996 resultados para BILAYER GRAPHENE


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Le graphène est une nanostructure de carbone hybridé sp2 dont les propriétés électroniques et optiques en font un matériau novateur avec un très large potentiel d’application. Cependant, la production à large échelle de ce matériau reste encore un défi et de nombreuses propriétés physiques et chimiques doivent être étudiées plus en profondeur pour mieux les exploiter. La fonctionnalisation covalente est une réaction chimique qui a un impact important dans l’étude de ces propriétés, car celle-ci a pour conséquence une perte de la structure cristalline des carbones sp2. Néanmoins, la réaction a été très peu explorée pour ce qui est du graphène déposé sur des surfaces, car la réactivité chimique de ce dernier est grandement dépendante de l’environnement chimique. Il est donc important d’étudier la fonctionnalisation de ce type de graphène pour bien comprendre à la fois la réactivité chimique et la modification des propriétés électroniques et optiques pour pouvoir exploiter les retombées. D’un autre côté, les bicouches de graphène sont connues pour avoir des propriétés très différentes comparées à la monocouche à cause d’un empilement des structures électroniques, mais la croissance contrôlée de ceux-ci est encore très difficile, car la cinétique de croissance n’est pas encore maîtrisée. Ainsi, ce mémoire de maîtrise va porter sur l’étude de la réactivité chimique du graphène à la fonctionnalisation covalente et de l’étude des propriétés optiques du graphène. Dans un premier temps, nous avons effectué des croissances de graphène en utilisant la technique de dépôt chimique en phase vapeur. Après avoir réussi à obtenir du graphène monocouche, nous faisons varier les paramètres de croissance et nous nous rendons compte que les bicouches apparaissent lorsque le gaz carboné nécessaire à la croissance reste présent durant l’étape de refroidissement. À partir de cette observation, nous proposons un modèle cinétique de croissance des bicouches. Ensuite, nous effectuons une étude approfondie de la fonctionnalisation du graphène monocouche et bicouche. Tout d’abord, nous démontrons qu’il y a une interaction avec le substrat qui inhibe grandement le greffage covalent sur la surface du graphène. Cet effet peut cependant être contré de plusieurs façons différentes : 1) en dopant chimiquement le graphène avec des molécules réductrices, il est possible de modifier le potentiel électrochimique afin de favoriser la réaction; 2) en utilisant un substrat affectant peu les propriétés électroniques du graphène; 3) en utilisant la méthode d’électrogreffage avec une cellule électrochimique, car elle permet une modulation contrôlée du potentiel électrochimique du graphène. De plus, nous nous rendons compte que la réactivité chimique des bicouches est moindre dû à la rigidité de structure due à l’interaction entre les couches. En dernier lieu, nous démontrons la pertinence de la spectroscopie infrarouge pour étudier l’effet de la fonctionnalisation et l’effet des bicouches sur les propriétés optiques du graphène. Nous réussissons à observer des bandes du graphène bicouche dans la région du moyen infrarouge qui dépendent du dopage. Normalement interdites selon les règles de sélection pour la monocouche, ces bandes apparaissent néanmoins lorsque fonctionnalisée et changent grandement en amplitude dépendamment des niveaux de dopage et de fonctionnalisation.


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Topological insulators (TIs) exhibit novel physics with great promise for new devices, but considerable challenges remain to identify TIs with high structural stability and large nontrivial band gap suitable for practical applications. Here we predict by first-principles calculations a two-dimensional (2D) TI, also known as a quantum spin Hall (QSH) insulator, in a tetragonal bismuth bilayer (TB-Bi) structure that is dynamically and thermally stable based on phonon calculations and finite-temperature molecular dynamics simulations. Density functional theory and tight-binding calculations reveal a band inversion among the Bi-p orbits driven by the strong intrinsic spin-orbit coupling, producing a large nontrivial band gap, which can be effectively tuned by moderate strains. The helical gapless edge states exhibit a linear dispersion with a high Fermi velocity comparable to that of graphene, and the QSHphase remains robust on a NaCl substrate. These remarkable properties place TB-Bi among the most promising 2D TIs for high-speed spintronic devices, and the present results provide insights into the intriguing QSH phenomenon in this new Bi structure and offer guidance for its implementation in potential applications.


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Carbon diffusion barriers are introduced as a general and simple method to prevent premature carbon dissolution and thereby to significantly improve graphene formation from the catalytic transformation of solid carbon sources. A thin Al2O3 barrier inserted into an amorphous-C/Ni bilayer stack is demonstrated to enable growth of uniform monolayer graphene at 600 °C with domain sizes exceeding 50 μm, and an average Raman D/G ratio of <0.07. A detailed growth rationale is established via in situ measurements, relevant to solid-state growth of a wide range of layered materials, as well as layer-by-layer control in these systems.


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Herein, we report a facile and effective adsorption strategy to improve the performance of Lithium-Sulfur (Li-S) batteries. MnO2 nanosheets grown on the surface of highly conductive graphene resulted in a coupled composite bilayer electrode when coated onto a sulfur cathode. In this way, a high initial specific capacity of 1395 mA h g-1 at a rate of 0.5C, a coulombic efficiency approaching 100% and steady cyclic efficiency with a fade rate of 0.3% per cycle from 10 to 100 cycles has been achieved. This hybrid electrode not only shows enhanced electrochemical performance but can also be easily controlled and scaled thereby aiding future commercialization of high-performance Li-S batteries.


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Pt/graphene nanosheet/SiC based devices are fabricated and characterized and their performances toward hydrogen gas are investigated. The graphene nanosheets are synthesized via the reduction of spray-coated graphite oxide deposited onto SiC substrates. Raman and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopies indicate incomplete reduction of the graphite oxide, resulting in partially oxidized graphene nanosheet layers of less than 10 nm thickness. The effects of interfaces on the nonlinear behavior of the Pt/graphene and graphene/SiC junctions are investigated. Current-voltage measurements of the sensors toward 1% hydrogen in synthetic air gas mixture at various temperatures ranging up to 100. ° C are performed. From the dynamic response, a voltage shift of ∼100 mV is recorded for 1% hydrogen at a constant current bias of 1 mA at 100. °C. © 2010 American Chemical Society.


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The gas sensing properties of graphene-like nano-sheets deposited on 36° YX lithium tantalate (LiTaO3) surface acoustic wave (SAW) transducers are reported. The thin graphene-like nano-sheets were produced via the reduction of graphite oxide which was deposited on SAW interdigitated transducers (IDTs). Their sensing performance was assessed towards hydrogen (H2) and carbon monoxide (CO) in a synthetic air carrier gas at room temperature (25 °C) and 40 °C. Raman and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) revealed that the deposited graphite oxide (GO) was not completely reduced creating small, graphitic nanocrystals ∼2.7 nm in size. © 2008 Elsevier B.V.


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In this work, we present the development of a Pt/graphene/SiC device for hydrogen gas sensing. A single layer of graphene was deposited on 6H-SiC via chemical vapor deposition. The presence of graphene C-C bonds was observed via X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy analysis. Current-voltage characteristics of the device were measured at the presence of hydrogen at different temperatures, from 25°C to 170°C. The dynamic response of the device was recorded towards hydrogen gas at an optimum temperature of 130°C. A voltage shift of 191 mV was recorded towards 1% hydrogen at −1 mA constant current.


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Herein the mechanical properties of graphene, including Young’s modulus, fracture stress and fracture strain have been investigated by molecular dynamics simulations. The simulation results show that the mechanical properties of graphene are sensitive to the temperature changes but insensitive to the layer numbers in the multilayer graphene. Increasing temperature exerts adverse and significant effects on the mechanical properties of graphene. However, the adverse effect produced by the increasing layer number is marginal. On the other hand, isotope substitutions in graphene play a negligible role in modifying the mechanical properties of graphene.


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Graphene has attracted considerable interest over recent years due to its intrinsic mechanical, thermal and electrical properties. Incorporation of small quantity of graphene fillers into polymer can create novel nanocomposites with improved structural and functional properties. This review introduced the recent progress in fabrication, properties and potential applications of graphene-polymer composites. Recent research clearly confirmed that graphene-polymer nanocomposites are promising materials with applications ranging from transportation, biomedical systems, sensors, electrodes for solar cells and electromagnetic interference. In addition to graphene-polymer nanocomposites, this article also introduced the synergistic effects of hybrid graphene-carbon nanotubes (CNTs) on the properties of composites. Finally, some technical problems associated with the development of these nanocomposites are discussed.


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Graphene nanoribbon (GNR) with free edges demonstrates unique pre-existing edge energy and edge stress, leading to non-flat morphologies. Using molecular dynamics (MD) methods, we evaluated edge energies as well as edge stresses for four different edge types, including regular edges (armchair and zigzag), armchair edge terminated with hydrogen and reconstructed armchair. The results showed that compressive stress exists in the regular and hydrogen-terminated edges along the edge direction. In contrast, the reconstructed armchair edge is generally subject to tension. Furthermore, we also investigated shape transition between flat and rippled configurations of GNRs with different free edges. It was found that the pre-existing stress at free edges can greatly influence the initial energy state and the shape transition.


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Graphene, one of the allotropes (diamond, carbon nanotube, and fullerene) of carbon, is a monolayer of honeycomb lattice of carbon atoms discovered in 2004. The Nobel Prize in Physics 2010 was awarded to Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov for their ground breaking experiments on the twodimensional graphene [1]. Since its discovery, the research communities have shown a lot of interest in this novel material owing to its unique properties. As shown in Figure 1, the number of publications on graphene has dramatically increased in recent years. It has been confirmed that graphene possesses very peculiar electrical properties such as anomalous quantum hall effect, and high electron mobility at room temperature (250000 cm2/Vs). Graphene is also one of the stiffest (modulus ~1 TPa) and strongest (strength ~100 GPa) materials. In addition, it has exceptional thermal conductivity (5000 Wm-1K-1). Based on these exceptional properties, graphene has found its applications in various fields such as field effect devices, sensors, electrodes, solar cells, energy storage devices and nanocomposites. Only adding 1 volume per cent graphene into polymer (e.g. polystyrene), the nanocomposite has a conductivity of ~0.1 Sm-1 [2], sufficient for many electrical applications. Significant improvement in strength, fracture toughness and fatigue strength has also been achieved in these nanocomposites [3-5]. Therefore, graphene-polymer nanocomposites have demonstrated a great potential to serve as next generation functional or structural materials.


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Graphene, one of the allotropes (diamond, carbon nanotube, and fullerene) of element carbon, is a monolayer of honeycomb lattice of carbon atoms, which was discovered in 2004. The Nobel Prize in Physics 2010 was awarded to Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov for their ground breaking work on the two-dimensional (2D) graphene [1]. Since its discovery, the research communities have shown a lot of interest in this novel material owing to its intriguing electrical, mechanical and thermal properties. It has been confirmed that grapheme possesses very peculiar electrical properties such as anomalous quantum hall effect, and high electron mobility at room temperature (250000 cm2/Vs). Graphene also has exceptional mechanical properties. It is one of the stiffest (modulus ~1 TPa) and strongest (strength ~100 GPa) materials. In addition, it has exceptional thermal conductivity (5000 Wm-1K-1). Due to these exceptional properties, graphene has demonstrated its potential for broad applications in micro and nano devices, various sensors, electrodes, solar cells and energy storage devices and nanocomposites. In particular, the excellent mechanical properties of graphene make it more attractive for development next generation nanocomposites and hybrid materials...


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Opening up a band gap and finding a suitable substrate material are two big challenges for building graphene-based nanodevices. Using state-of-the-art hybrid density functional theory incorporating long range dispersion corrections, we investigate the interface between optically active graphitic carbon nitride (g-C3N4) and electronically active graphene. We find an inhomogeneous planar substrate (g-C3N4) promotes electronrich and hole-rich regions, i.e., forming a well-defined electron−hole puddle, on the supported graphene layer. The composite displays significant charge transfer from graphene to the g-C3N4 substrate, which alters the electronic properties of both components. In particular, the strong electronic coupling at the graphene/g-C3N4 interface opens a 70 meV gap in g-C3N4-supported graphene, a feature that can potentially allow overcoming the graphene’s band gap hurdle in constructing field effect transistors. Additionally, the 2-D planar structure of g-C3N4 is free of dangling bonds, providing an ideal substrate for graphene to sit on. Furthermore, when compared to a pure g-C3N4 monolayer, the hybrid graphene/g-C3N4 complex displays an enhanced optical absorption in the visible region, a promising feature for novel photovoltaic and photocatalytic applications.


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The lack of an obvious “band gap” is a formidable hurdle for making a nanotransistor from graphene. Here, we use density functional calculations to demonstrate for the first time that porosity such as evidenced in recently synthesized porous graphene (http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/11/091120084337.htm) opens a band gap. The size of the band gap (3.2 eV) is comparable to most popular photocatalytic titania and graphitic C3N4 materials. In addition, the adsorption of hydrogen on Li-decorated porous graphene is much stronger than that in regular Li-doped graphene due to the natural separation of Li cations, leading to a potential hydrogen storage gravimetric capacity of 12 wt %. In light of the most recent experimental progress on controlled synthesis, these results uncover new potential for the practical application of porous graphene in nanoelectronics and clean energy.