874 resultados para Atomic hydrogen


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The electronic properties of liquid hydrogen fluoride (HF) were investigated by carrying out sequential quantum mechanics/Born-Oppenheimer molecular dynamics. The structure of the liquid is in good agreement with recent experimental information. Emphasis was placed on the analysis of polarisation effects, dynamic polarisability and electronic excitations in liquid HF. Our results indicate an increase in liquid phase of the dipole moment (similar to 0.5 D) and isotropic polarisability (5%) relative to their gas-phase values. Our best estimate for the first vertical excitation energy in liquid HF indicates a blue-shift of 0.4 +/- 0.2 eV relative to that of the gas-phase monomer (10.4 eV). (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A detailed analysis of the many-body contribution to the interaction energies of the gas-phase hydrogen-bonded glycine clusters, (Gly)(N), N = 1-4 is presented. The energetics of the hydrogen-bonded dimer, trimer and tetramer complexes have been analyzed using density-functional theory. The magnitude of the two-through four-body energy terms have been calculated and compared. The relaxation energy and the two-body energy terms are the principal contributors to the total binding energy. Four-body contribution is negligible. However, the three-body contribution is found to be sizable and the formation of the cyclic glycine trimer presents geometric strains that make it less favorable. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We report the partitioning of the interaction-induced static electronic dipole (hyper)polarizabilities for linear hydrogen cyanide complexes into contributions arising from various interaction energy terms. We analyzed the nonadditivities of the studied properties and used these data to predict the electric properties of an infinite chain. The interaction-induced static electric dipole properties and their nonadditivities were analyzed using an approach based on numerical differentiation of the interaction energy components estimated in an external electric field. These were obtained using the hybrid variational-perturbational interaction energy decomposition scheme, augmented with coupled-cluster calculations, with singles, doubles, and noniterative triples. Our results indicate that the interaction-induced dipole moments and polarizabilities are primarily electrostatic in nature; however, the composition of the interaction hyperpolarizabilities is much more complex. The overlap effects substantially quench the contributions due to electrostatic interactions, and therefore, the major components are due to the induction and exchange induction terms, as well as the intramolecular electron-correlation corrections. A particularly intriguing observation is that the interaction first hyperpolarizability in the studied systems not only is much larger than the corresponding sum of monomer properties, but also has the opposite sign. We show that this effect can be viewed as a direct consequence of hydrogen-bonding interactions that lead to a decrease of the hyperpolarizability of the proton acceptor and an increase of the hyperpolarizability of the proton donor. In the case of the first hyperpolarizability, we also observed the largest nonadditivity of interaction properties (nearly 17%) which further enhances the effects of pairwise interactions.


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We have investigated the polyoxides HOOH, HOOOH, HOOOOH, and HOOO employing the CCSD(T) methodology, and the correlation consistent basis sets. For all molecules, we have computed fundamental vibrational frequencies, structural parameters, rotational constants, and rotation-vibration corrections. For HOOOH, we have obtained a good agreement between our results and microwave and infrared spectra measurements, although for the symmetric OO stretch some important differences were found. Heats of formation were computed using atomization energies, and our recommendation is as follows: Delta H degrees(f,298)(HOOOH) = -21.50 kcal/mol and Delta H degrees(f,298)(HOOOOH) = -10.61 kcal/mol. In the case of HOOO, to estimate the heat of formation, we have constructed three isodesmic reactions to cancel high order correlation effects. The results obtained confirmed that the latter effects are very important for HOOO. The new Delta H degrees(f,298)(HOOO) obtained is 5.5 kcal/mol. We have also calculated the zero-point energies of DO and DOOO to correct the experimental lower limit determined for the Delta H degrees(f,298)(HOOO). The Delta(Delta ZPE) decreases the binding energy of HOOO by 0.56 kcal/mol. Employing the latter value, the new experimental lower limit for Delta H degrees(f,298)(HOOO) is 3.07 kcal/mol, just 2.4 kcal/mol lower than our determination. We expect that the fundamental vibrational frequencies and rotational constants determined for HOOOOH and DOOOOD contribute to its identification in the gas phase. The vibrational spectrum of HOOOOH shows some overlapping with that of HOOOH thus indicating that one may encounter some difficulties in its characterization. We discuss the consequences of the thermochemical properties determined in this work, and suggest that the amount of HOOO present in the atmosphere is smaller than that proposed recently in this journal (J. Phys. Chem A 2007, 111, 4727).


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The catalytic activity of Ni/CeO(2)-Al(2)O(3) catalysts modified with noble metals (Pt, Ir, Pd and Ru) was investigated for the steam reform of ethanol and glycerol. The catalysts were characterized by the following techniques: Energy-dispersive X-ray, BET, X-ray diffraction, temperature-programmed reduction, UV-vis diffuse reflectance spectroscopy and X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES). The results showed that the formation of inactive nickel aluminate was prevented by the presence of CeO(2) dispersed on alumina. The promoting effect of noble metals included a decrease in the reduction temperatures of NiO species interacting with the support, due to the hydrogen spillover effect. It was seen that the addition of noble metal stabilized the Ni sites in the reduced state along the reforming reaction, increasing the ethanol and glycerol conversions and decreasing the coke formation. The higher catalytic performance for the ethanol steam reforming at 600 degrees C and glycerol steam reforming was obtained for the NiPd and NiPt catalysts, respectively, which presented an effluent gaseous mixture with the highest H(2) yield with reasonably low amounts of CO. (c) 2009 International Association for Hydrogen Energy. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Calculation for the electronic excitation of the ground state of H-2 to B (1) Sigma(u)(+) and b(3) Sigma(u)(+) states by positronium- (Ps) atom impact has been carried out using the first Born approximation considering discrete Ps excitations up to n = 6 and Ps ionization in the final state. To include the effect of electron exchange, we propose an alternative approximation scheme in the light of the Rudge approach, which takes into account the composite nature of the Ps-atom projectile.


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We study the elastic scattering of positronium atoms by hydrogen atoms at medium energies using partial-wave Born-Oppenheimer (BO) exchange amplitudes and report accurate BO cross sections in the energy range 0 to 60 eV. The present BO results agree with a 22-state R-matrix and a five-state coupled-channel model potential calculation, but disagree strongly with a conventional close-coupling calculation as well as its input BO amplitudes at medium energies.


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We perform a three-positronium (Ps) state [Ps(ls,2s,2p)] coupled-channel calculation of Ps-H-2 scattering including the effect of electron exchange. At medium energies, higher excitations and ionization of Ps are treated within the framework of the first Born approximation. In both cases exchange is included using a recently proposed nonlocal model exchange potential which is free of non-orthogonality problems common in the usual antisymmetrization scheme. The present total cross sections at low and medium energies are in encouraging agreement with experiment.


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We present a convergent variational basis-set calculational scheme for elastic scattering of the positronium atom by the hydrogen atom in S wave. Highly correlated trial functions with appropriate symmetry are needed to achieve convergence. We report convergent results for scattering lengths in atomic units for both singlet (= 3.49 +/-0.20) and triplet (= 2.46 +/-0.10) states.


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The elastic and inelastic scattering of ortho-positronium (Ps) by the hydrogen atom have been investigated using a three-Ps-state close-coupling approximation. The higher (n greater than or equal to 3) excitations and ionization of the Ps atom are treated within the framework of the Born approximation. In both cases the effect of electron exchange has been included by a parameter-free nonlocal model potential derived from an antisymmetrization of the wavefunction followed by the removal of nonorthogonality. Calculations are reported of scattering lengths,phase shifts, and of elastic, Ps excitation, and total cross sections. The trend of present target elastic total cross section agrees qualitatively with available experimental results on Ps-impact scattering.


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Moun-transfer reactions from muonic hydrogen to carbon and oxygen nuclei employing a full quantum-mechanical few-body description of rearrangement scattering were studied by solving the Faddeev-Hahn-type equations using close-coupling approximation. The application of a close-coupling-type ansatz led to satisfactory results for direct muon-transfer reactions from muonic hydrogen to C6+ and O8+.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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MTA is composed of various metal oxides, calcium oxide and bismuth. It has good biological properties and is indicated in cases of endodontic complications. Several commercial formulations are available and further studies are necessary to evaluate these materials. Objective: To evaluate pH and calcium releasing of MTA Fillapex® compared with gray and white MTA. Material and methods: Gray and white MTA (Angelus) and MTA Fillapex® (Angelus) were manipulated and placed into polyethylene tubes and immersed in distilled water. The pH of these solutions was measured at 24 hours, 7 days and 14 days. Simultaneously, at these same aforementioned periods, these materials' calcium releasing was quantified, through atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The results were submitted to ANOVA, with level of significance at 5%. Results: Concerning to pH, the materials present similar behaviors among each other at 24 hours (p > 0.05). At 7 and 14 days, MTA Fillapex® provided significantly lower pH values than the other materials (p < 0.05). Regarding to calcium releasing, at 24 hours and 7 days, MTA Fillapex® provided lower releasing than the other materials (p < 0.05). After 14 days, differences were found between MTA Fillapex® and gray MTA (p < 0.05). Conclusion: All materials showed alkaline pH and calcium releasing, with significantly lower values for MTA Fillapex® sealer.


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A time reversal symmetric regularized electron exchange model was used to elastic scattering, target elastic Ps excitations and target inelastic excitation of hydrogen in a five state coupled model. A singlet Ps-H-S-wave resonance at 4.01 eV of width 0.15 eV and a P-wave resonance at 5.08 eV of width 0.004 eV were obtained using this model. The effect on the convergence of the coupled-channel scheme due to the inclusion of the excited Ps and H states was also analyzed.


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Rayleigh optical activities of small hydrogen-bonded methanol clusters containing two to five molecules are reported. For the methanol trimer, tetramer, and pentamer both cyclic and linear structures are considered. After the geometry optimizations, the dipole moments and the dipole polarizabilities (mean, interaction, and anisotropic components) are calculated using HF, MP2 and DFT (B3LYP, B3P86 and BH&HLYP) with aug-cc-pVDZ extended basis set. The polarizabilities are used to analyse the depolarization ratios and the Rayleigh scattering activities. The variations in the activity and in the depolarization for Rayleigh scattered radiation with the increase in the cluster size for both cyclic and linear structures are analysed.