978 resultados para Android, Componenti, Sensori, IPC, Shared memory


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Memory models for shared-memory concurrent programming languages typically guarantee sequential consistency (SC) semantics for datarace-free (DRF) programs, while providing very weak or no guarantees for non-DRF programs. In effect programmers are expected to write only DRF programs, which are then executed with SC semantics. With this in mind, we propose a novel scalable solution for dataflow analysis of concurrent programs, which is proved to be sound for DRF programs with SC semantics. We use the synchronization structure of the program to propagate dataflow information among threads without requiring to consider all interleavings explicitly. Given a dataflow analysis that is sound for sequential programs and meets certain criteria, our technique automatically converts it to an analysis for concurrent programs.


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An efficient parallelization algorithm for the Fast Multipole Method which aims to alleviate the parallelization bottleneck arising from lower job-count closer to root levels is presented. An electrostatic problem of 12 million non-uniformly distributed mesh elements is solved with 80-85% parallel efficiency in matrix setup and matrix-vector product using 60GB and 16 threads on shared memory architecture.


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Software transactional memory(STM) is a promising programming paradigm for shared memory multithreaded programs. While STM offers the promise of being less error-prone and more programmer friendly compared to traditional lock-based synchronization, it also needs to be competitive in performance in order for it to be adopted in mainstream software. A major source of performance overheads in STM is transactional aborts. Conflict resolution and aborting a transaction typically happens at the transaction level which has the advantage that it is automatic and application agnostic. However it has a substantial disadvantage in that STM declares the entire transaction as conflicting and hence aborts it and re-executes it fully, instead of partially re-executing only those part(s) of the transaction, which have been affected due to the conflict. This "Re-execute Everything" approach has a significant adverse impact on STM performance. In order to mitigate the abort overheads, we propose a compiler aided Selective Reconciliation STM (SR-STM) scheme, wherein certain transactional conflicts can be reconciled by performing partial re-execution of the transaction. Ours is a selective hybrid approach which uses compiler analysis to identify those data accesses which are legal and profitable candidates for reconciliation and applies partial re-execution only to these candidates selectively while other conflicting data accesses are handled by the default STM approach of abort and full re-execution. We describe the compiler analysis and code transformations required for supporting selective reconciliation. We find that SR-STM is effective in reducing the transactional abort overheads by improving the performance for a set of five STAMP benchmarks by 12.58% on an average and up to 22.34%.


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Rapid advancements in multi-core processor architectures coupled with low-cost, low-latency, high-bandwidth interconnects have made clusters of multi-core machines a common computing resource. Unfortunately, writing good parallel programs that efficiently utilize all the resources in such a cluster is still a major challenge. Various programming languages have been proposed as a solution to this problem, but are yet to be adopted widely to run performance-critical code mainly due to the relatively immature software framework and the effort involved in re-writing existing code in the new language. In this paper, we motivate and describe our initial study in exploring CUDA as a programming language for a cluster of multi-cores. We develop CUDA-For-Clusters (CFC), a framework that transparently orchestrates execution of CUDA kernels on a cluster of multi-core machines. The well-structured nature of a CUDA kernel, the growing popularity, support and stability of the CUDA software stack collectively make CUDA a good candidate to be considered as a programming language for a cluster. CFC uses a mixture of source-to-source compiler transformations, a work distribution runtime and a light-weight software distributed shared memory to manage parallel executions. Initial results on running several standard CUDA benchmark programs achieve impressive speedups of up to 7.5X on a cluster with 8 nodes, thereby opening up an interesting direction of research for further investigation.


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Multi-Processor System-on-Chip (MPSoC) possui vários processadores, em um único chip. Várias aplicações podem ser executadas de maneira paralela ou uma aplicação paralelizável pode ser particionada e alocada em cada processador, a fim de acelerar a sua execução. Um problema em MPSoCs é a comunicação entre os processadores, necessária para a execução destas aplicações. Neste trabalho, propomos uma arquitetura de rede de interconexão baseada na topologia crossbar, com memória compartilhada. Esta arquitetura é parametrizável, possuindo N processadores e N módulos de memórias. A troca de informação entre os processadores é feita via memória compartilhada. Neste tipo de implementação cada processador executa a sua aplicação em seu próprio módulo de memória. Através da rede, todos os processadores têm completo acesso a seus módulos de memória simultaneamente, permitindo que cada aplicação seja executada concorrentemente. Além disso, um processador pode acessar outros módulos de memória, sempre que necessite obter dados gerados por outro processador. A arquitetura proposta é modelada em VHDL e seu desempenho é analisado através da execução paralela de uma aplicação, em comparação à sua respectiva execução sequencial. A aplicação escolhida consiste na otimização de funções objetivo através do método de Otimização por Enxame de Partículas (Particle Swarm Optimization - PSO). Neste método, um enxame de partículas é distribuído igualmente entre os processadores da rede e, ao final de cada interação, um processador acessa o módulo de memória de outro processador, a fim de obter a melhor posição encontrada pelo enxame alocado neste. A comunicação entre processadores é baseada em três estratégias: anel, vizinhança e broadcast. Essa aplicação foi escolhida por ser computacionalmente intensiva e, dessa forma, uma forte candidata a paralelização.


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Numerical modeling of groundwater is very important for understanding groundwater flow and solving hydrogeological problem. Today, groundwater studies require massive model cells and high calculation accuracy, which are beyond single-CPU computer’s capabilities. With the development of high performance parallel computing technologies, application of parallel computing method on numerical modeling of groundwater flow becomes necessary and important. Using parallel computing can improve the ability to resolve various hydro-geological and environmental problems. In this study, parallel computing method on two main types of modern parallel computer architecture, shared memory parallel systems and distributed shared memory parallel systems, are discussed. OpenMP and MPI (PETSc) are both used to parallelize the most widely used groundwater simulator, MODFLOW. Two parallel solvers, P-PCG and P-MODFLOW, were developed for MODFLOW. The parallelized MODFLOW was used to simulate regional groundwater flow in Beishan, Gansu Province, which is a potential high-level radioactive waste geological disposal area in China. 1. The OpenMP programming paradigm was used to parallelize the PCG (preconditioned conjugate-gradient method) solver, which is one of the main solver for MODFLOW. The parallel PCG solver, P-PCG, is verified using an 8-processor computer. Both the impact of compilers and different model domain sizes were considered in the numerical experiments. The largest test model has 1000 columns, 1000 rows and 1000 layers. Based on the timing results, execution times using the P-PCG solver are typically about 1.40 to 5.31 times faster than those using the serial one. In addition, the simulation results are the exact same as the original PCG solver, because the majority of serial codes were not changed. It is worth noting that this parallelizing approach reduces cost in terms of software maintenance because only a single source PCG solver code needs to be maintained in the MODFLOW source tree. 2. P-MODFLOW, a domain decomposition–based model implemented in a parallel computing environment is developed, which allows efficient simulation of a regional-scale groundwater flow. The basic approach partitions a large model domain into any number of sub-domains. Parallel processors are used to solve the model equations within each sub-domain. The use of domain decomposition method to achieve the MODFLOW program distributed shared memory parallel computing system will process the application of MODFLOW be extended to the fleet of the most popular systems, so that a large-scale simulation could take full advantage of hundreds or even thousands parallel processors. P-MODFLOW has a good parallel performance, with the maximum speedup of 18.32 (14 processors). Super linear speedups have been achieved in the parallel tests, indicating the efficiency and scalability of the code. Parallel program design, load balancing and full use of the PETSc were considered to achieve a highly efficient parallel program. 3. The characterization of regional ground water flow system is very important for high-level radioactive waste geological disposal. The Beishan area, located in northwestern Gansu Province, China, is selected as a potential site for disposal repository. The area includes about 80000 km2 and has complicated hydrogeological conditions, which greatly increase the computational effort of regional ground water flow models. In order to reduce computing time, parallel computing scheme was applied to regional ground water flow modeling. Models with over 10 million cells were used to simulate how the faults and different recharge conditions impact regional ground water flow pattern. The results of this study provide regional ground water flow information for the site characterization of the potential high-level radioactive waste disposal.


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We present an algorithm to store data robustly in a large, geographically distributed network by means of localized regions of data storage that move in response to changing conditions. For example, data might migrate away from failures or toward regions of high demand. The PersistentNode algorithm provides this service robustly, but with limited safety guarantees. We use the RAMBO framework to transform PersistentNode into RamboNode, an algorithm that guarantees atomic consistency in exchange for increased cost and decreased liveness. In addition, a half-life analysis of RamboNode shows that it is robust against continuous low-rate failures. Finally, we provide experimental simulations for the algorithm on 2000 nodes, demonstrating how it services requests and examining how it responds to failures.


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Parallel shared-memory machines with hundreds or thousands of processor-memory nodes have been built; in the future we will see machines with millions or even billions of nodes. Associated with such large systems is a new set of design challenges. Many problems must be addressed by an architecture in order for it to be successful; of these, we focus on three in particular. First, a scalable memory system is required. Second, the network messaging protocol must be fault-tolerant. Third, the overheads of thread creation, thread management and synchronization must be extremely low. This thesis presents the complete system design for Hamal, a shared-memory architecture which addresses these concerns and is directly scalable to one million nodes. Virtual memory and distributed objects are implemented in a manner that requires neither inter-node synchronization nor the storage of globally coherent translations at each node. We develop a lightweight fault-tolerant messaging protocol that guarantees message delivery and idempotence across a discarding network. A number of hardware mechanisms provide efficient support for massive multithreading and fine-grained synchronization. Experiments are conducted in simulation, using a trace-driven network simulator to investigate the messaging protocol and a cycle-accurate simulator to evaluate the Hamal architecture. We determine implementation parameters for the messaging protocol which optimize performance. A discarding network is easier to design and can be clocked at a higher rate, and we find that with this protocol its performance can approach that of a non-discarding network. Our simulations of Hamal demonstrate the effectiveness of its thread management and synchronization primitives. In particular, we find register-based synchronization to be an extremely efficient mechanism which can be used to implement a software barrier with a latency of only 523 cycles on a 512 node machine.


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Conventional parallel computer architectures do not provide support for non-uniformly distributed objects. In this thesis, I introduce sparsely faceted arrays (SFAs), a new low-level mechanism for naming regions of memory, or facets, on different processors in a distributed, shared memory parallel processing system. Sparsely faceted arrays address the disconnect between the global distributed arrays provided by conventional architectures (e.g. the Cray T3 series), and the requirements of high-level parallel programming methods that wish to use objects that are distributed over only a subset of processing elements. A sparsely faceted array names a virtual globally-distributed array, but actual facets are lazily allocated. By providing simple semantics and making efficient use of memory, SFAs enable efficient implementation of a variety of non-uniformly distributed data structures and related algorithms. I present example applications which use SFAs, and describe and evaluate simple hardware mechanisms for implementing SFAs. Keeping track of which nodes have allocated facets for a particular SFA is an important task that suggests the need for automatic memory management, including garbage collection. To address this need, I first argue that conventional tracing techniques such as mark/sweep and copying GC are inherently unscalable in parallel systems. I then present a parallel memory-management strategy, based on reference-counting, that is capable of garbage collecting sparsely faceted arrays. I also discuss opportunities for hardware support of this garbage collection strategy. I have implemented a high-level hardware/OS simulator featuring hardware support for sparsely faceted arrays and automatic garbage collection. I describe the simulator and outline a few of the numerous details associated with a "real" implementation of SFAs and SFA-aware garbage collection. Simulation results are used throughout this thesis in the evaluation of hardware support mechanisms.


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Parallel computing on a network of workstations can saturate the communication network, leading to excessive message delays and consequently poor application performance. We examine empirically the consequences of integrating a flow control protocol, called Warp control [Par93], into Mermera, a software shared memory system that supports parallel computing on distributed systems [HS93]. For an asynchronous iterative program that solves a system of linear equations, our measurements show that Warp succeeds in stabilizing the network's behavior even under high levels of contention. As a result, the application achieves a higher effective communication throughput, and a reduced completion time. In some cases, however, Warp control does not achieve the performance attainable by fixed size buffering when using a statically optimal buffer size. Our use of Warp to regulate the allocation of network bandwidth emphasizes the possibility for integrating it with the allocation of other resources, such as CPU cycles and disk bandwidth, so as to optimize overall system throughput, and enable fully-shared execution of parallel programs.


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Speculative service implies that a client's request for a document is serviced by sending, in addition to the document requested, a number of other documents (or pointers thereto) that the server speculates will be requested by the client in the near future. This speculation is based on statistical information that the server maintains for each document it serves. The notion of speculative service is analogous to prefetching, which is used to improve cache performance in distributed/parallel shared memory systems, with the exception that servers (not clients) control when and what to prefetch. Using trace simulations based on the logs of our departmental HTTP server http://cs-www.bu.edu, we show that both server load and service time could be reduced considerably, if speculative service is used. This is above and beyond what is currently achievable using client-side caching [3] and server-side dissemination [2]. We identify a number of parameters that could be used to fine-tune the level of speculation performed by the server.


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We report on practical experience using the Oxford BSP Library to parallelize a large electromagnetic code, the British Aerospace finite-difference time-domain code EMMA T:FD3D. The Oxford BS Library is one of the first realizations of the Bulk Synchronous Parallel computational model to be targeted at numerically intensive scientific (typically Fortran) computing. The BAe EMMA code is one of the first large-scale applications to be parallelized using this library, and it is an important demonstration of the cost effectiveness of the BSP approach. We illustrate how BSP cost-modelling techniques can be used to predict and optimize performance for single-source programs across different parallel platforms. We provide predicted and observed performance figures for an industrial-strength, single-source parallel code for a variety of real parallel architectures: shared memory multiprocessors, workstation clusters and massively parallel platforms.


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This paper describes an interactive parallelisation toolkit that can be used to generate parallel code suitable for either a distributed memory system (using message passing) or a shared memory system (using OpenMP). This study focuses on how the toolkit is used to parallelise a complex heterogeneous ocean modelling code within a few hours for use on a shared memory parallel system. The generated parallel code is essentially the serial code with OpenMP directives added to express the parallelism. The results show that substantial gains in performance can be achieved over the single thread version with very little effort.