988 resultados para Apollo Bay Region (Vic.) -- Maps


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Cette étude vise à identifier les effets des changements climatiques sur les activités de subsistance traditionnelles des chasseurs cris de la Baie-James. De nombreuses études se penchent sur les changements climatiques, mais relativement peu d’entre elles traitent de leurs effets socio-économiques et socioculturels sur les populations dans le Subarctique du Québec. Cette thèse explore les mécanismes d’intégration des connaissances scientifiques au savoir écologique traditionnel (SET) ; une intégration prônée par de nombreux chercheurs comme l’évolution souhaitable dans la recherche sur le SET et sur ses applications. L’étude de cette intégration se fait ici à l’aide d’une analyse des perceptions des chasseurs de l’Association des Trappeurs Cris concernant les effets des changements climatiques, avec l’accent sur les activités de subsistance traditionnelles en lien avec la bernache du Canada et le caribou des bois, deux espèces importantes culturellement. Une approche combinant l’aspect théorique de l’ethnoécologie et l’aspect pratique de l’étude de cas a été utilisée. Diverses sources de données ont été employées : l’analyse documentaire et cartographique, les questionnaires et les entrevues ouvertes et semi-dirigées. Cette recherche met en évidence des variations dans l’observation des changements climatiques et dans la perception de leurs effets par les chasseurs cris selon la localisation de leur communauté. Certains effets sont ressentis de la même façon par tous. Ainsi, les participants de toutes les communautés s’inquiètent des dangers liés à une fragilité accrue de la glace sur les lacs et les rivières. Cependant, ce sont surtout les membres des communautés côtières qui s’alarment du déplacement des bernaches vers l’intérieur du territoire. Ils sont aussi les seuls à ne pas percevoir de baisse du nombre de caribous des bois sur leurs lignes de trappe. Les effets des changements climatiques paraissent avoir un impact sur le mode de vie traditionnel cri en lien avec la bernache du Canada et le caribou des bois et affecter la transmission du savoir traditionnel vers les nouvelles générations quant au caribou des bois. Les résultats montrent aussi que la combinaison du SET et des données scientifiques permet de compléter le portrait de l’évolution du climat et des espèces (par ex. : variation du climat entre la côte et l’intérieur du territoire, apparition du cerf de Virginie et du coyote sur le territoire) et d’élaborer de nouvelles pistes de recherches et des hypothèses qui n’auraient pas été autrement identifiées (par ex. : causes d’un changement dans la structure de la gla ce, évolution des aires de répartition des sous-espèces de bernaches, impact des insectes suceurs-piqueurs sur la santé des caribous). Elle facilite également l’identification et la compréhension des enjeux et des processus d’adaptation qui ont lieu dans les communautés cries de la Baie-James (par ex. : diminution de la consommation du caribou, maintien de la consommation de la bernache, dangers accrus dans les déplacements liés à la fragilité de la glace ou à la difficulté à prévoir les schèmes climatiques). L’utilisation combinée du SET et du savoir scientifique permet de mieux appréhender les effets des changements climatiques et les dynamiques socioculturelles et environnementales complexes du territoire de la Baie-James.


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The changes in the diet of foxes (Vulpes vulpes) in the Jervis Bay Region was assessed following a long-term baiting program by analysing the composition of fox faecal excreta (scats). In all, 470 fox scats were collected between April and August 2003 from two baited sites, Booderee National Park (BNP) and Beecroft Peninsula, and from two unbaited sites in the southern and northern parts of Jervis Bay National Park (SJBNP and NJBNP respectively). Diet was compared between these sites and mammalian diet was also compared from scats collected before baiting in 1996 and after baiting in 2000 at Beecroft Peninsula and in 2001 at Booderee National Park. In 2003, the most common species consumed by foxes was the common ringtail possum (Pseudocheirus peregrinus), except at unbaited NJBNP, where the swamp wallaby (Wallabia bicolor) was the most frequent dietary item. Significant dietary differences were found between unbaited and baited sites, with the long-nosed bandicoot (Perameles nasuta) and P. peregrinus featuring more in the diet of foxes from the baited sites. Marked increases in the frequency of occurrence of P. peregrinus and P. nasuta in fox scats occurred from before baiting through to after baiting. Relative fox abundance, as indexed by the number of scats collected per kilometre, was lowest in Booderee, followed by Beecroft, then SJBNP, with NJBNP having the highest relative abundance of foxes. We suggest that baiting did affect the diet of foxes on both peninsulas and that the dietary changes across baiting histories were intrinsically related to an increase in abundance in some taxa as a result of relaxed predator pressure following sustained fox control. However, the lack of unbaited control sites over the whole study precludes a definitive conclusion.


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The Victorian general election of 1859 occurred during a time of social transition and electoral reformation, which extended the vote to previously unrepresented adult males. Gold discoveries, including those on the Ovens, triggered the miners’ insistent demands for access to land and participation in the political process. The thesis identifies issues, which emerged during the election campaign on the Ovens goldfields, surrounding Beechworth. The struggle centred on the two Legislative Assembly seats for the Ovens and the one Legislative Council seat for the Murray District. Though the declared election issue was land reform, it concealed a range of underlying tensions, which divided the electorate along lines of nationality and religion. Complicating these tensions within the European community was the Chinese presence throughout the Ovens. The thesis suggests the historical memory of the French Revolution, the European Revolutions of 1848 and the Catholic versus Protestant revivals divided the Ovens goldfield community. The competing groups formed alliances; a Beechworth-centred grouping of traders, merchants and the Constitution’s editor, ensured the existing conservative agenda triumphed over those perceived radicals who sought reform. In the process the land hungry miners did not gain any political representation in the Legislative Assembly, while a prominent Catholic squatter who advocated limited land reform was defeated for the Legislative Council seat. Two daily Beechworth papers, Ovens and Murray Advertiser and its fierce competitor, the Constitution and Ovens Mining Intelligencer are the major primary sources for the thesis.


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This thesis is the first systematic history of the Geelong Regional Commission (GRC), and only the second history of a regional development organisation formed as a result of the growth centres policy of the Commonwealth Labor Government in the first half of the 1970s. In particular, the thesis examines the historical performance of the GRC from the time of its establishment in August 1977 to its abolition in May 1993. The GRC Commissioners were subject to ongoing criticism by some elements of the region's political, business, rural and local government sectors. This criticism focused on the Commissioners' policies on land-use planning, their interventionist stance on industrial land development, major projects and industry protection and their activities in revitalising the Geelong central business district. This thesis examines these criticisms in the light of the Commission's overall performance. This thesis found that, as a statutory authority of the Victorian Government, the GRC was successful over its lifetime, when measured against the requirements of the Geelong Regional Commission Act, the Commission's corporate planning objectives and performance indicators, the corporate performance standards of private enterprise in the late 1990s, and the performance indicator standards of today's regional economic development organisations in the United States of America, parts of the United Kingdom and Australia. With the change of Government in Victoria in October 1992 came a new approach to regional development. The new Government enacted legislation to amalgamate six of the nine local government councils of the Geelong region and returned regional planning responsibilities to the newly formed City of Greater Geelong Council. The new Government also made economic development a major objective of local government. As a result, the raison d'etre for the GRC came to an end and the organisation was abolished.


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This study, set within the contextual background of Victorian politics, ‘seeks to identify the economic, political and social implications of tariff protection for the Castlemaine region from 1870-1901. The introduction of the Victorian tariff in 1865 precipitated a reversal of earlier attitudes towards protection by politicians and their constituents. Reasons are sought for changes in the perceptions of the Castlemaine electorate and its political representatives towards the tariff between 1870 and Federation. An examination has been made of the role of the tariff in the creation of employment in the region’s primary and secondary industries together with its influence on politicians, primary and secondary industry leaders and workers. Also explored is the relative impact of the tariff on the economic performance of Castlemaine industries, whether producing for export or domestic markets.


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The subsurface geology of the Kerang District was examined. The stratigraphic relationships between the Cenozoic western marine and eastern non-marine provinces of the Riverine Plain of the Murray Basin are now far better understood. A new three-fold subdivision of the Renmark Group, including the new Mystic Park Formation, is proposed.


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The research successfully showed how biological communities change in wetlands that are affected by salinity and altered water regimes as a result of irrigation and river regulation. As an outcome of the study, recommendations have been made for the future management of wetlands in the Kerang region in northern Victoria.


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Contrary to received opinion, Greater Geelong was among the most diversified manufacturing centres in Victoria, relative to Melbourne, Greater Ballarat and Greater Bendigo between 1854 to 1900. This was based on a manufacturing specialisation and export orientation established between 1841 and 1861.


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A quantitative Histological Health Index (HHI) was applied to Antarctic rock cod (Trematomus bernacchii) using gill, liver, spleen, kidney and gonad to assess the impact of wastewater effluent from Davis Station, East Antarctica. A total of 120 fish were collected from 6 sites in the Prydz Bay region of East Antarctica at varying distances from the wastewater outfall. The HHI revealed a greater severity of alteration in fish at the wastewater outfall, which decreased stepwise with distance. Gill and liver displayed the greatest severity of alteration in fish occurring in close proximity to the wastewater outfall, showing severe and pronounced alteration respectively. Findings of the HHI add to a growing weight of evidence indicating that the current level of wastewater treatment at Davis Station is insufficient to prevent impact to the surrounding environment. The HHI for T. bernacchii developed in this study is recommended as a useful risk assessment tool for assessing in situ, sub-lethal impacts from station-derived contamination in coastal regions throughout Antarctica.


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The objective of this paper is to demonstrate the ability of visualization and simulation techniques to aid and simulate current and future directions in coastal planning. The process of visualization will interrogate the coastal cities of Portland, Apollo Bay, Anglesea and Hobsons Bay in south-eastern Australian coastal seaboard through a progression of projections and simulated forecasts from 2014 to 2050 to see if a process(s) or methodology could help in planning the future growth of coastal settlements. The analysis uses Geographic Information Systems (GIS) associated with planning application software.