78 resultados para Aruba


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Incluye Bibliografía


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Twenty-seventh session. Oranjestad, Aruba, 11-16 May 1998


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Las oficinas nacionales de estadística de la región trabajan de forma permanente por mejorar la calidad de sus estadísticas y fortalecer la credibilidad de sus instituciones. Según el nuevo enfoque de producción estadística a nivel mundial, la incorporación de principios y buenas prácticas en el desarrollo de los procesos internos y externos contribuye a la consolidación de oficinas sólidas, que son fundamentales para un excelente funcionamiento de los sistemas estadísticos nacionales.De esta forma, desde 2008 la Secretaría de la CEPAL ha llevado a cabo actividades para lograr la sensibilización y apropiación del cumplimiento de principios y buenas prácticas en las oficinas de la región, entre ellas la aplicación de un formulario de autoevaluación del cumplimiento de los indicadores de siete principios del Código de buenas prácticas de las estadísticas europeas, con el fin de medir el estado actual de 19 oficinas nacionales de estadística de la región, a saber: antiguas Antillas Neerlandesas, Aruba, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Granada, Guatemala, Honduras, México, Panamá, Paraguay, Perú, Puerto Rico, República Dominicana y Uruguay.Para contribuir al diagnóstico de la situación actual de las oficinas nacionales de estadística de la región frente al cumplimiento del Código de buenas prácticas de las estadísticas en América Latina y el Caribe, el Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística (DANE); de Colombia, como país coordinador del grupo de trabajo sobre fortalecimiento institucional en el marco de la CEA-CEPAL, presenta una evaluación para determinar el cumplimiento de cada uno de los criterios identificados como mejores prácticas en el proceso de generación de estadísticas.Por consiguiente, se estructuró la autoevaluación del cumplimiento de 10 de 17 principios del Código de buenas prácticas de las estadísticas en América Latina y el Caribe, con el objetivo de indagar acerca del estado actual del entorno institucional y la coordinación, el proceso estadístico y la producción estadística en las oficinas nacionales de estadística.Para llevar a cabo esta actividad se invitó a 43 países miembros de la Conferencia Estadística de las Américas: 19 de América Latina y 24 del Caribe, de los cuales 14 diligenciaron el instrumento (Bahamas, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Honduras, México, Paraguay, Panamá, Perú, Puerto Rico, República Dominicana y Venezuela (República Bolivariana de););.Los datos fueron recolectados mediante un formulario de autodiligenciamiento que se envió por correo electrónico a los directores de las oficinas nacionales de estadística.En cada una de las oficinas objeto de análisis del formulario, se realizaron cálculos que consisten en promedios aritméticos para cada una de las preguntas y criterios de cumplimiento por principio evaluado.El ejercicio realizado pone a disposición de la Conferencia Estadística de las Américas y de los países miembros una evaluación sobre el estado actual de las oficinas nacionales de estadística, que permitirá continuar con el proceso de implementación del código a través de evaluaciones de expertos y planes de mejoramiento para llegar al cumplimiento total del Código de buenas prácticas de las estadísticas en América Latina y el Caribe y el fortalecimiento de los sistemas estadísticos nacionales.El presente informe consta de cuatro secciones: la primera presenta los aspectos generales, incluida la interpretación de resultados y la estructura del formulario; la siguiente sección muestra los resultados generales obtenidos con la aplicación del formulario; en la tercera se presentan las conclusiones generales obtenidas a partir de los cálculos realizados y, por último, se presentan los anexos, que incluyen los cálculos de promedios por preguntas y el formulario aplicado.


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Presenta la organización de la reunión, resumen de los debates, decisiones y recomendaciones sobre los temas: programa de trabajo del CDCC, programa de acción en ayuda a islas pequeñas, acción sobre resoluciones del CDCC, CEPAL y otros organismos de las Naciones Unidas que tienen implicancias para el CDCC, rol y funcionamiento del CDCC, admisión de Aruba como miembro asociado del CDCC.


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Introduction The Netherlands Antilles is an autonomous entity within the Kingdom of the Netherlands and comprises a federation of five Caribbean islands: Bonaire and Curacao (the Leeward islands) which comprise 80 per cent of the population of 211,000 and Saba, St. Eustatius and the southern part of St. Maarten (the Windward islands). Like the other countries in the Kingdom, it enjoys full autonomy in internal matters as, for example, education, public health, justice and customs. It has a per capita income of about US$ 12,000. The Leeward Islands and the Windward Islands account for about 75 per cent (Curacao (70 per cent) and Bonaire (5 per cent)) and 25 percent respectively of the economy of the Netherlands Antilles. The Netherlands Antilles has its own currency, the Netherlands guilder, which is pegged to the United States dollar at a fixed rate since 1971. The economy has some unique features that stem from its close relations with the Netherlands, its undiversified nature and heavy dependence on tourism, offshore finance, oil refining and shipping, the high share of trade (exports of goods and services of about 75 per cent of GDP), its geographical characteristics, its common border with the French Republic on St. Maarten, its duty-free access for imports from Aruba, its de facto free trade zone (FTZ), partial dollarization, especially for the Windward Islands, and its highly regulated labor market (1). Adverse economic shocks in the last two decades affected particularly the offshore financial sector and the oil refinery and, to a lesser extent, tourism. The repeal of withholding taxes in the United States in the 1980s indirectly caused the collapse of a number of highly profitable offshore financial activities in Curacao, leading to significant drops in government revenue and contributions to foreign exchange earnings. The withdrawal of Shell from Curacao in 1986 and the (temporary) closure of the oil refinery which had been a mainstay of the Curacao economy for almost three quarters of a century was the second major shock. It was subsequently leased to the Venezuelan State Company, Petroleos de Venezuela Sociedad Anonima (PDVSA), which resumed operations and preserved employment. In the 1990s, the Windward Islands were bit by several devastating hurricanes, which destroyed much of the economic infrastructure on the islands, including about half of the number of available hotel rooms in St Maarten. Further negative shocks were related to the discontinuation of certain trade privileges on European markets for Overseas Countries and Territories (OCTs), the withdrawal by the Netherlands of certain tax privileges for Dutch pensioners residing in the Netherlands Antilles and disruptions in the availability of Solidarity Fund resources for the smaller islands. National income has been on the decline since 1997. GDP declined by about 6 per cent between 1997 and 1999. Underlying fiscal imbalances and structural weaknesses have also impacted negatively on the economy. In recent years, with recession high unemployment and migration have been experienced (2). The Netherlands Antilles has been able to survive thanks to additional aid from the Netherlands, large-scale spontaneous emigration (mostly to the Netherlands), some drop in international reserves, an increase in domestic debt and arrears and reduced outlays for the maintenance of public assets. From 1986 onwards, successive efforts at restoring macroeconomic balance, particularly with regard to public finance, were made, but were unsuccessful. Adjustment was also attempted in 1996 and 1997, but failed to meet the desired targets. In 1999, the government launched a new National Recovery Plan" (NRP). The NRP contains important medium-term structural adjustment measures aimed at restoring macroeconomic balance and conditions for revitalizing the economy. The NRP subsequently served as an important input into a comprehensive adjustment plan drawn up with the assistance of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and reflected in the government's Memorandum of Economic Policies dated 15 September 2000. Beyond restoring macroeconomic balance and reforming the economic incentive framework, the government aims at establishing a Comprehensive Development Framework (CDF) for the formulation and implementation of a sustainable long-term growth strategy. It is against the above background that this study is undertaken. Its main objective is to assess the integration options facing the Netherlands Antilles (3) vis-a-vis the Caribbean Community (CARICOM). A secondary objective is to examine the above taking into account, inter alia, the level of trade between the Netherlands Antilles and CARICOM, the barriers to trade between the two groups of countries and the requirements for increasing trade between the two groups of countries. The Consultant was given an initial Draft Terms of Reference (Annex 1) with the intention of modifying it in the course of the interviews with all the stakeholders. The main idea that emerged from these interviews was a concern with some possible form of association with CARICOM. The Consultant was asked to exam the costs and benefits of various forms of association and to recommend an option. This adjustment of the Terms of Reference (TOR) was substantial and involved the Consultant having to do some interviews and collect documentation in CARICOM. The study essentially revolves around the search for a road map for the Netherlands Antilles. It is tackled in the first instance by describing the existing system of trade of the Netherlands Antilles with a view to determining the import and export structures and the specific nature and extent of trade in goods and services between the Netherlands Antilles and CARICOM. 1 Netherlands Antilles: Elements of a Strategy for Economic Recovery and Sustainable Growth. Interim Report of the World Bank Mission, 5-20 December 2000. 2 IMF, IMF Country Report No. 01/73 Kingdom of the Netherlands-Netherlands Antilles-Recent Development, Selected Issues and Statistical Appendix. May 2001 3 The Netherlands Antilles is a country within the Kingdom of the Netherlands. It contains five islands. Curacao and Bonaire (Leewards) and St Eustatius, Saba and St Maarten (The Windwards)"


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Twenty-seventh session. Oranjestad, Aruba, 11 to 16 may 1998


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La presente edición del Boletín revisa las principales tendencias del comercio de bienes y servicios en los países de la Asociación de Estados del Caribe (AEC) en el 2004. Se destaca la fuerte recuperación del comercio de bienes y la robusta expansión del comercio de servicios, subrayándose el aumento del peso de los servicios en las exportaciones totales de las economías menores del Caribe, hasta más de un 80%.Un análisis detallado del comportamiento del componente turismo, especialmente en los viajes, indicó que en el 2004 se produjo un auge en la llegada de cruceros, situación que plantea en algunas islas un verdadero desafío para garantizar la permanencia del flujo de turistas y para aprovechar las principales ventajas comparativas - sol, mar y playas-, y los encadenamientos posibles con el resto de la economía como el turismo hotelero, los restaurantes, los centros de negocios y diversión, las excursiones guiadas, el transporte, yates, entre otros. En algunas islas, la proporción de pasajeros de crucero por habitantes es particularmente elevada, llegando a representar un factor importante de cerca de 11 turistas por cada habitante para Bahamas, 8 para Aruba, 7 para Antigua y Barbuda y 5 para Dominica, y alrededor de 4 para una muestra de once países.Uno de los principales retos para varias islas caribeñas es capitalizar en dichos encadenamientos mediante el desarrollo de un turismo sustentable que minimice los posibles impactos adversos sobre el medioambiente y la normalidad ciudadana.


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This issue of the Bulletin reviews the main trends of trade in goods and services for the countries of the Association of Caribbean States (ACS) in 2004. The strong recovery of trade in goods and the robust expansion of trade in services are highlighted, emphasizing the increase in services as a proportion of total exports for the smaller Caribbean economies, which may even exceed 80%.A detailed analysis of the performance of the tourism component, especially travel, showed that in 2004 there was a boom in cruise ship arrivals, a situation which poses a real challenge for some islands in terms of ensuring a permanent flow of tourists and making use of the main comparative advantages -sun, sea and beaches- and possible linkages with the rest of the economy such as the hotel industry, restaurants, business and entertainment centres, guided excursions, transport, yachting, and others. In some islands, the ratio of cruise passengers to inhabitants is particularly high, and can reach a significant factor of about 11 tourists for every inhabitant in the Bahamas, 8 in Aruba, 7 in Antigua and Barbuda and 5 in Dominica, and around 4 for a sample of eleven countries.One of the main challenges for a number of Caribbean islands is how to capitalize on such linkages by developing sustainable tourism that minimizes the possible adverse impacts on the environment and the everyday life of the citizens.


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The main aim of this study is to estimate the economic impact of climate change on nine countries in the Caribbean basin: Aruba, Barbados, Dominican Republic, Guyana, Jamaica, Montserrat, Netherlands Antilles, Saint Lucia and Trinidad and Tobago. A typical tourism demand function, with tourist arrivals as the dependent variable, is used in the analysis. To establish the baseline, the period under analysis is 1989-2007 and the independent variables are destination country GDP per capita and consumer price index, source country GDP, oil prices to proxy transportation costs between source and destination countries. At this preliminary stage the climate variables are used separately to augment the tourism demand function to establish a relationship, if any, among the variables. Various econometric models (single OLS models for each country, pooled regression, GMM estimation and random effects panel models) were considered in an attempt to find the best way to model the data. The best fit for the data (1989-2007) is the random effects panel data model augmented by both climate variables, i.e. temperature and precipitation. Projections of all variables in the model for the 2008-2100 period were done using forecasting techniques. Projections for the climate variables were undertaken by INSMET. The cost of climate change to the tourism sector was estimated under three scenarios: A2, B2 and BAU (the mid-point of the A2 and B2 scenarios). The estimated costs to tourism for the Caribbean subregion under the three scenarios are all very high and ranges from US$43.9 billion under the B2 scenario to US$46.3 billion under the BAU scenario.


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In this study, an attempt is made to assess the economic impact of climate change on nine countries in the Caribbean basin: Aruba, Barbados, Dominican Republic, Guyana, Jamaica, Montserrat, Netherlands Antilles, Saint Lucia and Trinidad and Tobago. A methodological approach proposed by Dell et al. (2008) is used in preference to the traditional Integrated Assessment Models. The evolution of climate variables and of the macroeconomy of each of the nine countries over the period 1970 to 2006 is analyzed and preliminary evidence of a relationship between the macroeconomy and climate change is examined. The preliminary investigation uses correlation, Granger causality and simple regression methods. The preliminary evidence suggests that there is some relationship but that the direction of causation between the macroeconomy and the climate variables is indeterminate. The main analysis involves the use of a panel data (random effects) model which fits the historical data (1971-2007) very well. Projections of economic growth from 2008 to 2099 are done on the basis of four climate scenarios: the International Panel on Climate Change A2, B2, a hybrid A2B2 (the mid-point of A2 and B2), and a ‘baseline’ or ‘Business as Usual’ scenario, which assumes that the growth rate in the period 2008-2099 is the same as the average growth rate over the period 1971-2007. The best average growth rate is under the B2 scenario, followed by the hybrid A2B2 and A2 scenarios, in that order. Although negative growth rates eventually dominate, they are largely positive for a long time. The projections all display long-run secular decline in growth rates notwithstanding short-run upward trends, including some very sharp ones, moving eventually from declining positive rates to negative ones. The costs associated with the various scenarios are all quite high, rising to as high as a present value (2007 base year) of US$14 billion in 2099 (constant 1990 prices) for the B2 scenario and US$21 billion for the BAU scenario. These costs were calculated on the basis of very conservative estimates of the cost of environmental degradation. Mitigation and adaptation costs are likely to be quite high though a small fraction of projected total investment costs.


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These reports are the result of consultations which were conducted in 2008 in Aruba, Barbados, Netherlands Antilles, Dominican Republic, Guyana, Jamaica, Montserrat, Saint Lucia and Trinidad and Tobago. The objective was to obtain relevant information that would inform a Stern-type report where the economics of climate change would be examined for the Caribbean subregion. These reports will be complimented by future assessments of the costs of the “business as usual”, adaptation and mitigation responses to the potential impacts of climate change. It is anticipated that the information contained in each country report would provide a detailed account of the environmental profile and would, therefore, provide an easy point of reference for policymakers in adapting existing policy or in formulating new ones. ECLAC continues to be available to the CDCC countries to provide technical support in the area of sustainable development.