981 resultados para Antenna feed networks


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The performance of feed-forward neural networks in real applications can be often be improved significantly if use is made of a-priori information. For interpolation problems this prior knowledge frequently includes smoothness requirements on the network mapping, and can be imposed by the addition to the error function of suitable regularization terms. The new error function, however, now depends on the derivatives of the network mapping, and so the standard back-propagation algorithm cannot be applied. In this paper, we derive a computationally efficient learning algorithm, for a feed-forward network of arbitrary topology, which can be used to minimize the new error function. Networks having a single hidden layer, for which the learning algorithm simplifies, are treated as a special case.


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In this paper we consider four alternative approaches to complexity control in feed-forward networks based respectively on architecture selection, regularization, early stopping, and training with noise. We show that there are close similarities between these approaches and we argue that, for most practical applications, the technique of regularization should be the method of choice.


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This thesis is a study of the generation of topographic mappings - dimension reducing transformations of data that preserve some element of geometric structure - with feed-forward neural networks. As an alternative to established methods, a transformational variant of Sammon's method is proposed, where the projection is effected by a radial basis function neural network. This approach is related to the statistical field of multidimensional scaling, and from that the concept of a 'subjective metric' is defined, which permits the exploitation of additional prior knowledge concerning the data in the mapping process. This then enables the generation of more appropriate feature spaces for the purposes of enhanced visualisation or subsequent classification. A comparison with established methods for feature extraction is given for data taken from the 1992 Research Assessment Exercise for higher educational institutions in the United Kingdom. This is a difficult high-dimensional dataset, and illustrates well the benefit of the new topographic technique. A generalisation of the proposed model is considered for implementation of the classical multidimensional scaling (¸mds}) routine. This is related to Oja's principal subspace neural network, whose learning rule is shown to descend the error surface of the proposed ¸mds model. Some of the technical issues concerning the design and training of topographic neural networks are investigated. It is shown that neural network models can be less sensitive to entrapment in the sub-optimal global minima that badly affect the standard Sammon algorithm, and tend to exhibit good generalisation as a result of implicit weight decay in the training process. It is further argued that for ideal structure retention, the network transformation should be perfectly smooth for all inter-data directions in input space. Finally, there is a critique of optimisation techniques for topographic mappings, and a new training algorithm is proposed. A convergence proof is given, and the method is shown to produce lower-error mappings more rapidly than previous algorithms.


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The fabrication of in-fibre Bragg gratings, and the application of arrays of such gratings as strain sensors and as true time delay elements for the control of phased array antennas is reported. Chirped period Bragg gratings were produced using the fibre deformation fabrication technique, with chirps of between 2.9nm and 17.3nm achieved. Arrays of 5mm and 2mm long uniform period Bragg gratings were fabricated using the inscription method, for use as true time delay elements,dissimilar wavefronts and their spectral characteristics recorded. The uniform period grating arrays were used to create minimum time delays of 9.09ps, 19.02ps and 31ps; making them suitable for controlling phased array antennas operating at RF frequencies of up to 3GHz, with 10° phase resolution. Four 4mm long chirped gratings were produced using the dissimilar wavefronts fabrication method, having chirps of 7nm, 12nm, 20nm and 30nm, and were used to create time delays of between 0.3ps and 59ps. Hence they are suitable for controlling phased array antennas at RF frequencies of up to 48GHz. The application of in fibre Bragg gratings as strain sensors within smart structure materials was investigated, with their sensitivity to applied strain and compression measured for both embedded and surface mounted uniform period and fibre Fabry-Perot filter gratings. A fibre Bragg grating sensor demultiplexing scheme based on a liquid crystal filled Fabry-Perot etalon tuneable transmission filter was proposed, successfully constructed and fully characterised. Three characteristics of the LCFP etalon were found to pose operational limitations to its application in a Bragg grating sensor system; most significantly, the resonance peak wavelength was highly (-2,77nm/°C) temperature dependent. Several methods for minimising this temperature sensitivity were investigated, but enjoyed only limited success. It was therefore concluded that this type (E7 filled) of LCFP etalon is unsuitable for use as a Bragg grating sensor demultiplexing element.


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The objective of this paper is to combine the antenna downtilt selection with the cell size selection in order to reduce the overall radio frequency (RF) transmission power in the homogeneous High-Speed Packet Downlink (HSDPA) cellular radio access network (RAN). The analysis is based on the concept of small cells deployment. The energy consumption ratio (ECR) and the energy reduction gain (ERG) of the cellular RAN are calculated for different antenna tilts when the cell size is being reduced for a given user density and service area. The results have shown that a suitable antenna tilt and the RF power setting can achieve an overall energy reduction of up to 82.56%. Equally, our results demonstrate that a small cell deployment can considerably reduce the overall energy consumption of a cellular network.


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A recent novel approach to the visualisation and analysis of datasets, and one which is particularly applicable to those of a high dimension, is discussed in the context of real applications. A feed-forward neural network is utilised to effect a topographic, structure-preserving, dimension-reducing transformation of the data, with an additional facility to incorporate different degrees of associated subjective information. The properties of this transformation are illustrated on synthetic and real datasets, including the 1992 UK Research Assessment Exercise for funding in higher education. The method is compared and contrasted to established techniques for feature extraction, and related to topographic mappings, the Sammon projection and the statistical field of multidimensional scaling.


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In this paper, we investigate the secrecy outage performance of spectrum sharing multiple-input multiple-output networks using generalized transmit antenna selection with maximal ratio combining over Nakagami-m channels. In particular, the outdated channel state information is considered at the process of antenna selection due to feedback delay. Considering a practical passive eavesdropper scenario, we derive the exact and asymptotic closed-form expressions of secrecy outage probability, which enable us to evaluate the secrecy performance with high efficiency and present a new design insight into the impact of key parameters on the secrecy performance. In addition, the analytical results demonstrate that the achievable secrecy diversity order is only determined by the parameters of the secondary network, while other parameters related to primary or eavesdropper’s channels have a significantly impact on the secrecy coding gain. 


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Small element spacing in compact arrays results in strong mutual coupling between the array elements. A decoupling network consisting of reactive cross-coupling elements can alleviate problems associated with the coupling. Closed-form design equations for the decoupling networks of symmetrical arrays with two or three elements are presented.


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An alternative approach to port decoupling and matching of arrays with tightly coupled elements is proposed. The method is based on the inherent decoupling effect obtained by feeding the orthogonal eigenmodes of the array. For this purpose, a modal feed network is connected to the array. The decoupled external ports of the feed network may then be matched independently by using conventional matching circuits. Such a system may be used in digital beam forming applications with good signal-to-noise performance. The theory is applicable to arrays with an arbitrary number of elements, but implementation is only practical for smaller arrays. The principle is illustrated by means of two examples.


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An element spacing of less than half a wavelength introduces strong mutual coupling between the ports of compact antenna arrays. The strong coupling causes significant system performance degradation. A decoupling network may compensate for the mutual coupling. Alternatively, port decoupling can be achieved using a modal feed network. In response to an input signal at one of the input ports, this feed network excites the antenna elements in accordance with one of the eigenvectors of the array scattering parameter matrix. In this paper, a novel 4-element monopole array is described. The feed network of the array is implemented as a planar ring-type circuit in stripline with four coupled line sections. The new configuration offers a significant reduction in size, resulting in a very compact array.


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In this paper, the authors propose a new structure for the decoupling of circulant symmetric arrays of more than four elements. In this case, network element values are again obtained through a process of repeated eigenmode decoupling, here by solving sets of nonlinear equations. However, the resulting circuit is much simpler and can be implemented on a single layer. The corresponding circuit topology for the 6-element array is displayed in figure diagrams. The procedure will be illustrated by considering different examples.


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Reduced element spacing in antenna arrays gives rise to strong mutual coupling between array elements and may cause significant performance degradation. These effects can be alleviated by introducing a decoupling network consisting of interconnected reactive elements. The existing design approach for the synthesis of a decoupling network for circulant symmetric arrays allows calculation of element values using closed-form expressions, but the resulting circuit configuration requires multilayer technology for implementation. In this paper, a new structure for the decoupling of circulant symmetric arrays of more than four elements is presented. Element values are no longer obtained in closed form, but the resulting circuit is much simpler and can be implemented on a single layer.


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The small element spacing of compact multiport arrays introduces strong mutual coupling between the antenna ports. Due to this coupling, the input impedance of the array changes when elements excitations are varied, and consequently, the array cannot be matched for an arbitrary excitation. Decoupling networks have in the past been used to provide an additional connection between antenna ports in order to cancel the coupling between elements. An alternative approach is to design the antenna so that each port does not excite a single element, but all elements simultaneously instead. The geometry of the antenna is optimized so that this direct excitation of elements counteracts the mutual coupling, thus yielding decoupled ports. This paper describes the design of such a 4-port antenna.


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In cooperative communication systems, several wireless communication terminals collaborate to form a virtual-multiple antenna array system and exploit the spatial diversity to achieve a better performance. This thesis proposes a practical slotted protocol for cooperative communication systems with half-duplex single antennas. The performance of the proposed slotted cooperative communication protocol is evaluated in terms of the pairwise error probability and the bit error rate. The proposed protocol achieves the multiple-input single-output performance bound with a novel relay ordering and scheduling strategy.


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An opportunistic relay selection scheme improving cooperative diversity is devised using the concept of a virtual SIMO-MISO antenna array. By incorporating multiple users as a virtual distributed antenna, not only helps combat fading but also provides significant advantage in terms of energy consumption. The proposed efficient multiple relay selection uses the concept of the distributed Alamouti scheme in a time varying environment to realize cooperative networking in wireless relay networks and provides the platform for outage, Diversiy-Multiplexing Tradeoff (DMT) and Bit-Error-Rate (BER) analysis to conclude that it is capable of achieving promising diversity gains by operating at much lower SNR when compared with conventional relay selection methods. It also has the added advantage of conserving energy for the relays that are reachable but not selected for the cooperative communication.