972 resultados para Aristófanes - Personagens


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The characters of O mulato, Casa de pensão and O cortiço, well written books by the writer Aluísio Azevedo, may be considered predominantly flat, for they were built with a single or few features. This kind of character can be even defined by the type, which represents certain dominant features (professional, psychological, cultural, economic, religious, etc.) from the diegetic universe in which the action takes place. This character subcategory is present in certain artistic periods such as Realism and Naturalism, and can be understood as the main character between the individual and the collective, between the concrete and the abstract. Yet, the social space, in the novels of the above mentioned literary movements configures itself, especially in terms of the presence and types of extras: it is about describing environments that illustrate, almost always, in a historical period context of critical intent, vices and deformations of the society, as we can see depicted in the three novels of the author. In turn, the narrative categories that most decisively influence the space representation are the instance (the narrator) and the narrative perspective (focusing). In the case of O mulato, Casa de pensão and O cortiço, the dominance is in choosing the omniscient narrator, who prefers a panoramic view, limited to an exterior and strictly objective description. The survey was developed through readings, literary cataloging and corpus discussions, with a theoretical basis determined by three dimensions: a) critical essays about the author and his works, such as those by Jean-Yves Mérian, Aluísio Azevedo, vida e obra: (1857-1913) and parts of the literature histories which deal with Naturalism, such as those by Alfredo Bosi, História concisa da literatura brasileira, b) theoretical studies about the novel character, such as those by Antonio Candido, A personagem do romance, and the romantic space ...


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There is realized in the last years a growing increase of the field of the goods turned to the childlike public. This world of objects is accompanied by an ideological world of fantasy allied to the act of consumption. The present inquiry consists of a work of reflection about the pertaining values to this ideology of the society of consumption propagated in the plot of childlike contemporary movies, in a sense of be positioning critically in front of the social and moral questions.


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O objetivo deste trabalho é fazer uma breve análise da argumentação empregada por Nelson Rodrigues ao escrever sobre seus “Personagens da Semana” em crônicas de futebol publicadas originalmente em jornais, dando ênfase ao modo como ele busca convencer e persuadir os leitores quanto ao mérito de cada escolha. Nessas crônicas, o autor desenvolve teses trabalhando com humor e mesclando o senso comum com um conhecimento de mundo que vai além do espaço específico do futebol


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The “Albergue Noturno de Bauru” (Night Shelter of Bauru) is a social assistance entity mantained by the “Centro Espírita Amor e Caridade (CEAC)” in partnership with the “Secretaria do Bem Estar Social (SEBES)”, that aims to temporarily shelter migrants in town and people in homeless situation. Every day, about 50 people look for the Shelter, because of several reasons. Opened in 1951, the entity – the only public service that offers overnight stay in town - surpassed social transformations over the years and never stopped its work. With the opening of its new headquarters in July 2011, it also began to develop a systematic monitoring of some sheltered people, looking for the reintegration of them into the social context. All this work has made the Night Shelter accumulate many stories, especially from those people who have gone through or are still in it. Thus, this paper aims to present, through a non-fiction novel, this scenario, exposing the history and functioning of the Bauru Night Shelter, while exposing the lives of different people who are part of this universe. Through the monitoring of several night shifts, narrated in diary format, it was possible to understand how the service started, the dilemmas involved in their development and how sheltered and volunteers build this reality.


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Dans l‟“A historia de Lina et Lélio, le troisième récit de Corpo de baile, l‟oeuvre de Guimarães Rosa, Lélio arrive à la ferme Pinhém à la recherche de l'amour, de la paix d'esprit et de l'auto-connaissance, mais il n'a pas la claire conscience de cela. Dans cette trajectoire, on peut voir le poids des femmes: bien que Lélio soit le protagoniste de cette histoire, les personnages féminins présentent des différents profils et sont construites sur des aspects mythiques et archétypiques, qui ont des influences directes sur le destin de ce personnage masculin. On cherche, donc, comprendre comment l‟auteur fait la caractérisation mythique et archétypique des personnages féminins, voir l'influence de celles-ci sur la suite du récit ainsi que dans la construction du protagoniste. De la même façon, on veut vérifier comment les autres catégories du récit – telles que le temps, l'espace, le narrateur et la focalisation – peuvent contribuer à cette caractérisation. Cette recherche est développée à travers des lectures, des notes et des discussions autour du corpus, en s'appuyant sur une base théorique déterminée en trois dimensions : a) des essais critiques à propos de l‟oeuvre de l'auteur, en particulier au sujet en cause, comme celui dans l‟A raiz da alma, de Heloisa Vilhena Araujo, b) des études sur le mythe, comme celles de Ernest Cassirer, dans le Linguagem e mito et Antropologia filosófica, et les propositions de Meletínski dans l‟A poética do mito et dans l‟Os arquétipos literários et, encore, c) des textes théoriques sur les catégories du récit, présentées dans le Dicionário de teoria da narrativa, de Reis et Lopes, et des études sur l'espace, comme celui d'Antonio Dimas, Espaço e romance, et sur le temps, de Benedito Nunes, O tempo na narrativa. On observe que, dans la construction des personnages féminins... (Résumé complet accès électronique ci - dessous)


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Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS


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The o bjective of this dissertation is to present a theoretical essay on the importance of makeup in the creation of characters through the review of The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, a movie directed by David Fincher based on a short-story by F. Scott Fitzgerald. This thesis makes an historica loverview of makeup, including a discussion on its evolution and importance to visual arts, as a background to the analyses of the proposed movie


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The process of recognition by the State of E. F. Perus Pirapora records the progress along many different interests and opinions, differences and conflicts unresolved even after the definition of recognition. Different opinions identified and their possible relationships with the subsequent abandonment of the property justify research efforts. Result of discussions over the development of a scientific research about industrial heritage, this article identifies people interested in this subject and conflicts presented in recognition 21.273/80. We understand this identification as possible subsidy for reflections about values, uses and management of the property recognized. Among the methods highlight the documentary research and interviews with the people involved in the recognition of the property. The process 21.273/80 was the focus of our investigation and it has been taken as official record of interests and positions of the people involved. The research concludes that conflicts between requestor and owner limited the effectiveness of the tool of recognition, resulting in abandonment and degradation of the heritage recognized. We also identify the positive presence of the government in this case represented by the Department of Culture of the State of São Paulo and CONDEPHAAT, on the management of the conflicts and the actions to safeguard the E.F. Perus Pirapora.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This research aims to investigate the consequences of a possible change caused by the social context in the life and behavior of the main characters in the novel Blindness, [by José Saramago]. Starting by that there is an allegorical correlation between the blindness white, discussed by Saramago in his novel and the construction of the Plato's Cave Myth, and taking as theoretical basis the reflections of some thinkers such as Stuart Hall (1992), Goffman (2002) and Antonio da Costa Ciampa (2005) it be sought to describe the occurrence of the phenomenon the social role change in the characters and its consequences to the identity deconstruction of fictional subjects


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This research aims to investigate the consequences of a possible change caused by the social context in the life and behavior of the main characters in the novel Blindness, [by José Saramago]. Starting by that there is an allegorical correlation between the blindness white, discussed by Saramago in his novel and the construction of the Plato's Cave Myth, and taking as theoretical basis the reflections of some thinkers such as Stuart Hall (1992), Goffman (2002) and Antonio da Costa Ciampa (2005) it be sought to describe the occurrence of the phenomenon the social role change in the characters and its consequences to the identity deconstruction of fictional subjects


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El artículo reseña una edición crítica, bilingüe y anotada de Nubes, en español, publicada por la editorial de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad de Buenos Aires en 2008. Estas características le dan al trabajo reseñado un valor incalculable para los estudiosos de la cultura clásica del mundo hispano.


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En el Banquete Platón pone en práctica como en ningún otro diálogo un tipo de escritura proléptica, en el sentido de que cada encomio contiene anticipos fragmentarios de tópicos que, a través de un sutil juego de rectificación y complementación, serán retomados en los discursos posteriores. Esta escritura proléptica entronca con la lectura perspectivista del diálogo, ya que cada posición discursiva no se hace sola sino en el contrapunto dialógico-filósofico que mantiene con la asumida por los otros oradores, contrapunto cuyo despliegue permite dar cuenta de las infinitas armonías invisibles que subyacen en el texto. De los múltiples contrapuntos dialógico-filosóficos que pueden trazarse en el Banquete, en este trabajo me interesa limitarme a los pueden advertirse entre los discursos de Erixímaco, Aristófanes y Sócrates-Diotima, a fin de destacar en qué medida los dos primeros discursos operan, desde distintos marcos conceptuales, como un antecedente del tercero en lo que respecta a la función mediadora del Eros


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Nos proponemos estudiar, a partir de un análisis filológico-literario, la comedia Caballeros de Aristófanes, que se puso en escena y obtuvo el primer premio en las Leneas del año 424 a. C. La composición de esta obra es consecuencia directa de los acontecimientos ocurridos en Pilos durante el séptimo año de la Guerra del Peloponeso y resulta una sátira de carácter político en la cual constantemente se ataca a Cleón y se exponen abiertamente los vicios de la administración en Atenas. El objetivo de esta investigación es detectar e indagar los objetos presentes en el universo ficcional para dilucidar la funcionalidad de los mismos en relación con las distintas partes de la obra. Nos centraremos en aquellos que aparecen mencionados en el texto dramático atendiendo a los distintos sentidos que asumen a lo largo de la obra porque los consideramos elementos propulsores del desarrollo de la trama, caracterizadores de personajes, generadores de malos entendidos y poseedores de sentido simbólico


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Dentro de los ataques cómicos que el Morcillero emite a Paflagonio en Caballeros de Aristófanes, uno en particular describe las formas que le permitieron a este figurado Cleón construir su poder sobre Atenas. Luego de que el propio Paflagonio se comparara con el gran Temístocles, el Morcillero expone los modos perniciosos de hacer política: en vv. 818-819, dice que Paflagonio convirtió a Atenas en una ciudad pequeña "levantando muros a través de ella y oraculizando". La primera estrategia remite al dicho del "divide y triunfarás". La segunda, en cambio, hace referencia a una institución político-religiosa como la adivinación. El oráculo, que era un aparato ideológico de la polis ateniense, aparece en el drama como un mensaje legitimador de quien detenta o detentará el poder y Aristófanes echa un manto de sospecha sobre dicha institución sagrada que es manipulada con fines propagandísticos. Con base en estas reflexiones, esta ponencia se propone analizar en Caballeros la denuncia del Morcillero sobre el ocultamiento de los oráculos inscriptos, su vínculo con el contexto socio- histórico de su inscripción y los motivos cómicos que subyacen en la operatoria de profanación de los mensajes divinos