Processo de microfiltração tangencial para retenção de microrganismos em estruturas microporosas à base de a-alumina - prata metálica, mediante Impregnação por Solução Portadora de nano-partículas de prata - ISP. Trata-se a presente invenção de um processo de microfiltração tangencial para retenção/eliminação da bactéria Escherichia coli em estruturas microporosas à base de a- alumina (AI~ 2~O~ 3~) - prata metálica, empregados em tratamento de águas residuárias, mediante Impregnação por Solução Portadora de nanopartículas de prata, com o objetivo de desenvolver uma tecnologia relevante para melhorar o desempenho do processo de retenção de microrganismos.
Pós-graduação em Ciências Odontológicas - FOAR
Pós-graduação em Biopatologia Bucal - ICT
Pós-graduação em Agronomia - FEIS
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Química - IQ
Pós-graduação em Ciência Animal - FMVA
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Programa de doctorado: Sanidad animal.
A la industria alimentaria se le exigen productos seguros, nutritivos, apetecibles y de uso cómodo y rápido. Aunar todos esos calificativos en un solo alimento es ardua tarea. Valgan dos ejemplos. Un tratamiento conservante intenso, de buenas perspectivas sanitarias, suele conllevar una pérdida de valor nutritivo y unas características sensoriales poco atractivas. El manejo de los alimentos para transformarlos en productos listos pare el consumo implica la asunción de ciertos riesgos microbiológicos, mayores que los asumidos en productos sin manipulación. ¿Cómo responder ante el incremento de riesgos y peligros que se ciernen sobre los “nuevos alimentos”? Una alternativa que ha ganado correligionarios es la microbiología predictiva. Es una herramienta útil, a disposición de cualquier entidad interesada en los alimentos, que predice, mediante modelos matemáticos, el comportamiento microbiano bajo ciertas condiciones. La mayoría de los modelos disponibles predicen valores únicos (a cada valor de la variable independiente le corresponde un único valor de la dependiente); han demostrado su eficacia durante décadas a base de tratamientos sobredimensionados para salvaguardar la calidad microbiológica de los alimentos y predicen una media, sin considerar la variabilidad. Considérese un valor de reducción decimal, D, de 1 minuto. Si el producto contiene 103 ufc/g, un envase de 1 Kg que haya pasado por un tratamiento 6D, contendrá 1 célula viable. Hasta aquí la predicción de un modelo clásico. Ahora piénsese en una producción industrial, miles de envases de 1 Kg/h. ¿Quién puede creerse que en todos ellos habrá 1 microorganismo superviviente? ¿No es más creíble que en unos no quedará ningún viable, en muchos 1, en otros 2, 3 y quizás en los menos 5 ó 6? Los modelos que no consideran la variabilidad microbiana predicen con precisión la tasa de crecimiento pero han fracasado en la predicción de la fase de latencia...
Objetivos del estudio: Encontrar propiedades de la Planta Natural Arrabidae chica para el diagnóstico de laboratorio de estructuras morfológicas de microorganismos en Microbiología Médica. Se procedió en varias fases, la primera fase: preparación de microorganismos, como: Parásitos, Hongos y Bacterias, entre ellos: 1. Protozoos Intestinales: Quistes y Trofozoitos de Amebas, Giardia lamblia, Entamoeba coli, Trichuris trichiura; Strongyloides stercoralis, 2. Micosis: M. canis, M. gypseum, 3. Bacterias: Eschericihia coli, S. aureus, S. Epidermidis.
Background: Leprosy can cause severe disability and disfigurement and is still a major health in different parts of the world. Only a subset of those individuals exposed to the pathogen will go on to develop clinical disease and there is a broad clinical spectrum amongst leprosy patients. The outcome of infection is in part due to host genes that influence control of the initial infection and the host´s immune response to that infection. Aim: Evaluate if polymorphisms type SNP in the 17q118q21 chromosomic region contribute to development of leprosy in Rio Grande do Norte population. Material and methods: A sample composed of 215 leprosy patients and 229 controls drawn from the same population were genotyped by using a Snapshot assay for eight genes (NOS2A, CCL18, CRLF3, CCL23, TNFAIP1, STAT5B, CCR7 and CSF3) located in chromosomic region 17q118q21. The genotype and allele frequency were measured and statistical analysis was performed by chi-square in SPSS version 15 and graph prism pad version 4 software. Results: Ours results indicated that the markers NOS2A8277, NOS2A8rs16949, CCR78rs11574663 and CSF38rs2227322 presented strong association with leprosy and their risk genotype were GG, TT, AA and GG respectively. The risk genotypes for all markers associated to leprosy presented recessive inheritance standard. When we compared the interaction among the markers in different combination we find that the marker NOS2A8277 associated with CCR78rs11574663 presented highest risk probability to development of leprosy. When we evaluated the haplotype of the risk markers it was found a haplotype associated with increase of the protection (CSF38rs22273228CC, CCR78 rs115746638GA, NOS2A8rs169498CT and NOS2A82778GA). The association of the clinical forms paucibacilary and multibacilary with markers showed that to the markers NOS2A8 2778GG, CCR78rs115746638AA and CSF38rs22273228GG there were a strong influence to migration to multibacilary pole and to marker NOS2A8rs169498TT the high proportion was found to the paucibacilary form. Conclusions: Changes in the genes NOS2A, CCR7 and CSF3 can influence the immune response against Mycobacterium leprae. The combination among these polymorphisms alters the risk probability to develop leprosy. The markers type SNP associated to development of the leprosy also are linked to clinical forms and its severity being the polymorphism NOS2A8rs169498TT associated with paucibacilar form and the polymorphisms NOS2A82778GG, CCR78rs115746638AA and CSF38rs22273228GG associated to multibacilar form
The microorganisms play very important roles in maintaining ecosystems, which explains the enormous interest in understanding the relationship between these organisms as well as between them and the environment. It is estimated that the total number of prokaryotic cells on Earth is between 4 and 6 x 1030, constituting an enormous biological and genetic pool to be explored. Although currently only 1% of all this wealth can be cultivated by standard laboratory techniques, metagenomic tools allow access to the genomic potential of environmental samples in a independent culture manner, and in combination with third generation sequencing technologies, the samples coverage become even greater. Soils, in particular, are the major reservoirs of this diversity, and many important environments around us, as the Brazilian biomes Caatinga and Atlantic Forest, are poorly studied. Thus, the genetic material from environmental soil samples of Caatinga and Atlantic Forest biomes were extracted by direct techniques, pyrosequenced, and the sequences generated were analyzed by bioinformatics programs (MEGAN MG-RAST and WEBCarma). Taxonomic comparative profiles of the samples showed that the phyla Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria, Acidobacteria and Planctomycetes were the most representative. In addition, fungi of the phylum Ascomycota were identified predominantly in the soil sample from the Atlantic Forest. Metabolic profiles showed that despite the existence of environmental differences, sequences from both samples were similarly placed in the various functional subsystems, indicating no specific habitat functions. This work, a pioneer in taxonomic and metabolic comparative analysis of soil samples from Brazilian biomes, contributes to the knowledge of these complex environmental systems, so far little explored