983 resultados para Anthonomus grandis Insecta


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Two new populations and the host plant of the rarely encountered Galapagos endemic moth Epiplema becki were found on Isabela Island, on Wolf and Sierra Negra volcanoes, with a sighting on Darwin Volcano. The host plant is the native Duranta dombeyana (Verbenaceae). The habitats where all known specimens were collected were Scalesia forest with Duranta bushes. To ensure the conservation of E. becki, we recommend control of introduced species in its habitat. CDF Contribution Number 1010.


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The author describe a new species of Drepanosticta from Sri Lanka. This new species is named in honour of the collector, Professor Dr. F. Starmühlner.


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We determined the mitochondrial MA (mtDNA) sequences of two luminous beetles (Arthropoda, Insecta, Coleoptera), Rhagophthalmus lufengensis from Yunnan, China and Rhagophthalmus ohbai from Yaeyama Island, Japan. We identified all the 37 mtDNA genes of R. l


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The nigripennis species-group is established within the subgenus Stegana (Oxyphortica), consisting of five species distributed in the Oriental Region, Stegana (O.) nigripennis (Hendel) from southern Japan, S. (O.) aotsukai, new species and S. (O.) prigenti, new species from southern China and Thailand, and S. (O.) trisetosa, new species and S. (O.) yapingi, new species, from eastern Malaysia. A key to all the species in this group is provided.


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Competitive strategy for resources between Cleistogenes squarrosa (Trin.) Keng which is a dominant species of grasslands degraded by moderate-heavy grazing, and Stipa grandis P. Smirnov, which is a dominant species of ungrazed communities, was studied using a replacement series method in a greenhouse. The knowledge would be helpful in managing grasslands and restoring the degraded C. squarrosa grassland. Although there was neither inter- nor intra-specific competition between the two species when no nutrients were added, intra-specific competition of C. squarrosa was observed and increased with increased nutrient availability and more sulfur (S) was allocated to the aboveground partition of the plant. Relative competitive ability of C. squarrosa was greater than that of S. grandis when nutrients were supplied regardless of S. There was no significant difference between shoot and root competition based on dry matter yields. However, root competition was significantly greater than that of shoot based on S uptake under all treatments. A significant interaction was not observed between shoot and root competition. Therefore, nutrients addition benefits the restoration of degraded grassland of C. squarrosa, which may not exclude S. grandis. Also productivity and forage quality of the community will be increased. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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No Estado do Acre, o manejo da Teca é executado em plantios puros ou consorciados com espécies nativas. A espécie tem demonstrado boa resistência ao fogo, o que a torna importante para a região, devido à prática de queimadas de pastagens na Amazônia.


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O reflorestamento praticado na Amazônia, com finalidade de cumprir a reposição florestal obrigatória em atendimento à legislação ambiental vigente, tornou-se um desafio para os utilizadores de matéria-prima florestal, visto que são incipientes os estudos e pesquisas capazes de subsidiar a adoção de procedimentos técnicos adaptados às condições regionais, e as experiências bem sucedidas de reflorestamento na Amazônia. Mesmo diante destas limitações, implantaram-se vários projetos de reflorestamento com o objetivo de, a curto prazo, cumprir as exigências da legislação vigente; a médio prazo, obter respostas do comportamento das espécies implantadas; e a longo prazo, substituir a matéria-prima nativa por produção originária de plantios racionais.