908 resultados para Aquatic organisms
A brief account is given of a pilot demonstration of the chemical control of water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) at Ere (a channel) in Nigeria using the herbicide glyphosphate. Results suggest that there was an increase in the nutrient content of the channel after herbicide application. This implied an upsurge of available food for fish and other aquatic organisms within the channel after the herbicide application. The decaying water hyacinth mass which sinks into the medium is likely to boost nutrient content, promoting the growth of fish and other aquatic animals. It is concluded that herbicidal control of water hyacinth is possible, especially under specialists' management with the conservation of fish and other non-target aquatic organisms alongside improved fish production
The ennoblement of human resources has become a prime issue in the philosophy of sustainable aquaculture development in the new millennium.Being the planners, designers, conductors and philosophers of sustainable aquaculture, human beings always demand their further improvement at level best from their current positions to bring supreme success in the sector. As sustainable aquaculture is socio-economic –cum-environmental in concept, its operation and management requires constant interplay of various human knowledge for ensuring its smooth direction and for achieving its goal. So, the arrangement of different types and levels of training and education are the great need for the development of personnel involved in sustainable aquaculture route and also for growing awareness of environmental issues. The modus operandi of training and education has to be changed systematically to answer the calls of the needs of the new millennium. In the developing and developed countries where aquaculture plays a vital role in promoting production of aquatic organisms, alleviating of poverty, ensuring environmental compatibility, replenishing and improving the natural stocks, increasing socio-economic upliftment through integrated development approach, developing and managing the aquatic resources, maintaining gene banks and preserving the diversity of fish stocks, it has been already proved that Human resources development (HRD) is inevitable to bring sustainable aquaculture and plays a great role in the flourishment of the system . Different types and levels of training of personnel required for sustainable aquaculture in the new millennium are brought forward in the study. The importance of human resources development (HRD) through specialized training to the personnel is also depicted.
To date, research on the ecology and conservation of wetland invertebrates has concentrated overwhelmingly on fully aquatic organisms. Many of these spend part of their life-cycle in adjacent terrestrial habitats, either as pupae (water beetles) or as adults (mayflies, dragonflies, stoneflies, caddisflies and Diptera or true-flies). However, wetland specialist species also occur among several families of terrestrial insects (Williams & Feltmate 1992) that complete their whole life-cycle in the riparian zone or on emergent vegetation. There are 441 terrestrial invertebrate species which characteristically occur in riparian habitats along British rivers. Most of these species belong to two families of predatory beetles: the ground beetles (Carabidae) and the rove beetles (Staphylinidae). This paper describes the diversity of ground and rove beetles around ponds, summarises life-histories, hibernation strategies, and morphological and behavioural adaptions.
Shielding the organism against harmful effects from the environment is one of the most important tasks of the outer covering of all animals. The epidermis of primarily aquatic organisms and the epithelia of organs which are exposed to water, such as the digestive or the urinary system, possess a film of glycoproteins and mucopolysaccharides, the glycocalyx. This short paper examines the relationship of the mucus cells with the glycocalyx.
The purpose of the project is to improve our understanding about best management practices that can be utilized on diked managed wetlands in Suisun Marsh for reducing the occurrence of low dissolved oxygen (DO) and high methylmercury (MeHg) events associated primarily with fall flood-up practices. Low DO events are of concern because they can lead to undue stress and even mortality of sensitive aquatic organisms. Elevated MeHg levels are of concern because MeHg is a neurotoxin that bio-magnifies up the food chain and can cause deleterious effects to higher trophic level consumers such as piscivorous fish, birds, and mammals (including humans). This study involved two years (2007-2008) of intensive field data collection at two managed wetland sites in northwest Suisun Marsh and their surrounding tidal sloughs, an area with prior documented low DO events. In addition, the study collected limited soils and water quality field data and mapped vegetation for three managed wetland sites in the central interior of Suisun Marsh, for the purpose of examining whether wetlands at other locations exhibit characteristics that could indicate potential for similar concerns. In Year 1 of the study, the objective was to identify the baseline conditions in the managed wetlands and determine which physical management conditions could be modified for Year 2 to reduce low DO and MeHg production issues most effectively. The objective of Year 2 was to evaluate the effectiveness of these modified management actions at reducing production of low DO and elevated MeHg conditions within the managed wetlands and to continue improving understanding of the underlying biogeochemical processes at play. This Final Evaluation Memorandum examined a total of 19 BMPs, 14 involving modified water management operations and the remaining five involving modified soil and vegetation management practices. Some of these BMPs were previously employed and others have not yet been tested. For each BMP this report assesses its efficacy in improving water quality conditions and potential conflicts with wetland management. It makes recommendations for further study (either feasibility assessments or field testing) and whether to consider for future use. Certain previously used BMPs were found to be important contributors to poor water quality conditions and their continued use is not recommended. Some BMPs that could improve water quality conditions appear difficult to implement in regards to compatibility with wetland management; these BMPs require further elaboration and feasibility assessment to determine whether they should be field tested. In practice for any given wetland, there is likely a combination of BMPs that would together have the greatest potential to address the low DO and high MeHg water quality concerns. Consequently, this report makes no sweeping recommendations applicable to large groups of wetlands but instead promotes a careful consideration of factors at each wetland or small groups of wetlands and from that assessment to apply the most effective suite of BMPs. This report also identifies a number of recommended future actions and studies. These recommendations are geared toward improving the process understanding of factors that promote low DO and high MeHg conditions, the extent of these problems in Suisun Marsh, the regulatory basis for the DO standards for a large estuarine marsh, the economics of BMPs, and alternative approaches to BMPs on diked managed wetlands that may address the water quality issues. The most important of these recommendations is that future BMP implementation should be carried out within the context of rigorous scientific evaluation so as to gain the maximum improvement in how to manage these water quality issues in the diked managed wetlands of Suisun Marsh.
Sediments are an essential component of rivers and of their biological functioning. In addition to their influence on river geomorphology (maintenance of river forms and habitats such as pools and sand bars), sediments also include nutrients, detritus and organic debris of various sizes which interact with the river’s different life forms, including fish. The interaction between sediments and aquatic organisms, directly or indirectly through the effects of sediments on physical habitats, unquestionably influences the biodiversity and productivity of a river. The current report reviews the interactions between sediments and fish in tropical rivers and in the Mekong, and focuses more specifically on a reduction of sediment loads following dam const
During the rainy season in extensive river floodplains and deltaic lowlands, floods render the land unavailable for crop production for several months each year. These waters are considerably underutilized in terms of managed aquatic productivity. This raises the opportunity to enclose parts of these floodwater areas to produce a crop of specifically stocked aquatic organisms aside from the naturally occurring ‘wild’ species that are traditionally fished and are not affected by the culture activity, resulting in more high-quality, nutrient-dense food production and enhanced farm income for all stakeholders, notably the poor. The WorldFish Center and its national partners recently tested the concurrent rice-fish culture in the shallower flooded areas and the alternating rice-fish culture in the deep-flooded areas of Bangladesh and Viet Nam through a community-based management system. Results indicate that community-based fish culture in rice fields can increase fish production by about 600 kg/ha/year in shallow flooded areas and up to 1.5 t/ha/year in deep-flooded areas, without a reduction in the rice yield or wild fish catch.
Assessment and management of risk is needed for sustainable use of genetically modified aquatic organisms (aquatic GMOs). A computer software package for safely conducting research with genetically modified fish and shellfish is described. By answering a series of questions about the organism and the accessible aquatic ecosystem, a researcher or oversight authority can either identify specific risks or conclude that there is a specific reason for safety of the experiment. Risk assessment protocols with examples involving transgenic coho salmon, triploid grass carp and hybrid tilapia are described. In case a specific risk is identified, the user is led to consider risk management measures, involving culture methods, facilities design and operations management, to minimize the risk. Key features of the software are its user-friendly organization; easy access to explanatory text, literature citations and glossary; and automated completion of a worksheet. Documented completion of the Performance Standards can facilitate approval of a well designed experiment by oversight authorities.
Durante as últimas décadas, observou-se um aumento da preocupação em relação aos ecossistemas marinhos devido à grande entrada de poluentes, resultando em efeitos deletérios em organismos aquáticos e seres humanos. Dentre as atividades humanas que podem introduzir compostos tóxicos persistentes e bioacumulativos (PBTs Persistent Bioaccumulative Toxicants) no ambiente marinho está o uso de tintas antiincrustrantes, aplicadas nos cascos de navios para evitar que algas, mexilhões e outros organismos se fixem às embarcações. Não raramente, compostos organoestânicos (OTs) como o Tributilestanho (TBT) ou o Trifenilestanho (TPT) constituíam o princípio ativo de tal preparado. Devido à alta toxicidade desses compostos, a IMO (Organização Marítima Internacional) baniu totalmente o uso dos mesmos. Como os OTs são prontamente bioacumulados, elevadas concentrações de estanho total (SnT) vêm sendo encontradas em cetáceos (Mammalia, Cetacea). Os botos-cinza (Sotalia guianensis Van Beneden, 1864) ocupam elevados níveis tróficos e bioacumulam os PBTs aos quais estão expostos. Alguns autores relataram que o estanho hepático em cetáceos se encontra predominantemente na forma orgânica, visto que, na forma inorgânica tal metal é pobremente absorvido pela mucosa gastrintestinal, de forma que as concentrações hepáticas de SnT refletem o input antrópico de OTs. O presente estudo teve como principal objetivo, avaliar a exposição de botos-cinza aos OTs, através determinação das concentrações hepáticas de estanho total (SnT = orgânico + inorgânico), por Espectrometria de Absorção Atômica com Atomização em Forno de Grafite (GFAAS Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry). Para tal, amostras de botos-cinza de diferentes áreas do litoral brasileiro, compreendendo a Região da Grande Vitória (GV), Baía de Guanabara (BG), Baía de Sepetiba (B.Sep), a Baía de Paranaguá (PR) e a Baía da Babitonga (SC), foram analisadas, visando comparar ambientes distintamente contaminados com OTs. Sendo assim, as concentrações hepáticas de SnT (em ng/g, peso seco) de botos-cinza variaram de <312 (limite de detecção) a 8.250, para a GV (n=22); de <312 a 14.100, para B.Sep (n = 38); <312 a 5.147, para PR (n= 22), bem como de 626 a 24.780 (ng/g, peso seco) para os botos de SC (n=10). As maiores concentrações foram verificadas nos botos da BG (n=11), variando de 1.265 a 24.882 (ng/g, peso seco). As concentrações encontradas na Baía de Guanabara (BG) estão entre as mais elevadas detectadas em cetáceos.
This is the Proposed Environmental Quality Standards (EQS) for Phenol in Water prepared for the National Rivers Authority, and published by the Environment Agency in 1995. The report reviews the properties and uses of phenol, its fate, behaviour and reported concentrations in the environment and critically assesses the available data on its toxicity and bioaccumulation. The information is used to derive EQSs for the protection of fresh and saltwater life and for the abstraction of water to potable supply. Phenol is widely used as a chemical intermediate and the main sources for phenol in the environment are of anthropogenic origin. Phenol may also be formed during natural decomposition of organic material. The persistence of phenol in the aquatic environment is low with biodegradation being the main degradation process (half-lives of hours to days). Phenol is moderately toxic to aquatic organisms and its potential to bioaccumulate in aquatic organisms is low.
This report is the second in a series from a project to assess land-based sources of pollution (LBSP) and effects in the St. Thomas East End Reserves (STEER) in St. Thomas, USVI, and is the result of a collaborative effort between NOAA’s National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science, the USVI Department of Planning and Natural Resources, the University of the Virgin Islands, and The Nature Conservancy. Passive water samplers (POCIS) were deployed in the STEER in February 2012. Developed by the US Geological Survey (USGS) as a tool to detect the presence of water soluble contaminants in the environment, POCIS samplers were deployed in the STEER at five locations. In addition to the February 2012 deployment, the results from an earlier POCIS deployment in May 2010 in Turpentine Gut, a perennial freshwater stream which drains to the STEER, are also reported. A total of 26 stormwater contaminants were detected at least once during the February 2012 deployment in the STEER. Detections were high enough to estimate ambient water concentrations for nine contaminants using USGS sampling rate values. From the May 2010 deployment in Turpentine Gut, 31 stormwater contaminants were detected, and ambient water concentrations could be estimated for 17 compounds. Ambient water concentrations were estimated for a number of contaminants including the detergent/surfactant metabolite 4-tert-octylphenol, phthalate ester plasticizers DEHP and DEP, bromoform, personal care products including menthol, indole, n,n-diethyltoluamide (DEET), along with the animal/plant sterol cholesterol, and the plant sterol beta-sitosterol. Only DEHP appeared to have exceeded a water quality guideline for the protection of aquatic organisms.
The occurrence of hypoxia, or low dissolved oxygen, is increasing in coastal waters worldwide and represents a significant threat to the health and economy of our Nation’s coasts and Great Lakes. This trend is exemplified most dramatically off the coast of Louisiana and Texas, where the second largest eutrophication-related hypoxic zone in the world is associated with the nutrient pollutant load discharged by the Mississippi and Atchafalaya Rivers. Aquatic organisms require adequate dissolved oxygen to survive. The term “dead zone” is often used in reference to the absence of life (other than bacteria) from habitats that are devoid of oxygen. The inability to escape low oxygen areas makes immobile species, such as oysters and mussels, particularly vulnerable to hypoxia. These organisms can become stressed and may die due to hypoxia, resulting in significant impacts on marine food webs and the economy. Mobile organisms can flee the affected area when dissolved oxygen becomes too low. Nevertheless, fish kills can result from hypoxia, especially when the concentration of dissolved oxygen drops rapidly. New research is clarifying when hypoxia will cause fish kills as opposed to triggering avoidance behavior by fish. Further, new studies are better illustrating how habitat loss associated with hypoxia avoidance can impose ecological and economic costs, such as reduced growth in commercially harvested species and loss of biodiversity, habitat, and biomass. Transient or “diel-cycling” hypoxia, where conditions cycle from supersaturation of oxygen late in the afternoon to hypoxia or anoxia near dawn, most often occurs in shallow, eutrophic systems (e.g., nursery ground habitats) and may have pervasive impacts on living resources because of both its location and frequency of occurrence.
This study assessed the physico-chemical quality of River Ogun, Abeokuta, Ogun state, Southwestern Nigeria. Four locations were chosen spatially along the water course to reflect a consideration of all possible human activities that are capable of changing the quality of river water. The water samples were collected monthly for seven consecutive months (December 2011 – June 2012) at the four sampling stations. pH, air temperature (℃), water temperature (℃), conductivity (µs/cm) and total dissolved solids (mg/L) were conducted in-situ with the use of HANNA Combo pH and EC multi meter Hi 98129 and Mercury-in-glass thermometer while dissolved oxygen (mg/L), nitrate (mg/L), phosphate (mg/L), alkalinity (mg/L) and hardness (mg/L) were determined ex-situ using standard methods. Results showed that dissolved oxygen, hydrogen ion concentration, total hardness and nitrate were above the maximum permissible limit of National Administration for Food, Drugs and Control (NAFDAC), Standard Organization of Nigeria (SON), Federal Environmental Protection Agency (FEPA), United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), European Union (EU) and World Health Organization (WHO) for drinking water during certain months of the study period. Results also showed that water temperature and conductivity were within the permissible limits of all the standards excluding FEPA. However, total dissolved solids and alkalinity were within the permissible limits of all the standards. Adejuwon and Adelakun, (2012) also reported similar findings on Rivers Lala, Yobo and Agodo in Ewekoro local government area of Ogun state, Nigeria. Since most of the parameters measured were above the maximum permissible limits of the national and international standards, it can be concluded that the water is unfit for domestic uses, drinking and aquacultural purposes and therefore needs to be treated if it is to be used at all. The low dissolved oxygen values for the first four months was too low i.e. < 5 mg/L. This is most likely as a result of the amount of effluents discharged into the river. To prevent mass extinction of aquatic organisms due to anoxic conditions, proper regulations should be implemented to reduce the organic load the river receives.
A year round investigation in the estuaries of Barguna district revealed that for each Penaeus monodon postlarvae (PL), about 37 larvae of other shrimp species, 12 finfishes and 10 macrozooplankters are destroyed during the process of shrimp seed collection. Although abundance of P. monodon PL was not recorded throughout the year, a significant number of other shrimp spp., fin fishes including macrozooplankters are being damaged by the shrimp seed collectors. This indiscriminate destruction of aquatic organisms during P. monodon PL collection is serious threat to aquatic biodiversity.
The Mundel Lake is an extremely shallow lagoon on the west coast of Sri Lanka. It is connected to the Puttalam Lagoon through 15 km long Dutch Canal. Salinity measurements and daily sea level data were obtained fortnightly from January 1993 to March 1994 and they were used to quantify the salt and water budget along with precipitation, evaporation and freshwater runoff. Extreme fluctuations of salinity and sea level are striking features of the system. Salinity of the Mundel Lake and Dutch Canal varied from 5-46.5 and 6 61 ppt respectively while the sea level ranged from -0.25 to +1.2 m. Tidal variations were not seen in the lagoon due to its long narrow canal system. Salt budget showed that the deposition of salt on the lagoon bottom during periods of decreasing water level. During increasing water level, salt is dissolved again. Flow of water through the Dutch Canal between the Puttalam Lagoon and Mundel Lake is driven by the changes in sea level. These changes are mainly due to seasonal changes of net freshwater supply and, to a lesser degree, to seasonal changes in sea surface height. As the flow rates are small due to the long and narrow canal, the residence time ranges between two months and several months in the Mundel Lake, except during season of high freshwater supply. As the water exchange is weak, the Mundel Lake becomes hyper saline with strong fluctuations in salinity. This implies a stress to all lagoon dwelling aquatic organisms and also to aquaculture practices in the area.