996 resultados para Anderson, James (1738-1809) -- Portraits


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A vision system for recognizing rigid and articulated three-dimensional objects in two-dimensional images is described. Geometrical models are extracted from a commercial computer aided design package. The models are then augmented with appearance and functional information which improves the system's hypothesis generation, hypothesis verification, and pose refinement. Significant advantages over existing CAD-based vision systems, which utilize only information available in the CAD system, are realized. Examples show the system recognizing, locating, and tracking a variety of objects in a robot work-cell and in natural scenes.


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In this paper we discuss current work concerning Appearance-based and CAD-based vision; two opposing vision strategies. CAD-based vision is geometry based, reliant on having complete object centred models. Appearance-based vision builds view dependent models from training images. Existing CAD-based vision systems that work with intensity images have all used one and zero dimensional features, for example lines, arcs, points and corners. We describe a system we have developed for combining these two strategies. Geometric models are extracted from a commercial CAD library of industry standard parts. Surface appearance characteristics are then learnt automatically by observing actual object instances. This information is combined with geometric information and is used in hypothesis evaluation. This augmented description improves the systems robustness to texture, specularities and other artifacts which are hard to model with geometry alone, whilst maintaining the advantages of a geometric description.


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In this paper we report the degree of reliability of image sequences taken by off-the-shelf TV cameras for modeling camera rotation and reconstructing 3D structure using computer vision techniques. This is done in spite of the fact that computer vision systems usually use imaging devices that are specifically designed for the human vision. Our scenario consists of a static scene and a mobile camera moving through the scene. The scene is any long axial building dominated by features along the three principal orientations and with at least one wall containing prominent repetitive planar features such as doors, windows bricks etc. The camera is an ordinary commercial camcorder moving along the axial axis of the scene and is allowed to rotate freely within the range +/- 10 degrees in all directions. This makes it possible that the camera be held by a walking unprofessional cameraman with normal gait, or to be mounted on a mobile robot. The system has been tested successfully on sequence of images of a variety of structured, but fairly cluttered scenes taken by different walking cameramen. The potential application areas of the system include medicine, robotics and photogrammetry.


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This paper, one of a simultaneously published set, describes the establishment in 1990 of the UK standards project for the Pop programming language, and the progress of the project to the end of 1993.


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We introduce the perspex machine which unifies projective geometry and the Turing machine, resulting in a supra-Turing machine. Specifically, we show that a Universal Register Machine (URM) can be implemented as a conditional series of whole numbered projective transformations. This leads naturally to a suggestion that it might be possible to construct a perspex machine as a series of pin-holes and stops. A rough calculation shows that an ultraviolet perspex machine might operate up to the petahertz range of operations per second. Surprisingly, we find that perspex space is irreversible in time, which might make it a candidate for an anisotropic spacetime geometry in physical theories. We make a bold hypothesis that the apparent irreversibility of physical time is due to the random nature of quantum events, but suggest that a sum over histories might be achieved by sampling fluctuations in the direction of time flow. We propose an experiment, based on the Casimir apparatus, that should measure fluctuations of time flow with respect to time duration- if such fluctuations exist.


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This paper introduces perspex algebra which is being developed as a common representation of geometrical knowledge. A perspex can currently be interpreted in one of four ways. First, the algebraic perspex is a generalization of matrices, it provides the most general representation for all of the interpretations of a perspex. The algebraic perspex can be used to describe arbitrary sets of coordinates. The remaining three interpretations of the perspex are all related to square matrices and operate in a Euclidean model of projective space-time, called perspex space. Perspex space differs from the usual Euclidean model of projective space in that it contains the point at nullity. It is argued that the point at nullity is necessary for a consistent account of perspective in top-down vision. Second, the geometric perspex is a simplex in perspex space. It can be used as a primitive building block for shapes, or as a way of recording landmarks on shapes. Third, the transformational perspex describes linear transformations in perspex space that provide the affine and perspective transformations in space-time. It can be used to match a prototype shape to an image, even in so called 'accidental' views where the depth of an object disappears from view, or an object stays in the same place across time. Fourth, the parametric perspex describes the geometric and transformational perspexes in terms of parameters that are related to everyday English descriptions. The parametric perspex can be used to obtain both continuous and categorical perception of objects. The paper ends with a discussion of issues related to using a perspex to describe logic.


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A unique parameterization of the perspective projections in all whole-numbered dimensions is reported. The algorithm for generating a perspective transformation from parameters and for recovering parameters from a transformation is a modification of the Givens orthogonalization algorithm. The algorithm for recovering a perspective transformation from a perspective projection is a modification of Roberts' classical algorithm. Both algorithms have been implemented in Pop-11 with call-out to the NAG Fortran libraries. Preliminary monte-carlo tests show that the transformation algorithm is highly accurate, but that the projection algorithm cannot recover magnitude and shear parameters accurately. However, there is reason to believe that the projection algorithm might improve significantly with the use of many corresponding points, or with multiple perspective views of an object. Previous parameterizations of the perspective transformations in the computer graphics and computer vision literature are discussed.


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In 1989, the computer programming language POP-11 is 21 years old. This book looks at the reasons behind its invention, and traces its rise from an experimental language to a major AI language, playing a major part in many innovating projects. There is a chapter on the inventor of the language, Robin Popplestone, and a discussion of the applications of POP-11 in a variety of areas. The efficiency of AI programming is covered, along with a comparison between POP-11 and other programming languages. The book concludes by reviewing the standardization of POP-11 into POP91.


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We introduce the perspex machine which unifies projective geometry and Turing computation and results in a supra-Turing machine. We show two ways in which the perspex machine unifies symbolic and non-symbolic AI. Firstly, we describe concrete geometrical models that map perspexes onto neural networks, some of which perform only symbolic operations. Secondly, we describe an abstract continuum of perspex logics that includes both symbolic logics and a new class of continuous logics. We argue that an axiom in symbolic logic can be the conclusion of a perspex theorem. That is, the atoms of symbolic logic can be the conclusions of sub-atomic theorems. We argue that perspex space can be mapped onto the spacetime of the universe we inhabit. This allows us to discuss how a robot might be conscious, feel, and have free will in a deterministic, or semi-deterministic, universe. We ground the reality of our universe in existence. On a theistic point, we argue that preordination and free will are compatible. On a theological point, we argue that it is not heretical for us to give robots free will. Finally, we give a pragmatic warning as to the double-edged risks of creating robots that do, or alternatively do not, have free will.


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The Perspex Machine arose from the unification of computation with geometry. We now report significant redevelopment of both a partial C compiler that generates perspex programs and of a Graphical User Interface (GUI). The compiler is constructed with standard compiler-generator tools and produces both an explicit parse tree for C and an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) that is better suited to code generation. The GUI uses a hash table and a simpler software architecture to achieve an order of magnitude speed up in processing and, consequently, an order of magnitude increase in the number of perspexes that can be manipulated in real time (now 6,000). Two perspex-machine simulators are provided, one using trans-floating-point arithmetic and the other using transrational arithmetic. All of the software described here is available on the world wide web. The compiler generates code in the neural model of the perspex. At each branch point it uses a jumper to return control to the main fibre. This has the effect of pruning out an exponentially increasing number of branching fibres, thereby greatly increasing the efficiency of perspex programs as measured by the number of neurons required to implement an algorithm. The jumpers are placed at unit distance from the main fibre and form a geometrical structure analogous to a myelin sheath in a biological neuron. Both the perspex jumper-sheath and the biological myelin-sheath share the computational function of preventing cross-over of signals to neurons that lie close to an axon. This is an example of convergence driven by similar geometrical and computational constraints in perspex and biological neurons.


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A robot mounted camera is useful in many machine vision tasks as it allows control over view direction and position. In this paper we report a technique for calibrating both the robot and the camera using only a single corresponding point. All existing head-eye calibration systems we have encountered rely on using pre-calibrated robots, pre- calibrated cameras, special calibration objects or combinations of these. Our method avoids using large scale non-linear optimizations by recovering the parameters in small dependent groups. This is done by performing a series of planned, but initially uncalibrated robot movements. Many of the kinematic parameters are obtained using only camera views in which the calibration feature is at, or near the image center, thus avoiding errors which could be introduced by lens distortion. The calibration is shown to be both stable and accurate. The robotic system we use consists of camera with pan-tilt capability mounted on a Cartesian robot, providing a total of 5 degrees of freedom.