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Movement of tephritid flies underpins their survival, reproduction, and ability to establish in new areas and is thus of importance when designing effective management strategies. Much of the knowledge currently available on tephritid movement throughout landscapes comes from the use of direct or indirect methods that rely on the trapping of individuals. Here, we review published experimental designs and methods from mark-release-recapture (MRR) studies, as well as other methods, that have been used to estimate movement of the four major tephritid pest genera (Bactrocera, Ceratitis, Anastrepha, and Rhagoletis). In doing so, we aim to illustrate the theoretical and practical considerations needed to study tephritid movement. MRR studies make use of traps to directly estimate the distance that tephritid species can move within a generation and to evaluate the ecological and physiological factors that influence dispersal patterns. MRR studies, however, require careful planning to ensure that the results obtained are not biased by the methods employed, including marking methods, trap properties, trap spacing, and spatial extent of the trapping array. Despite these obstacles, MRR remains a powerful tool for determining tephritid movement, with data particularly required for understudied species that affect developing countries. To ensure that future MRR studies are successful, we suggest that site selection be carefully considered and sufficient resources be allocated to achieve optimal spacing and placement of traps in line with the stated aims of each study. An alternative to MRR is to make use of indirect methods for determining movement, or more correctly, gene flow, which have become widely available with the development of molecular tools. Key to these methods is the trapping and sequencing of a suitable number of individuals to represent the genetic diversity of the sampled population and investigate population structuring using nuclear genomic markers or non-recombinant mitochondrial DNA markers. Microsatellites are currently the preferred marker for detecting recent population displacement and provide genetic information that may be used in assignment tests for the direct determination of contemporary movement. Neither MRR nor molecular methods, however, are able to monitor fine-scale movements of individual flies. Recent developments in the miniaturization of electronics offer the tantalising possibility to track individual movements of insects using harmonic radar. Computer vision and radio frequency identification tags may also permit the tracking of fine-scale movements by tephritid flies by automated resampling, although these methods come with the same problems as traditional traps used in MRR studies. Although all methods described in this chapter have limitations, a better understanding of tephritid movement far outweighs the drawbacks of the individual methods because of the need for this information to manage tephritid populations.
Line-transect distance sampling is a widely used method for estimating animal density from aerial surveys. Analysis of line-transect distance data usually relies on a requirement that the statistical distribution of distances of animal groups from the transect line is uniform. We show that this requirement is satisfied by the survey design if all other assumptions of distance sampling hold, but it can be violated by consistent survey problems such as responsive movement of the animals towards or away from the observer. We hypothesise that problems with the uniform requirement are unlikely to be encountered for immobile taxa, but might become substantial for species of high mobility. We test evidence for non-uniformity using double-observer distance data from two aerial surveys of five species with a spectrum of mobility capabilities and tendencies. No clear evidence against uniformity was found for crabeater seals or emperor penguins on the pack-ice in East Antarctica, while minor non-uniformity consistent with responsive movement up to 30 m was found for Adelie penguins. Strong evidence of either non-uniformity or a failure of the capture-recapture validating method was found for eastern grey kangaroos and red kangaroos in Queensland.
Patterns of movement in aquatic animals reflect ecologically important behaviours. Cyclical changes in the abiotic environment influence these movements, but when multiple processes occur simultaneously, identifying which is responsible for the observed movement can be complex. Here we used acoustic telemetry and signal processing to define the abiotic processes responsible for movement patterns in freshwater whiprays (Himantura dalyensis). Acoustic transmitters were implanted into the whiprays and their movements detected over 12 months by an array of passive acoustic receivers, deployed throughout 64 km of the Wenlock River, Qld, Australia. The time of an individual's arrival and departure from each receiver detection field was used to estimate whipray location continuously throughout the study. This created a linear-movement-waveform for each whipray and signal processing revealed periodic components within the waveform. Correlation of movement periodograms with those from abiotic processes categorically illustrated that the diel cycle dominated the pattern of whipray movement during the wet season, whereas tidal and lunar cycles dominated during the dry season. The study methodology represents a valuable tool for objectively defining the relationship between abiotic processes and the movement patterns of free-ranging aquatic animals and is particularly expedient when periods of no detection exist within the animal location data.
A total of 42,445 American lobsters (Homarus americanus) were tagged in thirty-one sites throughout the southwestern Gulf of St. Lawrence between 1980 and 1997. Results from the recapture of 8503 tagged lobsters showed small distances traveled between the release and the recapture position for animals ranging in size from 51 to 152 mm carapace length. The average distance traveled ranged from 2 km in parts of Baie des Chaleurs and western Cape Breton to 19 km in central Northumberland Strait. Lobsters moved generally along the shore (93% of the dispersion was in areas between the shore and the 20-m bathymetric contour). As a result, lobsters traveled longer distances in sites characterized by a gradually sloping bottom where the distance between the shore and the 20-m contour line was extensive in contrast to areas characterized by rapidly changing depths and by a relatively small amount of habitat shallower than 20 m. In the majority of sites (14 of 19) there was no significant difference between males and females in the average distance they traveled. In four of the five sites females moved farther than males. In general, the average distance traveled by berried females was shorter than that traveled by males or nonberried females. No relationship was observed between the distance traveled and the size of the animal. There was no strong evidence of a relationship between the average distance traveled and the number of days at liberty. In general, lobsters in the southwestern Gulf of St. Lawrence traveled short distances and dispersion was restricted to the nearshore habitat. Further, the distance traveled was not correlated to size, sex, or years at large. These findings show that there is little interaction between American lobsters from different fishing areas at the benthic level and that American lobster movements should have minimal consequences for management of the species in the southwestern Gulf of St. Lawrence.
Vocal learning is a critical behavioral substrate for spoken human language. It is a rare trait found in three distantly related groups of birds-songbirds, hummingbirds, and parrots. These avian groups have remarkably similar systems of cerebral vocal nuclei for the control of learned vocalizations that are not found in their more closely related vocal non-learning relatives. These findings led to the hypothesis that brain pathways for vocal learning in different groups evolved independently from a common ancestor but under pre-existing constraints. Here, we suggest one constraint, a pre-existing system for movement control. Using behavioral molecular mapping, we discovered that in songbirds, parrots, and hummingbirds, all cerebral vocal learning nuclei are adjacent to discrete brain areas active during limb and body movements. Similar to the relationships between vocal nuclei activation and singing, activation in the adjacent areas correlated with the amount of movement performed and was independent of auditory and visual input. These same movement-associated brain areas were also present in female songbirds that do not learn vocalizations and have atrophied cerebral vocal nuclei, and in ring doves that are vocal non-learners and do not have cerebral vocal nuclei. A compilation of previous neural tracing experiments in songbirds suggests that the movement-associated areas are connected in a network that is in parallel with the adjacent vocal learning system. This study is the first global mapping that we are aware for movement-associated areas of the avian cerebrum and it indicates that brain systems that control vocal learning in distantly related birds are directly adjacent to brain systems involved in movement control. Based upon these findings, we propose a motor theory for the origin of vocal learning, this being that the brain areas specialized for vocal learning in vocal learners evolved as a specialization of a pre-existing motor pathway that controls movement.
The fruit bat Rousettus aegyptiacus has highly mobile pinnae. Little is known about the role that such movements play in sound localisation however and whether they interact with the process of echolocation in this species. Here we report the correspondence of echolocation signals in free flight with the downward wingbeat and forward movement of the pinnae, and demonstrate that the ears have a greater sensitivity to click stimuli in front of the animal when directed forwards than when back and to the side. The potential significance of the production of echolocation signals whilst the ears are moving from their least sensitive to their most sensitive position is discussed.
BACKGROUND: Smart tags attached to freely-roaming animals recording multiple parameters at infra-second rates are becoming commonplace, and are transforming our understanding of the way wild animals behave. Interpretation of such data is complex and currently limits the ability of biologists to realise the value of their recorded information.
DESCRIPTION: This work presents Framework4, an all-encompassing software suite which operates on smart sensor data to determine the 4 key elements considered pivotal for movement analysis from such tags (Endangered Species Res 4: 123-37, 2008). These are; animal trajectory, behaviour, energy expenditure and quantification of the environment in which the animal moves. The program transforms smart sensor data into dead-reckoned movements, template-matched behaviours, dynamic body acceleration-derived energetics and position-linked environmental data before outputting it all into a single file. Biologists are thus left with a single data set where animal actions and environmental conditions can be linked across time and space.
CONCLUSIONS: Framework4 is a user-friendly software that assists biologists in elucidating 4 key aspects of wild animal ecology using data derived from tags with multiple sensors recording at high rates. Its use should enhance the ability of biologists to derive meaningful data rapidly from complex data.
North Italy's nomadic shepherds are a phenomenon unique in the world. Their nomadic nature is taken to the extreme since they move constantly rather than solely in the winter or the summer, as in the usual nomadism. Their home is on wheels and their territory is the tightly regulated yet sprawling Triveneto area. The Triveneto transhumance moves beyond private/public property divides, and indeed beyond lawful/unlawful distinctions, giving rise to what I have called an animal normativity. Relying on Valentina De Marchi's text 'Fame d'Erba' on the Triveneto transhumance, I show how territory becomes a question of animal hunger, and movement becomes an atmospheric, silent and imperceptible affect that crosses private property boundaries, state law limitations, reservation areas and road networks. This way of being, beyond the usual distinctions, offers an example of an alternative political and legal organisation that brings forth the continuum between the human, the natural and the legal/political.
La douleur articulaire associée à l’arthrose est un problème clinique majeur, spécialement chez les personnes âgées. L’intensité de la douleur est souvent amplifiée lors de mouvement de l’articulation et principalement lors du soutien de la charge corporelle sur le membre lésé. Malheureusement, les traitements pharmacologiques proposés sont trop souvent associés à des effets secondaires néfastes et à une inefficacité pour le soulagement de la douleur à long terme. Divers modèles murins sont utilisés en laboratoire de recherche pour des études précliniques de molécules aux propriétés analgésiques. Une évaluation comparative de la réponse comportementale douloureuse des animaux d’un modèle d’instabilité articulaire induit par le sectionnement du ligament croisé antérieur accompagné d’une méniscectomie partielle (le modèle ACLT+pMMx) et d’un modèle de dégénérescence articulaire induite par le monoiodoacetate (le modèle MIA) a permis de sélectionner un modèle approprié pour la continuité du projet. Les deux modèles ont démontré des lésions tissulaires, mais le modèle MIA a démontré une réponse douloureuse plus prononcée que le modèle ACLT+pMMx. Par l’analyse de la démarche, le modèle MIA a démontré une boiterie claire dans le patron de la démarche des animaux qui est associée à une lésion unilatérale. Le modèle MIA a donc été choisi pour la suite du projet. La problématique principale dans la recherche sur la douleur associée à l’arthrose est une compréhension incomplète des mécanismes de douleur responsables de l’induction et du maintien de l’état de douleur. Il devient donc nécessaire d’améliorer nos connaissances de ces mécanismes en effectuant une caractérisation plus approfondie des modèles animaux employés pour l’évaluation de stratégies pharmacologiques analgésiantes. Afin de bien comprendre le modèle MIA, une caractérisation des événements moléculaires centraux lors de la progression du processus dégénératif des structures articulaires de ce modèle s’est effectuée aux jours 3, 7, 14, 21 et 28 post injection. Des mécanismes hétérogènes qui modulent l’information nociceptive en fonction de la progression temporelle de la pathologie ont été observés. Les changements du contenu i spinal des neuropeptides sélectionnés (substance P, CGRP, dynorphine A et Big dynorphine) ont débuté sept jours suivant l’injection de MIA. L’observation histologique a démontré que les dommages structuraux les plus importants surviennent entre les jours 14 et 21. C’est entre les jours 7 et 21 que les lésions démontrent le plus de similarités à la pathologie humaine. Cela suggère que lors d’une évaluation préclinique d’un traitement pharmacologique pour pallier la douleur articulaire utilisant le modèle MIA, l’étude doit tenir compte de ces événements afin de maximiser l’évaluation de son efficacité. Puisque les traitements pharmacologiques conventionnels proposés pour le soulagement de la douleur ne font pas l’unanimité en terme d’efficacité, d’effets non désirés et de coûts monétaires parfois onéreux, les molécules de dérivés de plante deviennent une alternative intéressante. L’eugénol, le principal constituant de l’huile de clou de girofle, a été administré oralement pour une période de 28 jours chez des rats ayant reçu l’injection intra-articulaire de MIA afin d’évaluer son efficacité pour le traitement de la douleur articulaire. L’eugénol à une dose de 40 mg/kg s’est révélé efficace pour l’amélioration du patron de la démarche des animaux ainsi que pour la diminution de l’allodynie mécanique secondaire. De plus, les concentrations spinales de neuropeptides pronocicepteurs ont diminué chez les animaux traités. Par une évaluation histopathologique, l’eugénol n’a démontré aucune évidence d’effets toxiques suite à une administration per os quotidienne pour une période prolongée. Ces résultats suggèrent le potentiel thérapeutique complémentaire de la molécule d’eugénol pour le traitement de la douleur articulaire.
La composición de realidad indígena consolida procesos de individuación en los que la dinámica del devenir circunscribe afectos al ámbito social. Ante la emergencia de problemáticas sociales, el devenir puebla de sentido el saber y el hacer, en función de la continuidad y permanencia de dicho saber. Esta dinámica se evidencia en la construcción de territorio a través de la circulación y sentido del enunciado “yo soy jaguar”, expresado por los sabedores de diversas comunidades amerindias. Este texto problematizará la experiencia del sabedor a través de conceptos centrales de la obra de Gilles Deleuze.
There is a need of scientific evidence of claimed nutraceutical effects, but also there is a social movement towards the use of natural products and among them algae are seen as rich resources. Within this scenario, the development of methodology for rapid and reliable assessment of markers of efficiency and security of these extracts is necessary. The rat treated with streptozotocin has been proposed as the most appropriate model of systemic oxidative stress for studying antioxidant therapies. Cystoseira is a brown alga containing fucoxanthin and other carothenes whose pressure-assisted extracts were assayed to discover a possible beneficial effect on complications related to diabetes evolution in an acute but short-term model. Urine was selected as the sample and CE-TOF-MS as the analytical technique to obtain the fingerprints in a non-target metabolomic approach. Multivariate data analysis revealed a good clustering of the groups and permitted the putative assignment of compounds statistically significant in the classification. Interestingly a group of compounds associated to lysine glycation and cleavage from proteins was found to be increased in diabetic animals receiving vehicle as compared to control animals receiving vehicle (N6, N6, N6-trimethyl-L-lysine, N-methylnicotinamide, galactosylhydroxylysine, L-carnitine, N6-acetyl-N6-hydroxylysine, fructose-lysine, pipecolic acid, urocanic acid, amino-isobutanoate, formylisoglutamine. Fructoselysine significantly decreased after the treatment changing from a 24% increase to a 19% decrease. CE-MS fingerprinting of urine has provided a group of compounds different to those detected with other techniques and therefore proves the necessity of a cross-platform analysis to obtain a broad view of biological samples.
Microscopic evaluation of induced tooth movement in traumatized teeth: an experimental study in rats
The clinical management of orthodontic patients with dental trauma before or during the treatment is mainly founded on clinical experience, expert opinions, and individual case reports. It is proposed in the literature that teeth sustaining mild trauma with minor damage to the periodontium (e.g. subluxation) should be followed for a period of time before being subjected to orthodontic forces. A minimum period of 3 months has been proposed. In this study, we used an animal model to investigate whether shorter observation periods could be established in case of mild trauma. The periradicular region of rat molars was examined microscopically to determine the biological events of tooth movement started 15 and 30 days after intentional subluxation using an experimental method to induce dentoalveolar trauma. Thirty adult male Wistar rats were assigned to 6 groups (n = 5): Group 1 (control no trauma/orthodontic movement); Group 2: the animals received an orthodontic device and were sacrificed after 7 days; Groups 3 and 4: dentoalveolar trauma (subluxation) was experimentally induced by the application of an axial force of 900 cN on the occlusal surface of the maxillary right first molar, and the animals were sacrificed after 22 and 37 days, respectively; and Groups 5 and 6: 15 and 30 days, respectively, after force application, an orthodontic device was installed and the rats were sacrificed 7 days later. In G5 and G6, the periodontal ligament and pulp tissue were rich in cellular elements and blood vessels, the alveolar bone was preserved, and the root surface presented only very small areas of surface resorption (cementum), maintaining the characteristics of normality. In conclusion, the microscopic alterations in the gingival and periodontal tissues in response to an experimentally induced mild dentoalveolar trauma simulating subluxation were not sufficient to contraindicate starting the orthodontic movement 15 and 30 days after trauma.
Background/Aim: The present research evaluated the induction of ankylosis and the eruption rate in rat incisors, with the aim of achieving stable anchorage for orthodontic tooth movement (OTM) of the molars. Material and methods: Fifteen male Wistar rats were used. In the Experimental group, the right superior incisor of each animal was extracted, denuded of the PDL and the dental papilla, and reimplanted. The Control group was the left superior incisors. The eruption rate was measured at 7, 10, 12, 14, and 16 days after replantation. NiTi closed springs with a 50cN release force were installed for additional 9 days, and the eruption rate was determined. Then, the rats were sacrificed, and ankylosis was examined by microscopic analysis. Differences with P < 0.01 were defined as statistically significant. Results: The eruption rates were 0 and 0.39 mm day-1 in the Experimental group and Control group, respectively. All incisors of the Experimental group showed ankylosis according to histological analysis. Conclusions: The methodology used to induce ankylosis in this study was effective for anchoring the incisors during the OTM of rat molars, eliminating the undesirable effects consequent to continuous eruption. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons A/S.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)