981 resultados para Arrábida Natural Park


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Este trabajo de investigación es pionero y original ya que nunca antes se ha realizado un estudio del tejón (Melesmeles) dentro del ámbito valenciano y más concretamente sobre la relación de su distribución con los factores geográficos que la condicionan en el Parque Natural Sierra de Mariola. Un mejor conocimiento de su ocupación en el espacio será de interés para la definición de medidas de gestión de fauna del Parque. En 2009, utilizando técnicas de fototrampeo se recopilaron 29.941 imágenes con algún contacto animal. De estas imágenes, el 0,16% de las fotografías registradas son de tejón y se ha detectado su presencia en 6 de las 63 cuadrículas (4 Km2) del Parque Natural Sierra de Mariola (9,38%). Este estudio ha permitido integrar la información recopilada en campo con las bases de datos existentes para concluir que la situación del tejón en Sierra de Mariola no es preocupante.


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Dissertação de mest. em Gestão e Conservação da Natureza, Faculdade de Ciências do Mar e do Ambiente, Univ. do Algarve, 2004


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11 p.


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[ES] Ribera es un pueblo abandonado dentro del parque natural de Valderejo, el único edificio que queda en pie es la antigua iglesia. La razón por la que este edificio no fue derribado es la presencia de un conjunto de pinturas murales de época medieval. Por lo demás, el edificio (de unos 25 x 12 metros en planta) se encontraba en un mal estado de conservación (de hecho, un par de años más tarde de la realización de este trabajo se derrumbó la sacristía).


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[ES]Los radicales nitrato e hidroxilo son especies químicas implicadas en la contaminación atmosférica. En el presente trabajo se ha tratado de estimar sus concentraciones empleando para ello medidas de las concentraciones de varios compuestos orgánicos volátiles registradas en el Parque Natural de Valderejo (Araba). La metodología de cálculo ya había sido empleada anteriormente para el ·OH y es la primera vez que se ha aplicado a concentraciones de NO·3 en una zona rural. Las concentraciones de radical hidroxilo calculadas (6,02·106 - 8,06·106 molec. cm-3) concuerdan con las obtenidas en medidas y estudios anteriores. En el caso del radical nitrato, las concentraciones estimadas (2,13·1011 – 2,02·1012 molec. cm-3) son bastante superiores a las encontradas en la bibliografía, por lo que se ha concluido que esta técnica de medida no es válida para el cálculo de NO·3 en una atmósfera de fondo rural como Valderejo. Esta desviación se debe probablemente a otros procesos no contemplados en la hipótesis de cálculo, por lo que se propone continuar con el estudio en este área.


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Saguzarrak orden dibertsoa osatzen eta funtzio ekologiko garrantzitsua betetzen duten arren, hauetako asko galtzeko arriskuan daude. Animalia hauek ondo babestu ahal izateko, garrantzitsua da erabili ohi dituzten babeslekuak ezagutzea. Hau horrela, Aizkorri-Aratz Parke Naturaleko haitzuloetako saguzar dibertsitatea aztertu da denbora errealeko ultrasoinu detektoreen bidez, ager daitezkeen saguzar espezieak, koloniak eta babeslekuak identifikatzen saiatzeko. 18 haitzulotan ilunabarreko emergentziatan egindako laginketaren ondoren, lan honetan zazpi genero eta zazpi espezie identifikatu dira parkean, eta hauetako sei haitzuloetako espezieak dira. Saguzar-aktibitatea ikusi den arren, ez da inguru honetan saguzar-kolonia berri adierazgarririk aurkitu.


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Greylag geese (Anser anser) in the Guadalquivir Marshes (southwestern Spain) can be exposed to sources of inorganic pollution such as heavy metals and arsenic from mining activities or Pb shot used for hunting. We have sampled 270 fecal excreta in different areas of the marshes in 2001 to 2002 to evaluate the exposure to Pb, Zn, Cu, Mn, and As and to determine its relationship with soil ingestion and with the excretion of porphyrins and biliverdin as biomarkers. These effects and the histopathology of liver, kidney, and pancreas were also studied in 50 geese shot in 2002 to 2004. None of the geese had ingested Pb shot in the gizzard. This contrasts with earlier samplings before the ban of Pb shot for waterfowl hunting in 2001 and the removal of Pb shot in points of the Doñana National Park (Spain) in 1999 to 2000. The highest exposure through direct soil ingestion to Pb and other studied elements was observed in samples from Entremuros, the area of the Doñana Natural Park affected by the Aznalcóllar mine spill in 1998. Birds from Entremuros also more frequently showed mononuclear infiltrates in liver and kidney than birds from the unaffected areas, although other more specific lesions of Pb or Zn poisoning were not observed. The excretion of coproporphyrins, especially of the isomer I, was positively related to the fecal As concentration, and the ratio of coproporphyrin III/I was positively related to fecal Pb concentration. Biliary protoporphyrin IX concentration was also slightly related to hepatic Pb concentration. This study reflects biological effects on terrestrial animals by the mining pollution in Doñana that can be monitored with the simple noninvasive sampling of feces.


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In April 1998, a holding lagoon containing pyrite ore processing waste, failed and released 5-6 million m3 of highly polluting sludge and acidic water. Over 2650 ha of the internationally important Doñana Natural Park became contaminated, along with <100 ha of the more pristine Doñana National Park. In order to assess the affect of the spill on waterfowl from Doñana, bone and liver samples from 124 individuals have been analysed for As, Pb, Cu, Zn and Se. Five species have been studied, from the Rallidae (rails), Anatini (dabbling ducks) and Aythyini (pochards) families. Geometric mean bone concentrations 2-3 months after the spill were in the order of Zn > Cu > Pb > Se > As, while liver concentrations were in the order of Zn > Cu > Se > Pb > As. Dry weight bone concentrations ranged from n.d-1.76 mg kg(-1) As, 109.4-247.6 mg kg(-1) Zn, 0.06-1.27 mg kg(-1) Se, n.d-134.11 mg kg(-1) Pb, and 2.18-8.92 mg kg(-1) Cu. Wet weight liver concentrations ranged from n.d-0.34 mg kg(-1) As, 29.8-220.1 mg kg(-1) Zn, 0.15-0.85 mg kg(-1) Se, n.d-3.80 mg kg(-1) Pb, and 7.30-742.96 mg kg(-1) Cu. The most important factor related to the accumulation of these metals was commonly species; however, location and sex also had important effects on liver As levels, location and age affected Cu levels, while Zn and Pb were affected by age, sex and location. Birds from Natural Park areas were found to have significantly higher levels of bone Zn, Pb and Cu, and liver As and Cu than birds from National Park areas. Female birds had higher liver As, Zn and Pb than males; whilst adults appeared to have lower bone As and Zn but higher liver Pb than chicks/juveniles. Although metal concentrations were elevated in certain individuals, in the majority of birds studied, they did not reach levels widely considered to be toxic. However, it would appear that As and Cu liver levels (which may be indicative of short-medium term pollutant exposure) were elevated in waterbirds which died in the spill contaminated Natural Park, 2-3 months after the disaster.


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In April 1998, a holding lagoon containing pyrite ore processing waste rich in arsenic, failed and released 5-6 million m(3) of highly polluting sludge and acidic water. Over 2700 ha of the internationally important Doñana National and Natural Parks were contaminated. The area of Natural Park to sustain the greatest impact was known as the Entremuros. This paper presents 0-5 cm soil monitoring data from the Entremuros, from sampling campaigns 6 and 18 months after the disaster; as well as macrophyte root, rhizome and stem data from samples taken 18 months after the spill. Results show a clear, decreasing, north-south arsenic soil pollution trend, both 6 and 18 months after the spill, and suggest a small reduction in total soil arsenic levels occurred over time; although a significant increase in extractable arsenic is also noted. The two macrophytes (Typha dominguensis and Scirpus maritimus) studied herein are not accumulating arsenic in stem parts, however, accumulation of arsenic on iron plaque on the roots of these plants may be occurring. Further work is recommended in order to determine the ecotoxicological significance of this process in relation to the avian food-chains of Doñana, and elsewhere.


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Nitrate and urban waste water directives have raised the need for a better understanding of coastal systems in European Union. The incorrect application of these directives can lead to important ecological or social penalties. In the paper this problem is addressed to Ria Formosa Coastal Lagoon. Ria Formosa hosts a Natural Park, important ports of the southern Portuguese coast and significant bivalve aquaculture activity. Four major urban waste water treatment plants discharging in the lagoon are considered in this study. Its treatment level must be selected, based on detailed information from a monitoring program and on a good knowledge of the processes determining the fate of the material discharged in the lagoon. In this paper the results of a monitoring program and simulations using a coupled hydrodynamic and water quality / ecological model, MOHID, are used to characterise the system and to understand the processes in Ria Formosa. It is shown that the water residence time in most of the lagoon is quite low, of the order of days, but it can be larger in the upper parts of the channels where land generated water is discharged. The main supply of nutrients to the lagoon comes from the open sea rather than from the urban discharges. For this reason the characteristics and behaviour of the general lagoon contrasts with the behaviour of the upper reaches of the channels where the influence of the waste water treatment plants are high. In this system the bottom mineralization was found to be an important mechanism, and the inclusion of that process in the model was essential to obtain good results.


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Biologia Marinha, Especialização em Ecologia e Conservação, Faculdade de Ciências do Mar e do Ambiente, Universidade do Algarve, 2007


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Depuis les années 90, les Projets Intégrés de Conservation et Développement ont été présentés comme des modèles fonctionnels de développement durable pour un site spécifique dans une perspective de réalisation. Le but est d’intégrer les objectifs biologiques de la conservation aux objectifs sociaux et économiques du développement. Ces projets, qui répondent à de multiples dénominations et stratégies, sont implantés dans des contextes naturellement hétérogènes et dynamiques, où l’aménagement du territoire ne doit pas être un outil de planification étatique, désigné et imposé dans une logique conservationniste. Les aires protégées représentent une certaine vision du rapport entre l’être humain et la nature, apparue dans le contexte nord-américain avec la création des premiers grands parcs nationaux en 1870. Aujourd'hui, la forte volonté d'impliquer la population se heurte avec la difficulté de concilier la gestion de ces espaces avec les pratiques, les nécessités et les intérêts locaux. Le parc naturel Obô, qui occupe 30% du territoire de São Tomé et Principe, doit affronter la difficile intégration entre les représentations de la nature et les usages locaux avec les objectifs globaux des politiques conservationnistes, ainsi qu’avec les intérêts touristiques et économiques des investisseurs locaux et étrangers. Les représentations sociales de la nature, établissant une forme de connaissance pratique, déterminent la vision du monde et la relation qu'un certain groupe social peut avoir avec le territoire. Ainsi, chaque communauté possède ses propres mécanismes d'adaptation au milieu basés sur ce système représentationnel. Dans le cas des communautés sãotoméennes, la nature présente un caractère spirituel (associé à des croyances, des rites et des pratiques médicales traditionnelles) et utilitaire (la nature, à travers l'agriculture, la récolte ou la chasse, répond au besoin de subsistance). L’objectif de ce projet de thèse est donc de mieux comprendre la synergie existante entre savoir endogène et gestion de la biodiversité pour adapter l’aménagement du territoire à la réalité des populations qui y vivent.


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Versa sobre a problemática das políticas públicas de turismo e meio ambiente, enfocando a discussão acerca das categorias novas de estudo que são as Unidades de Conservação municipais – UCM, tratando sobre o Parque Natural Municipal do Cancão, além de destacar uma breve análise sobre a questão sociocultural da cidade, que foi uma das primeiras cidades-empresa de exploração mineral na Amazônia. O objetivo desta pesquisa é o de analisar a dinâmica do turismo e da gestão ambiental, centrada nas UCM, no município de Serra do Navio, enfatizando também como está sendo trata a questão sociocultural na cidade, a partir de um contexto de que esta antes era uma empresa. A metodologia do trabalho compôs-se de pesquisa bibliográfica e documental em Belém/PA e Macapá/AP; pesquisa de campo na cidade de Serra do Navio, utilizando-se de entrevistas e questionários, com o poder público municipal e estadual, setor privado, e a comunidade em geral, fazendo também, registro visual dos residentes e da localidade, por fim a análise dos dados, quantitativos e qualitativos, a partir da coleta de campo. Os resultados preliminares apontam que o turismo, está aos poucos, se inserindo no município, sendo fomentado pelo governo estadual e também municipal, e que a questão ambiental é um tema significativo para a cidade, já que está possui um dos primeiros espaços com característica de UCM do norte do Brasil, e por fim, que a sociedade serrana ainda guarda uma memória grande acerca da vivencia da antiga empresa mineradora Indústria e Comercio de Mineração – ICOMI.


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[ES] La isla La Graciosa está situada al noroeste de Lanzarote y tiene una extensión de 27,05 km2. Se trata de un área que presenta un alto valor ecológico pues está protegida a través de diferentes figuras tales como: Parque Natural y Reserva Marina del Archipiélago Chinijo, Reserva de la Biosfera de Lanzarote, Zona de Especial Protección de aves (ZEPA) y Zona de Especial Conservación (ZEC), entre otras. En la isla hay varios sistemas playa-duna tanto en la mitad nororiental de la isla (Las Conchas, Lambra y El Jablillo) como en su parte meridional (Barranco de Los Conejos, Las Caletas, El Salado y Francesa). Algunas de las playas muestran evidencias de un déficit sedimentario pues tienen una reducida o nula entrada de sedimentos arenosos al sistema y/o muestran procesos erosivos que hacen aparecer el substrato rocoso. Además, se observa en el interior de la isla la estabilización de los mantos eólicos por la vegetación. Estos ambientes eólicos costeros son esenciales, tanto para la preservación de los ecosistemas protegidos, como para la actividad turística insular. En este contexto se están desarrollando investigaciones multidisciplinares para elaborar un diagnóstico científico de esta problemática ambiental, determinando si las causas de este déficit sedimentario son naturales o antrópicas, y proponer soluciones al respecto.


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Question: How do tree species identity, microhabitat and water availability affect inter- and intra-specific interactions between juvenile and adult woody plants? Location: Continental Mediterranean forests in Alto Tajo Natural Park, Guadalajara, Spain. Methods: A total of 2066 juveniles and adults of four co-occurring tree species were mapped in 17 plots. The frequency of juveniles at different microhabitats and water availability levels was analysed using log-linear models. We used nearest-neighbour contingency table analysis of spatial segregation and J-functions to describe the spatial patterns. Results: We found a complex spatial pattern that varied according to species identity and microhabitat. Recruitment was more frequent in gaps for Quercus ilex, while the other three species recruited preferentially under shrubs or trees depending on the water availability level. Juveniles were not spatially associated to conspecific adults, experiencing segregation from them inmany cases. Spatial associations, both positive and negative, were more common at higher water availability levels. Conclusions: Our results do not agree with expectations from the stressgradient hypothesis, suggesting that positive interactions do not increase in importance with increasing aridity in the study ecosystem. Regeneration patterns are species-specific and depend on microhabitat characteristics and dispersal strategies. In general, juveniles do not look for conspecific adult protection. This work contributes to the understanding of species co-existence, proving the importance of considering a multispecies approach at several plots to overcome limitations of simple pair-wise comparisons in a limited number of sites.