947 resultados para Andes


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La tesis investiga los imaginarios de la sierra y de sus habitantes a través de la fotografía de Sebastián Rodríguez (Huancayo, 1896-Morococha, 1968) y Martín Chambi (Puno, 1891-Cusco, 1973). Así, la relación entre representación y poder toma centralidad en el trabajo y dialoga con la elaboración de heterogeneidad histórico estructural, con el objetivo de visibilizar las formas como adquiere concreción el poder y su manifestación en las representaciones sobre la Sierra y sus habitantes en espacios sociales diferenciados, como son Morococha, Junín, en la Sierra Centro, y Cusco, Cusco, en la Sierra Sur. El análisis semiótico de las fotografías parte de un nivel descriptivo para adentrarnos progresivamente en lo denotativo de las imágenes. En el transito de uno al otro identificamos tres elementos o niveles de análisis en cada fotografía: el índice, el ícono y el símbolo. En este proceso, la propuesta del Grupo µ (2002) sobre la retórica visual permite identificar los elementos retóricos que desplazan el signo inicial a otro diferente, de índole denotativo, sobre la Sierra y sus habitantes. En el caso de la Sierra como lugar, hay una apropiación de la disciplina geográfica que organiza la composición de las tomas. En el caso de sus habitantes, existe poca similitud entre los casos de Cusco y Morococha: comparten ciertos elementos o criterios (raza, clase, género, edad) que organizan las fotos; sin embargo, de acuerdo a la especificidad histórica de la Sierra Sur y la Sierra Centro, adquieren una articulación propia. Por tanto, la relación entre representación y poder refleja la ausencia de una matriz constitutiva única, y, en su lugar, expone la presencia de un patrón, es decir, una densa malla que atraviesa las diferentes relaciones sociales, dándoles particularidad sin perder su articulación en una unidad analítica.


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El presente estudio está enfocado en evaluar el plan de ahorro de los empleados de la compañía Andes Petroleum Ecuador Ltd. como un beneficio de retención y capacidad de ahorro de los empleados mediante aportaciones mensuales personales y de la compañía.Se prevé analizar los resultados obtenidos por este plan de ahorros como un beneficio que apalanca la retención de personal en la compañía Andes Petroleum Ecuador Ltd. En vista de que siendo un beneficio adicional al salario de los empleados además otorga un premio por la permanencia de aquellos empleados que cumplan con un período de ahorro determinado. Para este estudio se realizará una investigación bibliográfica de autores que hayan abordado temas de incentivos y control de gestión1a sus ejecutivoscomo bonos, participación de acciones de la empresa, pago de impuestos, así como otro tipo de incentivos propuestos en las organizaciones con el objetivo de generar un apalancamiento positivo para la consecución de los objetivos estratégicos a mediano y largo plazo. Por otro lado se observarán las condiciones más utilizadas en la administración de fondos de inversión, lo que permitirá al lector conocer con mayor profundidad los diferentes instrumentos financieros con los que se puede diversificar un portafolio de inversión para lograr una mayor rentabilidad. Como conclusión la presente tesis busca conocer si un plan de ahorros de estas características ha logrado aumentar el compromiso y ha sido una herramienta eficaz de retención del personal y el grado de satisfacción que este pueda tener entre sus miembros en el espacio organizacional.


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The results of an integrated geoarchaeological and palaeoecological pilot study of a prehistoric agricultural terrace and nearby mire basin are presented. They reveal two stages of terrace construction for the cultivation of Zea mays during the Middle Horizon (615–695 AD) and late, Late Intermediate Period (1200–1400 AD). These stages were strongly associated with evidence for vegetation succession, destabilisation and erosion of the surrounding landscape, and changes in mire surface wetness. The reasons for agricultural terrace abandonment and/or reconstruction are uncertain, with only circumstantial evidence for climatically induced agricultural change.


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Paleosols were exposed in sections through four abandoned pre-Hispanic agricultural terraces surrounding an infilled mire basin in the southern Peruvian Andes. The two paleosols beneath the Tocotoccasa terrace represent the original ‘natural’ solum and a later soil formed after construction of the agricultural terrace, probably during the early Middle Horizon cultural period (615–695 AD). The soil at the current surface developed subsequent to the building up and reconstruction of the terrace, possibly during the late Late Intermediate period (1200–1400 AD). Micromorphology revealed an unexpected abundance of clay coatings within the upper terrace paleosol and surface terrace soil, a phenonemon attributed to the migration and/or accumulation of neoformed clay produced from the weathering of very unstable volcanic clasts, perhaps fuelled by arid/humid climatic oscillations and/or seasonal input of irrigation waters. The paleosols at Tocotoccasa could not be correlated with any degree of confidence with those beneath the other three terraces due to differences in pedosedimentary properties and uncertainties over chronological controls. Thus, it seems likely that either the terraces were (re)constructed and utilised over different cultural periods or that there is significant variation in the extent of weathering of material used for reconstruction of the terraces. Unfortunately, it cannot be ascertained from the data available whether the terraces were abandoned for any significant period of time prior to reconstruction and, if so, whether this was a regional phenomenon related to climate, social, or economic changes.


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Offsite pesticide losses in tropical mountainous regions have been little studied. One example is measuring pesticide drift soil deposition, which can support pesticide risk assessment for surface water, soil, bystanders, off target plants and fauna. This is considered a serious gap, given the evidence of pesticide-related poisoning in those regions. Empirical data of drift deposition of a pesticide surrogate, Uranine tracer, within one of the highest potato producing regions in Colombia, characterized by small plots and mountain orography, is presented. High drift values encountered in our study reflect the actual spray conditions using handled knapsack sprayers. Comparison between measured and predicted drift values using three existing empirical equations showed important underestimation. However, after their optimization based on measured drift information, the equations showed a strong predictive power for this study area and the study conditions. The most suitable curve to assess mean relative drift was the IMAG calculator after optimization.


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The South American low level jet (SALLJ) of the Eastern Andes is investigated with Regional Climate Model version 3 (RegCM3) simulations during the 2002-2003 austral summer using two convective parameterizations (Grell and Emanuel). The simulated SALLJ is compared with the special observations of SALLJEX (SALLJ Experiment). Both the Grell and Emanuel schemes adequately simulate the low level flow over South America. However, there are some intensity differences. Due to the larger (smaller) convective activity, the Emanuel (Grell) scheme simulates more intense (weaker) low level wind than analysis in the tropics and subtropics. The objectives criteria of Sugahara (SJ) and Bonner (BJ) were used for LLJ identification. When applied to the observations, both criteria suggest a larger frequency of the SALLJ in Santa Cruz, followed by Mariscal, Trinidad and Asuncin. In Mariscal and Asuncin, the diurnal cycle indicates that SJ occurs mainly at 12 UTCs (morning), while the BJ criterion presents the SALLJ as more homogenously distributed. The concentration into two of the four-times-a-day observations does not allow conclusions about the diurnal cycle in Santa Cruz and Trinidad. The simulated wind profiles result in a lower than observed frequency of SALLJ using both the SJ and BJ criteria, with fewer events obtained with the BJ. Due to the stronger simulated winds, the Emanuel scheme produces an equal or greater relative frequency of SALLJ than the Grell scheme. However, the Grell scheme using the SJ criterion simulates the SALLJ diurnal cycle closer to the observed one. Although some discrepancies between observed and simulated mean vertical profiles of the horizontal wind are noted, there is large agreement between the composites of the vertical structure of the SALLJ, especially when the SJ criterion is used with the Grell scheme. On an intraseasonal scale, a larger southward displacement of SALLJ in February and December when compared with January has been noted. The Grell and Emanuel schemes simulated this observed oscillation in the low-level flow. However, the spatial pattern and intensity of rainfall and circulation anomalies simulated by the Grell scheme are closer to the analyses than those obtained with the Emanuel scheme.


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P>Estimates of effective elastic thickness (T(e)) for the western portion of the South American Plate using, independently, forward flexural modelling and coherence analysis, suggest different thermomechanical properties for the same continental lithosphere. We present a review of these T(e) estimates and carry out a critical reappraisal using a common methodology of 3-D finite element method to solve a differential equation for the bending of a thin elastic plate. The finite element flexural model incorporates lateral variations of T(e) and the Andes topography as the load. Three T(e) maps for the entire Andes were analysed: Stewart & Watts (1997), Tassara et al. (2007) and Perez-Gussinye et al. (2007). The predicted flexural deformation obtained for each T(e) map was compared with the depth to the base of the foreland basin sequence. Likewise, the gravity effect of flexurally induced crust-mantle deformation was compared with the observed Bouguer gravity. T(e) estimates using forward flexural modelling by Stewart & Watts (1997) better predict the geological and gravity data for most of the Andean system, particularly in the Central Andes, where T(e) ranges from greater than 70 km in the sub-Andes to less than 15 km under the Andes Cordillera. The misfit between the calculated and observed foreland basin subsidence and the gravity anomaly for the Maranon basin in Peru and the Bermejo basin in Argentina, regardless of the assumed T(e) map, may be due to a dynamic topography component associated with the shallow subduction of the Nazca Plate beneath the Andes at these latitudes.


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Most Neotropical lowland forest taxa occur exclusively on one side of the Andes despite the availability of appropriate habitat on both sides. Almost all molecular phylogenies and phylogenetic analyses of species assemblages (i.e. area cladograms) have supported the hypothesis that Andean uplift during the Late Pliocene created a vicariant barrier affecting lowland lineages in the region. However, a few widespread plant and animal species occurring in lowland forests on both sides of the Andes challenge the generality of this hypothesis. To understand the role of the Andes in the history of such organisms, we reconstructed the phylogeographic history of a widespread Neotropical flycatcher (Mionectes oleagineus) in the context of the other four species in the genus. A molecular phylogeny based on nuclear and mitochondrial sequences unambiguously showed an early basal split between montane and lowland Mionectes. The phylogeographic reconstruction of lowland taxa revealed a complex history, with multiple cases in which geographically proximate populations do not represent sister lineages. Specifically, three populations of M. oleagineus west of the Andes do not comprise a monophyletic clade; instead, each represents an independent lineage with origins east of the Andes. Divergence time estimates suggest that at least two cross-Andean dispersal events post-date Andean uplift.


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In the surroundings of Caldas and El Retiro cities (Colombia) metamorphic rocks derived from basic and pelitic protoliths comprise the Caldas amphibole schist and the Ancon schist respectively. Subordinated metamorphosed granite bodies (La Miel gneiss) are associated to these units, and The El Retiro amphibolites, migmatites and granulites crops out eastwards of these units, separated by shear zones. The Caldas amphibole schist and the Ancon schist protoliths could have been formed in a distal marine reduced environment and amalgamated to the South American continent in an apparent Triassic subduction event. The El Retiro rocks are akin to a continental basement and possible include impure metasediments of continental margin, whose metamorphism originated granulite facies rocks and migmatites as a result of the anatexis of quartz-feldspathic rocks. The metamorphism was accompanied by intense deformation, which has juxtaposed both migmatites and granulite blocks. Afterward, heat and fluid circulation associated with the emplacement of minor igneous intrusions resulted in intense fluid-rock interaction, variations in the grain size of the minerals and, especially, intense retrograde metamorphic re-equilibrium. Thermobarometric estimations for the Caldas amphibole schist indicate metamorphism in the Barrovian amphibolite fades. The metamorphic path is counter-clockwise, but retrograde evolution could not be precisely defined. The pressures of the metamorphism in these rocks range from 6.3 to 13.5 kbar, with narrow temperature ranging from 550 to 630 degrees C. For the Ancon schist metapelites the P-T path is also counter-clockwise, with a temperature increase evidenced by the occurrence of sillimanite and the cooling by later kyanite. The progressive metamorphism event occurred at pressures of 7.6-7.2 kbar and temperatures of 645-635 degrees C for one sample and temperature between 500 and 600 degrees C under constant pressure of 6 kbar. The temperature estimated for these rocks varies between 400 and 555 degrees C at pressures of 5-6 kbar in the retrograde metamorphic path. The El Retiro rocks evidence strong decompression with narrow variation in temperature, showing pressure values between 8.7 and 2.7 kbar at temperatures of 740-633 degrees C. These metamorphic fragments of the basement in the Central Cordillera of the Colombian Andes could represent a close relationship with an antique subduction zone. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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O princípio da não-discriminação no tratamento entre os membros da OMC é um dos pilares do sistema multilateral de comércio. Esta regra geral acomoda, entretanto, uma série de mecanismos de exceção, entre os quais a autorização para que os países concedam preferências comerciais de forma unilateral. Grande parte da literatura sobre os programas de preferências comerciais unilaterais tende a enfatizar os elementos puramente econômicos, sendo pouco explorados os aspectos políticos relacionados a estes programas. Este trabalho centra-se na análise do programa de preferências comerciais unilaterais, criado pela Andean Trade Preference Act de 1991, pelo qual os Estados Unidos concedem preferencias unilaterais à Bolívia, Colômbia, Equador e Peru. Apesar do seu objetivo oficial ser o auxílio à diversificação das exportações dos beneficiários e diminuição do cultivo de culturas ligadas à produção de drogas, a avaliação desenvolvida neste trabalho não identificou efeitos significativos do programa sobre a diversificação das exportações ou produção de coca e cocaína. Verifica-se, por outro lado, que embora não seja exigida reciprocidade dos beneficiários em matéria tarifária, os Estados Unidos vinculam a outorga a uma série de condicionalidades de natureza comercial e não-comercial, como propriedade intelectual, direitos trabalhistas e proteção aos investidores, as quais refletem interesses específicos norte-americanos. A conclusão do estudo é de que a importância da ATPA não pode ser explicada pelo aspecto estritamente comercial. A existência do programa e sua renovação em 2002 são mais compreensíveis quando o analisamos como um instrumento de política externa dos Estados Unidos, pelo qual este país estabelece vínculos comerciais como forma de exercício de coerção suave sobre os beneficiários.


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A Área Amazônica (AA) é compartilhada por oito países sul-americanos independentes. Desde os tempos coloniais sentiu-se a necessidade da construção de uma via de união da AA com o Oceano Pacífico. Mas os Andes, em termos técnicos e econômicos, foram barreira insuperável até as últimas décadas do século XIX. Nos últimos anos, para o Brasil - país que tem perto de 60% da AA -, esta via vem se tornando cada vez mais importante em termos de exportação, especialmente para o mercado japonês, de grãos, madeira, polpa de madeira etc., ao mesmo tempo em que o Japão também deseja acesso direto à AA. Brasil e Peru, segundo país da AA, com a maior e mais ocidental costa no Pacífico, têm desenvolvido projetos para a construção de uma estrada, contando para isso com apoio financeiro oferecido pelo Japão em diversas oportunidades. Tais projetos tentam conciliar não apenas os interesses de Brasil e Peru, mas também os da Bolívia, país mediterrâneo que poderia finalmente ter acesso livre à costa do Pacífico. Os Estados Unidos, porém, opõem-se a construção da mencionada via e, o projeto está a espera de que o financiamento anteriormente aventado permita sua concretização. Parece que, na construção da projetada estrada, interesses estratégicos das grandes potências mundiais estão envolvidos.


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Fourteen polymorphic microsatellite DNA markers derived from the draft genome sequence of Rhizoctonia solani anastomosis group 3 (AG-3), strain Rhs 1AP, were designed and characterized from the potato-infecting soil fungus R. solani AG-3. All loci were polymorphic in two field populations collected from Solanum tuberosum and S. phureja in the Colombian Andes. The total number of alleles per locus ranged from two to seven, while gene diversity (expected heterozygosity) varied from 0.11 to 0.81. Considering the variable levels of genetic diversity observed, these markers should be useful for population genetic analyses of this important dikaryotic fungal pathogen on a global scale.