744 resultados para Aquifer recharge
Detailed monitoring of the groundwater table can provide important data about both short- and long-term aquifer processes, including information useful for estimating recharge and facilitating groundwater modeling and remediation efforts. In this paper, we presents results of 4 years (2002 to 2005) of monitoring groundwater water levels in the Rio Claro Aquifer using observation wells drilled at the Rio Claro campus of São Paulo State University in Brazil. The data were used to follow natural periodic fluctuations in the water table, specifically those resulting from earth tides and seasonal recharge cycles. Statistical analyses included methods of time-series analysis using Fourier analysis, cross-correlation, and R/S analysis. Relationships could be established between rainfall and well recovery, as well as the persistence and degree of autocorrelation of the water table variations. We further used numerical solutions of the Richards equation to obtain estimates of the recharge rate and seasonable groundwater fluctuations. Seasonable soil moisture transit times through the vadose zone obtained with the numerical solution were very close to those obtained with the cross-correlation analysis. We also employed a little-used deep drainage boundary condition to obtain estimates of seasonable water table fluctuations, which were found to be consistent with observed transient groundwater levels during the period of study.
[EN] Groundwater chemistry in La Aldea aquifer (Gran Canaria, Canary Islands) shows high contents of chloride and nitrate ions. The salinization process has been modelled using the geochemical data, taking into account the results of a previous flow model. The results allow to identify the salinity of the recharge from the rainfall under aridity conditions and the irrigation returns like the main causes of the groundwater salinization.
The primary challenge in groundwater and contaminant transport modeling is obtaining the data needed for constructing, calibrating and testing the models. Large amounts of data are necessary for describing the hydrostratigraphy in areas with complex geology. Increasingly states are making spatial data available that can be used for input to groundwater flow models. The appropriateness of this data for large-scale flow systems has not been tested. This study focuses on modeling a plume of 1,4-dioxane in a heterogeneous aquifer system in Scio Township, Washtenaw County, Michigan. The analysis consisted of: (1) characterization of hydrogeology of the area and construction of a conceptual model based on publicly available spatial data, (2) development and calibration of a regional flow model for the site, (3) conversion of the regional model to a more highly resolved local model, (4) simulation of the dioxane plume, and (5) evaluation of the model's ability to simulate field data and estimation of the possible dioxane sources and subsequent migration until maximum concentrations are at or below the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality's residential cleanup standard for groundwater (85 ppb). MODFLOW-2000 and MT3D programs were utilized to simulate the groundwater flow and the development and movement of the 1, 4-dioxane plume, respectively. MODFLOW simulates transient groundwater flow in a quasi-3-dimensional sense, subject to a variety of boundary conditions that can simulate recharge, pumping, and surface-/groundwater interactions. MT3D simulates solute advection with groundwater flow (using the flow solution from MODFLOW), dispersion, source/sink mixing, and chemical reaction of contaminants. This modeling approach was successful at simulating the groundwater flows by calibrating recharge and hydraulic conductivities. The plume transport was adequately simulated using literature dispersivity and sorption coefficients, although the plume geometries were not well constrained.
A methodology is described for understanding the interaction of karstic aquifers with allogenic rivers, where little information is available. This methodology includes conventional hydrogen- ology methods tracer tests and measurements of flow into, out of and circulating within the karstic system. The method is designed to un- derstand the hydrogeological behaviour of a river in sufficient detail, given a short study pe- riod. The methodology is applied to a karstic system in Spain, obtaining useful, quantitative results for a hydrological year, such as an esti- mate of the water balance, differentiation be- tween autogenic and allogenic natural recharge, relationship and connection between the river and the aquifer, and measurements of infiltration capacity in watercourses under different hydro- logical situations. The paper deals with a useful example that could be applied to other rivers and aquifers where few data are available. It can be applied to aquifers under a natural regime and Mediterranean climate.
Se cuantifican las descargas subterráneas de un acuífero a un río que lo atraviesa utilizando correlaciones estadísticas. El río Duero, España, incrementa su caudal base en varios m3/s, al atravesar unos afloramientos carbonatados mesozoicos en un pequeño tramo de su cabecera; esto es de especial importancia en época de estiaje, cuando la mayor parte del caudal base del río procede de manantiales que allí se sitúan. Dichos afloramientos corresponden a uno de los dos acuíferos calcáreos confinados, que se desarrollan en paralelo y están hidráulicamente desconectados por una capa impermeable, que forman el sistema acuífero de los manantiales de Gormaz. Este sistema se encuentra en estado de régimen natural y está apenas explotado. Se define el modelo conceptual de funcionamiento hidrogeológico, considerando el papel hidrogeológico de la falla de Gormaz, situada en la zona de descarga del sistema. Analizando información geológica antecedente y la geofísica exploratoria realizada, se obtuvo un mejor conocimiento de la geometría y los límites de los acuíferos, definiéndose un sistema acuífero con una zona de recarga en el sur, correspondiente a los afloramientos calcáreos, los cuales se confinan hacia el norte bajo el Terciario, hasta intersecar con la falla normal de Gormaz. El salto de falla genera una barrera para las formaciones permeables situadas al extremo norte (margen derecha del río Duero); a su vez, el plano de falla facilita el ascenso del agua subterránea del sistema acuífero en estudio y pone en conexión hidráulica los dos acuíferos. Se estimaron, además, los parámetros hidráulicos de los acuíferos en los alrededores de la falla. La buena correlación entre los niveles piezométricos y las descargas subterráneas al río Duero han permitido la reconstrucción del hidrograma de los manantiales de Gormaz en el periodo 1992-2006. Se calcula así que la contribución subterránea al río Duero es de 135.9 hm3/año, que supone el 18.9% de la aportación total del río. In a short stretch of its headwaters, the base flow of the River Duero increases by several m3/s as it traverses some Mesozoic carbonate outcrops. This is of special importance during the dry season, when the majority of the base flow of the river proceeds from springs in this reach. The outcrops correspond to one of two confined calcareous aquifers that developed in parallel but which are not hydraulically connected because of an impermeable layer. Together, they constitute the aquifer system of the Gormaz Springs. The system is still in its natural regime and is hardly exploited. This study defines the conceptual model of hydrogeological functioning, taking into consideration the role of the Gormaz Fault, which is situated in the discharge zone of the system. Analysis of both antecedent geological information and geophysical explorations has led to a better understanding of the geometry and boundaries of the aquifers, defining an aquifer system with a recharge zone in the south corresponding to in the calcareous outcrops. These calcareous outcrops are confined to the north below Tertiary formations, as far as their intersection with the normal fault of Gormaz. The throw of the fault forms the barrier of the permeable formations situated in the extreme north (right bank of the River Duero). In turn, the fault plane facilitates the upflow of groundwater from the aquifer system and creates hydraulic connection between the two aquifers. In addition, the study estimated the hydraulic parameters of the aquifer around the fault. The close correlation between piezometric levels and the groundwater discharges to the River Duero has enabled the reconstruction of the hydrogram of Gormaz springs over the period 1992-2006. By this means, it is calculated that the groundwater contribution to the River Duero is 135.9 hm3/year, or 18.9% of the total river inflow.
Mining of groundwater, or extracting a larger quantity of water than what is naturally returned to the aquifer through recharge, has been occurring for more than fifty years. The minimal natural recharge to the Ogallala Aquifer makes sustainable use of this resource a daunting task for states across the High Plains that rely on it to support their well-established ways of life. This task is compounded when considering the different combinations of federal, state and local governance, as well as regional economic and social frameworks that each state overlaying the aquifer experiences. This project critically examines factors contributing to groundwater management successes and failures of three states that overlay the majority (87%) of this resource: Nebraska, Kansas and Texas.
Oxygen and hydrogen isotope analyses of rainfall samples collected on the eastern Batinah coastal plain of northern Oman between 1995 and 1998 indicate two different principal water vapor sources for precipitation in the area: a northern, Mediterranean source and a southern, Indian Ocean source. As a result, two new local meteoric water lines were defined for the study area. Isotopic analyses of groundwater samples from over 200 springs and wells indicate that the main source of water to the Batinah coastal alluvial aquifer is high-altitude rainfall from the adjacent Jabal Akhdar Mountains, originating from a combination of northern and southern moisture sources. The groundwater recharged at high-altitude forms two plumes of water which is depleted in the heavy isotopes 18O and 2H and stretches from the mountains across the coastal plain to the sea, thereby retaining a chemical homogeneity horizontally and vertically down to a depth exceeding 300 m. In contrast, in areas adjacent to these two plumes the alluvial aquifer is geochemically stratified. Near the coast, saline intrusion results in abrupt changes in chloride concentrations and isotope values.
The planning and management of water resources in the Pioneer Valley, north-eastern Australia requires a tool for assessing the impact of groundwater and stream abstractions on water supply reliabilities and environmental flows in Sandy Creek (the main surface water system studied). Consequently, a fully coupled stream-aquifer model has been constructed using the code MODHMS, calibrated to near-stream observations of watertable behaviour and multiple components of gauged stream flow. This model has been tested using other methods of estimation, including stream depletion analysis and radon isotope tracer sampling. The coarseness of spatial discretisation, which is required for practical reasons of computational efficiency, limits the model's capacity to simulate small-scale processes (e.g., near-stream groundwater pumping, bank storage effects), and alternative approaches are required to complement the model's range of applicability. Model predictions of groundwater influx to Sandy Creek are compared with baseflow estimates from three different hydrograph separation techniques, which were found to be unable to reflect the dynamics of Sandy Creek stream-aquifer interactions. The model was also used to infer changes in the water balance of the system caused by historical land use change. This led to constraints on the recharge distribution which can be implemented to improve model calibration performance. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The hydrochemistry and the microbial diversity of a pristine aquifer system near Garzweiler, Germany next to the open-pit lignite mine Garzweiler 1, were characterized. Hydrogeochemical and isotopic data indicate a recent activity of sulfate-reducing bacteria in the Tertiary marine sands. The community structure in the aquifer was studied by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). Up to 7.3 x 10**5 cells/ml were detected by DAPIstaining. Bacteria (identified by the probe EUB338) were dominant, representing 51.9% of the total cell number (DAPI). Another 25.7% of total cell were affiliated with the domain Archaea as identified by the probe ARCH915. Within the domain Bacteria, the beta-Proteobacteria were most abundant (21.0% of total cell counts). Using genusspecific probes for sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB), 2.5% of the total cells were identified as members of the genus Desulfotomaculum. This reflects the predominant role these microorganisms have been found to play in sulfatereducing zones of aquifers at other sites. Previously, all SRB cultured from this site were from the spore-forming genera Desulfotomaculum and Desulfosporosinus. Samples were taken after pumping for >= 40 min and after parameters such as temperature, pH, redox potential, oxygen and conductivity of the groundwater had remained stable for >= 15 min due to recharge of aquifer water. Hybridization and microscopy counts of hybridized and 4',6'-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI)- stained cells were performed as described in Snaidr et al., (1997, http://aem.asm.org/content/63/7/2884.full.pdf). Means were calculated from 10 to 20 randomly chosen fields on each filter section, corresponding to 800-1000 DAPI stained cells. Counting results were always corrected by subtracting signals observed with the probe NON338. Formamide concentrations and oligonucleotide probes used please see further details.
Continuous and reliable monitoring of contaminants in drinking water, which adversely affect human health, is the main goal of the Broward County Well Field Protection Program. In this study the individual monitoring station locations were used in a yearly and quarterly spatiotemporal Ordinary Kriging interpolation to create a raster network of contaminant detections. In the final analysis, the raster spatiotemporal nitrate concentration trends were overlaid with a pollution vulnerability index to determine if the concentrations are influenced by a set of independent variables. The pollution vulnerability factors are depth to water, recharge, aquifer media, soil, impact to vadose zone, and conductivity. The creation of the nitrate raster dataset had an average RMS Standardized error close to 1 at 0.98. The greatest frequency of detections and the highest concentrations are found in the months of April, May, June, July, August, and September. An average of 76.4% of the nitrate intersected with cells of the pollution vulnerability index over 100.
Fresh water wetlands on Hilton Head Island have experienced significant degradation over the past few decades. Fifty per cent of the original fresh water wetlands on the island have been either completely destroyed or significantly altered. This fact, plus the declining water levels experienced periodically, have caused much concern over the importance of the wetlands. A major question concerned the role of the wetlands in the recharge of the local ground water aquifer. The present study was undertaken in order to evaluate the potential of the wetlands for water table recharge.
he region of Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo State, Brazil, is located over recharge area of the Guarany aquifer, the most important source of groundwater in the South Central region of the country. This region is also the most important sugarcane producing area of the country which produces a large amount of the ethanol. This study was conducted to determine the potential risk of herbicide groundwater contamination. The leaching risk potential of herbicides to groundwater was conducted using the weather simulator ?Weather Generator? (WGEN) coupled with the model ?Chemical Movement Trough Layered Soils? (CMLS94). The following herbicides were evaluated in clayey and sandy soils (Typic Haplorthox and Typic Quartzipsamment soils) found in the region: ametryn (N-ethyl-N\'-(1- methylethyl)-6-(methylthio)-1,3,5-triazine-2,4-diamine), atrazine (6-chloro-N-ethyl-N\'-(1-methylethyl)-1,3,5-triazine- 2,4-diamine), clomazone (2-[(2-chlorophenyl)methyl]-4,4-dimethyl-3-isoxazolidinone), diuron (3,4-dichlorophenyl)- N,N-dimethylurea), halosulfuron (3-chloro-5-[(4,6-dimethoxy-2-pyrimidinyl)amino]carbonyl], hexazinone (3- cyclohexyl-6-(dimethylamino)-1-methyl-1,3,5-triazine-2,4 (1H,3H)-dione), imazapic ((±)-2-[4,5-dihydro-4-methyl-4- (1-methylethyl)-5-oxo-1H-imidazol-2-yl]-5-methyl-3-pyridinecarboxylic acid), imazapyr ((±)-2-[4,5-dihydro-4-methyl- 4-(1-methylethyl)-5-oxo-1H-imidazol-2-yl]-3-pyridinecarboxylic acid), MCPA (4-chloro-2-methylphenoxy)acetic acid), metribuzin (4-amino-6-(1,1-dimethylethyl)-3-(methylthio)-1,2,4-triazin-5(4H)-one), MSMA (Amonosodium salt of MAA), paraquat (1,1\'-dimethyl-4,4\'-bipyridinium ion), pendimethalin (N-(1-ethylpropyl)-3,4-dimethyl-2,6- dinitrobenzenamine), picloram (4-amino-3,5,6-trichloro-2-pyridinecarboxylic acid), simazine (6-chloro-N,N\'-diethyl- 1,3,5-triazine-2,4-diamine), sulfentrazone [N-[2,4-dichloro-5-[4-(difluoromethyl)-4,5-dihydro-3-methyl-5-oxo-1H- 1,2,4-triazol-1-yl]phenyl]methanesulfonamide], and tebuthiuron [N-[5-(1,1-dimethylethyl)-1,3,4-thiadiazol-2-yl]-N,N\'- dimethylurea]. Results obtained by our simulation study have shown that the herbicides picloram, tebuthiuron, and metribuzin have the highest leaching potential, in either sandy or clayey soils, with picloram reaching the root zone of sugarcane at 0.6m in less than 150 days.
O Parque Estadual Intervales (PEI) e sua Zona de Amortecimento (ZA), inseridos nos vales dos rios Ribeira de Iguape e Paranapanema, situam-se em domínios de rochas carbonáticas proterozóicas de grande interesse para a mineração, onde se verifica a formação de carste com ocorrência expressiva de cavernas. A caracterização do carste no PEI e ZA para o plano de manejo foi baseada em estudos geológicos e geomorfológicos que permitiram definir o grau de vulnerabilidade à contaminação do aquífero cárstico. As regiões de maior vulnerabilidade do carste no PEI e ZA são aquelas que permitem a introdução direta de contaminantes no aquífero e se caracterizam pela presença de feições cársticas tais como cavernas e sumidouros. Para as regiões onde a recarga ocorre exclusivamente por infiltração difusa e o escoamento superficial converge para rios de superfície, foi associado grau de vulnerabilidade intermediário. Considerando essa análise, foram identificadas áreas com maior potencial para impactos e feitas recomendações para a gestão do parque e sua zona de amortecimento.
Contemporary society creates risks of all kinds, changing the meaning of this term. Although it may be associated with natural hazards, it gradually assumes a stronger relation with human actions, especially due to the use of technology. The use of land for agricultural and urban activities creates the possibility of contamination in the recharge area of the Guarani aquifer in the municipality of Ribeirao Preto, state of Sao Paulo, Brazil. This city is one of the most important in the state with high economic development. Besides this, it is located in the recharge area of the main reservoir of underground water of South Cone. This paper aims to discuss the management of groundwater use in Ribeirao Preto and reflects the risk that contamination and overexploitation might cause to the main city's water supply.
Groundwater waves, that is, water table fluctuations, are a natural phenomenon in coastal aquifers. They represent an important part of the interaction between the ocean and aquifer and affect the mass exchange between them. This paper presents a new groundwater wave equation. Because it includes the effects of vertical flows and capillarity, the new equation is applicable to both intermediate-depth aquifers and high-frequency waves. Compared with the wave equation derived by Nielsen ed al. [1997], the present equation provides a closer representation of groundwater waves. In particular, it predicts high-frequency water table fluctuations as observed in the field. A validation of the new equation has been carried out by comparing the analytical solutions to it with predictions from direct simulations using the numerical model SUTRA. The effects of various physical parameters and their relative importance are also discussed.