885 resultados para BEV, Battery Electric Vehicle, Simulink model, thermal management system, heat pump


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Governments are working in new policies to slow down total energy consumption and greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions, promoting the deployment of electric vehicles (EVs) in all countries. In order to facilitate this deployment and help to reduce the final costs of their batteries, additional utilization of EVs when those are parked has been proposed. EVs can be used to minimize the total electricity cost of buildings (named vehicle to building applications, V2B). In this paper an economic evaluation of EVs in the Building Energy Management System is shown. The optimal storage capacity and its equivalent number of EVs are determined. This value is then used for determining the optimal charging schedule to be applied to the batteries. From this schedule, the total expected profit is derived for the case of a real hotel in Spain.


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In this paper the daily temporal and spatial behavior of electric vehicles (EVs) is modelled using an activity-based (ActBM) microsimulation model for Flanders region (Belgium). Assuming that all EVs are completely charged at the beginning of the day, this mobility model is used to determine the percentage of Flemish vehicles that cannot cover their programmed daily trips and need to be recharged during the day. Assuming a variable electricity price, an optimization algorithm determines when and where EVs can be recharged at minimum cost for their owners. This optimization takes into account the individual mobility constraint for each vehicle, as they can only be charged when the car is stopped and the owner is performing an activity. From this information, the aggregated electric demand for Flanders is obtained, identifying the most overloaded areas at the critical hours. Finally it is also analyzed what activities EV owners are underway during their recharging period. From this analysis, different actions for public charging point deployment in different areas and for different activities are proposed.


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As take up of low carbon vehicles increase, there is interest in using the energy stored in the vehicles to help maintain system frequency through ancillary services on the electricity grid system. Research into this area is generally classed as vehicle-to-grid research. In theory, the energy available from electric vehicles could be directly correlated to the vehicle's state of charge (SoC) and battery capacity during the time the car is parked and plugged in. However, not all the energy in the vehicle may be used, as some capacity is required by the driver for their next journey. As such, this paper uses data captured as part of a large scale electric vehicle trial to investigate the effect of three different types of driver routine on vehicle-to-grid availability. Each driver's behaviour is analysed to assess the energy that is available for STOR, with follow on journey requirements also considered.


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In this work is proposed the design of a system to create and handle Electric Vehicles (EV) charging procedures, based on intelligent process. Due to the electrical power distribution network limitation and absence of smart meter devices, Electric Vehicles charging should be performed in a balanced way, taking into account past experience, weather information based on data mining, and simulation approaches. In order to allow information exchange and to help user mobility, it was also created a mobile application to assist the EV driver on these processes. This proposed Smart ElectricVehicle Charging System uses Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) technology, in order to connect Electric Vehicles and also renewable energy sources to Smart Grids (SG). This system also explores the new paradigm of Electrical Markets (EM), with deregulation of electricity production and use, in order to obtain the best conditions for commercializing electrical energy.


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This paper presents a simulator for electric vehicles in the context of smart grids and distribution networks. It aims to support network operator´s planning and operations but can be used by other entities for related studies. The paper describes the parameters supported by the current version of the Electric Vehicle Scenario Simulator (EVeSSi) tool and its current algorithm. EVeSSi enables the definition of electric vehicles scenarios on distribution networks using a built-in movement engine. The scenarios created with EVeSSi can be used by external tools (e.g., power flow) for specific analysis, for instance grid impacts. Two scenarios are briefly presented for illustration of the simulator capabilities.


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A mobilidade é considerada um dos factores chave na sustentabilidade e desenvolvimento de qualquer economia. Em Portugal essa realidade não é diferente. Em 2011 verifica-se que 41% do consumo global de combustíveis pertence ao sector rodoviário [1] o que evidencia a sua relevância na economia do país. No que concerne aos veículos de tracção eléctrica, começaram a surgir nos finais do séc. XIX, e no início do séc. XX nos Estados Unidos da América representavam 38% dos veículos [2]. Diversos factores económicos e tecnológicos conduziram a um crescente desinteresse por parte da indústria em investir na produção deste tipo de veículos. Contudo com a introdução de baterias de iões de lítio em veículos de tracção eléctrica, torna-os viáveis e competitivos. Neste trabalho é proposto o desenvolvimento de um sistema de gestão de baterias de iões de lítio do tipo LiFePO4 para aplicação em veículos eléctricos. O sistema deverá assegurar a protecção das baterias e indicar o estado de carga das mesmas. Este sistema permitirá uma optimização no uso deste género de baterias, proporcionará uma melhor utilização, aumentando a sua vida útil. O sistema irá ser aplicado e testado experimentalmente no veículo eléctrico ecológico (Veeco). No âmbito do projecto Veeco foi projectado e construído um banco de ensaios utilizado na análise do comportamento das baterias, e determinar quais os requisitos necessários para o sistema de gestão desenvolvido. Foi também projectado e realizado um sistema de aquisição e processamento de dados que permite obter informações acerca da bateria, dados que estarão disponíveis no interface Homem-máquina do Veeco.


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This paper presents the conversion process of a traditional Internal Combustion Engine vehicle into an Electric Vehicle. The main constitutive elements of the Electric Vehicle are presented. The developed powertrain uses a three-phase inverter with Field Oriented Control and space vector modulation. The developed on-board batteries charging system can operate in Grid-to-Vehicle and Vehicle-to-Grid modes. The implemented prototypes were tested, and experimental results are presented. The assembly of these prototypes in the vehicle was made in accordance with the Portuguese legislation about vehicles conversion, and the main adopted solutions are presented.


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This thesis investigates the challenges of establishing the electric vehicle (EV) in Ireland and how the Irish government and industry are trying to meet them. It further seeks to provide information on Irish consumers’ attitudes towards the electric vehicle and their willingness to purchase it. The review of the literature showed that the Irish government is investing significant funds in trying to establish the market for the electric vehicle and position itself as a world leader in adopting the electric vehicle. The EV will also have an important role to play in how Ireland meets its targets for CO2 reductions towards 2020. Climate change and use of fossil fuels are driving the need for increased use of renewable energy and increased energy independence while reducing the greenhouse gas emissions that are the leading cause of climate change. The transport sector is almost completely dependent on the use of fossil fuel and resultantly is one of the largest sources of these GHG emissions. These issues are leading to the design and production of more energy efficient and environmentally friendly vehicles. The ultimate goal is to achieve a zero emissions vehicle. The electric vehicle is presently the only vehicle being mass produced that has the potential to be zero emissions. There are however issues that customers may not be willing to overlook such as the lower range of the vehicle and the length of time it takes to recharge. Vehicle cost is also an important issue that customers may not overlook. Knowing what the consumer’s attitudes are towards the EV and their willingness to purchase them is important as these new vehicles begin to appear in the showrooms. The consumers will be vital to how successful this market becomes. Using an online questionnaire methodology, in a sample of 118 consumers, the major conclusion to be drawn from the research is that the vehicle price, the convenience to recharge and vehicle range were the three most essential issues for the consumers if they were purchasing an EV. The success of the electric vehicle market may depend on what measures are taken to overcome them.


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Tutkielman tarkoituksena oli mallintaa varastonhallintajärjestelmä, joka olisi sopiva case yritykselle. Tutkimus aloitettiin case yrityksen varastonhallinan nykytilan kartoituksella, jonka jälkeen tutkittiin varastonhallinnan eri osa-alueisiin. Varastonhallinnan osa-alueista käsiteltiin varastotyyppejä, motiiveja, tavoitteita, kysynnän ennustamista sekä erilaisia varastonhallinnan työkaluja. Sen lisäksi tutkittiin erilaisia varaston täydennysmalleja. Teoriaosuudessa käsiteltiin lisäksi kolmea erilaista tietojärjestelmätyyppiä: toiminnanohjausjärjestelmää, sähköisen kaupankäynnin järjestelmää sekä räätälöityä järjestelmää. Tutkimussuunnitelmassa nämä kolme järjestelmää rajattiin vaihtoehdoiksi, joista jokin valittaisiin case yrityksen varastonhallintajärjestelmäksi. Teorian ja nykytilan pohjalta tehtiin viitekehys, jossa esiteltiin varastonhallintajärjestelmän tieto- ja toiminnallisuusominaisuuksia. Nämä ominaisuudet priorisoitiin neljään eri luokkaan ominaisuuden kriittisyyden mukaan. Järjestelmävaihtoehdot arvioitiin viitekehyksen kriteerien mukaisesti, miten helposti ominaisuudet olisivat toteutettavissa eri vaihtoehdoissa. Tulokset laskettiin näiden arviointien perusteella, jonka jälkeen tulosten analysoinnissa huomattiin, että toiminnanohjausjärjestelmä sopisi parhaiten case yrityksen varastonhallintajärjestelmäksi.


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A hybrid electric vehicle is a fast-growing concept in the field of vehicle industry. Nowadays two global problems make manufactures to develop such systems. These problems are: the growing cost of a fuel and environmental pollution. Also development of controlled electric drive with high control accuracy and reliability allows improving of vehicle drive characteristics. The objective of this Diploma Thesis is to investigate the possibilities of electrical drive application for new principle of parallel hybrid vehicle system. Electric motor calculations, selection of most suitable control system and other calculations are needed. This work is not final work for such topic. Further investigation with more precise calculations, modeling, measurements and cost calculations are needed to answer the question if such system is efficient.


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A direct-driven permanent magnet synchronous machine for a small urban use electric vehicle is presented. The measured performance of the machine at the test bench as well as the performance over the modified New European Drive Cycle will be given. The effect of optimal current components, maximizing the efficiency and taking into account the iron loss, is compared with the simple id=0 – control. The machine currents and losses during the drive cycle are calculated and compared with each other.


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Recent developments in power electronics technology have made it possible to develop competitive and reliable low-voltage DC (LVDC) distribution networks. Further, islanded microgrids—isolated small-scale localized distribution networks— have been proposed to reliably supply power using distributed generations. However, islanded operations face many issues such as power quality, voltage regulation, network stability, and protection. In this thesis, an energy management system (EMS) that ensures efficient energy and power balancing and voltage regulation has been proposed for an LVDC island network utilizing solar panels for electricity production and lead-acid batteries for energy storage. The EMS uses the master/slave method with robust communication infrastructure to control the production, storage, and loads. The logical basis for the EMS operations has been established by proposing functionalities of the network components as well as by defining appropriate operation modes that encompass all situations. During loss-of-powersupply periods, load prioritizations and disconnections are employed to maintain the power supply to at least some loads. The proposed EMS ensures optimal energy balance in the network. A sizing method based on discrete-event simulations has also been proposed to obtain reliable capacities of the photovoltaic array and battery. In addition, an algorithm to determine the number of hours of electric power supply that can be guaranteed to the customers at any given location has been developed. The successful performances of all the proposed algorithms have been demonstrated by simulations.


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The Chinese welding industry is growing every year due to rapid development of the Chinese economy. Increasingly, companies around the world are looking to use Chinese enterprises as their cooperation partners. However, the Chinese welding industry also has its weaknesses, such as relatively low quality and weak management. A modern, advanced welding management system appropriate for local socio-economic conditions is required to enable Chinese enterprises to enhance further their business development. The thesis researches the design and implementation of a new welding quality management system for China. This new system is called ‗welding production quality control management model in China‘ (WQMC). Constructed on the basis of analysis of a survey and in-company interviews, the welding management system comprises the following different elements and perspectives: a ‗Localized congenital existing problem resolution strategies‘ (LCEPRS) database, a ‗human factor designed training system‘ (HFDT) training strategy, the theory of modular design, ISO 3834 requirements, total welding management (TWM), and lean manufacturing (LEAN) theory. The methods used in the research are literature review, questionnaires, interviews, and the author‘s model design experiences and observations, i.e. the approach is primarily qualitative and phenomenological. The thesis describes the design and implementation of a HFDT strategy in Chinese welding companies. Such training is an effective way to increase employees‘ awareness of quality and issues associated with quality assurance. The study identified widely existing problems in the Chinese welding industry and constructed a LCEPRS database that can be used in efforts to mitigate and avoid common problems. The work uses the theory of modular design, TWM and LEAN as tools for the implementation of the WQMC system.


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Traffic Management system (TMS) comprises four major sub systems: The Network Database Management system for information to the passengers, Transit Facility Management System for service, planning, and scheduling vehicle and crews, Congestion Management System for traffic forecasting and planning, Safety Management System concerned with safety aspects of passengers and Environment. This work has opened a rather wide frame work of model structures for application on traffic. The facets of these theories are so wide that it seems impossible to present all necessary models in this work. However it could be deduced from the study that the best Traffic Management System is that whichis realistic in all aspects is easy to understand is easy to apply As it is practically difficult to device an ideal fool—proof model, the attempt here has been to make some progress-in that direction.