998 resultados para Auditory sentence processing
Das vorliegende Werk behandelt die Ursachen für die Nicht-, Schwer- und Missverständlichkeit von Bedienungsanleitungen und Instruktionen sowohl theoretisch durch eine Auswertung der einschlägigen Fachliteratur als auch praktisch durch eine empirische Untersuchung dreier Informationsprodukte. Zur Veranschaulichung der Tragweite von dysfunktionalen Instruktionen stellt die vorliegende Arbeit zunächst die rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen für Bedienungsanleitungen dar. Im Anschluss daran erläutert sie die thematisch relevanten Kommunikationstheorien, die grundlegenden Kommunikationsmodelle sowie die zentralen Theorien der Kognitionswissenschaft zur Textverarbeitung und zum Textverstehen als Grundlage für die durchgeführten Lese- und Benutzertests. Die praktische Untersuchung veranschaulicht die vielfältigen und omnipräsenten Ursachen für eine dysfunktionale Rezeption von Instruktionen und legt aufgrund der potenziell gefährlichen Folgen die Durchführung von Benutzertests zur retrospektiven Vermeidung von Kommunikationsstörungen und zur prospektiven Stärkung des Problembewusstseins bei der Erstellung von Bedienungsanleitungen nahe.
Auditory imagery for songs was studied in two groups of patients with left or right temporal-lobe excision for control of epilepsy, and a group of matched normal control subjects. Two tasks were used. In the perceptual task, subjects saw the text of a familiar song and simultaneously heard it sung. On each trial they judged if the second of two capitalized lyrics was higher or lower in pitch than the first. The imagery task was identical in all respects except that no song was presented, so that subjects had to generate an auditory image of the song. The results indicated that all subjects found the imagery task more difficult than the perceptual task, but patients with right temporal-lobe damage performed significantly worse on both tasks than either patients with left temporal-lobe lesions or normal control subjects. These results support the idea that imagery arises from activation of a neural substrate shared with perceptual mechanisms, and provides evidence for a right temporal- lobe specialization for this type of auditory imaginal processing.
Cerebral organization during sentence processing in English and in American Sign Language (ASL) was characterized by employing functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) at 4 T. Effects of deafness, age of language acquisition, and bilingualism were assessed by comparing results from (i) normally hearing, monolingual, native speakers of English, (ii) congenitally, genetically deaf, native signers of ASL who learned English late and through the visual modality, and (iii) normally hearing bilinguals who were native signers of ASL and speakers of English. All groups, hearing and deaf, processing their native language, English or ASL, displayed strong and repeated activation within classical language areas of the left hemisphere. Deaf subjects reading English did not display activation in these regions. These results suggest that the early acquisition of a natural language is important in the expression of the strong bias for these areas to mediate language, independently of the form of the language. In addition, native signers, hearing and deaf, displayed extensive activation of homologous areas within the right hemisphere, indicating that the specific processing requirements of the language also in part determine the organization of the language systems of the brain.
Peripheral auditory neurons are tuned to single frequencies of sound. In the central auditory system, excitatory (or facilitatory) and inhibitory neural interactions take place at multiple levels and produce neurons with sharp level-tolerant frequency-tuning curves, neurons tuned to parameters other than frequency, cochleotopic (frequency) maps, which are different from the peripheral cochleotopic map, and computational maps. The mechanisms to create the response properties of these neurons have been considered to be solely caused by divergent and convergent projections of neurons in the ascending auditory system. The recent research on the corticofugal (descending) auditory system, however, indicates that the corticofugal system adjusts and improves auditory signal processing by modulating neural responses and maps. The corticofugal function consists of at least the following subfunctions. (i) Egocentric selection for short-term modulation of auditory signal processing according to auditory experience. Egocentric selection, based on focused positive feedback associated with widespread lateral inhibition, is mediated by the cortical neural net working together with the corticofugal system. (ii) Reorganization for long-term modulation of the processing of behaviorally relevant auditory signals. Reorganization is based on egocentric selection working together with nonauditory systems. (iii) Gain control based on overall excitatory, facilitatory, or inhibitory corticofugal modulation. Egocentric selection can be viewed as selective gain control. (iv) Shaping (or even creation) of response properties of neurons. Filter properties of neurons in the frequency, amplitude, time, and spatial domains can be sharpened by the corticofugal system. Sharpening of tuning is one of the functions of egocentric selection.
We frequently experience and successfully process anomalous utterances. Here we examine whether people do this by ‘correcting’ syntactic anomalies to yield well-formed representations. In two structural priming experiments, participants’ syntactic choices in picture description were influenced as strongly by previously comprehended anomalous (missing-verb) prime sentences as by well-formed prime sentences. Our results suggest that comprehenders can reconstruct the constituent structure of anomalous utterances – even when such utterances lack a major structural component such as the verb. These results also imply that structural alignment in dialogue is unaffected if one interlocutor produces anomalous utterances.
To investigate central auditory processing in children with unilateral stroke and to verify whether the hemisphere affected by the lesion influenced auditory competence. 23 children (13 male) between 7 and 16 years old were evaluated through speech-in-noise tests (auditory closure); dichotic digit test and staggered spondaic word test (selective attention); pitch pattern and duration pattern sequence tests (temporal processing) and their results were compared with control children. Auditory competence was established according to the performance in auditory analysis ability. Was verified similar performance between groups in auditory closure ability and pronounced deficits in selective attention and temporal processing abilities. Most children with stroke showed an impaired auditory ability in a moderate degree. Children with stroke showed deficits in auditory processing and the degree of impairment was not related to the hemisphere affected by the lesion.
Given the polarity dependent effects of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) in facilitating or inhibiting neuronal processing, and tDCS effects on pitch perception, we tested the effects of tDCS on temporal aspects of auditory processing. We aimed to change baseline activity of the auditory cortex using tDCS as to modulate temporal aspects of auditory processing in healthy subjects without hearing impairment. Eleven subjects received 2mA bilateral anodal, cathodal and sham tDCS over auditory cortex in a randomized and counterbalanced order. Subjects were evaluated by the Random Gap Detection Test (RGDT), a test measuring temporal processing abilities in the auditory domain, before and during the stimulation. Statistical analysis revealed a significant interaction effect of time vs. tDCS condition for 4000 Hz and for clicks. Post-hoc tests showed significant differences according to stimulation polarity on RGDT performance: anodal improved 22.5% and cathodal decreased 54.5% subjects' performance, as compared to baseline. For clicks, anodal also increased performance in 29.4% when compared to baseline. tDCS presented polarity-dependent effects on the activity of the auditory cortex, which results in a positive or negative impact in a temporal resolution task performance. These results encourage further studies exploring tDCS in central auditory processing disorders.
We hypothesized that the processing of auditory information by the perisylvian polymicrogyric cortex may be different from the normal cortex. To characterize the auditory processing in bilateral perisylvian syndrome, we examined ten patients with perisylvian polymicrogyria (Group 1) and seven control children (Group 11). Group I was composed by four children with bilateral perisylvian polymicrogyria and six children with bilateral posterior perisylvian polymicrogyria. The evaluation included neurological and neuroimaging investigation, intellectual quotient and audiological assessment (audiometry and behavior auditory tests). The results revealed a statistically significant difference between the groups in the behavioral auditory tests, Such as, digits dichotic test, nonverbal dichotic test (specifically in right attention), and random gap detection/random gap detection expanded tests. Our data showed abnormalities in the auditory processing of children with perisylvian polymicrogyria, suggesting that perisylvian polymicrogyric cortex is functionally abnormal. We also found a correlation between the severity of our auditory findings and the extent of the cortical abnormality. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The role of GABA in the central processing of complex auditory signals is not fully understood. We have studied the involvement of GABA(A)-mediated inhibition in the processing of birdsong, a learned vocal communication signal requiring intact hearing for its development and maintenance. We focused on caudomedial nidopallium (NCM), an area analogous to parts of the mammalian auditory cortex with selective responses to birdsong. We present evidence that GABA(A)-mediated inhibition plays a pronounced role in NCM`s auditory processing of birdsong. Using immunocytochemistry, we show that approximately half of NCM`s neurons are GABAergic. Whole cell patch-clamp recordings in a slice preparation demonstrate that, at rest, spontaneously active GABAergic synapses inhibit excitatory inputs onto NCM neurons via GABA(A) receptors. Multi-electrode electrophysiological recordings in awake birds show that local blockade of GABA(A)-mediated inhibition in NCM markedly affects the temporal pattern of song-evoked responses in NCM without modifications in frequency tuning. Surprisingly, this blockade increases the phasic and largely suppresses the tonic response component, reflecting dynamic relationships of inhibitory networks that could include disinhibition. Thus processing of learned natural communication sounds in songbirds, and possibly other vocal learners, may depend on complex interactions of inhibitory networks.
Although the effects of cannabis on perception are well documented, little is known about their neural basis or how these may contribute to the formation of psychotic symptoms. We used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to assess the effects of Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) during visual and auditory processing in healthy volunteers. In total, 14 healthy volunteers were scanned on three occasions. Identical 10mg THC, 600mg CBD, and placebo capsules were allocated in a balanced double-blinded pseudo-randomized crossover design. Plasma levels of each substance, physiological parameters, and measures of psychopathology were taken at baseline and at regular intervals following ingestion of substances. Volunteers listened passively to words read and viewed a radial visual checkerboard in alternating blocks during fMRI scanning. Administration of THC was associated with increases in anxiety, intoxication, and positive psychotic symptoms, whereas CBD had no significant symptomatic effects. THC decreased activation relative to placebo in bilateral temporal cortices during auditory processing, and increased and decreased activation in different visual areas during visual processing. CBD was associated with activation in right temporal cortex during auditory processing, and when contrasted, THC and CBD had opposite effects in the right posterior superior temporal gyrus, the right-sided homolog to Wernicke`s area. Moreover, the attenuation of activation in this area (maximum 61, -15, -2) by THC during auditory processing was correlated with its acute effect on psychotic symptoms. Single doses of THC and CBD differently modulate brain function in areas that process auditory and visual stimuli and relate to induced psychotic symptoms. Neuropsychopharmacology (2011) 36, 1340-1348; doi:10.1038/npp.2011.17; published online 16 March 2011
Background: Temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) is a neurological disorder that directly affects cortical areas responsible for auditory processing. The resulting abnormalities can be assessed using event-related potentials (ERP), which have high temporal resolution. However, little is known about TLE in terms of dysfunction of early sensory memory encoding or possible correlations between EEGs, linguistic deficits, and seizures. Mismatch negativity (MMN) is an ERP component – elicited by introducing a deviant stimulus while the subject is attending to a repetitive behavioural task – which reflects pre-attentive sensory memory function and reflects neuronal auditory discrimination and perceptional accuracy. Hypothesis: We propose an MMN protocol for future clinical application and research based on the hypothesis that children with TLE may have abnormal MMN for speech and non-speech stimuli. The MMN can be elicited with a passive auditory oddball paradigm, and the abnormalities might be associated with the location and frequency of epileptic seizures. Significance: The suggested protocol might contribute to a better understanding of the neuropsychophysiological basis of MMN. We suggest that in TLE central sound representation may be decreased for speech and non-speech stimuli. Discussion: MMN arises from a difference to speech and non-speech stimuli across electrode sites. TLE in childhood might be a good model for studying topographic and functional auditory processing and its neurodevelopment, pointing to MMN as a possible clinical tool for prognosis, evaluation, follow-up, and rehabilitation for TLE.