984 resultados para Arte e dança


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A Cie. <<à fleur de peau>>, fundada em 1988 pela brasileira Denise Namura e pelo alemão Michael Bugdahn, sediada na França, desenvolve uma linguagem estéticoexpressiva própria, caracterizada por integrar áreas artísticas distintas, como a dança, as artes circenses, o teatro e a mímica. Tal confluência decorre da formação de ambos os fundadores, atuais diretores e coreógrafos da companhia de dança-teatro. O intercâmbio dessa companhia com o Brasil é constante, incluindo apresentações de seus espetácul os, coreografias para outras companhias e oficinas. Em uma de suas vindas à cidade de São Paulo, no ano de 2013, tivemos a oportunidade de entrar em contato com a pesquisa de linguagem da Cie. Em 2014, os fundadores foram convidados a coreografar um espetáculo infantil para a Cia. de Danças de Diadema, localizada no ABCDMR paulista. Este estudo partiu do interesse em conhecer o trabalho desenvolvido por Namura e Bugdahn. A partir desse encontro, pudemos observar, relatar e refletir sobre como ocorreu a tran smissão dessa linguagem estético-expressiva no processo de criação do espetáculo A Mão do Meio - Sinfonia Lúdica aos bailarinos da companhia diademense. Para tanto, acompanhamos os ensaios referentes ao espetáculo durante os períodos anterior e posterior à pré-estreia e à estreia oficial do espetáculo. Posteriormente, foi possível tecer outra reflexão, dessa vez sobre os elementos teatrais componentes dessa linguagem, que a tornam diferente em relação ao processo de criação artística e apresentação da obra


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Nesta pesquisa apresentamos resultados de nossas análises das concepções de corpo e movimento presentes na experiência do Grupo Dzi Croquettes, Brasil, década de 1970. Ao estudar esta experiência perguntamos o que podemos compreender sobre o funcionamento de dispositivos de poder que operam na captura da capacidade de criação, bem como, o que podemos inventar como formas de resistência no contexto do capitalismo neoliberal. Delimitamos nosso objeto de estudo na experiência artística do Grupo Dzi Croquettes para analisar as implicações entre política e corpo, identificando aí um território estabelecido pelas fronteiras entre o desejo e o poder. Estudamos as relações entre corpo e cultura apoiados na hipótese de que os processos de subjetivação estão implicados, de um modo mais intenso, nos processos educacionais na sociedade contemporânea, e que ambos se produzem na materialidade da cultura. Através da cartografia desenhamos os territórios existenciais emergentes na experiência artística delimitada, em um contexto específico da sociedade brasileira, para ampliarmos nossas reflexões e compreendermos os dispositivos de captura e de controle impostos sobre nós. Apoiamos nossas análises em categorias estabelecidas a partir do pensamento de Nietzsche, bem como das elaborações de Michel Foucault sobre biopolítica e biopoder


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Preprint. Título do artigo editado: "A híbrida relação entre as técnicas de dança contemporânea e a formação artística profissional". Publicação na Revista Portuguesa de Educação Artística, 2015 (5), pp. 45-60.


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This paper aims at studying UFRN Parafolclórico Group, whose aesthetic formation is subjected to our analysis, specially at its two last performances, that is, Flor do Lírio (Lily Flower), 2004, and Debaixo do Barro do Chão (Under the Mud of the Ground), 2008. Three targets are envisaged here: to analyze the aesthetic ideas backing Parafolclórico Group exhibitions; to evaluate how their many folk elements interact with different artist languages in order to compose a certain choreography; and finally, to identify the aesthetic conformation placed behind the two different choreographs of the last performances, their trends and innermost features that differentiate them. In accordance with the Analysis of Contents (BARDIN, 2006), interviews have been made with the choreographers and the staff of the spectacles, resulting in elucidating answers to the understanding of their thematic axis. On the first chapter we called attention to motivating subjects as recollection, personal experiences, bibliography research, research in loco regarded as propelling forces of the creative works. Herein, folk culture is depicted as a dynamic process opening a frank dialogue with contemporary events and reinforcing their continuity. On the second chapter, we approached the aesthetic conformation and the scenic elements (costumes, light, scenario, make-up), integrating the studied spectacles and disseminating folk songs in various ways. As what concerns the subjects discourse, we have obtained support in authors like Robatto (1994); Lobo; Navas (2008); Burke (1989); Canclini (2006); Dufrenne (2005); Medeiros (2005); Pavis (2005); Silva (2005), among others. Those authors have provided us with an indispensable theoretic support which, added to the interviews, convinced us that the Parafolclórico Group s aesthetic conception tends to identify itself with the artist languages and other techniques of that Group. It also made sure that the Group s course aims at an aesthetic conception which is not limited to popular culture manifestations, like dance, but admits to play with other media in order to communicate its art. In view of this situation, we arrived to two conclusions: first: the group s interchanges emphasize the dynamic character of popular culture which, by establishing contacts with different realities, receives influences capable of extending its own continuity; second: the contemporary state of arts also improves multiple interchanges opening way, so, for many accomplishments in their field. Therefore, UFRN Parafolclórico Group inserts itself in the contemporary scenery by performing new evaluations of the popular dances as long as it puts them in contact with different technical, aesthetic, artist and culture combinations


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This work is a discussion of the artistic process of an artist-researcher made from field research with benzedeiras and benzedores the state of Rio Grande do Norte. This is an investigation on the cultural universe of the popular benzeção as poetic element to the artistic dance. To discuss the different stages of the research and the relationships between the artist-researcher, the benzedeiras/benzedores and the creation/composition scenic, the work takes as reference the triangular relationship created by anthropologist Claude Lévi-Strauss, in his discussion on the effectiveness of symbols of healing, adapted to the context of benzeção . For dialogue between tradition, popular knowledge, scientific and artistic knowledge this work approaches as analytical reference the epistemological model of the type rhizome proposed by Deleuze and Guattari, understanding it as a model that seeks to form a network of relations in different paths of research, to establish connections between elements without target them or subordinating them. In the universe of benzeção , benzedeiras and benzedores carry a symbolic power that issued in whispered prayers, in peculiar gestures that form crosses in space, heal those who seek your prayers and blessing. In this research, the mixture of popular knowledge, artistic and academic knowledge, born an artistic work in the context of Performing Arts, more specifically dance, and between branches, saints, candles and conversations the work allowed other looks poetic for our popular culture, (re)asserting their cultural and human values through the art


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Ficha Técnica: Direção Geral: Soraia Silva/ Assistente de Direção: Alexandre Nascimento / Bailarinos Criadores: Ana Macara, Alexandre Nas, Laura Virgínea, Sabrina Cunha, Soraia Silva, Yara De Cunto, Zou Mi./ Composição musical do espetáculo: Glauco Maciel / Edição e Produção do Vídeo Documentário “No Princípio”: Márcio Garapa e Jorge Pennington, assistente: Victor Nascimento. / Animação Cenográfica (arte computacional): Suzete Venturelli / Fotografia: Ricardo Padue / Diogenes Rossi / Márcio Garapa / Locução: Juçara Batichoti / Figurino: Flávia Amadeu / Luz: Carlos Eduardo Peukert / Divulgação: Bruno Lehx / Programação visual: David Mesquita


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Artes, 2016.


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This paper aims at studying UFRN Parafolclórico Group, whose aesthetic formation is subjected to our analysis, specially at its two last performances, that is, Flor do Lírio (Lily Flower), 2004, and Debaixo do Barro do Chão (Under the Mud of the Ground), 2008. Three targets are envisaged here: to analyze the aesthetic ideas backing Parafolclórico Group exhibitions; to evaluate how their many folk elements interact with different artist languages in order to compose a certain choreography; and finally, to identify the aesthetic conformation placed behind the two different choreographs of the last performances, their trends and innermost features that differentiate them. In accordance with the Analysis of Contents (BARDIN, 2006), interviews have been made with the choreographers and the staff of the spectacles, resulting in elucidating answers to the understanding of their thematic axis. On the first chapter we called attention to motivating subjects as recollection, personal experiences, bibliography research, research in loco regarded as propelling forces of the creative works. Herein, folk culture is depicted as a dynamic process opening a frank dialogue with contemporary events and reinforcing their continuity. On the second chapter, we approached the aesthetic conformation and the scenic elements (costumes, light, scenario, make-up), integrating the studied spectacles and disseminating folk songs in various ways. As what concerns the subjects discourse, we have obtained support in authors like Robatto (1994); Lobo; Navas (2008); Burke (1989); Canclini (2006); Dufrenne (2005); Medeiros (2005); Pavis (2005); Silva (2005), among others. Those authors have provided us with an indispensable theoretic support which, added to the interviews, convinced us that the Parafolclórico Group s aesthetic conception tends to identify itself with the artist languages and other techniques of that Group. It also made sure that the Group s course aims at an aesthetic conception which is not limited to popular culture manifestations, like dance, but admits to play with other media in order to communicate its art. In view of this situation, we arrived to two conclusions: first: the group s interchanges emphasize the dynamic character of popular culture which, by establishing contacts with different realities, receives influences capable of extending its own continuity; second: the contemporary state of arts also improves multiple interchanges opening way, so, for many accomplishments in their field. Therefore, UFRN Parafolclórico Group inserts itself in the contemporary scenery by performing new evaluations of the popular dances as long as it puts them in contact with different technical, aesthetic, artist and culture combinations


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This work is a discussion of the artistic process of an artist-researcher made from field research with benzedeiras and benzedores the state of Rio Grande do Norte. This is an investigation on the cultural universe of the popular benzeção as poetic element to the artistic dance. To discuss the different stages of the research and the relationships between the artist-researcher, the benzedeiras/benzedores and the creation/composition scenic, the work takes as reference the triangular relationship created by anthropologist Claude Lévi-Strauss, in his discussion on the effectiveness of symbols of healing, adapted to the context of benzeção . For dialogue between tradition, popular knowledge, scientific and artistic knowledge this work approaches as analytical reference the epistemological model of the type rhizome proposed by Deleuze and Guattari, understanding it as a model that seeks to form a network of relations in different paths of research, to establish connections between elements without target them or subordinating them. In the universe of benzeção , benzedeiras and benzedores carry a symbolic power that issued in whispered prayers, in peculiar gestures that form crosses in space, heal those who seek your prayers and blessing. In this research, the mixture of popular knowledge, artistic and academic knowledge, born an artistic work in the context of Performing Arts, more specifically dance, and between branches, saints, candles and conversations the work allowed other looks poetic for our popular culture, (re)asserting their cultural and human values through the art


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On 17 March 2009, we hosted a live discussion of fresh new ideas in the epidemiology of schizophrenia. Discussion leaders Dana March of Columbia University, James Kirkbride of the University of Cambridge, and Wim Veling of Parnassia Psychiatric Institute delivered a wide-ranging discussion of social factors such as migration, ethnicity, and urbanicity, but also asked how this research could benefit from genetic insights. Finally, they discussed possible biological mechanisms that might transduce social factors into psychosis


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The knowledge about the optimal rearing conditions, such as water temperature and quality, photoperiod and density, with the understanding of animal nutritional requirements forms the basis of economically stable aquaculture for freshwater crayfish. However, the shift from a natural environment to effective culture conditions induces several changes, not only at the population level, but also at the individual level. The social contacts between conspecifics increase with increasing animal density. The competition for limited resources (e.g. food, shelter, mates) is more severe with the presence of agonistic behaviour and may lead to unequal distribution of these. The objectives of this study were to: 1) study the distribution of a common food resource between communally reared signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) and to assign potential feeding hierarchy on the basis of individual food intake measurements, 2) explore the possibilities of size distribution manipulations to affect population dynamics and food intake to improve growth and survival in culture and 3) study the effect of food ration and spatial distribution on food intake and to explore the effect of temperature and food ration on growth and body composition of freshwater crayfish. The feeding ranks between animals were assigned with a new method for individual food intake measurement of communally reared crayfish. This technique has a high feasibility and a great potential to be applied in crayfish aquaculture studies. In this study, signal crayfish showed high size-related variability in food consumption both among individuals within a group (inter-individual) and within individual day-to-day variation (intra-individual). Increased competition for food led to an unequal distribution of this resource and this may be a reason for large growth differences between animals. The consumption was significantly higher when reared individually in comparison with communal housing. These results suggest that communally housed crayfish form a feeding hierarchy and that the animal size is the major factor controlling the position in this hierarchy. The optimisation of the social environment ( social conditions ) was evaluated in this study as a new approach to crayfish aquaculture. The results showed that the absence of conspecifics (individual rearing vs. communal housing) affects growth rate, food intake and the proportion of injured animals, whereas size variation between animals influences the number and duration of agonistic encounters. In addition, animal size had a strong influence on the fighting success of signal crayfish reared in a social milieu with a wide size variation of conspecifics. Larger individuals initiated and won most of the competitions, which suggests size-based social hierarchy of P. leniusculus. This is further supported by the fact that the length and weight gain of smaller animals increased after size grading, maybe because of a better access to the food resource due to diminished social pressure. However, the high dominance index was not based on size under conditions of limited size variation, e.g. those characteristic of restocked natural populations and aquaculture, indicating the important role of behaviour on social hierarchy.


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Resumo: Neste artigo, propomo-nos a analisar o Governo do Imperador Romano Tibério, da forma como foi descrito por Dion Cássio Cocceiano na obra História Romana. Dion Cássio foi senador na passagem do II para o III século d.C. e sua narrativa nos chegou bastante fragmentada, reconstruída a partir dos excertos de Xifilino e Zonaras. A autoridade do Príncipe não era hereditária. Assim, tornavase necessário refazer os laços de patronato e amicitia no início de cada governo. E esta não era uma tarefa fácil, nem mesmo para Tibério que sucedeu o considerado bom Imperador Otávio Augusto.


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El artículo aborda el tema de la muerte como despedida, desde el punto de vista del proceso espiritual que tiene lugar en dicha circunstancia. Valiéndose de un testimonio biográfico, se analiza la experiencia a partir de la conceptualización que hace del tema una autora norteamericana (J. Rupp) en su libro Orar nuestros adioses y se extraen algunas conclusiones sobre este proceso.


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Resumen: La satisfacción laboral es considerada una actitud frente a las experiencias laborales. En los últimos diez años su estudio se ha desplazado desde una posición periférica hasta el lugar central que ocupa en nuestros días. En línea con este renovado interés, el propósito del presente trabajo es proporcionar una actualización bibliográfica sobre la satisfacción laboral. En primer lugar, se realizan algunas consideraciones conceptuales en torno al constructo. A continuación, se presenta una síntesis de los instrumentos para su medición desarrollados hasta la fecha. Seguidamente, se reseñan las evidencias empíricas más recientes en relación a sus antecedentes contextuales y disposicionales, así como sus implicancias tanto para los empleados como para las organizaciones. Finalmente, se concluye con algunas sugerencias para futuras investigaciones.