978 resultados para BETA-OXIDATION


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Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) are polyesters of hydroxyacids naturally synthesized in bacteria as a carbon reserve. PHAs have properties of biodegradable thermoplastics and elastomers and their synthesis in crop plants is seen as an attractive system for the sustained production of large amounts of polymers at low cost. A variety of PHAs having different physical properties have now been synthesized in a number of transgenic plants, including Arabidopsis thaliana, rape and corn. This has been accomplished through the creation of novel metabolic pathways either in the cytoplasm, plastid or peroxisome of plant cells. Beyond its impact in biotechnology, PHA production in plants can also be used to study some fundamental aspects of plant metabolism. Synthesis of PHA can be used both as an indicator and a modulator of the carbon flux to pathways competing for common substrates, such as acetyl-coenzyme A in fatty acid biosynthesis or 3-hydroxyacyl-coenzyme A in fatty acid degradation. Synthesis of PHAs in plant peroxisome has been used to demonstrate changes in the flux of fatty acids to the beta-oxidation cycle in transgenic plants and mutants affected in lipid biosynthesis, as well as to study the pathway of degradation of unusual fatty acids.


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Glyoxysomes are specialized peroxisomes present in various plant organs such as germinating cotyledons or senescing leaves. They are the site of beta-oxidation and of the glyoxylate cycle. These consecutive pathways are essential to the maintenance of gluconeogenesis initiated by the degradation of reserve or structural lipids. In contrast to mitochondrial beta-oxidation, which is prevalent in animal cells, glyoxysomal beta-oxidation and the glyoxylate cycle have no direct access to the mitochondrial respiratory chain because of the impermeability of the glyoxysomal membrane to the reduced cofactors. The necessity of NAD(+) regeneration can conceivably be fulfilled by membrane redox chains and/or by transmembrane shuttles. Experimental evidence based on the active metabolic roles of higher plant glyoxysomes and yeast peroxisomes suggests the coexistence of two mechanisms, namely a reductase/peroxidase membrane redox chain and a malate/aspartate shuttle susceptible to transfer electrons to the mitochondrial ATP generating system. Such a model interconnects beta-oxidation, the glyoxylate cycle, the respiratory chain and gluconeogenesis in such a way that glyoxysomal malate dehydrogenase is an essential and exclusive component of beta-oxidation (NAD(+) regeneration). Consequently, the classical view of the glyoxylate cycle is superseded by a tentative reactional scheme deprived of cyclic character.


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Dietary fat composition can interfere in the development of obesity due to the specific roles of some fatty acids that have different metabolic activities, which can alter both fat oxidation and deposition rates, resulting in changes in body weight and/or composition. High-fat diets in general are associated with hyperphagia, but the type of dietary fat seems to be more important since saturated fats are linked to a positive fat balance and omental adipose tissue accumulation when compared to other types of fat, while polyunsaturated fats, omega-3 and omega-6, seem to increase energy expenditure and decrease energy intake by specific mechanisms involving hormone-sensitive lipase, activation of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor α (PPARα) and others. Saturated fat intake can also impair insulin sensitivity compared to omega-3 fat, which has the opposite effect due to alterations in cell membranes. Obesity is also associated with impaired mitochondrial function. Fat excess favors the production of malonyl-CoA, which reduces GLUT4 efficiency. The tricarboxylic acid cycle and beta-oxidation are temporarily uncoupled, forming metabolite byproducts that augment reactive oxygen species production. Exercise can restore mitochondrial function and insulin sensitivity, which may be crucial for a better prognosis in treating or preventing obesity.


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Le rôle important joué par la mitochondrie dans la cellule eucaryote est admis depuis longtemps. Cependant, la composition exacte des mitochondries, ainsi que les processus biologiques qui sy déroulent restent encore largement inconnus. Deux facteurs principaux permettent dexpliquer pourquoi létude des mitochondries progresse si lentement : le manque defficacité des méthodes didentification des protéines mitochondriales et le manque de précision dans lannotation de ces protéines. En conséquence, nous avons développé un nouvel outil informatique, YimLoc, qui permet de prédire avec succès les protéines mitochondriales à partir des séquences génomiques. Cet outil intègre plusieurs indicateurs existants, et sa performance est supérieure à celle des indicateurs considérés individuellement. Nous avons analysé environ 60 génomes fongiques avec YimLoc afin de lever la controverse concernant la localisation de la bêta-oxydation dans ces organismes. Contrairement à ce qui était généralement admis, nos résultats montrent que la plupart des groupes de Fungi possèdent une bêta-oxydation mitochondriale. Ce travail met également en évidence la diversité des processus de bêta-oxydation chez les champignons, en corrélation avec leur utilisation des acides gras comme source dénergie et de carbone. De plus, nous avons étudié le composant clef de la voie de bêta-oxydation mitochondriale, lacyl-CoA déshydrogénase (ACAD), dans 250 espèces, couvrant les 3 domaines de la vie, en combinant la prédiction de la localisation subcellulaire avec la classification en sous-familles et linférence phylogénétique. Notre étude suggère que les gènes ACAD font partie dune ancienne famille qui a adopté des stratégies évolutionnaires innovatrices afin de générer un large ensemble denzymes susceptibles dutiliser la plupart des acides gras et des acides aminés. Finalement, afin de permettre la prédiction de protéines mitochondriales à partir de données autres que les séquences génomiques, nous avons développé le logiciel TESTLoc qui utilise comme données des Expressed Sequence Tags (ESTs). La performance de TESTLoc est significativement supérieure à celle de tout autre outil de prédiction connu. En plus de fournir deux nouveaux outils de prédiction de la localisation subcellulaire utilisant différents types de données, nos travaux démontrent comment lassociation de la prédiction de la localisation subcellulaire à dautres méthodes danalyse in silico permet daméliorer la connaissance des protéines mitochondriales. De plus, ces travaux proposent des hypothèses claires et faciles à vérifier par des expériences, ce qui présente un grand potentiel pour faire progresser nos connaissances des métabolismes mitochondriaux.


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Increasing recognition of the importance of the long-chain n-3 PUFA, EPA and DHA, to cardiovascular health, and in the case of DHA to normal neurological development in the fetus and the newborn, has focused greater attention on the dietary supply of these fatty acids. The reason for low intakes of EPA and DHA in most developed countries (0 center dot 1-0 center dot 5hairspg/d) is the low consumption of oily fish, the richest dietary source of these fatty acids. An important question is whether dietary intake of the precursor n-3 fatty acid, alpha-linolenic acid (alpha LNA), can provide sufficient amounts of tissue EPA and DHA by conversion through the n-3 PUFA elongation-desaturation pathway. alpha LNA is present in marked amounts in plant sources, including green leafy vegetables and commonly-consumed oils such as rape-seed and soyabean oils, so that increased intake of this fatty acid would be easier to achieve than via increased fish consumption. However, alpha LNA-feeding studies and stable-isotope studies using alpha LNA, which have addressed the question of bioconversion of alpha LNA to EPA and DHA, have concluded that in adult men conversion to EPA is limited (approximately 8%) and conversion to DHA is extremely low (< 0 center dot 1%). In women fractional conversion to DHA appears to be greater (9%), which may partly be a result of a lower rate of utilisation of alpha LNA for beta-oxidation in women. However, up-regulation of the conversion of EPA to DHA has also been suggested, as a result of the actions of oestrogen on Delta 6-desaturase, and may be of particular importance in maintaining adequate provision of DHA in pregnancy. The effect of oestrogen on DHA concentration in pregnant and lactating women awaits confirmation.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The metabolic disorders that predispose patients to NASH (non-alcoholic steatohepatitis) include insulin resistance and obesity. Repeated hypoxic events, such as occur in obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome, have been designated as a risk factor in the progression of liver disease in such patients, but the mechanism is unclear, in particular the role of hypoxia. Therefore we studied the influence of hypoxia on the development and progression of steatohepatitis in an experimental mouse model. Mice with a hepatocellular-specific deficiency in the Pten (phosphatase and tensin homologue deleted on chromosome 10) gene, a tumour suppressor, were exposed to a 10% O2 (hypoxic) or 21% O2 (control) atmosphere for 7 days. Haematocrit, AST (aspartate aminotransferase), glucose, triacylglycerols (triglycerides) and insulin tolerance were measured in blood. Histological lesions were quantified. Expression of genes involved in lipogenesis and mitochondrial beta-oxidation, as well as FOXO1 (forkhead box O1), hepcidin and CYP2E1 (cytochrome P450 2E1), were analysed by quantitative PCR. In the animals exposed to hypoxia, the haematocrit increased (60+/-3% compared with 50+/-2% in controls; P<0.01) and the ratio of liver weight/body weight increased (5.4+/-0.2% compared with 4.7+/-0.3% in the controls; P<0.01). Furthermore, in animals exposed to hypoxia, steatosis was more pronounced (P<0.01), and the NAS [NAFLD (non-alcoholic fatty liver disease) activity score] (8.3+/-2.4 compared with 2.3+/-10.7 in controls; P<0.01), serum AST, triacylglycerols and glucose were higher. Insulin sensitivity decreased in mice exposed to hypoxia relative to controls. The expression of the lipogenic genes SREBP-1c (sterol-regulatory-element-binding protein-1c), PPAR-gamma (peroxisome-proliferator-activated receptor-gamma), ACC1 (acetyl-CoA carboxylase 1) and ACC2 (acetyl-CoA carboxylase 2) increased significantly in mice exposed to hypoxia, whereas mitochondria beta-oxidation genes [PPAR-alpha (peroxisome-proliferator-activated receptor-alpha) and CPT-1 (carnitine palmitoyltransferase-1)] decreased significantly. In conclusion, the findings of the present study demonstrate that hypoxia alone aggravates and accelerates the progression of NASH by up-regulating the expression of lipogenic genes, by down-regulating genes involved in lipid metabolism and by decreasing insulin sensitivity.


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Metabolic and endocrine adaptations to support milk production during the transition period vary between individual cows. This variation between cows to adapt to lactation may have a genetic basis. The present field study was carried out to determine hepatic adaptations occurring from late pregnancy through early lactation by measuring mRNA abundance of candidate genes in dairy cows on-farm. Additionally, the objective was to observe the diversity in inter-individual variation for the candidate genes that may give indications where individual adaptations at a molecular level can be found. This study was carried out on-farm including 232 dairy cows (parity >3) from 64 farms in Switzerland. Blood and liver samples were collected on d 20+/-7 before parturition, on d 24+/-2, and on d 89+/-4 after parturition. Blood plasma was assayed for concentrations of glucose, nonesterified fatty acids, beta-hydroxybutyrate, cholesterol, triglycerides, urea, albumin, protein, insulin, insulin-like growth factor-1, leptin, 3,5,3'-triiodothyronine, and thyroxine. Liver samples were obtained at the same time points and were measured for mRNA abundance of 26 candidate genes encoding enzymes and nuclear receptors involved in gluconeogenesis, fatty acid beta-oxidation, fatty acid and triglyceride synthesis, ketogenesis, citric acid cycle, cholesterol synthesis, and the urea cycle. The cows in the present study experienced a marked metabolic load in early lactation, as presented by changes in plasma metabolites and hormones, and responded accordingly with upregulation and downregulation of almost all candidate genes involved in metabolic processes in the liver. The observed inter-individual variation for the candidate genes, which was highest for acetyl-CoA-carboxylase and glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase 2, should be further investigated to unravel the regulation at molecular level for optimal adaptive performance in dairy cows.


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SCOPE: Xanthohumol (XN), a prenylated antioxidative and anti-inflammatory chalcone from hops, exhibits positive effects on lipid and glucose metabolism. Based on its favorable biological properties, we investigated whether XN attenuates atherosclerosis in western-type diet-fed apolipoprotein-E-deficient (ApoE(-/-) ) mice. METHODS AND RESULTS: XN supplementation markedly reduced plasma cholesterol concentrations, decreased atherosclerotic lesion area, and attenuated plasma concentrations of the proinflammatory cytokine monocyte chemoattractant protein 1. Decreased hepatic triglyceride and cholesterol content, activation of AMP-activated protein kinase, phosphorylation and inactivation of acetyl-CoA carboxylase, and reduced expression levels of mature sterol regulatory element-binding protein (SREBP)-2 and SREBP-1c mRNA indicate reduced lipogenesis in the liver of XN-fed ApoE(-/-) mice. Concomitant induction of hepatic mRNA expression of carnitine palmitoyltransferase-1a in ApoE(-/-) mice-administered XN suggests increased fatty acid beta-oxidation. Fecal cholesterol concentrations were also markedly increased in XN-fed ApoE(-/-) mice compared with mice fed western-type diet alone. CONCLUSION: The atheroprotective effects of XN might be attributed to combined beneficial effects on plasma cholesterol and monocyte chemoattractant protein 1 concentrations and hepatic lipid metabolism via activation of AMP-activated protein kinase.


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The aim of this study was to investigate whether a decrease in carnitine body stores is a risk factor for valproic acid (VPA)-associated hepatotoxicity and to explore the effects of VPA on carnitine homeostasis in mice with decreased carnitine body stores. Therefore, heterozygous juvenile visceral steatosis (jvs)(+/-) mice, an animal model with decreased carnitine stores caused by impaired renal reabsorption of carnitine, and the corresponding wild-type mice were treated with subtoxic oral doses of VPA (0.1 g/g b.wt./day) for 2 weeks. In jvs(+/-) mice, but not in wild-type mice, treatment with VPA was associated with the increased plasma activity of aspartate aminotransferase and alkaline phosphatase. Furthermore, jvs(+/-) mice revealed reduced palmitate metabolism assessed in vivo and microvesicular steatosis of the liver. The creatine kinase activity was not affected by treatment with VPA. In liver mitochondria isolated from mice that were treated with VPA, oxidative metabolism of l-glutamate, succinate, and palmitate, as well as beta-oxidation of palmitate, were decreased compared to vehicle-treated wild-type mice or jvs(+/-) mice. In comparison to vehicle-treated wild-type mice, vehicle-treated jvs(+/-) mice had decreased carnitine plasma and tissue levels. Treatment with VPA was associated with an additional decrease in carnitine plasma (wild-type mice and jvs(+/-) mice) and tissue levels (jvs(+/-) mice) and a shift of the carnitine pools toward short-chain acylcarnitines. We conclude that jvs(+/-) mice reveal a more accentuated hepatic toxicity by VPA than the corresponding wild-type mice. Therefore, decreased carnitine body stores can be regarded as a risk factor for hepatotoxicity associated with VPA.


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Pregnane X receptor (PXR) is an important nuclear receptor xenosensor that regulates the expression of metabolic enzymes and transporters involved in the metabolism of xenobiotics and endobiotics. In this study, ultra-performance liquid chromatography (UPLC) coupled with electrospray time-of-flight mass spectrometry (TOFMS), revealed altered urinary metabolomes in both Pxr-null and wild-type mice treated with the mouse PXR activator pregnenolone 16alpha-carbonitrile (PCN). Multivariate data analysis revealed that PCN significantly attenuated the urinary vitamin E metabolite alpha-carboxyethyl hydroxychroman (CEHC) glucuronide together with a novel metabolite in wild-type but not Pxr-null mice. Deconjugation experiments with beta-glucuronidase and beta-glucosidase suggested that the novel urinary metabolite was gamma-CEHC beta-D-glucoside (Glc). The identity of gamma-CEHC Glc was confirmed by chemical synthesis and by comparing tandem mass fragmentation of the urinary metabolite with the authentic standard. The lower urinary CEHC was likely due to PXR-mediated repression of hepatic sterol carrier protein 2 involved in peroxisomal beta-oxidation of branched-chain fatty acids (BCFA). Using a combination of metabolomic analysis and a genetically modified mouse model, this study revealed that activation of PXR results in attenuated levels of the two vitamin E conjugates, and identification of a novel vitamin E metabolite, gamma-CEHC Glc. Activation of PXR results in attenuated levels of the two vitamin E conjugates that may be useful as biomarkers of PXR activation.


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The mitochondrial carnitine palmitoyltransferase (CPT) system is composed of two proteins, CPT-I and CPT-II, involved in the transport of fatty acids into the mitochondrial matrix to undergo $\beta$-oxidation. CPT-I is located outside the inner membrane and CPT-II is located on the inner aspect of the inner membrane. The CPT proteins are distinct with different molecular weights and activities. The malonyl-CoA sensitivity of CPT-I has been proposed as a regulatory step in $\beta$-oxidation. Using the neonatal rat cardiac myocyte, assays were designed to discriminate between these activities in situ using digitonin and Triton X-100. With this methodology, we are able to determine the involvement of the IGF-I pathway in the insulin-mediated increase in CPT activities. Concentrations of digitonin up to 25 $\mu$M fail to release citrate synthase from the mitochondrial matrix or alter the malonyl-CoA sensitivity of CPT-I. If the mitochondrial matrix was exposed, malonyl-CoA insensitive CPT-II would reduce malonyl-CoA sensitivity. In contrast to digitonin, Triton X-100 (0.15%) releases citrate synthase from the matrix and exposes CPT-II. CPT-II activity is confirmed by the absence of malonyl-CoA sensitivity. To examine the effects of various agents on the expression and/or activity of CPT, it is necessary to use serum-free medium to eliminate mitogenic effects of serum proteins. Comparison of different media to optimize CPT activity and cell viability resulted in the decision to use Dulbecco's Modified Eagle medium supplemented with transferrin. In three established models of cardiac hypertrophy using the neonatal rat cardiac myocyte there is a significant increase in CPT-I and CPT-II activity in the treated cells. Analogous to the situation seen in the hypertrophy model, insulin also significantly increases the activity of the mitochondrial proteins CPT-I, CPT-II and cytochrome oxidase with a coinciding increase the expression of CPT-II and cytochrome oxidase mRNA. The removal of serum increases the I$\sb{50}$ (concentration of inhibitor that halves enzyme activity) of CPT-I for malonyl-CoA by four-fold. Incubation with insulin returns I$\sb{50}$ values to serum levels. Incubation with insulin significantly increases malonyl-CoA and ATP levels in the cells with a resulting reduction in palmitate oxidation. Once malonyl-CoA inhibition of CPT-I is removed by permeabilizing the cells, insulin significantly increases the oxidation of palmitoyl-CoA in a manner which parallels the increase in CPT-I activity. Interestingly, CPT-II activity increases significantly only at the tissue culture concentration (1.7 $\mu$M) of insulin suggesting that the IGF-I pathway may be involved. Supporting a role for the IGF-I pathway in the insulin-induced increase in CPT activity is the significant increase in the synthesis of both cellular and mitochondrial proteins as well as increased synthesis of CPT-II. Consistent with an IGF-mediated pathway for the effect of insulin, IGF-I (10 ng/ml) significantly increases the activities of both CPT-I and -II. An IGF-I analogue which inhibits the autophosphorylation of the IGF-I receptor blunts the insulin-mediated increase in CPT-I and -II activity by greater than 70% and virtually eliminates the IGF-I response by greater than 90%. This is the first study to demonstrate the involvement of the IGF-I pathway in the regulation of mitochondrial protein expression, e.g. CPT. ^