difference between groups. Fluoxetine (5 mg/kg) did not exert anxiolytic effects in this model of conditioned suppression produced by a HAB. Keywords: conditioned suppression; fluoxetine; subchronic; hot air blast.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
O presente trabalho de conclusão de curso reporta os resultados obtidos durante o estágio de Iniciação Científica realizado no Núcleo de Biossíntese, Bioensaios e Ecofisiologia de Produtos Naturais do Departamento de Química Orgânica do Instituto de Química da UNESP-Araraquara. Foram realizados ensaios de triagem de substâncias naturais, semissintéticas e sintéticas com atividade inibitória sobre a protease aspártica pepsina e a protease serínica subtilisina. As amostras foram obtidas de extratos vegetais e de fungos endofíticos e foram testadas tanto substâncias puras naturais como diterpenos clerodânicos, cromenos, peptídeos e amidas bem como derivados sintéticos do ácido caféico, ferúlico, alcalóides piridínicos, entre outros resultantes das pesquisas realizadas por pesquisadores do NuBBE. Resultados mostraram que os ensaios de inibição da pepsina e da subtilisina apresentaram seletividade para os diferentes tipos de substâncias testadas. Ainda mais, foi possível observar diferenças nos resultados obtidos com os enantiômeros dos cromanos e dos cromenos. As substâncias que apresentaram maiores porcentagens de inibição foram os cromenos, os derivados do ácido cafeico, do ácido ferúlico e do ácido benzóico, as amidas, bem como os diterpenos clerodânicos. Alguns destes resultados foram publicados em revistas indexadas (Flausino et al., 2009; López et al., 2010; Oliveira et al., 2011) e outros estão sendo preparados para publicação
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Blast traumatic brain injury (BTBI) has become an important topic of study because of the increase of such incidents, especially due to the recent growth of improvised explosive devices (IEDs). This thesis discusses a project in which laboratory testing of BTBI was made possible by performing blast loading on experimental models simulating the human head. Three versions of experimental models were prepared – one having a simple geometry and the other two having geometry similar to a human head. For developing the head models, three important parts of the head were considered for material modeling and analysis – the skin, skull and brain. The materials simulating skin, skull and brain went through many testing procedures including dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA). For finding a suitable brain simulant, several materials were tested under low and high frequencies. Step response analysis, rheometry and DMA tests were performed on materials such as water based gels, oil based mixtures and silicone gels cured at different temperatures. The gelatins and silicone gels showed promising results toward their use as brain surrogate materials. Temperature degradation tests were performed on gelatins, indicating the fast degradation of gelatins at room temperature. Silicone gels were much more stable compared to the water based gels. Silicone gels were further processed using a thinner-type additive gel to bring the dynamic modulus values closer to those of human brain matter. The obtained values from DMA were compared to the values for human brain as found in literature. Then a silicone rubber brain mold was prepared to give the brain model accurate geometry. All the components were put together to make the entire head model. A steel mount was prepared to attach the head for testing at the end of the shock tube. Instrumentation was implemented in the head model to obtain effective results for understanding more about the possible mechanisms of BTBI. The final head model was named the Realistic Explosive Dummy Head or the “RED Head.” The RED Head offered potential for realistic experimental testing in blast loading conditions by virtue of its material properties and geometrical accuracy.
Chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) is a common myeloproliferative disease that is characterized by the clonal expansion of marrow stem cells, and is associated with the Philadelphia chromosome. As the disease progresses, additional chromosome abnormalities may arise. The prognostic impact of secondary chromosomal abnormalities in CML is complex, heterogeneous, and sometimes related to previous treatment. Here, we describe a CML patient in lymphoid blast crisis associated with a new chromosomal abnormality identified, dic(7;12)(p12.21;p12.2) and i(12)(q10) using classical cytogenetics and spectral karyotype analysis. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of t(7;12)(p11.1;q11.1) and i(12)(q10) in a CML patient with lymphoid evolution.
Parasiten der Apicomplexa umfassen sowohl humanpathogene, als auch tierpathogene Protozoen. Beispiele für wichtige Vertreter human- und tierpathogener Parasiten sind Plasmodium falciparum und Eimeria tenella. E. tenella verursacht die Kokzidiose des Hühnchens, eine Darmerkrankung die weltweit für Verluste in einer geschätzten Höhe von bis zu 3 Milliarden US$ verantwortlich zeichnet. Eine prophylaktische Vakzinierung gegen diese Krankheit ist ökonomisch meist ineffizient, und eine Behandlung mit Kokzidiostatika wird durch häufige Resistenzbildung gegen bekannte Wirkstoffe erschwert. Diese Situation erfordert die Entwicklung neuer kostengünstiger Alternativen. Geeignete Zielproteine für die Entwicklung neuartiger Arzneistoffe zur Behandlung der Kokzidiose sind die Zyklin-abhängigen Kinasen (CDKs), zu denen auch die CDK-related Kinase 2 (EtCRK2) aus E. tenella gehört. Diese Proteine sind maßgeblich an der Regulation des Zellzyklus beteiligt. Durch chemische Validierung mit dem CDK Inhibitor Flavopiridol konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass ein Funktionsverlust von CDKs in E. tenella die Vermehrung des Parasiten in Zellkultur inhibiert. E. tenella CDKs sind daher als Zielproteine für die Entwicklung einer Chemotherapie der Kokzidiose geeignet. Mittels bioinformatischer Tiefenanalysen sollten CDK Proteine im Parasiten E. tenella identifiziert werden. Das Genom von E. tenella liegt in Rohfassung vor [ftp://ftp.sanger.ac.uk]. Jedoch waren zum Zeitpunkt dieser Arbeiten viele Sequenzen des Genoms noch nicht annotiert. Homologe CDK Proteine von E. tenella konnten durch den Vergleich von Sequenzinformationen mit anderen Organismen der Apicomplexa identifiziert und analysiert werden. Durch diese Analysen konnten neben der bereits bekannten EtCRK2, drei weitere, bislang nicht annotierte CDKs in E. tenella identifiziert werden (EtCRK1, EtCRK3 sowie EtMRK). Darüber hinaus wurde eine Analyse der entsprechenden Zykline – der Aktivatoren der CDKs – bezüglich Funktion und Struktur, sowie eine Datenbanksuche nach bisher nicht beschriebenen Zyklinen in E. tenella durchgeführt. Diese Suchen ergaben vier neue potentielle Zykline für E. tenella, wovon EtCYC3a als Aktivator der EtCRK2 von María L. Suárez Fernández (Intervet Innovation GmbH, Schwabenheim) bestätigt werden konnte. Sequenzvergleiche lassen vermuten, dass auch EtCYC1 und EtCYC3b in der Lage sind, EtCRK2 zu aktivieren. Außerdem ist anzunehmen, dass EtCYC4 als Aktivator der EtCRK1 fungiert. Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt der vorliegenden Arbeit war die Suche und Optimierung nach neuen Inhibitoren von CDKs aus E. tenella. In vorangegangenen Arbeiten konnten bereits Inhibitoren der EtCRK2 gefunden werden [BEYER, 2007]. Mittels Substruktur- und Ähnlichkeitssuchen konnten im Rahmen dieser Arbeit weitere Inhibitoren der EtCRK2 identifiziert werden. Vier dieser Strukturklassen erfüllen die Kriterien einer Leitstruktur. Eine dieser Leitstrukturen gehört zur Strukturklasse der Benzimidazol-Carbonitrile und ist bislang nicht als Inhibitor anderer Kinasen beschrieben. Diese neu identifizierte Leitstruktur konnte in silico weiter optimiert werden. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden Bindungsenergien von Vertretern dieser Strukturklasse berechnet, um einen wahrscheinlichen Bindemodus vorherzusagen. Für die weiterführende in silico Optimierung wurde eine virtuelle kombinatorische Substanzbibliothek dieser Klasse erstellt. Die Auswahl geeigneter Verbindungen für eine chemische Synthese erfolgte durch molekulares Docking unter Nutzung von Homologiemodellen der EtCRK2. Darüber hinaus wurde ein in silico Screening nach potentiellen Inhibitoren der PfMRK und EtMRK durchgeführt. Dabei konnten weitere interessante virtuelle Hit-Strukturen aus einer Substanzdatenbank kommerziell erhältlicher Verbindungen gefunden werden. Durch dieses virtuelle Screening konnten jeweils sieben Verbindungen als virtuelle Hits der PfMRK sowie der EtMRK identifiziert werden. Die Häufung von Strukturklassen mit bekannter CDK Aktivität deutet darauf hin, dass während des virtuellen Screenings eine Anreicherung von CDK Inhibitoren stattgefunden hat. Diese Ergebnisse lassen auf eine Weiterentwicklung neuer Wirkstoffe gegen Kokzidiose und Malaria hoffen.