992 resultados para Atlantic salmon


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O-acetylation is one of the major modifications of sialic acids that significantly alters biological properties of the parent molecule. These O-acetylated forms are components of the cellular membrane and can affect physiological and pathological responses. Understanding the role of N-glycans in physiology is of increasing relevance to cellular biologists in various disciplines who study glycoproteomics yet lack information regarding the function of the attached glycans. It is well known that stress may decrease immune function in fish; however, there are only few suitable biomarkers available to monitor the physiological responses under the stress conditions. This study is the first report on the effect of stress on the profile of O-acetylation of sialic acids in fish serum. In order to preserve the relevant structural characteristics as much as possible, native N-glycans were directly analyzed using CE-MS. We have characterized the N-glycans in serum of salmon (Salmo salar) exposed to long-term handling stress (15 s out of the water, daily for 4 wk) and compared with the results obtained from sera of control fish. The results indicated that major N-glycans in salmon serum contained mono-acetylated sialic acids (83%), and that the O-acetylation pattern of sialic acids could be altered by long-term stress.


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The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effects of altered dietary n-3/n-6 LC-PUFA ratio, adaptation to diet over time, different water temperatures, and their interactions on nutrients and fatty acids digestibility in juvenile Atlantic salmon. Three experimental diets were formulated to be identical, with the only exception of the ratio of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, 20:5n-3) to arachidonic acid (ARA, 20:4n-6), and fed to triplicate groups of juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) of 55. g initial body weight. Fish were reared in a fully controlled recirculating aquaculture system, fed to apparent satiety twice daily and kept at 10. °C and for an initial period of 100. days, and faeces were collected for digestibility estimation. Then, half of the fish of each experimental tank were moved to a separate system, where the water temperature was gradually increased up to 20. °C. Fish were maintained in the two systems for an additional period of 50. days, and faeces were collected for digestibility estimation from both groups of fish at the two water temperatures. This study concluded that dietary treatments and time had only minor effects, whereas environmental temperature resulted in modified digestibility values, with increased nutrient digestibility with increasing temperature. Varying EPA/ARA ratio in the diet had only minor direct effects on digestibility, with no direct effect on overall nutrients digestibility, and fundamentally only statistically significant effects in the fatty acid digestibility of EPA and ARA themselves. Because of current increasing pressure for more efficient fish oil replacement strategies, increasing interest in dietary ARA in aquafeed and increasing relevance and occurrence of sub-optimal rearing temperature in commercial aquaculture, this study can be considered to be important as it provided a series of fundamental information, which are envisaged to be useful towards addressing these constraints and possible nutritional remedial strategies.


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Algae are at the base of the aquatic food chain, producing the food resources that fish are adapted to consume. Previous studies have proven that the inclusion of small amounts (<10% of the diet) of algae in fish feed (aquafeed) resulted in positive effects in growth performance and feed utilisation efficiency. Marine algae have also been shown to possess functional activities, helping in the mediation of lipid metabolism, and therefore are increasingly studied in human and animal nutrition. The aim of this study was to assess the potentials of two commercially available algae derived products (dry algae meal), Verdemin (derived from Ulva ohnoi) and Rosamin (derived from diatom Entomoneis spp.) for their possible inclusion into diet of Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar). Fish performances, feed efficiency, lipid metabolism and final product quality were assessed to investigated the potential of the two algae products (in isolation at two inclusion levels, 2.5% and 5%, or in combination), in experimental diets specifically formulated with low fish meal and fish oil content. The results indicate that inclusion of algae product Verdemin and Rosamin at level of 2.5 and 5.0% did not cause any major positive, nor negative, effect in Atlantic Salmon growth and feed efficiency. An increase in the omega-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid (n-3 LC-PUFA) content in whole body of fish fed 5% Rosamin was observed.


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In recent years, aquaculture has been facing a series of new issues, including the necessary replacement of fish oil and fish meal because of their limited supply and sub-optimal water temperature conditions. Higher water temperatures are increasingly encountered as the result of climate change related phenomena and/or the practice of farming of species in areas with environmental characteristics outside their optimal physiological range, such as the case of Atlantic salmon (. Salmo salar) farming in Australia during the summer season. Previous studies in teleost fish have shown that when fish are exposed at higher environmental temperatures, fish had a preferential increased dietary intake for arachidonic acid (20:4n - 6, ARA). This observation suggests that, given the several metabolic roles of ARA, its dietary provision may play an important role in fish for adapting at sub-optimal high water temperatures. The objective of this study was therefore to evaluate the effects of different dietary ARA/EPA ratios in juvenile Atlantic salmon as affected by time of exposition to the diet and water temperatures, with particular focus to fish performance and possible resulting modifications of tissue fatty acid composition. The study showed that independently from dietary treatments, fish held at the higher temperatures had an increased ARA accumulation, primarily in the liver and this ARA accumulation increased over time. It was also shown that the combined dietary inclusion of ARA and EPA significantly improved fish performance, compared with diets either richer in ARA or EPA. A general trend toward higher content of n - 3 LC-PUFA at lower temperatures was also quite clear, especially in the liver. Therefore, and assuming that the trends in tissue fatty acid composition could be taken as a clue of the optimal fatty acid requirements of fish, the n - 6 requirement (and in particular ARA) clearly appears to be greater for Atlantic salmon raised at high water temperatures. Protein accumulation was higher in the diet with the combined dietary inclusion of ARA and EPA for fish held at high water temperature (20. °C), with a concomitant lipid reduction. This study shows the importance of dietary ARA for maximal growth in Atlantic salmon, particularly during the period of the year when high water temperatures are often encountered. Further studies specifically looking at optimal dietary ARA/EPA ratio and roles of ARA on myogenesis, stress physiology and immune status of cultured fish are warranted. Statement of relevance: Given the current high level of fish oil replacement in aquafeed, and the often encountered sub-optimal environmental temperatures, we believe that this study could be considered as timely and highly pertinent for the aquaculture industry and associated R&D sector.


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Consistent individual differences in behaviour have been well documented in a variety of animal taxa, but surprisingly little is known about the fitness and life-history consequences of such individual variation. In wild salmonids, the timing of fry emergence from gravel spawning nests has been suggested to be coupled with individual behavioural traits. Here, we further investigate the link between timing of spawning nest emergence and behaviour of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), test effects of social rearing environment on behavioural traits in fish with different emergence times, and assess whether behavioural traits measured in the laboratory predict growth, survival, and migration status in the wild. Atlantic salmon fry were sorted with respect to emergence time from artificial spawning nest into three groups: early, intermediate, and late. These emergence groups were hatchery-reared separately or in co-culture for four months to test effects of social rearing environment on behavioural traits. Twenty fish from each of the six treatment groups were then subjected to three individual-based behavioural tests: basal locomotor activity, boldness, and escape response. Following behavioural characterization, the fish were released into a near-natural experimental stream. Results showed differences in escape behaviour between emergence groups in a net restraining test, but the social rearing environment did not affect individual behavioural expression. Emergence time and social environment had no significant effects on survival, growth, and migration status in the stream, although migration propensity was 1.4 to 1.9 times higher for early emerging individuals that were reared separately. In addition, despite individuals showing considerable variation in behaviour across treatment groups, this was not translated into differences in growth, survival, and migration status. Hence, our study adds to the view that fitness (i.e., growth and survival) and life-history predictions from laboratory measures of behaviour should be made with caution and ideally tested in nature.


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Aquaculture, and in particular Atlantic salmon culture, is expected to deliver n. -3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid (n. -3 LC-PUFA) rich products. Nevertheless, the availability of n. -3 LC-PUFA rich raw materials for aquafeed is dwindling, and at an ever increasing market price. Thus, there is the need to better understand the in vivo n. -3 LC-PUFA biosynthetic capabilities of cultured fish to enable the possible maximization of dietary 18:3n. -3 (ALA) bioconversion to 20:5n. -3 (EPA) and 22:6n. -3 (DHA). The cofactors and coenzymes involved in this metabolic pathway have so far received limited research attention. In this study, juvenile Atlantic salmon were fed an ALA-rich diet with no, normal, or over-fortified inclusion of those micronutrients reported to be essential cofactors (iron; zinc; magnesium) and coenzymes (riboflavin; biotin; niacin) for the fatty acid elongase and desaturase enzymes. The results showed that reduced dietary inclusion of these micronutrients impaired the normal n. -3 LC-PUFA biosynthetic capabilities of fish, whereas the over fortification did not provide any additional benefit. This study provides new knowledge on micronutrients and lipid metabolism interactions in a commercially important cultured species, and is envisaged to be a useful contribution towards developing more sustainable and commercially viable aquafeed for the future.Statement of relevance. This work is the continuation and extension of a previous study (Lewis et al., 2013, Aquaculture 412/413, 215-222) in which we explored the physiological roles and potential effects of micronutrients on fatty acid metabolism in cultured fish. The present study differed from the previous in the blend of minerals and vitamins used, the species, the fatty acid composition of the test diet, and the inclusion also of a negative control. The results are most interesting, showing that riboflavin (B2), biotin (B7), and niacin (B3), Iron (Fe), Magnesium (Mg) and Zinc (Zn) are all required for proper fatty acid bioconversion, but also that a dietary over-fortification does not translate into proportional improved bioconversion.


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The results of a recent increase in research interest directed at the inclusion of tallow in fish feed formulations are suggesting tallow is viable as a potential substitute for other alternative lipid sources such as poultry by-product oil. Although strong growth performance data has been shown, reservations still exist regarding reduced digestibility and the potential impacts this could have on performance over the duration of a grow-out period in low temperature conditions. Also little information is yet available on the potential effect of dietary tallow inclusion on final product quality. A large scale farm based study testing the inclusion of tallow at 40% inclusion, partially replacing poultry by-product oil, in commercial diets of Atlantic salmon over a winter grow-out period in southern Tasmania, Australia was conducted. Tallow inclusion had no impact on growth performance or nutrient digestibility. Tallow resulted in a slight improvement in fillet quality exhibiting a significant reduction in n - 6 PUFA and the n6:n3 ratio, and an increased n - 3LC-PUFA tissue deposition. Consumers were unable to display any preference in liking between 3 salmon products (cold smoked, hot smoked, and cooked) as a result of tallow inclusion. This study demonstrates the viability of partial inclusion of tallow in Atlantic salmon diets over a winter grow-out period. Statement of relevance: Improved knowledge of alternative dietary energy sources (oils and fats) to be used in aquafeed, (replacing the increasingly expensive, and diminishingly available, fish oil) is a key area of research towards improved environmental sustainability and economic viability of the aquaculture sector. Following a promising laboratory based, research scale, in vivo trial aimed at assessing the viability of tallow in salmon feed, a larger and longer duration farm-based trial was implemented to validate initial findings. Consumer test of final products (fresh-cooked, hot smoked and cold smoked fillets) showed no modification of sensorial attributes. Tallow is hereto shown to be a highly viable alternative oil for the salmon aquafeed industry.


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Salmons raised in aquaculture farms around the world are increasingly subjected to sub-optimal environmental conditions, such as high water temperatures during summer seasons. Aerobic scope increases and lipid metabolism changes are known plasticity responses of fish for a better acclimation to high water temperature. The present study aimed at investigating the effect of high water temperature on the regulation of fatty acid metabolism in juvenile Atlantic salmon fed different dietary ARA/EPA ratios (arachidonic acid, 20:4n-6/ eicosapentaenoic acid, 20:5n-3), with particular focus on apparent in vivo enzyme activities and gene expression of lipid metabolism pathways. Three experimental diets were formulated to be identical, except for the ratio EPA/ARA, and fed to triplicate groups of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) kept either at 10°C or 20°C. Results showed that fatty acid metabolic utilisation, and likely also their dietary requirements for optimal performance, can be affected by changes in their relative levels and by environmental temperature in Atlantic salmon. Thus, the increase in temperature, independently from dietary treatment, had a significant effect on the β-oxidation of a fatty acid including EPA, as observed by the apparent in vivo enzyme activity and mRNA expression of pparα -transcription factor in lipid metabolism, including β-oxidation genes- and cpt1 -key enzyme responsible for the movement of LC-PUFA from the cytosol into the mitochondria for β-oxidation-, were both increased at the higher water temperature. An interesting interaction was observed in the transcription and in vivo enzyme activity of Δ5fad-time-limiting enzyme in the biosynthesis pathway of EPA and ARA. Such, at lower temperature, the highest mRNA expression and enzyme activity was recorded in fish with limited supply of dietary EPA, whereas at higher temperature these were recorded in fish with limited ARA supply. In consideration that fish at higher water temperature recorded a significantly increased feed intake, these results clearly suggested that at high, sub-optimal water temperature, fish metabolism attempted to increment its overall ARA status -the most bioactive LC-PUFA participating in the inflammatory response- by modulating the metabolic fate of dietary ARA (expressed as % of net intake), reducing its β-oxidation and favouring synthesis and deposition. This correlates also with results from other recent studies showing that both immune- and stress- responses in fish are up regulated in fish held at high temperatures. This is a novel and fundamental information that warrants industry and scientific attention, in consideration of the imminent increase in water temperatures, continuous expansion of aquaculture operations, resources utilisation in aquafeed and much needed seasonal/adaptive nutritional strategies.


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Due to the scarcity of marine fish oil resources, the aquaculture industry is developing more efficient strategies for the utilization of dietary omega-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 LC-PUFA). A better understanding of how fish utilize EPA and DHA, typically provided by fish oil, is needed. However, EPA and DHA have different physiological functions, may be metabolized and incorporated into tissues differently, and may vary in terms of their importance in meeting the fatty acid requirements of fish. To address these questions, Atlantic salmon were fed experimental diets containing, as the sole added dietary lipid source, fish oil (positive control), tallow (negative control), or tallow supplemented with EPA, DHA, or both fatty acids to ~50 or 100 % of their respective levels in the positive control diet. Following 14 weeks of feeding, the negative control diet yielded optimum growth performance. Though surprising, these results support the notion that Atlantic salmon requirements for n-3 LC-PUFA are quite low. EPA was largely β-oxidized and inefficiently deposited in tissues, and increasing dietary levels were associated with potential negative effects on growth. Conversely, DHA was completely spared from catabolism and very efficiently deposited into flesh. EPA bioconversion to DHA was largely influenced by substrate availability, with the presence of preformed DHA having little inhibitory effect. These results clearly indicate EPA and DHA are metabolized differently by Atlantic salmon, and suggest that the n-3 LC-PUFA dietary requirements of Atlantic salmon may be lower than reported and different, if originating primarily from EPA or DHA.


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Understanding the homing behavior of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar is vital to the restoration program employed on the Penobscot River, Maine. To produce significant adult returns, managers currently stock hatchery-raised smolts in specific river sections, providing smolts the opportunity to imprint on chemical signals and enabling their return to productive spawning and rearing habitat as adults. In this study, we used observational evidence from passive integrated transponder telemetry to determine whether adults returning from smolt stockings behaved in a way that suggested strong homing to smolt stocking locations. Adults returning from smolt stocking locations located in or at the mouth of the Piscataquis River were more likely to be detected as entering the Piscataquis River than were adults returning from the upper Penobscot River smolt stocking locations. In general, returning adult Atlantic salmon that had been stocked near or in tributaries as smolts chose a path more quickly than those that had been stocked in more downstream or main-stem locations. These results suggest that Atlantic salmon smolts should be stocked at specific sites with superior habitat for spawning kind juvenile survival to capitalize on the strong homing tendency in adults. This technique call also be utilized to allow for natural selection and the development of localized stocks.


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The output from some pulsed ultrasonic transmitters commonly used in fish movement studies is faintly audible to humans. This study was undertaken to determine if the output from these and some other transmitters is detectable by Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) parr. Classical conditioning of cardiac deceleration was attempted using the transmitter's output as the conditioned stimulus. The results from 29 experimental and 14 control fish suggest that the parr were unable to detect the output from these transmitters.


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The effect of descaling injury on the osmoregulatory ability of hatchery Atlantic salmon Salmo salar smolts in seawater was investigated. Experimental series were initiated during early, middle, and late periods of the spring smolt migration (April 25, May 11, and May 31, respectively). For each time series, descaled smolts (subjected to descaling on 10% of the body surface area) and control smolts (held out of water for 15 s) were transferred to seawater at 0, 1, 3, or 7 d posttreatment. After fish were held in 35% seawater for 24 h, gill and blood samples were collected and analyzed for Na(+),K(+)-ATPase activity and plasma osmolyte levels. Based on gill Na(+),K(+)-ATPase activity, the three series spanned the period from early smolting (increasing activity) to de-smolting (decreasing activity). In each series, descaled fish transferred to seawater at 0 and 1 d posttreatment had greater plasma osmolality than control fish; descaled fish transferred to seawater at 3 d posttreatment did not differ from controls. The greatest perturbation in osmolality (70 milliosmoles) was observed at the peak of smolting (middle series), whereas lesser increases were seen for early and late-series smolts. The observed osmotic perturbations in descaled fish would probably reduce performance and decrease survival during smolt migration.


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Hatchery-reared Atlantic salmon Salmo salar smolts produced from captive-reared Dennys River and sea-run Penobscot River broodstock are released into their source rivers in Maine. The adult return rate of Dennys smolts is comparatively low, and disparity in smolt quality between stocks resulting from genetic or broodstock rearing effects is plausible. Smolt behavior and physiology were assessed during sequential 14-d trials conducted in seminatural annular tanks with circular flow. "Migratory urge'' (downstream movement) was monitored remotely using passive integrated transponder tags, and gill Na(+),K(+)-ATPase activity was measured at the beginning and end of the trials to provide an index of smolt development. The migratory urge of both stocks was low in early April, increased 20-fold through late May, and declined by the end of June. The frequency and seasonal distribution of downstream movement were independent of stock. In March and April, initial gill Na(+),K(+)-ATPase activities of Penobscot River smolts were lower than those of Dennys River smolts. For these trials, however, Penobscot River smolts increased enzyme activity after exposure to the tank, whereas Dennys River smolts did not, resulting in similar activities between stocks at the end of all trials. There was no clear relationship between migratory urge and gill Na(+),K(+)-ATPase activity. Gill Na(+),K(+)-ATPase activity of both stocks increased in advance of migratory urge and then declined while migratory urge was increasing. Maximum movement was observed from 2 h after sunset through 1 h after sunrise but varied seasonally. Dennys River smolts were slightly more nocturnal than Penobscot River smolts. These data suggest that Dennys and Penobscot River stocks are not markedly different in either physiological or behavioral expression of smolting.