97 resultados para Ataxic Dysarthria
Les ataxies héréditaires sont des désordres neuro-dégénératifs qui causent une ataxie comme symptôme primaire; soit une perte de coordination des mouvements volontaires, un sens de l’équilibre déficient et un trouble à la motricité. Elles forment un groupe cliniquement et génétiquement hétérogène. De ce fait, de nombreuses classifications existent basées sur différents critères. Cependant, le consensus actuel veut que le mode de transmission soit le critère premier de classement. On estime la prévalence mondiale des ataxies héréditaires à 6/100 000 bien que ce nombre diffère entre régions. C’est le cas du Québec où la structuration historique du bassin génétique canadien-français a menée à des effets fondateurs régionaux, ce qui a eu comme conséquence de hausser la prévalence régionale de certaines maladies. L’Acadie est également une région canadienne-française avec des effets fondateurs où le taux de prévalence de certaines ataxies héréditaires est plus élevé. Nous avons recruté huit familles canadiennes-françaises provenant de diverses régions du Québec, ayant un lien génétique plus ou moins rapproché avec l’Acadie, dans lesquelles nous avons observé dix cas d’une forme d’ataxie spastique autosomique récessive relativement légère qui a résistée à l’analyse des gènes d’ataxies connues. Nous avons émis l’hypothèse d’être en présence d’une nouvelle forme d’ataxie à effet fondateur pour la population canadienne-française. Afin d’identifier le gène muté responsable de cette ataxie, un criblage génomique des marqueurs SNP pour les individus recrutés fut effectué. Puis, par cartographie de l’homozygotie, une région de 2,5 Mb fut identifiée sur le chromosome 17p13 dans une famille. Une revue de la littérature nous a permis de constater, qu’en 2007, quatre familles nord-africaines atteintes d’une ataxie dénommée SPAX2 qui présentaient des manifestations cliniques semblables avaient déjà été liées au même locus sur le chromosome 17. Afin de supporter notre hypothèse que les malades étaient porteurs de deux copies de la même mutation fondatrice et de cartographier plus finement notre région d’intérêt, les haplotypes de tous les atteints de nos huit familles furent étudiés. Nous avons établie qu’un intervalle de 200 kb (70 SNP), soit du marqueur rs9900036 à rs7222052, était partagé par tous nos participants. Les deux gènes les plus prometteurs des 18 se trouvant dans la région furent séquencés. Aucune mutation ne fut trouvée dans les gènes SLC25A11 et KIF1C. Par la suite, une analyse de liaison génétique stricte avec calcul de LOD score nous a permis d’exclure ce locus de 200 kb comme étant celui porteur du gène muté causant l’ataxie dans la majorité de nos familles. Nous avons donc conclus que malgré qu’une famille soit homozygote pour une grande région du chromosome 17, l’absence d’Informativité des marqueurs SNP dans la région de 200 kb fut responsable de l’apparent partage d’haplotype homozygote. Le travail reste donc entier afin d’identifier les mutations géniques responsables de la présentation ataxique chez nos participants de souche acadienne.
Les ataxies forment un groupe de maladies neurodégénératives qui sont caractérisées par un manque de coordination des mouvements volontaires. Mes travaux ont porté sur une forme d'ataxie à début tardif (LOCA), après l’âge de 50 ans. Les principales caractéristiques cliniques sont: atrophie cérébelleuse à l’IRM (88%), dysarthrie (81%), atrophie du lobe frontal (50%) et nystagmus (52%). La ségrégation dans les familles de cette ataxie est en faveur d’une transmission récessive. Afin d'identifier le gène responsable de LOCA, nous avons recruté 38 patients affectés d'une forme tardive d'ataxie, issus du SLSJ, des Cantons de l’Est ou d’autres régions du Québec. Un premier criblage du génome a été effectué avec des marqueurs microsatellites sur une famille clé. Une analyse de liaison paramétrique nous a suggéré une liaison au chromosome 13 (4.4Mb). Une recherche d’un haplotype partagé entre 17 familles LOCA a diminué la taille de l'intervalle candidat à 1.6Mb, mais l’haplotype s’est avéré fréquent dans la population canadienne-française. Un second criblage du génome avec des marqueurs SNP nous a permis d’évaluer par cartographie d’homozygotie la possibilité qu’une mutation fondatrice partagée dans des sous-groupes de malades. Plusieurs stratégies d'analyse ont été effectuées, entre autre par regroupement régional. Aucun loci candidats ne fut identifié avec confiance. Nous avons donc combiné les données de génotypage avec le séquençage exomique afin d'identifier le gène responsable. L'analyse de six individus atteints nous a permis d'obtenir une liste de variants rare contenant quatre gènes potentiels. Cette analyse doit se poursuivre pour identifier le gène responsable de LOCA.
Although the Unified Huntington's Disease Rating Scale (UHDRS) is widely used in the assessment of Huntington disease (HD), the ability of individual items to discriminate individual differences in motor or behavioral manifestations has not been extensively studied in HD gene expansion carriers without a motor-defined clinical diagnosis (ie, prodromal-HD or prHD). To elucidate the relationship between scores on individual motor and behavioral UHDRS items and total score for each subscale, a nonparametric item response analysis was performed on retrospective data from 2 multicenter longitudinal studies. Motor and behavioral assessments were supplied for 737 prHD individuals with data from 2114 visits (PREDICT-HD) and 686 HD individuals with data from 1482 visits (REGISTRY). Option characteristic curves were generated for UHDRS subscale items in relation to their subscale score. In prHD, overall severity of motor signs was low, and participants had scores of 2 or above on very few items. In HD, motor items that assessed ocular pursuit, saccade initiation, finger tapping, tandem walking, and to a lesser extent, saccade velocity, dysarthria, tongue protrusion, pronation/supination, Luria, bradykinesia, choreas, gait, and balance on the retropulsion test were found to discriminate individual differences across a broad range of motor severity. In prHD, depressed mood, anxiety, and irritable behavior demonstrated good discriminative properties. In HD, depressed mood demonstrated a good relationship with the overall behavioral score. These data suggest that at least some UHDRS items appear to have utility across a broad range of severity, although many items demonstrate problematic features.
Bowen and colleagues’ methods and conclusions raise concerns.1 At best, the trial evaluates the variability in current practice. In no way is it a robust test of treatment. Two communication impairments (aphasia and dysarthria) were included. In the post-acute stage spontaneous recovery is highly unpredictable, and changes in the profile of impairment during this time are common.2 Both impairments manifest in different forms,3 which may be more or less responsive to treatment. A third kind of impairment, apraxia of speech, was not excluded but was not targeted in therapy. All three impairments can and do co-occur. Whether randomised controlled trial designs can effectively cope with such complex disorders has been discussed elsewhere.4 Treatment was defined within terms of current practice but was unconstrained. Therefore, the treatment group would have received a variety of therapeutic approaches and protocols, some of which may indeed be ineffective. Only 53% of the contact time with a speech and language therapist was direct (one to one), the rest was impairment based therapy. In contrast, all of the visitors’ time was direct contact, usually in conversation. In both groups, the frequency and length of contact time varied. We already know that the transfer from impairment based therapy to functional communication can be limited and varies across individuals.5 However, it is not possible to conclude from this trial that one to one impairment based therapy should be replaced. For that, a well defined impairment therapy protocol must be directly compared with a similarly well defined functional communication therapy, with an attention control.
Key point summary • Cerebellar ataxias are progressive debilitating diseases with no known treatment and are associated with defective motor function and, in particular, abnormalities to Purkinje cells. • Mutant mice with deficits in Ca2+ channel auxiliary α2δ-2 subunits are used as models of cerebellar ataxia. • Our data in the du2J mouse model shows an association between the ataxic phenotype exhibited by homozygous du2J/du2J mice and increased irregularity of Purkinje cell firing. • We show that both heterozygous +/du2J and homozygous du2J/du2J mice completely lack the strong presynaptic modulation of neuronal firing by cannabinoid CB1 receptors which is exhibited by litter-matched control mice. • These results show that the du2J ataxia model is associated with deficits in CB1 receptor signalling in the cerebellar cortex, putatively linked with compromised Ca2+ channel activity due to reduced α2δ-2 subunit expression. Knowledge of such deficits may help design therapeutic agents to combat ataxias. Abstract Cerebellar ataxias are a group of progressive, debilitating diseases often associated with abnormal Purkinje cell (PC) firing and/or degeneration. Many animal models of cerebellar ataxia display abnormalities in Ca2+ channel function. The ‘ducky’ du2J mouse model of ataxia and absence epilepsy represents a clean knock-out of the auxiliary Ca2+ channel subunit, α2δ-2, and has been associated with deficient Ca2+ channel function in the cerebellar cortex. Here, we investigate effects of du2J mutation on PC layer (PCL) and granule cell (GC) layer (GCL) neuronal spiking activity and, also, inhibitory neurotransmission at interneurone-Purkinje cell(IN-PC) synapses. Increased neuronal firing irregularity was seen in the PCL and, to a less marked extent, in the GCL in du2J/du2J, but not +/du2J, mice; these data suggest that the ataxic phenotype is associated with lack of precision of PC firing, that may also impinge on GC activity and requires expression of two du2J alleles to manifest fully. du2J mutation had no clear effect on spontaneous inhibitory postsynaptic current (sIPSC) frequency at IN-PC synapses, but was associated with increased sIPSC amplitudes. du2J mutation ablated cannabinoid CB1 receptor (CB1R)-mediated modulation of spontaneous neuronal spike firing and CB1Rmediated presynaptic inhibition of synaptic transmission at IN-PC synapses in both +/du2J and du2J/du2J mutants; effects that occurred in the absence of changes in CB1R expression. These results demonstrate that the du2J ataxia model is associated with deficient CB1R signalling in the cerebellar cortex, putatively linked with compromised Ca2+ channel activity and the ataxic phenotype.
Cerebellar ataxias represent a spectrum of disorders which are, however, linked by common symptoms of motor incoordination and are typically associated with deficient in Purkinje cell firing activity and, often, degeneration. Cerebellar ataxias currently lack a curative agent. The endocannabinoid (eCB) system includes eCB compounds and their associated metabolic enzymes, together with cannabinoid receptors, predominantly the cannabinoid CB1 receptor (CB1R) in the cerebellum; activation of this system in the cerebellar cortex is associated with deficits in motor coordination characteristic of ataxia, effects which can be prevented by CB1R antagonists. Of further interest are various findings that CB1R deficits may also induce a progressive ataxic phenotype. Together these studies suggest that motor coordination is reliant on maintaining the correct balance in eCB system signalling. Recent work also demonstrates deficient cannabinoid signalling in the mouse ‘ducky2J’ model of ataxia. In light of these points, the potential mechanisms whereby cannabinoids may modulate the eCB system to ameliorate dysfunction associated with cerebellar ataxias are considered.
Parkinson's disease (PD) is a degenerative illness whose cardinal symptoms include rigidity, tremor, and slowness of movement. In addition to its widely recognized effects PD can have a profound effect on speech and voice.The speech symptoms most commonly demonstrated by patients with PD are reduced vocal loudness, monopitch, disruptions of voice quality, and abnormally fast rate of speech. This cluster of speech symptoms is often termed Hypokinetic Dysarthria.The disease can be difficult to diagnose accurately, especially in its early stages, due to this reason, automatic techniques based on Artificial Intelligence should increase the diagnosing accuracy and to help the doctors make better decisions. The aim of the thesis work is to predict the PD based on the audio files collected from various patients.Audio files are preprocessed in order to attain the features.The preprocessed data contains 23 attributes and 195 instances. On an average there are six voice recordings per person, By using data compression technique such as Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) number of instances can be minimized, after data compression, attribute selection is done using several WEKA build in methods such as ChiSquared, GainRatio, Infogain after identifying the important attributes, we evaluate attributes one by one by using stepwise regression.Based on the selected attributes we process in WEKA by using cost sensitive classifier with various algorithms like MultiPass LVQ, Logistic Model Tree(LMT), K-Star.The classified results shows on an average 80%.By using this features 95% approximate classification of PD is acheived.This shows that using the audio dataset, PD could be predicted with a higher level of accuracy.
The aim of this thesis is to investigate computerized voice assessment methods to classify between the normal and Dysarthric speech signals. In this proposed system, computerized assessment methods equipped with signal processing and artificial intelligence techniques have been introduced. The sentences used for the measurement of inter-stress intervals (ISI) were read by each subject. These sentences were computed for comparisons between normal and impaired voice. Band pass filter has been used for the preprocessing of speech samples. Speech segmentation is performed using signal energy and spectral centroid to separate voiced and unvoiced areas in speech signal. Acoustic features are extracted from the LPC model and speech segments from each audio signal to find the anomalies. The speech features which have been assessed for classification are Energy Entropy, Zero crossing rate (ZCR), Spectral-Centroid, Mean Fundamental-Frequency (Meanf0), Jitter (RAP), Jitter (PPQ), and Shimmer (APQ). Naïve Bayes (NB) has been used for speech classification. For speech test-1 and test-2, 72% and 80% accuracies of classification between healthy and impaired speech samples have been achieved respectively using the NB. For speech test-3, 64% correct classification is achieved using the NB. The results direct the possibility of speech impairment classification in PD patients based on the clinical rating scale.
Background: Voice processing in real-time is challenging. A drawback of previous work for Hypokinetic Dysarthria (HKD) recognition is the requirement of controlled settings in a laboratory environment. A personal digital assistant (PDA) has been developed for home assessment of PD patients. The PDA offers sound processing capabilities, which allow for developing a module for recognition and quantification HKD. Objective: To compose an algorithm for assessment of PD speech severity in the home environment based on a review synthesis. Methods: A two-tier review methodology is utilized. The first tier focuses on real-time problems in speech detection. In the second tier, acoustics features that are robust to medication changes in Levodopa-responsive patients are investigated for HKD recognition. Keywords such as Hypokinetic Dysarthria , and Speech recognition in real time were used in the search engines. IEEE explorer produced the most useful search hits as compared to Google Scholar, ELIN, EBRARY, PubMed and LIBRIS. Results: Vowel and consonant formants are the most relevant acoustic parameters to reflect PD medication changes. Since relevant speech segments (consonants and vowels) contains minority of speech energy, intelligibility can be improved by amplifying the voice signal using amplitude compression. Pause detection and peak to average power rate calculations for voice segmentation produce rich voice features in real time. Enhancements in voice segmentation can be done by inducing Zero-Crossing rate (ZCR). Consonants have high ZCR whereas vowels have low ZCR. Wavelet transform is found promising for voice analysis since it quantizes non-stationary voice signals over time-series using scale and translation parameters. In this way voice intelligibility in the waveforms can be analyzed in each time frame. Conclusions: This review evaluated HKD recognition algorithms to develop a tool for PD speech home-assessment using modern mobile technology. An algorithm that tackles realtime constraints in HKD recognition based on the review synthesis is proposed. We suggest that speech features may be further processed using wavelet transforms and used with a neural network for detection and quantification of speech anomalies related to PD. Based on this model, patients' speech can be automatically categorized according to UPDRS speech ratings.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Sabe-se que o tratamento fonoaudiológico de pacientes com afasia severa é limitado. A ausência de fala articulada, algumas vezes, impede o diagnóstico da afasia. O paciente grave pode não falar devido à inabilidade de articulação, como ocorre na disartria e/ou apraxia. Essa ausência de fala não permite afirmar se a linguagem está comprometida. O uso da comunicação suplementar e alternativa tem sido um método eficaz na reabilitação desses pacientes. Esse estudo visou descrever o uso da comunicação suplementar e alternativa associada a outras modalidades de linguagem (escrita, gestos), a partir do relato de dois casos de afasia. A análise dos dados foi composta por dois blocos: a introdução da comunicação suplementar e alternativa no diálogo; e o uso da leitura e escrita associado aos símbolos. A comunicação suplementar e alternativa foi um apoio para a oralidade, leitura e escrita dos pacientes.
OBJETIVO: traduzir e adaptar protocolo desenvolvido por pesquisadores alemães, adequando-o às características fonéticas e linguísticas do português falado no Brasil. Caracterizar os componentes de fala mais alterados na população com doença de Parkinson, comparando-os com grupo de sujeitos normais na mesma faixa etária. MÉTODOS: realizou-se a tradução e adaptação do protocolo. Posteriormente foram avaliados 21 pacientes com diagnóstico neurológico de Doença de Parkinson nos estágios Hoehn &Yarh, entre 2 e 3, e 10 sujeitos normais. O protocolo incluía avaliação da respiração, fonação, ressonância, articulação, prosódia e a análise acústica dos parâmetros vocais. RESULTADOS: o protocolo mostrou-se de fácil aplicação clínica. Nos sujeitos com doença de Parkinson foram observadas alterações predominantes na fonação (85,9%) e articulação (42,9%). CONCLUSÃO: o estudo demonstrou ser o protocolo uma ferramenta eficiente para a avaliação da disartria em pacientes com doença de Parkinson.
Objective To assess cardiopulmonary and analgesic effects after administration of ropivacaine into the caudal epidural space of cattle.Study design Prospective, single-dose trial.Animals Eight healthy mixed breed cows aged 8 +/- 5 years and weighing 507 +/- 112 kg.Methods Caudal epidural anesthesia was produced in cows with 0.75% ropivacaine (0.11 mg kg(-1)). Onset time, duration and cranial spread of analgesia were recorded. Heart rate (HR), respiratory rate (f(R)), rectal temperature (RT), and mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) were measured prior to epidural administration (T-0) and at 15, 30, 60, 120, 180 and 240 minutes after epidural administration (T-15, T-30, T-60, T-120, T-180 and T-240). Arterial blood acid-base balance (pH, standard bicarbonate and base excess), gas tension (PaO2, PaCO2, SaO(2)) and electrolytes (Na+, K+, iCa(2+), Cl-) were recorded at T-0, T-30, T-60, T-120, T-180 and T-240. Ataxia was evaluated at T-0, T-30, T-60, T-120, T-180 and T-240 and at 1 hour intervals thereafter until analgesia was no longer present in each animal.Results Epidurally administered ropivacaine induced variable analgesia extending bilaterally from the coccyx to S3. Time to onset of analgesia and mean duration in the perineal area were 15 +/- 4 and 359 +/- 90 minutes, respectively. Respiratory rate and RT increased from T-120 to T-240 when compared to the value at T-0. Ionized calcium and chloride concentrations increased at T-180 and T-240 when compared to T-0. The other variables were not significantly different from baseline values (p > 0.05). Four animals were mildly ataxic.Conclusion and clinical relevance Ropivacaine (0.75%, 0.11 mg kg(-1)) can be administered by caudal epidural injection to produce prolonged bilateral perineal analgesia with minimal ataxia and cardiopulmonary changes in standing cattle.
The objective of this study was to analyze the motor development of a ten year old child with ataxic cerebral palsy and the effects of a motor activities program in the swimming pool. Motor development was measured according to the motor assessment and the intervention program of motor activities in the swimming pool conducted at Sesi/Londrina, twice a week, during 45 minute sessions over a 2 month period, with an attendance rate of 87%. Data was analyzed descriptively comparing the results with before and after tests. Generally, the motor quotient regarding all items was classified as very low, characterizing motor deficit, with exception of temporal organization, presented as normal low. After intervention, the only area that showed positive change was balance; this result showed that the child gained 12 months in motor age, without corresponding alterations in the other areas.