1000 resultados para Aragó (regne)-Història-1519-1523 (Germanies)


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En preliminares tabla de linages y tablas de ciudades


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Contiene con port.propia.: Libri Fororum Regni Aragonum. Fueros del Reyno de Aragon del año de mil quinientos y cinquenta y tres. Fueros del Reyno de Aragon del año de mil quinientos y sesenta y quatro. Fueros del Reyno de Aragon del año de mil quinientos y ochenta y cinco. Fueros y Actos de Corte del Reyno de Aragón, hechos en las Cortes... de Taraçona, el año MDXCII. Obseruantias, Consuetudinesque Regni Aragonum, in usu comuniter habitas. Fori, quibus in iudiciis, et extra ad præsens non vtimur ...


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Se repasa uno de los acontecimientos fundamentales de la edad moderna en Mallorca, el episodio de las Germanies, y que nunca ha tenido un tratamiento adecuado en el aula. Se repasan las causas y hechos de este conflicto social, sus consecuencias y los principales hechos de armas acontecidos, de manera que puedan tener una utilización didáctica.


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Recoge 639 referencias bibliográficas relativas al periodo de la historia moderna de las Islas Baleares entre las Germanías y la Guerra del Francés con el objetivo de proporcionar al profesorado una herramienta útil para la preparación de las clases.


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Resumen tomado de la propia publicación. Uno de los personajes del volumen, Pau Casesnoves, da nombre al centro escolar que ha editado el estudio


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La tesi es centra en una anàlisi prèvia de les implicacions de la teoria del cicle de vida aplicada a les destinacions turístiques pel geògraf canadenc Richard W. Butler (1982) i en un estudi del significat de l'aparició del postmodernisme i les seves repercussions en el turisme, a la vegada que es resegueix la història que ha fet possible l'aparició del turisme massificat de sol i platja. Tot això és la base teòrica imprescindible per poder estudiar empíricament les destinacions de Saltburn (Regne Unit), l'Estartit (Costa Brava) i Cayo Coco (Cuba), utilitzant el cicle de vida per escriure la seva història i veure les polítiques de desenvolupament i regeneració turística que s'han seguit i si aquestes es poden qualificar de postfordistes. La principal conclusió és que el concepte del cicle de vida es limita a ser una eina de diagnòstic a posteriori. El cicle de vida, com a instrument prescriptiu, no serveix. Es específic per a cada destinació, amb unes etapes i punts d'inflexió que només es poden establir en restrospectiva. El cicle de vida és una eina descriptiva molt útil per entendre l'evolució de les destinacions turístiques i els seus mercats, però vigilant de no caure en falses exploracions o perillosos determinismes.


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In this article we aimed the identification and the analysis of the “textual configuration aspects” from the speeches of the “high authorities” of public instruction in São Paulo contained in Annuarios do ensino do estado de São Paulo, centrally those published between 1907 and 1927, on the direction of public instruction and its teachers statewide. This formulation resulted from the need to search the peculiar aspects of these discourses, that is, from a conductor thread through which and by vitue of which these discourses have been produced. It was concluded at the end, the common orientation mentioned to speeches was to bring the idea together, a sense of unity to the sphere of public education in the state, which would characterize the called school apparatus in São Paulo.


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This article presents the historical trajectory of agricultural technical education in the State of São Paulo, 1882-2001, with emphasis on regulatory and policy aspects of transition management agencies and disruption in the construction and consolidation of a pedagogical and curricular design of this area of teaching technical and institutional policies of these technical schools. Thus focuses on the major changes in the political-normative and pedagogical and organizational character that shaped the construction of its especificidade.Isto because it is necessary to know the history of technical education 'agricultural' (agricultural area) in order to support the analysis of its configuration current and devise new prospects for your gestão.O Paulista agricultural education was subject to constant political uncertainties as to its principles and fins.As several transfers and reallocations it has undergone through different State Secretariats, reveal political barriers regarding its management and the difficulty of situating it in an appropriate and befitting their purposes locus.


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From 1933 to 1944, the 21 Regional Offices of Education of the State of São Paulo worked out reports of inventory of the schools of São Paulo inspected in that period of time. At least 68 of those reports have been preserved in the Public Archive of the State of São Paulo. The current paper presents part of that patrimony as an important source of research for the history of education. By dividing that documentation between visual and written sources, the text will focus on the visual sources, and will discuss the methodological difficulties of using this kind of source. Following, will be illustrated part of the visual information that those documents offer to the researchers. The article concludes with a brief sampling of textual information that the reports provide to the historians.


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The study of prehistoric artifacts may contribute to understand the development of these artifacts, and also of ergonomics. This study aims to investigate and identify the types of grips of two Brazilian stone tools (scraper / piercer and a slug) approximately 5000 years old through the use of gloves with sensors and contact maps of the hand palm, exploring the best method for research of ergonomics in prehistory. Hence it can contribute to the discussion of a part of the ergonomics’ history that remains underexplored.


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Contiene: pequeña biografía del rey Jaime I y una Real Carta sobre Real patrimonio de 1696