960 resultados para B lymphocyte activation


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The cytokine BAFF binds to the receptors TACI, BCMA, and BAFF-R on B cells, whereas APRIL binds to TACI and BCMA only. The signaling properties of soluble trimeric BAFF (BAFF 3-mer) were compared with those of higher-order BAFF oligomers. All forms of BAFF bound BAFF-R and TACI, and elicited BAFF-R-dependent signals in primary B cells. In contrast, signaling through TACI in mature B cells or plasmablasts was only achieved by higher-order BAFF and APRIL oligomers, all of which were also po-tent activators of a multimerization-dependent reporter signaling pathway. These results indicate that, although BAFF-R and TACI can provide B cells with similar signals, only BAFF-R, but not TACI, can respond to soluble BAFF 3-mer, which is the main form of BAFF found in circulation. BAFF 60-mer, an efficient TACI agonist, was also detected in plasma of BAFF transgenic and nontransgenic mice and was more than 100-fold more active than BAFF 3-mer for the activation of multimerization-dependent signals. TACI supported survival of activated B cells and plasmablasts in vitro, providing a rational basis to explain the immunoglobulin deficiency reported in TACI-deficient persons.


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The tumor necrosis factor (TNF) family member B cell activating factor (BAFF) binds B cells and enhances B cell receptor-triggered proliferation. We find that B cell maturation antigen (BCMA), a predicted member of the TNF receptor family expressed primarily in mature B cells, is a receptor for BAFF. Although BCMA was previously localized to the Golgi apparatus, BCMA was found to be expressed on the surface of transfected cells and tonsillar B cells. A soluble form of BCMA, which inhibited the binding of BAFF to a B cell line, induced a dramatic decrease in the number of peripheral B cells when administered in vivo. Moreover, culturing splenic cells in the presence of BAFF increased survival of a percentage of the B cells. These results are consistent with a role for BAFF in maintaining homeostasis of the B cell population.


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Although they are considered as antigen presenting cells (APC), the role of antigen-unspecific B-lymphocytes in antigen presentation and T lymphocyte stimulation remains controversial. In this paper, we tested the capacity of normal human peripheral activated B cells to stimulate T cells using melanoma antigens or melanoma cell lysates. B lymphocytes activated through CD40 ligation and then pulsed with tumor antigens efficiently processed and presented MHC class II restricted peptides to specific CD4+ T cell clones. This suggests that CD40-activated B cells have the functional and molecular competence to present MHC class II epitopes when pulsed with exogenous antigens, thereby making them a relevant source of APC to generate T cells. To test this hypothesis, CD40-activated B cells were pulsed with a lysate prepared from melanoma cells and used to stimulate peripheral autologous T cells. Interestingly, T cells specific to melanoma antigens were generated. Further analysis of these T cell clones revealed that they recognized MHC class II restricted epitopes from tyrosinase, a known melanoma tumor antigen. The efficient antigen presentation by antigen-unspecific activated B cells was correlated with a down-regulation in the expression of HLA-DO, a B cell specific protein known to interfere with HLA-DM function. Because HLA-DM is important in MHC class II peptide loading, the observed decrease in HLA-DO may partially explain the enhanced antigen presentation following B-cell activation. Results globally suggest that when they are properly activated, antigen-unspecific B-lymphocytes can present exogenous antigens by MHC class II molecules and stimulate peripheral antigen-specific T cells. Antigen presentation by activated B cells could be exploited for immunotherapy by allowing the in vitro generation of T cells specific against antigens expressed by tumors or viruses.


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Les anomalies phénotypiques et fonctionnelles des lymphocytes B (LB) sont typiques d'une infection au VIH et se traduisent principalement par une activation polyclonale, une perte de la mémoire immunitaire ainsi qu'une réponse humorale déficiente et des phénomènes auto-immunitaires souvent précurseurs de lymphomes B. Ces anomalies se retrouvent principalement chez les patients lors de la phase chronique de la maladie et semblent être reliées en partie au niveau de la charge virale ainsi qu'à un compartiment de lymphocytes T CD4+ altéré. Cependant, quoique controversé, des éléments d’activation polyclonale ont également été observés chez les non-progresseurs à long terme (LTNPs) qui présentent une charge virale faible et un compartiment T CD4+ semblable aux individus séronégatifs. Ainsi, les objectifs principaux de cette étude sont 1) d’établir une chronologie des anomalies du compartiment des cellules B chez des individus infectés par le VIH qui ont une progression différente de la maladie (PHI normaux, rapides, sains et LTNP). 2) corréler les niveaux sériques du stimulateur de lymphocytes B (BLyS), un facteur de croissance des cellules B, avec les phénotypes observés chez ces mêmes patients. L’hyperglobulinémie, les niveaux sériques de BLyS et d’auto-anticorps ont été mesuré longitudinalement chez une cohorte d’individus en primo-infection (PHI) avec des progressions différentes de la maladie (rapides et normaux), LTNP et sujets sains. Nos résultats démontrent que l’activation polyclonale des LB survient indépendamment de la vitesse de progression et persiste chez les LTNP ou malgré une thérapie antirétrovirale efficace chez les progresseurs rapides. Des niveaux élevés de BLyS dans le sérum des progresseurs rapides corrèlent avec des fréquences altérées de monocytes et cellules dendritiques, suggérant un rôle de celles-ci dans l’atteinte du compartiment des cellules B.


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La dérégulation du compartiment B est une conséquence importante de l’infection par le virus de l’immunodéficience humaine (VIH), qui peut mener à des manifestations autoimmunes et ultimement à des lymphomes B. Parmi les premières anomalies détectées, on dénote l’activation polyclonale, reflétée par la présence d’hyperglobulinémie (hyper-Ig) et des titres élevés d’autoanticorps chez les patients. On observe également une altération des dynamiques des populations, notamment une expansion de la population des cellules matures activées. De plus, les patients évoluent vers l’incapacité de générer une réponse humorale efficace, et sont sujets à une perte de la mémoire immunologique en phase chronique, caractérisée par une diminution de la population des cellules mémoires et par l’épuisement cellulaire. Toutefois, on connaît très peu les mécanismes impliqués dans de telles altérations. Les cellules dendritiques (DC) sont parmi les premières populations cellulaires à rencontrer et à propager le VIH lors d’une infection, et s’en trouvent affectées directement et indirectement, par le virus et ses composantes. On retrouve en effet une diminution des fréquences de DC dans le sang, les muqueuses et les organes lymphoïdes de patients infectés par le VIH, ainsi qu’un blocage au niveau de la maturation cellulaire. Toutefois, un débat perdure quant à l’apparition de ces altérations durant la phase aigüe de l’infection, et à la restauration des fréquences et des fonctions des DC chez les patients sous traitement. Cette controverse est due à la rareté des études longitudinales incluant des suivis qui s’échelonnent de la phase aigüe à la phase chronique de l’infection. Les DC jouent un rôle important dans le développement, la survie et l’activation des lymphocytes B, de façon T-dépendante et T-indépendante, notamment via des facteurs de croissance tel que BLyS (B lymphocyte stimulator). Par conséquent, nous formulons l’hypothèse que dans le cadre d’une infection VIH, les altérations observées au niveau des cellules B sont modulées par les DC. L’objectif majeur de cette étude est donc d’évaluer l’implication potentielle des DC dans les altérations des cellules B au cours de l’infection par le VIH. Pour ce faire, nous avons d’abord caractérisé de façon longitudinale le statut des populations de DC du sang périphérique de patients infectés au VIH et présentant différents types de progression de la maladie. Cela nous a permis d’évaluer la présence d’une corrélation entre les dynamiques de DC et le type de progression. Par la suite, nous avons évalué la capacité des DC à exprimer BLyS, puis mesuré sa concentration ainsi que celles d’autres facteurs de croissance des cellules B dans le plasma des patients. Enfin, nous avons caractérisé le statut des lymphocytes B, en fonction du stade de l’infection et du taux de progression clinique des patients. Cette étude démontre une diminution de la fréquence des populations de DC myéloïdes (mDC) dans le sang de patients infectés par le VIH sujets à une progression clinique. Cette diminution est observée dès le stade aigu de l’infection et au-delà du traitement antirétroviral (ART). Des concentrations élevées de MCP-1 (monocyte chemotactic protein), MIP (macrophage inflammatory protein) -3α et MIP-3β suggèrent la possibilité d’un drainage vers des sites périphériques. Nous observons également des niveaux supérieurs à la normale de précurseurs CD11c+CD14+CD16- en phase chronique, possiblement liés à une tendence de régénération des DC. Les patients en phase chronique présentent de hautes concentrations plasmatiques de BLyS, reflétée par un haut taux d’expression de cette cytokine par les mDC et leurs précurseurs. Parallèlement, nous observons une expansion des cellules B matures activées ainsi que des taux élevés d’IgG et IgA dans le sang de ces patients. De plus, nous constatons l’expansion d’une population de cellules B qui présente à la fois des caractéristiques de cellules B immatures transitionnelles (TI, transitional immature), et de cellules B recirculantes activées de la zone marginale (MZ, marginal zone), considérées ici comme des «précurseurs/activées de la MZ». Cette étude démontre aussi, chez les progresseurs lents, une meilleure préservation du compartiment des DC du sang périphérique, accompagnée d’une augmentation de précurseurs des DC de phénotype CD11c+CD14+CD16+, ainsi que des concentrations plasmatiques et niveaux d’expression normaux de BLyS. Conséquemment, nous n’avons pas observé d’augmentation des cellules B matures activées et des cellules B précurseurs/activées de la MZ. Toutefois, la fréquence des cellules B matures de la MZ est diminuée, reflétant possiblement leur recrutement vers des sites périphériques et leur contribution à un mécanisme actif de contrôle de la progression de la maladie. L’ensemble de ce travail suggère que dans le cadre d’une infection au VIH, les altérations observées au niveau des DC modulent les anomalies des cellules B. Par conséquent, le maintien de l’équilibre des fonctions DC, notamment les fonctions noninflammatoires, pourrait avoir un impact important dans la prévention de la progression de maladies associées aux altérations du compartiment des cellules B.


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L’implication des cellules B dans le développement de l’auto-immunité ne cesse d’être illustrée par de récentes publications. Les cellules présentent des peptides du soi aux cellules T auto-réactives ce qui mène à la production de cytokines pro-inflammatoires et d’anticorps auto-réactifs. Dans le présent document, nous explorons la présentation antigénique et la modification post-traductionnelle du complexe majeur d’histocompatibilité II (CMH-II). MARCH1 est une E3 ubiquitine ligase qui cible le CMH-II et le relocalise le complexe vers les endosomes de recyclage. Ainsi, MARCH1 est un inhibiteur de la présentation d’antigènes exogènes. Ici, nous démontrons que MARCH1 est exprimé seulement dans la sous-population des cellules B folliculaires et que cette expression est perdue lors de l’entrée dans les centres germinatifs. Nous proposons que MARCH1 établie une barrière de formation de centres germinatifs. Nous démontrons le lien entre MARCH1 et la hausse de CMH-II à la surface des cellules B à la suite d’un traitement à l’IL-10. De plus, nous avons testé plusieurs stimuli activateurs des cellules B et démontrons que MARCH1 est régulé à la baisse dans tous les cas. De plus, nous mettons en valeurs le rôle de la voie canonique d’activation de NF-κB dans cette régulation de MARCH1. Finalement, nous avons développé un système de lentivirus exprimant MARCH1 qui nous permet de forcer l’expression de MARCH1 dans des cellules réfractaires à la transfection. Nous discutons de l’implication de cette régulation du CMH-II par MARCH1 dans le développement de maladies auto-immunes.


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Las reacciones alérgicas a medicamentos cutáneas severas (RAM) como el Síndrome Stevens Johnson (SJS) y la Necrólisis Epidérmica Tóxica (NET),caracterizadas por exantema, erosión de la piel y las membranas mucosas, flictenas, desprendimiento de la piel secundario a la muerte de queratinocitos y compromiso ocular. Son infrecuentes en la población pero con elevada morbi-mortalidad, se presentan luego de la administración de diferentes fármacos. En Asia se ha asociado el alelo HLA-B*15:02 como marcador genético para SJS. En Colombia no hay datos de la incidencia de estas RAM, ni de la relación con medicamentos específicos o potenciales y tampoco estudios de aproximación genómica de genes de susceptibilidad.


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Lymphocyte subsets, activation markers and apoptosis were assessed in 20 HIV-exposed noninfected (ENI) children born to HIV-infected women who were or not exposed to antiretroviral (ARV) drugs during pregnancy and early infancy. ENI children and adolescents were aged 6-18 years and they were compared to 25 age-matched healthy non-HIV-exposed children and adolescents (Control). ENI individuals presented lower CD4(+) T cells/mm(3) than Control group (control: 1120.3 vs. ENI: 876.3; t-test, p=0.030). ENI individuals had higher B-cell apoptosis than Control group (Control: 36.6%, ARV exposed: 82.3%, ARV nonexposed: 68.5%; Kruskal-Wallis, p < 0.05), but no statistical difference was noticed between those exposed and not exposed to ARV. Immune activation in CD4(+) T, CD8(+) T and in B cells was comparable in ENI and in Control children and adolescents. Subtle long-term immune alterations might persist among ENI individuals, but the clinical consequences if any are unknown, and these children require continued monitoring.


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The development of septic shock is a common and frequently lethal consequence of gram-negative infection. Mediators released by lung macrophages activated by bacterial products such as lipopolysaccharide (LPS) contribute to shock symptoms. We have shown that insulin downregulates LPS-induced TNF production by alveolar macrophages (AMs). In the present study, we investigated the effect of insulin on the LPS-induced production of nitric oxide (NO) and prostaglandin (PG)-E(2), on the expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase ( iNOS) and cyclooxygenase (COX)-2, and on nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kappa B) activation in AMs. Resident AMs from male Wistar rats were stimulated with LPS (100 ng/mL) for 30 minutes. Insulin (1 mU/mL) was added 10 min before LPS. Enzymes expression, NF-kappa B p65 activation and inhibitor of kappa B (I-kappa B) a phosphorylation were assessed by immunobloting; NO by Griess reaction and PGE(2) by enzyme immunoassay (EIA). LPS induced in AMs the expression of iNOS and COX-2 proteins and production of NO and PGE(2), and, in parallel, NF-kappa B p65 activation and cytoplasmic I-kappa B alpha phosphorylation. Administration of insulin before LPS suppressed the expression of iNOS and COX-2, of NO and PGE(2) production and Nuclear NF-kappa B p65 activation. Insulin also prevented cytoplasmic I-kappa Ba phosphorylation. These results show that in AMs stimulated by LPS, insulin prevents nuclear translocation of NF-kappa B, possibly by blocking I-kappa Ba degradation, and supresses the production of NO and PGE(2), two molecules that contribute to septic shock. Copyright (C) 2008 S. Karger AG, Basel.


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We evaluated propolis influence on polyclonal activation of lymphocytes by concanavalin A (Con A). The in vitro experiments showed that propolis decreases splenocyte proliferation both in the absence or presence of Con A. The supression in mitogen-induced splenocyte proliferation also occurred when mice were treated intraperitoneally with propolis for 3 days. An increased of IFN-gamma production in the culture supernatants of the same cells was, observed. A dual action of propolis on lymphocyte activation was proposed: it decreases splenocyte proliferation in the presence or absence of Con A and stimulates IFN-gamma production by spleen cells. These results are important to understand the immunomodulatory action of propolis on the host's specific and non-specific immunity. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Polyclonal lymphocyte stimulation is one of the immunomodulatory mechanisms induced by arthritogenic pathogens. In this study we examined the polyclonal activation potential of a virulent strain of Y. enterocolitica serotype O:8 (WA 2707+) and its plasmidless isogenic pair (WA 2707-). SPF Swiss mice were infected intragastrically and spleen cells were obtained on days 7, 14, 21, 28, 35 and 42 after infection. The number of cells secreting nonspecific immunoglobulins of IgG, IgM and IgA isotypes was determined by the ELISPOT technique. The presence of serum-specific antibodies was investigated by ELISA and the presence of autoantibodies by dot-blot assay. Although the patterns of infection of the two bacterial strains were almost the same, only the animals infected with the virulent strain presented clinical anomalies. Neither arthritic nor inflammatory signs were observed in the joints of the infected animals. The greatest activation observed was that of the nonspecific IgM-secreting cells, and their peak of secretion occurred between the 28th and the 42nd day after infection, for both strains of Y. enterocolitica O:8. Only the animals infected with the virulent strain (WA 2707+) produced IgG-specific antibodies in the serum, from the 28th day after infection. The serum of animals infected with either strain showed reactivity to all the autologous constituents tested, mainly on the 28th and 42nd day after infection. It was concluded that infection of mice with either the virulent strain of Y. enterocolitica O:8 or with its plasmidless isogenic pair resulted in the polyclonal activation of the splenic B lymphocytes including some autoreactive clones.


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The feasibility of establishment of continuously proliferating growth factor-dependent human B lymphocytes was investigated. Normal B lymphocytes prepared from peripheral venous blood were stimulated with a variety of known polyclonal B cell activators, in the continuous presence of various cytokine preparations. Continuously proliferating growth factor-dependent B cell populations were obtained from cultures activated with either insoluble anti-IgM ((mu)-chain specific), soluble anti-IgM, heat-killed Staphylococcus aureus Cowen I (SAC), or dextran sulphate (DxS), in the continuous presence of exogenously added growth factor preparations containing either IL-1, IL-2 and BCGF, or BCGF alone. Although growth factor-dependent B cell lines were obtained via all three methods of activation, the correlation of mode of activation and growth factor preparation proved to be critical. B cell lines could not be established with anti-(mu) activation in the presence of only BCGF; however, B cell lines were successfully obtained with SAC or DxS activation from those cultures continuously replenished with only BCGF. These cultured B lymphocyte populations were routinely maintained in logarithmic-phase growth in the presence of exogenously added growth factor, and exhibited a population doubling time of approximately 36 hours. They were shown to specifically absorb BCGF, suggesting the presence of membrane receptors for it. Also, these cultured B cells have been utilized for the development of a microassay for the assessment of a M(,r) 12,000-14,000 B cell growth factor activity that is accurate, sensitive, and precise. The pronounced sensitivity of this bioassay beyond that of the conventional peripheral blood B cell assay has aided in the purification to homogeneity of natural product extracellular BCGF (EC-BCGF), and in the determination of the nucleotide sequence for a gene coding for a protein exhibiting BCGF activity. Additionally, these B cell lines specifically absorb, and proliferate in the presence of, an affinity-purified M(,r) 60,000 trypsin-sensitive intracellular protein derived from freshly isolated human T lymphocytes, providing evidence for a putative intracellular precursor of EC-BCGF, or a novel high molecular weight BCGF species. ^


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B-lymphocyte stimulator (BLyS also called BAFF), is a potent cell survival factor expressed in many hematopoietic cells. BLyS levels are elevated in the serum of non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) patients, and have been reported to be associated with disease progression, and prognosis. To understand the mechanisms involved in BLyS gene expression and regulation, we examined expression, function, and regulation of the BLyS gene in B cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL-B) cells. BLyS is constitutively expressed in aggressive NHL-B cells including large B cell lymphoma (LBCL) and mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) contributing to survival and proliferation of malignant B cells. Two important transcription factors, NF-κB and NFAT, were found to be involved in regulating BLyS expression through at least one NF-κB and two NFAT binding sites in the BLyS promoter. Further study indicates that the constitutive activation of NF-κB and BLyS in NHL-B cells forms a positive feedback loop contributing to cell survival and proliferation. In order to further investigate BLyS signaling pathway, we studied the function of BAFF-R, a major BLyS receptor, on B cells survival and proliferation. Initial study revealed that BAFF-R was also found in the nucleus, in addition to its presence on plasma membrane of B cells. Nuclear presentation of BAFF-R can be increased by anti-IgM and soluble BLyS treatment in normal peripheral B lymphocytes. Inhibition of BLyS expression decreases nuclear BAFF-R level in LBCL cells. Furthermore, we showed that BAFF-R translocated to nucleus through the classic karyopherin pathway. A candidate nuclear localization sequence (NLS) was identified in the BAFF-R protein sequence and mutation of this putative NLS can block BAFF-R entering nucleus and LBCL cell proliferation. Further study showed that BAFF-R co-localized with NF-κB family member, c-rel in the nucleus. We also found BAFF-R mediated transcriptional activity, which could be increased by c-rel. We also found that nuclear BAFF-R could bind to the NF-κB binding site on the promoters of NF-κB target genes such as BLyS, CD154, Bcl-xL, Bfl-1/A1 and IL-8. These findings indicate that BAFF-R may also promote survival and proliferation of normal B cells and NHL-B cells by directly functioning as a transcriptional co-factor with NF-κB family member. ^


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The effect of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 [1,25(OH)2)D3], a steroid hormone with immunomodulating properties, on nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kappa B) proteins was examined in in vitro activated normal human lymphocytes by Western blot analysis. Over a 72-hr period of activation, the expression of the 50-kDa NF-kappa B, p50, and its precursor, p105, was increased progressively. When cells were activated in the presence of 1,25(OH)2D3, the levels of the mature protein as well as its precursor were decreased. The effect of the hormone on the levels of p50 was demonstrable in the cytosolic and nuclear compartments; it required between 4 and 8 hr and was specific, as 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 and 24,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 were ineffective. Besides p50, 1,25(OH)2D3 decreased the levels of another NF-kappa B protein, namely c-rel. In addition, 1,25(OH)2D3 decreased the abundance of a specific DNA-protein complex formed upon incubation of nuclear extracts from activated lymphocytes with a labeled NF-kappa B DNA binding motif. Further, 1,25(OH)2D3 inhibited the transcriptional activity of NF-kappa B in Jurkat cells transiently transfected with a construct containing four tandem repeats of the NF-kappa B binding sequence of the immunoglobulin kappa light chain gene linked to the chloramphenicol acetyltransferase reporter gene. These observations demonstrate directly that there is de novo synthesis of NF-kappa B during human lymphocyte activation and suggest that this process is hormonally regulated.