999 resultados para Azadirachta indica A. Juss.


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A flor-preta é uma das doenças mais importantes do morangueiro e a busca por alternativas de controle tem sido uma constante, principalmente em áreas de cultivo orgânico. Assim, objetivou-se avaliar a eficiência, in vitro e in vivo, dos óleos de Eucalyptus citriodora e Azadirachta indica no controle de Colletotrichum acutatum em morangueiro. No experimento in vitro determinou-se a inibição do crescimento micelial quando o fungo foi submetido aos extratos nas concentr§Ãµes de 0; 0,25; 0,5; 1,0 e 1,5%. No campo, avaliou-se o controle da doença com a aplic§Ã£o dos óleos nas concentr§Ãµes de 0, 0,5 e 1,0%, pulverizados em intervalos de 7, 15 e 30 dias, em plantas inoculadas com suspensão de 10(6) conídios/mL. As avali§Ãµes foram realizadas semanalmente, observando-se a ocorrência e tamanho de lesões no pedúnculo e nos frutos, abortamento floral, produtividade, e ocorrência natural da doença. In vitro todos os tratamentos apresentaram redução significativa do crescimento micelial do fungo quando comparados ao controle. No campo, apenas o óleo de nim apresentou efeito significativo, reduzindo o abortamento floral e a ocorrência de frutos doentes advindos de flores inoculadas. Porém, maior ocorrência natural de doença foi observada quando a dosagem de 1,0% foi aplicada semanalmente.


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Esta pesquisa objetivou avaliar a eficiência dos óleos de nim (Azadirachta indica) e de mamona (Ricinus communis) na melhoria da resistência da madeira de sumºma (Ceiba pentandra) ao térmita xilófago Nasutitermes corniger em ensaio de preferência alimentar. Os óleos das sementes de nim e de mamona foram extr­dos com álcool etílico absoluto e empregados no preparo das soluções preservativas. Amostras de madeira com dimensões de 2,0 x 10,16 x 0,64 cm (radial x longitudinal x tangencial) foram tratadas para atingir uma retenção nominal de 10 a 16 kg de solução por metro cúbico de madeira, sendo parte das amostras tratadas submetida ao envelhecimento (volatiliz§Ã£o ou lixivi§Ã£o). As amostras tratadas foram submetidas à §Ã£o de cupins em ensaio de preferência alimentar. Os referidos óleos pouco contribuíram para a melhoria da resistência da madeira de sumºma ao cupim testado. Entre as soluções testadas, o óleo de mamona puro foi o mais eficiente. O envelhecimento das amostras pouco influenciou na resistência da madeira. Os óleos de nim e de mamona puros e suas soluções, mesmo apresentando algum efeito de repelência aos cupins, não evidenciaram efeito duradouro, indicando que esses produtos não devem ser empregados no tratamento da madeira com o objetivo de melhorar sua resistência a cupins xilófagos.


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As moscas Lucilia cuprina, Chrysomya megacephala, Cochliomyia hominivorax e Musca domestica, estão entre as mais importantes pragas da pecuária causando miíases e como portadoras de microrganismos patogênicos. O propósito deste estudo foi testar a eficácia de várias concentr§Ãµes do óleo de nim sobre pupas das moscas mencionadas em condições de laboratório e de campo. A redução da emergência das moscas das pupas tratadas com 0,6 por cento de óleo de nim foi de 95,6 por cento em condições de laboratório e 94,5 por cento quando aplicado ao solo onde descansam os animais durante a noite. A aplic§Ã£o do óleo de nim a 0,6% no solo é uma alternativa viável para controle das pupas de L. cuprina, C. megacephala, C. hominivorax e M. domestica.


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O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a eficácia de uma emulsão contendo 10% de óleo de nim, Azadirachta indica, no controle de Psoroptes ovis em coelhos naturalmente infestados. Foram utilizados 12 coelhos separados aleatoriamente em dois grupos de seis animais cada. O grupo controle permaneceu sem tratamento, enquanto que o grupo tratado recebeu a formul§Ã£o em teste, contendo 10% de Nim, borrifando ambos os condutos auditivos, uma vez ao dia, por sete dias consecutivos. Os animais foram avaliados diariamente para observ§Ã£o de possíveis efeitos adversos do produto. Nos dias +3, +7, +14,+21, +28 e +35 foi coletado material de todos os animais para avali§Ã£o da presença de ácaros vivos. Os coelhos do grupo controle apresentavam ácaros em ambos os condutos auditivos em todos os dias de observ§Ã£o. O grupo tratado apresentou eficácia de 41,7% no dia +3 e 100% a partir do dia +7 até o dia +35. O produto demonstrou ser eficaz no tratamento da sarna psoróptica em coelhos. Entretanto, todos os animais tratados apresentaram re§Ãµes dermatológicas, tais como alopecia e hiperemia no local de aplic§Ã£o do produto, variando de baixa a média severidade.


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Initial applications of 10(4) spores g(-1) of Pasteuria penetrans, and dried neem cake and leaves at 3 and 2% w:w, respectively, were applied to soil in pots. Juveniles of Meloidogyne javanica were added immediately to the pots (500, 5,000 or 10,000) before planting 6-week-old tomato seedlings. The tomatoes were sampled after 64 days; subsequently a second crop was grown for 59 days and a third crop for 67 days without further applications of P. penetrans and neem. There was significantly less root-galling in the P. penetrans combined with neem cake treatment at the end of the third crop and this treatment also had the greatest effect on the growth of the tomato plants. At the end of the third crop, 30% of the females were infected with P. penetrans in those treatments where spores had been applied at the start of the experiment. The effects of neem leaves and neem cake on the nematode population did not persist through the crop sequences but the potential for combining the amendments with a biological control agent such as P. penetrans is worthy of further evaluation.


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Second stage juveniles of Meloidogyne javanica were exposed to aqueous extracts of neem crude formulations (leaves and cake) at 10%, 5%, and 2.5% w/v and a refined product, Aza at 0.1% w/v. The 10% extracts of neem leaf and cake caused 83% and 85% immobility and 35% and 28% mortality, respectively. Aza caused neither immobility or mortality of juveniles. When egg masses were placed in extracts of these formulations, hatching did not occur at all the concentrations (10%, 5%, 2.5% and 1.25% w/v) of the crude formulations. When the treated egg masses were returned to water, the eggs resumed hatching. Aza did not affect the nematode hatching. In glasshouse experiments, soil application of neem formulations significantly reduced the invasion of tomato roots by root-knot nematodes but once the nematodes managed to invade them, no effect detected on their development. Soil applications of Aza at 0.05% and 0.1% w/v significantly reduced the invasion and delayed development of nematodes within tomato roots whereas 0.025% did not. There were significantly fewer egg masses on tomato roots exposed to single egg mass in neem amended soil as compared to control. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Neem leaves, neem cake (a by-product left after the extraction of oil from neem seed) and a commercially refined product aza (azadirachtin) extracted from seed were evaluated. Aqueous extracts of crude neem formulations used as a seedling dip treatment significantly reduced the number of females and egg masses in roots whereas the refined one did not. A split-root technique was used to demonstrate the translocation of active compounds within a plant and their subsequent effect on the development of nematodes. When applied to the root portion all formulations significantly reduced the number of egg masses and eggs per egg mass. Whereas on the untreated root portion, neem cake at 3% w/w and aza at 0.1% w/w significantly reduced the number of egg masses as compared with neem leaves at 3% w/w, aza at 0.05% and control. All the neern formulations significantly reduced the number of eggs per egg mass on' the untreated root portion. The effect of neem leaves and cake on the development of root-knot nematodes was tested at 2, 4, 6, 8, and 16 weeks after their application to soil. Even after 16 weeks all the treatments significantly reduced the galling index and number of egg masses but their effectiveness declined over time. After storing neem leaves, cake and aza for 8 months under ambient conditions the efficacy of neem leaves and aza, against root-knot nematodes, remained stable whereas that of cake declined. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Two types of neem formulations, crude and refined, were tested. The crude form was neem leaves and neem cakes (a by-product left after the extraction of oil from neem seed) and one of the neem-refined products was "aza". The protective and curative soil application of these formulations significantly reduced the number of egg masses and eggs per egg mass on tomato roots. Protective application of neem crude formulations (leaves and cake) did not reduce the invasion of juveniles whereas aza at 0.1% w/w did. Curative application of neem formulations significantly reduced the number of egg masses and eggs per egg mass as compared with the control. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The effect of four extracts from neem seeds (Azadirachta indica) containing 2000, 5000, 9000 and 10,000 ppm of azadirachtin A (AZA), quantified by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and diluted to 1.25%; 2.5%; 5.0%; 10.0% and 12.8% was verified by in vitro tests with engorged females and larvae of the cattle tick Rhipicephalus micro plus. The results from the bioassays with the engorged females showed that the main toxic effect of the extracts was reduction of the reproductive parameters, with a sharp drop in the number of eggs laid and the hatching rate, mainly when the extracts were diluted to 10.0% and 12.8%. The product effectiveness (PE) calculations for all the solutions tested showed that the AZA solution at 10,000 ppm (N10) was the most effective. However, statistical analysis of the PE data obtained for the proportional AZA concentrations in the different diluted extracts showed significance (P<0.05) of the effects included in the model (extract dilution, principle effect (classificatory) of the assay (extract) and the interaction between the two), indicating significant variations due to the dilution, the test and the interaction between the two factors in the tests with engorged females. For solutions N2, N5, and N9, it was not possible to estimate LC(90) values in the dilution range tested. The lowest LC(50) was observed for extract N5, and although extract N10 was the only extract for which the LC(90) could be estimated within the range tested, the LC(50) was higher than for N5 and N9. These results suggest that substances other than AZA present in the extracts influenced the efficacy, especially up to a certain LC range. In the tests with larvae, no mortality was observed, indicating zero effectiveness of all the extracts tested. The results of the tests with engorged females showed that the neem extracts had acaricide activity, inhibiting egg laying and the larval hatching rate. Complementary studies are necessary to develop new methods to isolate and/or identify other substances besides AZA contained in this plant, to enable using products made from it as acaricides. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fund§Ã£o de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A associ§Ã£o de extratos de origem vegetal com fungos entomopatogênicos pode aumentar a eficiência do controle biológico de pragas, reduzir custos e impactos ambientais. No presente trabalho, avaliou-se, através da concentr§Ã£o inibitória mínima, o efeito do óleo de nim (NIM-I-GO) sobre o crescimento, esporul§Ã£o e viabilidade de Metarhizium anisopliae, Beauveria bassiana e Paecilomyces farinosus. Utilizou-se o meio BDA, contendo diferentes concentr§Ãµes de óleo de nim (C1: 5% de óleo de nim, e sucessivamente concentr§Ãµes iguais a &frac12; da concentr§Ã£o anterior, até C11: 0,0048% de óleo de nim). O óleo de nim reduziu o crescimento de colônias de B. bassiana e P. farinosus, que não diferiram significativamente do controle apenas na concentr§Ã£o C11, mas para M. anisopliae o mesmo efeito foi observado com 0,039% de óleo de nim (C8). A esporul§Ã£o também foi significativamente reduzida pelo óleo de nim, exceto na concentr§Ã£o C11 para B. bassiana; contudo, não se verificou efeito do óleo na viabilidade de esporos dos fungos.


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Biodegradable nanoparticles have been widely explored as carriers for controlled delivery of therapeutic molecules; however, studies describing the development of nanoparticles as carriers for biopesticide products are few. In this work, a new method to prepare nanoparticles loaded with neem (Azadirachta indica) extracts is presented. In this study, nanoparticles were formulated as colloidal suspension and (spray-dried) powder and characterized by evaluating pH, particle size, zeta potential, morphology, absolute recovery, and entrapment efficiency. A high-performance liquid chromatography method was used for nanoparticle characterization. The best formulations presented absolute recovery and entrapment efficiencies of approximately 100% and a release profile based on swelling and relaxation of the polymer or polymer erosion. The biological data of the formulated products against Plutella xylostella showed 100% larval mortality. The nanoparticle information improved the stability of neem products against ultraviolet radiation and increased their dispersion in the aqueous phase. © 2013 American Chemical Society.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coorden§Ã£o de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)