998 resultados para Aubriot, Hugues, d. 1382?
A diary.
La tordeuse des bourgeons de l’épinette (Choristoneura fumiferana, TBE) est l’insecte ravageur le plus important de la forêt boréale de l’est de l’Amérique du Nord. Depuis 2006, la région de la Côte-Nord est affectée par une épidmie de TBE et les superficies forestières infestées doublent annuellement. Des images satellitaires Landsat ont été utilisées pour cartographier la sévérité de l’épidmie avec une approche de dtection de changements, en utilisant une image pré-épidmie (2004) et une image prise pendant l’épidmie (2013). Des relevés terrains de la dfoliation par la TBE ont été utilisés pour dvelopper (R2 = 0,50) une cartographie fiable (R2 de validation = 0,64) et non biaisée de la sévérité des infestations de la TBE sur une échelle continue de sévérité (0-100%) pour la région détude. Une analyse des facteurs environnementaux affectant la sévérité des infestations (extraite de la carte de dfoliation) a dmontré l’importance de la composition forestière en sapin baumier tant à l’échelle locale qu’à l’échelle du paysage. De plus, une analyse de contexte spatial montre que dans les sites peu dfoliés (dfoliation cumulée < 50%), le meilleur prédicteur est plutôt son abondance à l’échelle du paysage (distance > 500 m). Ces résultats suggèrent une interaction entre les échelles spatiales et temporelles lors des épidmies de TBE.
Cette recherche de type pré-expérimental a pour objectif de comparer les perceptions dauto-efficacité chez des étudiants d'ordre collégial qui ont assisté à un cours théorique sur un problème prioritaire de santé, d'une part, en utilisant un enseignement théorique magistral (ETM), et d'autre part, en utilisant un enseignement assisté par ordinateur (EAO). L'hypothèse de recherche suggère une augmentation significative des perceptions d'auto-efficacité chez les étudiants ayant reçu un EAO comparativement aux étudiants qui ont reçu un ETM. Dans cette étude, la théorie de l'apprentissage social et des perceptions d'auto-efficacité de Bandura (1971,1986), est utilisée comme cadre de référence. L'échantillonnage des sujets de cette recherche est composé d'étudiants de deuxième année inscrits au programme de soins infirmiers du Collège de Sherbrooke. Les données ont été recueillies à l'aide d'un instrument de mesure élaboré selon le Task-Associated Self-Perception Charting et dveloppé par Kingery, Ballard, Pruitt et Hurley (1992). Les résultats ont dmontré qu'il existait une différence significative entre les perceptions d'autoefficacité suite à un ETM et un EAO chez les mêmes sujets. Contrairement à l'hypothèse de cette étude, les étudiants ont exprimé qu'ils considraient avoir une meilleure perception de leur auto-efficacité suite à un ETM. Par contre, l'analyse des résultats de cette recherche nous fournit les éléments qui laissent présager la pertinence de l'utilisation de l'EAO comme stratégie d'enseignement dans le but de motiver les étudiants en regard de leurs apprentissages.
Le procéd Bayer est cyclique et il permet d'extraire les hydrates d'alumine, contenu dans le minerai de bauxite. L'alumine est la matière première nécessaire pour la production de l'aluminium métallique par le procéd d'électrolyse. La solubilisation des hydrates d'alumine est effectuée dans une solution d'hydroxyde de sodium concentrée, liqueur Bayer, à haute température et pression. Il existe deux types de procéd : un procéd dit à basse température (150ÀC) et un procéd dit haute température (250ÀC). Selon la température utilisée, certaines impuretés présentes dans la bauxite vont être solubilisées comme par exemple la silice, le fer ou le titane. Comme le procéd est basé sur la solubilisation puis sur la précipitation des hydrates d'alumine, la solution est chauffée puis refroidie par une série d'échangeurs de chaleur. Ces changements de température impliquent des variations dans les conditions de saturation et sursaturation ce qui va conséquemment causer la formation de tartre dans le procéd. Selon la température du procéd utilisé, la composition chimique du tartre formé peut être différente. Dans le but d'inhiber partiellement ou totalement la cristallisation de la gibbsite, ou hydrate d'alumine, sur les surfaces métalliques, la compréhension des paramètres influençant sa formation est nécessaire. L'un des moyens de réduire ou d'inhiber la formation du tartre est de modifier les énergies de surface entre les surfaces métalliques et la solution de liqueur Bayer. Pour ce faire, des métaux ayant des propriétés différentes seront étudiés en entartrage et des composés organiques seront ajoutées à la solution d'hydroxyde de sodium afin de modifier l'interface entre ces métaux et la solution. L'influence des hydrates d'alumine et des différents composés organiques sur les métaux sera dterminer [i.e. dterminée] par des mesures d'isothermes d'adsorption, de potentiels zêta et d'angles de contact, dans le but d'établir une corrélation entre l'interface métal/solution et les temps de nucléation mesurés en entartrage. Un deuxième volet consiste en la fabrication d'un montage en laboratoire permettant d'effectuer la formation reproductible du tartre de freudenbergite. La freudenbergite est un tartre à base de titane qui se forme dans le procéd à haute température. Cette étude dmontre que la formation du tartre dans le procéd Bayer est un phénomène de formation de cristaux de gibbsite en solution qui vont adhérer aux dfauts de surfaces des surfaces métalliques. En ce sens, la rugosité de surface des métaux est le facteur dterminant pour la formation du tartre dans le procéd Bayer. Des tests d'entartrage réalisés au laboratoire sur cinq métaux différents dmontrent une corrélation évidente entre la rugosité de surface, mesurée par microscope à force atomique, et les temps de nucléation obtenus en entartrage. Les mesures d'interactions interfaciales des aluminates de sodium sur les métaux étudiés, en présence ou non de composés organiques, ne permettent pas d'établir de corrélation avec les temps de nucléation obtenus en entartrage. Par contre, l'allongement de l'entartrage en présence de gluconate et de tartrate de sodium, des composés inhibiteurs de croissance des cristaux de gibbsite, confirme le phénomène de formation du tartre par des cristaux formés en solution. La croissance des cristaux de tartre étant partiellement inhibée, les temps de nucléation vont être allongés lors des tests d'entartrage. À l'inverse, l'EDTA favorise la formation de plusieurs cristaux en solution, ce qui diminue significativement la vitesse d'entartrage lorsqu'elle est ajoutée dans la liqueur Bayer. Afin de confirmer que la rugosité de surface est le facteur prédominant dans la formation du tartre dans le procéd Bayer, dans nos conditions de laboratoire, des tests d'entartrage sont effectués sur une surface d'or recouverte d'une monocouche d'alcane thiols. Ces tests dmontrent que le changement de nature de la surface d'or ne permet pas de changer significativement le temps de nucléation de l'or dans nos conditions d'entartrage. Un montage expérimental comportant un four et quatre autoclaves, contrôlé par un système informatique a permis d'effectuer la formation de tartre de freudenbergite de façon reproductible au laboratoire.
This study assesses the Vitamin D status of 126 healthy free-living adults aged 18–87 years, in southeast Queensland, Australia (27°S) at the end of the 2006 winter. Participants provided blood samples for analysis of 25(OH)D (the measure of an individual’s Vitamin D status), PTH, Calcium, Phosphate, and Albumin, completed a questionnaire on sun-protective/sun-exposure behaviours, and were assessed for phenotypic characteristics such as skin/hair/eye colour and BMI. We found that 10.2% of the participants had serum 25(OH)D levels below 25 nmol/l (considered deficient) and a further 32.3% had levels between 25 nmol/l and 50 nmol/l (considered insufficient). Our results show that low levels of 25(OH)D can occur in a substantial proportion of the population at the end of winter, even in a sunny climate. 25(OH)D levels were higher amongst those who spent more time in the sun and lower among obese participants (BMI > 30) than those who were not obese (BMI < 30). 25(OH)D levels were also lower in participants who had black hair, dark/olive skin, or brown eyes, when compared with participants who had brown or fair hair, fair skin, or blue/green eyes. No associations were found between 25(OH)D status and age, gender, smoking status, or the use of sunscreen.
Vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency are now seen as a contemporary health problem in Australia with possible widespread health effects not limited to bone health1. Despite this, the Vitamin D status (measured as serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D)) of ambulatory adults has been overlooked in this country. Serum 25(OH)D status is especially important among this group as studies have shown a link between Vitamin D and fall risk in older adults2. Limited data also exists on the contributions of sun exposure via ultraviolet radiation and dietary intake to serum 25(OH)D status in this population. The aims of this project were to assess the serum 25(OH)D status of a group of older ambulatory adults in South East Queensland, to assess the association between their serum 25(OH)D status and functional measures as possible indicators of fall risk, obtain data on the sources of Vitamin D in this population and assess whether this intake was related to serum 25(OH)D status and describe sun protection and exposure behaviors in this group and investigate whether a relationship existed between these and serum 25(OH)D status. The collection of this data assists in addressing key gaps identified in the literature with regard to this population group and their Vitamin D status in Australia. A representative convenience sample of participants (N=47) over 55 years of age was recruited for this cross-sectional, exploratory study which was undertaken in December 2007 in south-east Queensland (Brisbane and Sunshine coast). Participants were required to complete a sun exposure questionnaire in addition to a Calcium and Vitamin D food frequency questionnaire. Timed up and go and handgrip dynamometry tests were used to examine functional capacity. Serum 25(OH)D status and blood measures of Calcium, Phosphorus and Albumin were determined through blood tests. The Mean and Median serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) for all participants in this study was 85.8nmol/L (Standard Deviation 29.7nmol/L) and 81.0nmol/L (Range 22-158nmol/L), respectively. Analysis at the bivariate level revealed a statistically significant relationship between serum 25(OH)D status and location, with participants living on the Sunshine Coast having a mean serum 25(OH)D status 21.3nmol/L higher than participants living in Brisbane (p=0.014). While at the descriptive level there was an apparent trend towards higher outdoor exposure and increasing levels of serum 25(OH)D, no statistically significant associations between the sun measures of outdoor exposure, sun protection behaviors and phenotypic characteristics and serum 25(OH)D status were observed. Intake of both Calcium and Vitamin D was low in this sample with sixty-eight (68%) of participants not meeting the Estimated Average Requirements (EAR) for Calcium (Median=771.0mg; Range=218.0-2616.0mg), while eighty-seven (87%) did not meet the Adequate Intake for Vitamin D (Median=4.46ug; Range=0.13-30.0ug). This raises the question of how realistic meeting the new Adequate Intakes for Vitamin D is, when there is such a low level of Vitamin D fortification in this country. However, participants meeting the Adequate Intake (AI) for Vitamin D were observed to have a significantly higher serum 25(OH)D status compared to those not meeting the AI for Vitamin D (p=0.036), showing that meeting the AI for Vitamin D may play a significant role in determining Vitamin D status in this population. By stratifying our data by categories of outdoor exposure time, a trend was observed between increased importance of Vitamin D dietary intake as a possible determinant of serum 25(OH)D status in participants with lower outdoor exposures. While a trend towards higher Timed Up and Go scores in participants with higher 25(OH) D status was seen, this was only significant for females (p=0.014). Handgrip strength showed statistically significant association with serum 25(OH)D status. The high serum 25(OH)D status in our sample almost certainly explains the limited relationship between functional measures and serum 25(OH)D. However, the observation of an association between slower Time Up and Go speeds, and lower serum 25(OH)D levels, even with a small sample size, is significant as slower Timed Up and Go speeds have been associated with increased fall risk in older adults3. Multivariable regression analysis revealed Location as the only significant determinant of serum 25(OH)D status at p=0.014, with trends (p=>0.1) for higher serum 25(OH)D being shown for participants that met the AI for Vitamin D and rated themselves as having a higher health status. The results of this exploratory study show that 93.6% of participants had adequate 25(OH)D status-possibly due to measurement being taken in the summer season and the convenience nature of the sample. However, many participants do not meet their dietary Calcium and Vitamin D requirements, which may indicate inadequate intake of these nutrients in older Australians and a higher risk of osteoporosis. The relationship between serum 25(OH)D and functional measures in this population also requires further study, especially in older adults displaying Vitamin D insufficiency or deficiency.
Exposure to ultraviolet radiation (UV) results in both damaging and beneficial health outcomes. Excessive UV exposure has been linked to many skin and eye problems, but moderate exposure induces vitamin D production. It has been reported that humans receive 90-95% of their vitamin D from production that starts after UV exposure. Although it is possible to acquire vitamin D through dietary supplementation, the average person receives very little in this manner. Therefore, since most people acquire their vitamin D from synthesis after exposure to UV from sunlight, it is very important to understand the different environments in which people encounter UV. This project measured UV radiation and in-vitro vitamin D production in the urban canyon and at a nearby suburban location. The urban canyon is an environment consisting of tall buildings and tropospheric air pollution, which have an attenuating effect on UV. Typically, UV measurements are collected in areas outside the urban canyon, meaning that at times studies and public recommendations do not accurately represent the amount of UV reaching street-level in highly urbanized areas. Understanding of UV exposure in urban canyons becomes increasingly important as the number of people working and living in large cities steadily increases worldwide. This study was conducted in the central business district (CBD) of Brisbane, Australia, which models the urban canyons of large cities around the world in that it boasts a great number of tall buildings, including many skyscrapers, meaning that most areas only see a small amount of direct sunlight each day. During the winter of 2007 measurements of UV radiation and in-vitro vitamin D production were collected in the CBD and at a suburban site approximately 2.5km outside the CBD. Air pollution data was obtained from a central CBD measurement site. Data analysis showed that urban canyon measurements of both UV radiation and in-vitro vitamin D production were significantly lower than those collected at the suburban site. These results will aid both future researchers and policy makers in better understanding human UV exposure in Brisbane’s CBD and other urban canyons around the world.
This chapter investigates the phenomenon of fashion from the perspective of ‘the look.’ This is achieved by the wearer (as opposed to the designer) and also forms the basis of fashion media, where it represents the ‘decisive moment’ of photography. The chapter argues that the evolving ‘look’ of fashion can be analysed to identify tensions between novelty and emulation, the unique and the universal, in contemporary consumer culture and status-based social-network markets. It explores the work of fashion photographer Corinne Day and artist Olga Tobreluts to identify the theme of ‘risk culture.’
It has previously been found that complexes comprised of vitronectin and growth factors (VN:GF) enhance keratinocyte protein synthesis and migration. More specifically, these complexes have been shown to significantly enhance the migration of dermal keratinocytes derived from human skin. In view of this, it was thought that these complexes may hold potential as a novel therapy for healing chronic wounds. However, there was no evidence indicating that the VN:GF complexes would retain their effect on keratinocytes in the presence of chronic wound fluid. The studies in this thesis demonstrate for the first time that the VN:GF complexes not only stimulate proliferation and migration of keratinocytes, but also these effects are maintained in the presence of chronic wound fluid in a 2-dimensional (2-D) cell culture model. Whilst the 2-D culture system provided insights into how the cells might respond to the VN:GF complexes, this investigative approach is not ideal as skin is a 3-dimensional (3-D) tissue. In view of this, a 3-D human skin equivalent (HSE) model, which reflects more closely the in vivo environment, was used to test the VN:GF complexes on epidermopoiesis. These studies revealed that the VN:GF complexes enable keratinocytes to migrate, proliferate and differentiate on a de-epidermalised dermis (DED), ultimately forming a fully stratified epidermis. In addition, fibroblasts were seeded on DED and shown to migrate into the DED in the presence of the VN:GF complexes and hyaluronic acid, another important biological factor in the wound healing cascade. This HSE model was then further developed to enable studies examining the potential of the VN:GF complexes in epidermal wound healing. Specifically, a reproducible partial-thickness HSE wound model was created in fully-defined media and monitored as it healed. In this situation, the VN:GF complexes were shown to significantly enhance keratinocyte migration and proliferation, as well as differentiation. This model was also subsequently utilized to assess the wound healing potential of a synthetic fibrin-like gel that had previously been demonstrated to bind growth factors. Of note, keratinocyte re-epitheliasation was shown to be markedly improved in the presence of this 3-D matrix, highlighting its future potential for use as a delivery vehicle for the VN:GF complexes. Furthermore, this synthetic fibrin-like gel was injected into a 4 mm diameter full-thickness wound created in the HSE, both keratinocytes and fibroblasts were shown to migrate into this gel, as revealed by immunofluorescence. Interestingly, keratinocyte migration into this matrix was found to be dependent upon the presence of the fibroblasts. Taken together, these data indicate that reproducible wounds, as created in the HSEs, provide a relevant ex vivo tool to assess potential wound healing therapies. Moreover, the models will decrease our reliance on animals for scientific experimentation. Additionally, it is clear that these models will significantly assist in the development of novel treatments, such as the VN:GF complexes and the synthetic fibrin-like gel described herein, ultimately facilitating their clinical trial in the treatment of chronic wounds.