800 resultados para Attachment Style Questionnaire
The aim of this study was to illustrate the associations of personality variables and depression. The first study population consisted of 50 patients with DSM-IV defined major depressive disorder. Subjects were randomized to receive either fluoxetine medication or short-term psychodynamic psychotherapy. The Hamilton Depression Rating Scale was completed at the baseline and in the follow-up at four months. Baseline mature defense style measured with the Defense Style Questionnaire predicted favourable outcome in the fluoxetine treatment group, whereas no associations were found in psychotherapy group. The Psychological Mindedness Scale scores were not predictive for recovery in patients receiving psychotherapy or medication. The Psychological Mindedness Scale seems not to be useful in selecting optimal treatment in major depressive disorder. Harm Avoidance measured with the Temperament and Character Inventory associated with the baseline severity of the depressive state. In the fluoxetine treatment group high Reward Dependence, high Self-Directedness and high Cooperativeness were predictive for more severe depression in the four months follow-up, whereas no associations were found in the psychotherapy treatment group. It is possible that the result reflects the differences in the placebo response. The second data were derived from the Finnish Public Sector Study. These prospective studies with four years follow-up focused on the predictive value of optimism and pessimism, first, to work disability with a diagnosis of depression lasting at least 90 days and returning to work (N= 38214) , and second, to the likelihood of initiating antidepressant medication treatment lasting at least 100 days and ending the treatment (N= 29930). Results show that low optimism associates with the elevated risk of work disability and higher likelihood of antidepressant use. High pessimism associated with higher likelihood starting at least 100 days antidepressant medication and not stopping medication during the follow up. High pessimism did not seem to predict the entering to depression related work disability, but in the case of disability period it associated with the lower likelihood of returning to work. The thesis shows that personality features play a role as a vulnerability factor, and influence the onset and course of depression. Taking these factors into account more than is currently done may increase the possibilities to enhance the treatment results in depression.
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Le trouble déficitaire de l’attention avec ou sans hyperactivité (TDA/H) est une condition qui touche un nombre important d’enfants d’âge scolaire. Plusieurs d’entre eux sont également atteints d’un trouble concomitant, qu’il soit de nature anxieuse ou agressive. Les manifestations comportementales qui en découlent, ainsi que les conséquences qui y sont associées, ont une influence sur l’enfant, mais également sur son parent. Certaines études suggèrent que ces conditions sont associées chez les parents à un niveau de stress élevé, à un sentiment d’auto-efficacité (SAE) plus faible, à plus de symptômes dépressifs et à une satisfaction conjugale plus faible. D’autres résultats rapportent le contraire. Pourquoi ces résultats sont-il divergents? Cette étude a pour but, en premier lieu, d’examiner, dans un échantillon québécois de 110 parents d’enfants atteints de TDA/H, si les caractéristiques du TDA/H des enfants (sous-type de TDA/H et présence d’un trouble concomitant) influencent les caractéristiques personnelles de leur parent (stress parental, SAE, symptômes dépressifs et satisfaction conjugale). En deuxième lieu, nous examinerons si l’attachement adulte est lié à ces quatre caractéristiques personnelles parentales et s’il modère le lien entre les caractéristiques du TDA/H de l’enfant et celles du parent. Les résultats indiquent que le profil diagnostique de l’enfant est lié aux symptômes dépressifs des parents et que la présence d’un trouble concomitant chez l’enfant est liée à la satisfaction conjugale parentale. De plus, un effet d’interaction est observé entre le profil diagnostique et la présence d’un trouble concomitant chez l’enfant sur le niveau de stress du parent. Les résultats démontrent également un effet significatif du style d’attachement adulte sur le sentiment d’auto-efficacité des parents, les parents avec un attachement sécure-autonome ayant un sentiment d’auto-efficacité plus élevé que ceux avec un attachement de type insécure-ambivalent. Aucun effet modérateur de l’attachement adulte sur la relation entre les caractéristiques du TDA/H de l’enfant et les caractéristiques personnelles de son parent n’est observé.
Introduction Provoked vestibulodynia (PVD), a recurrent, localized vulvovaginal pain problem, carries a significant psychosexual burden for afflicted women, who report impoverished sexual function and decreased frequency of sexual activity and pleasure. Interpersonal factors such as partner responses to pain, partner distress, and attachment style are associated with pain outcomes for women and with sexuality outcomes for both women and partners. Despite these findings, no treatment for PVD has systematically included the partner. Aims This study pilot‐tested the feasibility and potential efficacy of a novel cognitive–behavioral couple therapy (CBCT) for couples coping with PVD. Methods Couples (women and their partners) in which the woman was diagnosed with PVD (N = 9) took part in a 12‐session manualized CBCT intervention and completed outcome measures pre‐ and post‐treatment. Main Outcome Measures The primary outcome measure was women's pain intensity during intercourse as measured on a numerical rating scale. Secondary outcomes included sexual functioning and satisfaction for both partners. Exploratory outcomes included pain‐related cognitions; psychological outcomes; and treatment satisfaction, feasibility, and reliability. Results One couple separated before the end of therapy. Paired t‐test comparisons involving the remaining eight couples demonstrated significant improvements in women's pain and sexuality outcomes for both women and partners. Exploratory analyses indicated improvements in pain‐related cognitions, as well as anxiety and depression symptoms, for both members of the couple. Therapists' reported high treatment reliability and participating couples' high participation rates and reported treatment satisfaction indicate adequate feasibility. Conclusions Treatment outcomes, along with treatment satisfaction ratings, confirm the preliminary success of CBCT in reducing pain and psychosexual burden for women with PVD and their partners. Further large‐scale randomized controlled trials are necessary to examine the efficacy of CBCT compared with and in conjunction with first‐line biomedical interventions for PVD.
Partner behavioral responses to pain can have a significant impact on patient pain and depression, but little is known about why partners respond in specific ways. Using a cognitive-behavioral model, the present study examined whether partner cognitions were associated with partner behavioral responses, which prior work has found to predict patient pain and depressive symptoms. Participants were 354 women with provoked vestibulodynia and their partners. Partner pain-related cognitions were assessed using the partner versions of the Pain Catastrophizing Scale and Extended Attributional Style Questionnaire, whereas their behavioral responses to pain were assessed with the Multidimensional Pain Inventory. Patient pain was measured using a numeric rating scale, and depressive symptoms were assessed using the Beck Depression Inventory–II. Path analysis was used to examine the proposed model. Partner catastrophizing and negative attributions were associated with negative partner responses, which were associated with higher patient pain. It was also found that partner pain catastrophizing was associated with solicitous partner responses, which in turn were associated with higher patient pain and depressive symptoms. The effect of partner cognitions on patient outcomes was partially mediated by partner behavioral responses. Findings highlight the importance of assessing partner cognitions, both in research and as a target for intervention. Perspective The present study presents a cognitive-behavioral model to partially explain how significant others' thoughts about pain have an effect on patient pain and depressive symptoms. Findings may inform cognitive-behavioral therapy for couples coping with PVD.
El liderazgo ha sido definido de diferentes maneras por cientos de autores debido al contexto en el que estudian este concepto. Ninguna de estas definiciones es errónea pero algunas han tomado mayor importancia debido a los diferentes factores que enfrenta la sociedad. Desde hace unos años los países se han abierto a diferentes mercados lo cual les ha permitido eliminar las barreras políticas, económicas y culturales existentes. Esto ha llevado a que los líderes deban evaluar la nueva forma de dirigir y direccionar las organizaciones. Este es tan solo uno de los ejemplos que han llevado a modificar el concepto de liderazgo, añadiendo los nuevos retos a los que se ven enfrentados los líderes. En este trabajo de grado se estudia el que se considera uno de los mayores retos de los siglos XX y XXI: la globalización. Este fenómeno ha acercado al mundo a través del intercambio de información, de bienes, de servicios, de conocimientos y sobre todo de cultura. Esto se ha logrado a través de nuevas tecnologías, nuevos servicios de comunicación y transporte, de la ciencia y los avances de la industria. El nuevo líder debe romper la barrera nacional y abrirse a mercados extranjeros, para esto debe contar con ciertas características que le permitirán entender los diferentes mercados y a las personas que se encuentran en este. En este trabajo se identifican las que se consideran las principales características de un líder global; estas son el resultado de la investigación de diferentes autores y estudios.
1) Comprobar si el 'desamparo aprendido' (particular manifestaci??n de un estado depresivo reactivo) se configura realmente mediante los elementos se??alados por la teor??a. 2) Detectar las caracter??sticas identificadoras del 'sujeto desamparado' en los alumnos que hemos clasificado como fracasados escolarmente. 811 alumnos/as de octavo de EGB. Muestreo estratificado no proporcional por conglomerados, a partir de una selecci??n al azar cuando fue preciso de un centro p??blico de entre los centros p??blicos existentes en los 23 municipios de Galicia. 1) Se plantea un problema: el fracaso escolar. 2) Se define el problema: el fracaso escolar como vivencia personal del alumno. 3) Modelo de an??lisis: el psicosocial. 4) Se opta por una teor??a explicativa: la llamada. 5) Se expone y analiza en profundidad el marco te??rico. 6) Formulaci??n de hip??tesis -derivadas de los objetivos-. 7) Investigaci??n emp??rica. Recogida y an??lisis de datos. 8) Conclusiones. Para definir la variable rendimiento acad??mico de acuerdo con la teor??a del desamparo aprendido se procedi?? a establecer un '??ndice' en funci??n del cual se agruparan a los sujetos en fracasados o exitosos. Se recurri?? distintos cuestionarios para medir: El 'locus de control': Intelectual Achievement Responsability Questionaire de V.C. Crandall y otros, 1965. El 'estilo atribucional' a la adaptaci??n realizada por D. Garc??a Villamisar, 1983 del The Atributional Style Questionnaire de MEP Seligman, L.Y. y otros, 1979. La 'ansiedad': inventario de ansiedad de rasgo y estado adaptado por TEA, 1977 del SATAI 'State Trait Anxiety Inventory' de C.D. Spielberger, 1970. La 'autoestima': escala de M. Rosemberg, 1965 'Rosemberg Self Steemscale'. La 'motivacion de logro : al test de motivacion de logro' de J. Smith, 1973. Todo parece indicar que salvo por el factor estilo atribucional, el sistema de variables consideradas posee un funcionamiento unitario y coherente, por lo que es posible ratificar la hip??tesis de partida en la que se mantenia la existencia de un estado psicol??gico caracterizado por una expectativa de incontrolabilidad, a la que van asociados una disminuci??n de la motivaci??n de logro y de la autoestima, as?? como un incremento de la ansiedad. En relaci??n a la segunda y tercera de las hip??tesis, tras los an??lisis efectuados, los autores creen estar en condiciones de afirmar: que el desamparo aprendido es una realidad y que caracteriza a los sujetos fracasados distingui??ndolos de los exitosos. Desde este punto de vista, por tanto, el fracaso escolar no es ya solamente el resultado de la no consecuci??n por parte del alumno de lo que se considera un nivel formativo suficiente respecto de una norma externa, sino tambi??n el posible punto de partida y el desarrollo mismo de un estado psicol??gico conocido como 'desamparo'. Esperan haber contribuido a poner de manifiesto la enorme transcendencia del fracaso escolar, ya que puede provocar perturbaciones emocionales y graves problemas de conducta.
Os mecanismos de defesa representam uma dimensão importante da estrutura da personalidade e do funcionamento psicodinâmico, sendo uma das formas de medir como o indivíduo habitualmente responde aos estressores. O estudo dos mecanismos de defesa utilizados por pacientes com Transtorno do Pânico (TP) pode ter utilidade no entendimento e no tratamento desse transtorno. O objetivo deste trabalho é o de avaliar os mecanismos de defesa do ego, nos pacientes com TP, e sua associação com gravidade, resposta ao tratamento e alteração pós tratamento. Sessenta pacientes com TP e 31 controles participaram da primeira fase do trabalho. O Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview foi usado para confirmar o diagnóstico de TP e estabelecer o diagnóstico de co-morbidades. A Impressão Clínica Global (CGI) foi usada para avaliar a gravidade do TP e o Defense Style Questionnaire (DSQ-40) foi usado para avaliar os mecanismos de defesa. Em uma segunda etapa, 33 pacientes com TP sintomáticos e 33 voluntários normais foram avaliados com os mesmos instrumentos, aplicados no início do estudo e após 16 semanas. Os pacientes receberam durante esse período tratamento farmacológico com sertralina. Ambos os estudos demonstraram que pacientes com TP utilizam mais defesas neuróticas e imaturas comparados ao grupo controle. Os pacientes com pânico grave (CGI>4) apresentaram maior co-morbidade com depressão atual e usaram mais defesas imaturas do que os pacientes com CGI< 4 (média=4.2 vs. 3.5; p<0.001). Após 4 meses de tratamento, houve diminuição no uso de defesas neuróticas (4.6 vs. 4.2; p=0.049) e imaturas (3.6 vs. 3.4 p=0.035) no grupo de pacientes. Pacientes que usavam mais defesas neuróticas e imaturas apresentaram pior resposta ao tratamento. Pacientes com TP usaram mais defesas mal-adaptativas quando comparados ao grupo controle, no basal e após 4 meses. O uso de defesas neuróticas e imaturas está associado à gravidade do TP e à pior resposta ao tratamento. Os mecanismos de defesa são, então, parte de uma maneira estável do indivíduo lidar com conflitos, mas também são influenciados pelo estado agudo da doença.
[ES] La presente investigación tiene el objetivo de analizar las características psicológicas relacionadas con el rendimiento deportivo y el estilo de toma de decisiones de 70 nadadores, relacionándolos en función del sexo, nivel deportivo y categoría deportiva. Utilizando el cuestionario Características Psicológicas relacionadas con el Rendimiento Deportivo (CPRD) (Gimeno, 1999) y el Cuestionario de Estilo de Toma Decisiones (CETD) (Ruiz, Graupera, y Sánchez, 2000).
Major depressive disorder (MDD) is associated with structural and functional alterations in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) and anterior cingulate cortex (ACC). Enhanced ACC activity at rest (measured using various imaging methodologies) is found in treatment-responsive patients and is hypothesized to bolster treatment response by fostering adaptive rumination. However, whether structural changes influence functional coupling between fronto-cingulate regions and ACC regional homogeneity (ReHo) and whether these functional changes are related to levels of adaptive rumination and treatment response is still unclear. Cortical thickness and ReHo maps were calculated in 21 unmedicated depressed patients and 35 healthy controls. Regions with reduced cortical thickness defined the seeds for the subsequent functional connectivity (FC) analyses. Patients completed the Response Style Questionnaire, which provided a measure of adaptive rumination associated with better response to psychotherapy. Compared with controls, depressed patients showed thinning of the right anterior PFC, increased prefrontal connectivity with the supragenual ACC (suACC), and higher ReHo in the suACC. The suACC clusters of increased ReHo and FC spatially overlapped. In depressed patients, suACC ReHo scores positively correlated with PFC thickness and with FC strength. Moreover, stronger fronto-cingulate connectivity was related to higher levels of adaptive rumination. Greater suACC ReHo and connectivity with the right anterior PFC seem to foster adaptive forms of self-referential processing associated with better response to psychotherapy, whereas prefrontal thinning impairs the ability of depressed patients to engage the suACC during a major depressive episode. Bolstering the function of the suACC may represent a potential target for treatment.
Negotiation of complex collaboration and effective teamwork among health care providers is essential to patient safety and to quality of care. This study examined characteristics of nursing students and faculty influencing communication between them. Psychological type (Myers-Briggs Type Inventory (MBTI) (Myers, McCaulley, Quenk, & Hammer, 1998) and explanatory style (Attributional Style Questionnaire) (ASQ) (Peterson et al., 1982) were compared for participating first year baccalaureate nursing students (N=286), and clinical nursing faculty (N=59) from both two- and four-year nursing programs. Modal student psychological type was ESFJ; modal faculty psychological type was ISTJ. The two groups demonstrated significant differences in processing information, and making decisions and judgments. Students were slightly more optimistic than faculty. Psychological type and level of optimism did not appear to correlate. Data from this pilot study provide an initial framework on which to base further research that could enhance the quality of teamwork among healthcare providers.
The aim of this study was to further our understanding of the factors that influence the experience of jealousy in romantic relationships. More specifically, the person variables of neuroticism, gender, and attachment style were examined, together with situational determinants such as past infidelity. The research also assessed the interaction between person and situadonal determinants of jealousy, and the relative importance of the various predictors. Questionnaires were completed by 102 undergraduate psychology students and an addidonal five participants from the researcher's social network. Consistent with past research, there was a positive association between neurodcism and chronic, emodonal, and behavioural jealousy. Furthermore, there was a posidve associadon between anxious attachment and jealousy, even when neurodcism was controlled. Past experience of infidelity and attachment dimensions had interacdve effects on jealousy. Interesdngly, the reladve importance of the predictors varied across the dimensions of jealousy. The results extend research in the area of person and situadonal determinants of jealousy, and are discussed in terms of attachment theory.
The purpose of this research is to explore the disparity between the existing model-orientated bioenergy decision support system (DSS) functions and what is desired by practitioners, in particular bioenergy project developers. This research has compiled the published bioenergy project development models, to highlight the characteristics emphasised by academics. When contrasted against a UK practitioner’s perspective through the administration of a Likert style questionnaire, it is clear that the general DSS issues still persist. Finally, the research suggests how this ’theory-practice’ divide could be addressed. The research contribute
This chapter reviews genetic studies that have aimed to identify genes influencing psychological traits in infancy (from birth to age 12 months), and considers how this research informs us about the causes of developmental psychopathology. Specifically, this chapter systematically reviews findings from studies that associated common genetic variants with individual variation in infants’ attention, temperament and behaviour, and attachment disorganisation. DRD4 and 5-HTTLPR genes were the most frequently studied candidate genes. Possibly the most coherent set of results relates to the L-DRD4 genotype, which is significantly associated with infant attention, temperament, and attachment style. Research in infant genetics has been strengthened by a careful focus on uniform age ranges within studies, by several longitudinal studies, and by exploration of gene-environment interactions between genes and maternal characteristics. However there is also considerable inconsistency in results in this field and possible reasons for this are discussed. The chapter outlines the main genetic methods that have been used and what new genetic approaches such as polygenic risk scoring could offer infant genetics. Recent findings suggest that some traits during infancy predict individual differences in developmental psychopathology in childhood. It is argued that infant genetic research has considerable potential for the identification of populations at risk for psychopathology in later life, and this remains an area open for future research.
Introdução. Os estilos educativos parentais enquanto clima educativo geral apresentam um forte impacto em diferentes resultados desenvolvimentais (e.g., sintomatologia depressiva/ansiosa e auto estima) da criança/jovem. Podem ser estudados de um ponto de vista dimensional, considerando, por exemplo, as dimensões Controlo/Sobreproteção e Suporte, ou categorial, seguindo, por exemplo, a abordagem de Baumrind, e Maccoby e Martin. Neste estudo pretendemos: verificar se existem diferenças por género e idade, nas dimensões Suporte Emocional, Sobreproteção e Rejeição (EMBU-A) (cada progenitor separadamente), na sintomatologia depressiva/ansiosa e na auto estima; avaliar se existem diferenças nas dimensões do EMBU-A, entre progenitores, na amostra total e por género; explorar associações entre as variáveis centrais do estudo (estilos educativos, sintomatologias e auto estima) e variáveis sociodemográficas, também nas três amostras; explorar diferenças entre quatro grupos criados (Pai-Filho, Pai-Filha; Mãe-Filho e Mãe-Filha) nas dimensões do EMBU-A; combinando a Sobreproteção e o Suporte Emocional (EMBU-A), e definindo os estilos educativos parentais autoritário, autoritativo, permissivo e negligente, calcular a prevalência dos mesmos na nossa amostra (por Pai e por Mãe) e explorar as suas associações com as sintomatologias e com a auto estima (separadamente, por progenitor). Metodologia. A nossa amostra é constituída por 284 adolescentes (idade média = 14,5; DP = 1,68; raparigas, n = 171, 60,2%). Todos preencheram um protocolo composto por um questionário sociodemográfico, pela Rosenberg Self- Esteem Scale (RSES), pelo DASS-21 e pelo Parental Rearing Style Questionnaire for use with Adolescents (EMBU-A/A). Resultados. De salientar o facto de os adolescentes percecionarem a mãe como apresentando valores mais elevados em todas as dimensões do EMBU-A, por comparação com o pai. Da mesma forma, ainda que com diferentes padrões de associação conforme o género, é de salientar a associação entre níveis maiores de Suporte emocional e níveis mais baixos de sintomatologia depressiva/ansiosa e stress, e a associação entre as dimensões Sobreproteção e Rejeição e níveis superiores desses resultados. Uma mais baixa escolaridade do pai associa-se a menor Suporte emocional e uma maior escolaridade da mãe a maior Sobreproteção. Uma díade constituída por progenitor e adolescente do género masculino apresenta resultados inferiores em todas as dimensões do EMBU-A, por comparação com díades formadas por mãe-filho/filha. O estilo Autoritativo é o mais prevalente na nossa amostra (em ambos os progenitores) e o estilo Autoritário é aquele que se associa a pontuações mais elevadas de psicopatologia e a uma menor auto estima. Discussão. De uma forma, genérica os resultados seguem de perto a literatura e revelam a associação entre valores mais elevados na dimensão Suporte emocional e níveis mais baixos de psicopatologia e stress, e a associação entre as dimensões Sobreproteção e Rejeição e níveis superiores desses resultados. Igualmente, o estilo educativo Autoritário está claramente associado a piores resultados nessas mesmas variáveis. São discutidas algumas implicações, no que toca a programas psicoeducativos/educação parental. / Introduction. As a general educational environment, parental rearing styles have a strong impact in different outcomes of development of the child or teenager (e.g. symptoms of depression/ anxiety and self-esteem). These can be studied from a dimensional point of view considering for example the dimensions Control/Overprotection and Support or from a categorical point of view following for example the approach of Baumrind and Maccoby and Martin. This study aims at checking whether there are differences of gender and age in the dimensions of Emotional Support, Overprotection and Rejection (EMBU-A) (each parent separately) in depressive symptoms/anxiety and self esteem; assessing whether there are differences in the dimensions of the EMBU-A, between parents in the total sample and by gender; exploring associations between the study’s main variables (rearing styles, symptomatology and self esteem) and sociodemographic variables, also in the three samples; exploring differences between the four groups created (Father-Son, Father-Daughter, Mother-Son and Mother-Daughter) in the dimensions of the EMBU-A, combining Overprotection and Emotional Support(EMBU-A) and defining the authoritarian, authoritative, indulgent, and neglectful parental rearing styles. The aim is also to estimate the prevalence of these in our sample (by Father and Mother) and explore their associations to the symptomatology and self esteem (separately, per parent). Methodology. Our sample is composed of 284 teenagers (average age = 14,5; DP = 1,68; girls, n = 171, 60,2%). All participants filled in a protocol of questionnaires consisting of a set of socio demographic questions by Rosenberg Self- Esteem Scale (RSES), by DASS-21 and by Parental Rearing Style Questionnaire for use with Adolescents (EMBU-A/A). Outcomes. It is important to emphasize the fact that teenagers perceive their mother as having higher values in all the EMBU-A dimensions compared to their father. In the same way, though with different patterns of association according to gender, it is important to emphasize the association of higher levels of Emotional Support and lower levels of depressive/anxious symptomathology and stress and the association of Overprotection and Rejection and higher levels of those outcomes. A father’s lower level of education is associated to a lower Emotional Support while a mother’s higher level of education is associated to a greater Overprotection. A dyad composed of male parent and male teenager presents lower outcomes in all EMBU-A dimensions if compared to dyads composed of mother-son/daughter. The authoritative style is the most prevalent in our sample (in both parents) and the authoritarian style is the one associated to higher scores of psychopathology and lower levels of self esteem. Debate. In general, the outcomes closely follow the literature review and reveal the association of higher values in the Emotional Support dimension and lower levels of psychopathology and stress and also the association of the dimensions of Overprotection and Rejection and higher levels of those outcomes. Equally, the authoritarian rearing style is clearly associated to the worst outcomes in those same variables. Some implications are discussed as far as psychoeducational programmes and parental rearing are concerned.