213 resultados para Auerbach, BertholdAuerbach, BertholdBertholdAuerbach


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Background Phylogeographic reconstruction of some bacterial populations is hindered by low diversity coupled with high levels of lateral gene transfer. A comparison of recombination levels and diversity at seven housekeeping genes for eleven bacterial species, most of which are commonly cited as having high levels of lateral gene transfer shows that the relative contributions of homologous recombination versus mutation for Burkholderia pseudomallei is over two times higher than for Streptococcus pneumoniae and is thus the highest value yet reported in bacteria. Despite the potential for homologous recombination to increase diversity, B. pseudomallei exhibits a relative lack of diversity at these loci. In these situations, whole genome genotyping of orthologous shared single nucleotide polymorphism loci, discovered using next generation sequencing technologies, can provide very large data sets capable of estimating core phylogenetic relationships. We compared and searched 43 whole genome sequences of B. pseudomallei and its closest relatives for single nucleotide polymorphisms in orthologous shared regions to use in phylogenetic reconstruction. Results Bayesian phylogenetic analyses of >14,000 single nucleotide polymorphisms yielded completely resolved trees for these 43 strains with high levels of statistical support. These results enable a better understanding of a separate analysis of population differentiation among >1,700 B. pseudomallei isolates as defined by sequence data from seven housekeeping genes. We analyzed this larger data set for population structure and allele sharing that can be attributed to lateral gene transfer. Our results suggest that despite an almost panmictic population, we can detect two distinct populations of B. pseudomallei that conform to biogeographic patterns found in many plant and animal species. That is, separation along Wallace's Line, a biogeographic boundary between Southeast Asia and Australia. Conclusion We describe an Australian origin for B. pseudomallei, characterized by a single introduction event into Southeast Asia during a recent glacial period, and variable levels of lateral gene transfer within populations. These patterns provide insights into mechanisms of genetic diversification in B. pseudomallei and its closest relatives, and provide a framework for integrating the traditionally separate fields of population genetics and phylogenetics for other bacterial species with high levels of lateral gene transfer.


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"Genealogy of a Jewish Family: The descendants of Herz Anschel" by W. Rosenstock [or Siegfried Auerbach] and clipping with review


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Charts of the various families related to the Lindley family: Lipschitz, Heimann, Edinger, Hochstaedter, Goldschmidt, Jakobson, Braunschweig.


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A detailed study is presented of the expected performance of the ATLAS detector. The reconstruction of tracks, leptons, photons, missing energy and jets is investigated, together with the performance of b-tagging and the trigger. The physics potential for a variety of interesting physics processes, within the Standard Model and beyond, is examined. The study comprises a series of notes based on simulations of the detector and physics processes, with particular emphasis given to the data expected from the first years of operation of the LHC at CERN.


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Considerado pela maioria da crítica como uma literatura pútrida (cf. ULBACH, 1868) ou torpe (cf. VERÍSSIMO, 1894), acusado de confundir ingenuamente ciência e literatura, bem como de cientizar a linguagem literária, e em particular no Brasil, além disso, questionado por plágio ou importação de uma moda estrangeira, o naturalismo foi relegado às margens da historiografia literária. Assumindo como ponto de partida esse panorama crítico, a tese propõe uma reavaliação crítica e historiográfica da estética naturalista, começando por descrever e analisar sua origem no decurso da história, a partir do advento do realismo moderno nas obras de Stendhal e de Balzac (cf. AUERBACH, 2004). Enfoca a lenta afirmação dos termos realismo e naturalismo, bem como a importância da contribuição de diferentes romancistas franceses no processo de consolidação da estética realista e de seu prolongamento no naturalismo. Discute-se também o projeto estético proposto por Zola, assim como se desconstroem mitos corroborados pela historiografia literária a respeito da teoria e do movimento naturalistas. Por fim, correlacionando a estética naturalista com o ideal republicano, aborda-se a aclimatação dos princípios naturalistas no Brasil, na obra daquele que foi seu principal representante, Aluísio Azevedo. A partir de uma abordagem comparativa entre o naturalismo na França e no Brasil, busca-se, em síntese, contribuir para o processo de revisão crítica e historiográfica de um período literário muito produtivo nos dois países, não obstante a tendência para sua desvalorização em geral observada nas manifestações da crítica novecentista


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O trabalho analisa, na obra Grande Sertão: Veredas de João Guimarães Rosa (1956), elementos discursivos indicadores de um modo de narrar que ficcionaliza, tanto na forma quanto no teor de sua mensagem, manifestações do sagrado originárias da Antiguidade grega e da tradição judaico-cristã. A partir da analogia entre a obra de Guimarães Rosa e a Odisseia de Homero, tornam-se evidentes vestígios do épico e de modelos clássicos de narrativa que, revestidos do peculiar trabalho da linguagem rosiana, adensam a complexidade do romance. O paralelismo com as Sagradas Escrituras, mais difuso, projeta as ações num patamar dramático, em que se decidem o destino das personagens e a solenidade do discurso memorável. A fundamentação teórica articula o pensamento de Erich Auerbach, André Jolles, Rudolf Otto e também de estudiosos que se dedicaram à obra do autor mineiro, como Kathrin Rosenfield. Esse recorte mostrou a presença do sagrado em microcélulas entretecidas ao emaranhado de histórias e causos que costuram a obra prima de Rosa. A cicatriz da Tatarana alude à cicatriz de Ulisses, sinal revelador da identidade do herói grego e que, no caso do jagunço Riobaldo, desoculta um amor negado por meio da purgação do passado, elaborada numa conversa "unilateral com um suposto interlocutor. Em linguagem mítica e mágica, a figura nebulosa de Diadorim funciona como índice de ambiguidade e, ao mesmo tempo, da revelação alcançada através da morte. A pesquisa, por seu turno, segue as veredas abertas pelo estudo de Tereza Virgínia Ribeiro Barbosa a respeito das mulheres vestidas de sol, metáfora relacionada a Medeia, mas que se projeta na Virgem Maria e numa linhagem de figuras femininas da América Latina ligadas ao sagrado. Verificamos, na perspectiva das transferências culturais do tipo passado místico-mistérico/posteridade fabular, que o discurso de Riobaldo é atravessado por micronarrativas de longa tradição que sincretizam diferentes símbolos exotéricos. O trabalho encerra sua investigação desvendando a dualidade do sertão rosiano, onde impera o embate entre fé e ceticismo, a dúvida e a razão, o amor e o ódio, o masculino e o feminino, que resulta no inacabado, na travessia, a vida como metáfora, no campo das infinitas possibilidades do homem humano


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The limited availability of experimental data and their quality have been preventing the development of predictive methods and Computer Aided Molecular Design (CAMD) of ionic liquids (ILs). Based on experimental speed of sound data collected from the literature, the inter-relationship of surface tension (s), density (?), and speed of sound (u) has been examined for imidazolium based ILs containing hexafluorophosphate (PF6), tetrafluoroborate (BF4), bis(trifluoromethanesulphonyl) amide (NTf2), methyl sulphate (MeSO4), ethyl sulphate (EtSO4), and trifluoromethanesulphonate (CF3SO3) anions, covering wide ranges of temperature, 278.15–343.15 K and speed of sound, 1129.0–1851.0 m s-1. The speed of sound was correlated with a modified Auerbach's relation, by using surface tension and density data obtained from volume based predictive methods previously proposed by the authors. It is shown that a good agreement with literature data is obtained. For 133 data points of 14 ILs studied a mean percent deviation (MPD) of 1.96% with a maximum deviation inferior to 5% was observed. The correlations developed here can thus be used to evaluate the speeds of sound of new ionic liquids.


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Margaret Atwood’s novella The Penelopiad (2005) seemingly celebrates Penelope’s agency in opposition to Homer’s myth in The Odyssey. However, the twelve murdered maids steal the book to suggest the possibility of what Janice Raymond calls gyn/affection, a female bonding based on the logic of emotion that, in Atwood’s revision, verges on Kristevan abjection, the sinister and the fantastic, and serves a cathartic effect not only in the maids but also in the reader. This essay aims to question the generally accepted empowerment of Atwood’s Penelope and celebrates the murdered maids as the locus of emotion, where marginal aspects of gender and class merge to weave a powerful metaphorical tapestry of popular and traditionally feminized literary genres that, in plunging into and embracing the semiotic realm, ultimately solidify into an eclectic but compact alternative tradition of women’s writing and myth-making.


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The Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is a common means of protecting networked systems from attack or malicious misuse. The deployment of an IDS can take many different forms dependent on protocols, usage and cost. This is particularly true of Wireless Intrusion Detection Systems (WIDS) which have many detection challenges associated with data transmission through an open, shared medium, facilitated by fundamental changes at the Physical and MAC layers. WIDS need to be considered in more detail at these lower layers than their wired counterparts as they face unique challenges. The remainder of this chapter will investigate three of these challenges where WiFi deviates significantly from that of wired counterparts:

• Attacks Specific to WiFi Networks: Outlining the additional threats which WIDS must account for: Denial of Service, Encryption Bypass and AP Masquerading attacks.

• The Effect of Deployment Architecture on WIDS Performance: Demonstrating that the deployment environment of a network protected by a WIDS can influence the prioritisation of attacks.

• The Importance of Live Data in WiFi Research: Investigating the different choices for research data sources with an emphasis on encouraging live network data collection for future WiFi research.


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The IDS (Intrusion Detection System) is a common means of protecting networked systems from attack or malicious misuse. The development and rollout of an IDS can take many different forms in terms of equipment, protocols, connectivity, cost and automation. This is particularly true of WIDS (Wireless Intrusion Detection Systems) which have many more opportunities and challenges associated with data transmission through an open, shared medium.
The operation of a WIDS is a multistep process from origination of an attack through to human readable evaluation. Attention to the performance of each of the processes in the chain from attack detection to evaluation is imperative if an optimum solution is to be sought. At present, research focuses very much on each discrete aspect of a WIDS with little consideration to the operation of the whole system. Taking a holistic view of the technology shows the interconnectivity and inter-dependence between stages, leading to improvements and novel research areas for investigation.
This chapter will outline the general structure of Wireless Intrusion Detection Systems and briefly describe the functions of each development stage, categorised into the following 6 areas:
• Threat Identification,
• Architecture,
• Data Collection,
• Intrusion Detection,
• Alert Correlation,
• Evaluation.
These topics will be considered in broad terms designed for those new to the area. Focus will be placed on ensuring the readers are aware of the impact of choices made at early stages in WIDS development on future stages.


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Expert curation and complete collection of mutations in genes that affect human health is essential for proper genetic healthcare and research. Expert curation is given by the curators of gene-specific mutation databases or locus-specific databases (LSDBs). While there are over 700 such databases, they vary in their content, completeness, time available for curation, and the expertise of the curator. Curation and LSDBs have been discussed, written about, and protocols have been provided for over 10 years, but there have been no formal recommendations for the ideal form of these entities. This work initiates a discussion on this topic to assist future efforts in human genetics. Further discussion is welcome.


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La presenta monografía constituye una profundización y ampliación en tres temas de interés: Cultura corporativa, ciencias de la complejidad y desempeño organizacional. Partiendo de un trabajo inicial que realiza una descripción de los anteriores conceptos y sus posibles relaciones, este trabajo resulta ser la continuación y adición de nuevas perspectivas con el fin de generar mayores aportes en el mundo académico y empresarial. Comienza con la Cultura corporativa y la identificación de sus componentes visibles, conjuntamente con una reflexión sobre este concepto como factor para la transformación y la aceptación del cambio en las organizaciones. Luego, retoma conceptos importantes en las Ciencias de la Complejidad y la teoría de sistemas como lo son los agentes, atractores, la no-linealidad y la auto-organización. Además se hace una revisión de los antecedentes y medidas actuales del desempeño organizacional, configurando al Alfa de Jensen como posible candidato para medir el impacto de la cultura corporativa manteniendo lo principios de las Ciencias de la complejidad.