986 resultados para Analytic-numerical solutions


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This work develops a method for solving ordinary differential equations, that is, initial-value problems, with solutions approximated by using Legendre's polynomials. An iterative procedure for the adjustment of the polynomial coefficients is developed, based on the genetic algorithm. This procedure is applied to several examples providing comparisons between its results and the best polynomial fitting when numerical solutions by the traditional Runge-Kutta or Adams methods are available. The resulting algorithm provides reliable solutions even if the numerical solutions are not available, that is, when the mass matrix is singular or the equation produces unstable running processes.


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This paper presents an accurate and efficient solution for the random transverse and angular displacement fields of uncertain Timoshenko beams. Approximate, numerical solutions are obtained using the Galerkin method and chaos polynomials. The Chaos-Galerkin scheme is constructed by respecting the theoretical conditions for existence and uniqueness of the solution. Numerical results show fast convergence to the exact solution, at excellent accuracies. The developed Chaos-Galerkin scheme accurately approximates the complete cumulative distribution function of the displacement responses. The Chaos-Galerkin scheme developed herein is a theoretically sound and efficient method for the solution of stochastic problems in engineering. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper presents a formulation to deal with dynamic thermomechanical problems by the finite element method. The proposed methodology is based on the minimum potential energy theorem written regarding nodal positions, not displacements, to solve the mechanical problem. The thermal problem is solved by a regular finite element method. Such formulation has the advantage of being simple and accurate. As a solution strategy, it has been used as a natural split of the thermomechanical problem, usually called isothermal split or isothermal staggered algorithm. Usual internal variables and the additive decomposition of the strain tensor have been adopted to model the plastic behavior. Four examples are presented to show the applicability of the technique. The results are compared with other authors` numerical solutions and experimental results. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper addresses the development of a hybrid-mixed finite element formulation for the quasi-static geometrically exact analysis of three-dimensional framed structures with linear elastic behavior. The formulation is based on a modified principle of stationary total complementary energy, involving, as independent variables, the generalized vectors of stress-resultants and displacements and, in addition, a set of Lagrange multipliers defined on the element boundaries. The finite element discretization scheme adopted within the framework of the proposed formulation leads to numerical solutions that strongly satisfy the equilibrium differential equations in the elements, as well as the equilibrium boundary conditions. This formulation consists, therefore, in a true equilibrium formulation for large displacements and rotations in space. Furthermore, this formulation is objective, as it ensures invariance of the strain measures under superposed rigid body rotations, and is not affected by the so-called shear-locking phenomenon. Also, the proposed formulation produces numerical solutions which are independent of the path of deformation. To validate and assess the accuracy of the proposed formulation, some benchmark problems are analyzed and their solutions compared with those obtained using the standard two-node displacement/ rotation-based formulation.


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Demands for optimal boiler performance and increased concerns in lowering emission have always been the driving force in the reevaluation and evolution of the Kraft boiler: specifically the air distribution strategies that are directly related to achieving increased residence time of flue gas combustion inside the furnace which in turn lowers atmosphere emission levels and enhances boiler operation. This paper presents the results of a study that analyzes the interaction of the different multilevel air injections have on flue gas flow patterns including various quaternary air supply arrangements. Additionally, this study assesses the performance of the CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) model against data available in literature. Simulations were performed considering isothermal and incompressible flows, and did not take into account thermal phenomena or chemical reactions. The numerical solutions generated proved to be coherently related to the data available in literature, and provided proof of the efficiency of tertiary level air injection, as well as revealed that quaternary air injection ports arranged in a symmetrical configuration is most suitable for optimal equipment operation. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Higher order (2,4) FDTD schemes used for numerical solutions of Maxwell`s equations are focused on diminishing the truncation errors caused by the Taylor series expansion of the spatial derivatives. These schemes use a larger computational stencil, which generally makes use of the two constant coefficients, C-1 and C-2, for the four-point central-difference operators. In this paper we propose a novel way to diminish these truncation errors, in order to obtain more accurate numerical solutions of Maxwell`s equations. For such purpose, we present a method to individually optimize the pair of coefficients, C-1 and C-2, based on any desired grid size resolution and size of time step. Particularly, we are interested in using coarser grid discretizations to be able to simulate electrically large domains. The results of our optimization algorithm show a significant reduction in dispersion error and numerical anisotropy for all modeled grid size resolutions. Numerical simulations of free-space propagation verifies the very promising theoretical results. The model is also shown to perform well in more complex, realistic scenarios.


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A piecewise uniform fitted mesh method turns out to be sufficient for the solution of a surprisingly wide variety of singularly perturbed problems involving steep gradients. The technique is applied to a model of adsorption in bidisperse solids for which two fitted mesh techniques, a fitted-mesh finite difference method (FMFDM) and fitted mesh collocation method (FMCM) are presented. A combination (FMCMD) of FMCM and the DASSL integration package is found to be most effective in solving the problems. Numerical solutions (FMFDM and FMCMD) were found to match the analytical solution when the adsorption isotherm is linear, even under conditions involving steep gradients for which global collocation fails. In particular, FMCMD is highly efficient for macropore diffusion control or micropore diffusion control. These techniques are simple and there is no limit on the range of the parameters. The techniques can be applied to a variety of adsorption and desorption problems in bidisperse solids with non-linear isotherm and for arbitrary particle geometry.


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In this paper, a progressive asymptotic approach procedure is presented for solving the steady-state Horton-Rogers-Lapwood problem in a fluid-saturated porous medium. The Horton-Rogers-Lapwood problem possesses a bifurcation and, therefore, makes the direct use of conventional finite element methods difficult. Even if the Rayleigh number is high enough to drive the occurrence of natural convection in a fluid-saturated porous medium, the conventional methods will often produce a trivial non-convective solution. This difficulty can be overcome using the progressive asymptotic approach procedure associated with the finite element method. The method considers a series of modified Horton-Rogers-Lapwood problems in which gravity is assumed to tilt a small angle away from vertical. The main idea behind the progressive asymptotic approach procedure is that through solving a sequence of such modified problems with decreasing tilt, an accurate non-zero velocity solution to the Horton-Rogers-Lapwood problem can be obtained. This solution provides a very good initial prediction for the solution to the original Horton-Rogers-Lapwood problem so that the non-zero velocity solution can be successfully obtained when the tilted angle is set to zero. Comparison of numerical solutions with analytical ones to a benchmark problem of any rectangular geometry has demonstrated the usefulness of the present progressive asymptotic approach procedure. Finally, the procedure has been used to investigate the effect of basin shapes on natural convection of pore-fluid in a porous medium. (C) 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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The moving finite element collocation method proposed by Kill et al. (1995) Chem. Engng Sci. 51 (4), 2793-2799 for solution of problems with steep gradients is further developed to solve transient problems arising in the field of adsorption. The technique is applied to a model of adsorption in solids with bidisperse pore structures. Numerical solutions were found to match the analytical solution when it exists (i.e. when the adsorption isotherm is linear). The method is simple yet sufficiently accurate for use in adsorption problems, where global collocation methods fail. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Multidimensional spatiotemporal parametric simultons (simultaneous solitary waves) are possible in a nonlinear chi((2)) medium with a Bragg grating structure, where large effective dispersion occurs near two resonant band gaps for the carrier and second-harmonic field, respectively. The enhanced dispersion allows much reduced interaction lengths, as compared to bulk medium parametric simultons. The nonlinear parametric band-gap medium permits higher-dimensional stationary waves to form. In addition, solitons can occur with lower input powers than conventional nonlinear Schrodinger equation gap solitons. In this paper, the equations for electromagnetic propagation in a grating structure with a parametric nonlinearity are derived from Maxwell's equation using a coupled mode Hamiltonian analysis in one, two, and three spatial dimensions. Simultaneous solitary wave solutions are proved to exist by reducing the equations to the coupled equations describing a nonlinear parametric waveguide, using the effective-mass approximation (EMA). Exact one-dimensional numerical solutions in agreement with the EMA solutions are also given. Direct numerical simulations show that the solutions have similar types of stability properties to the bulk case, providing the carrier waves are tuned to the two Bragg resonances, and the pulses have a width in frequency space less than the band gap. In summary, these equations describe a physically accessible localized nonlinear wave that is stable in up to 3 + 1 dimensions. Possible applications include photonic logic and switching devices. [S1063-651X(98)06109-1].


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We use the finite element method to model and predict the dissipative structures of chemical species for a nonequilibrium chemical reaction system in a fluid-saturated porous medium. In particular, we explore the conditions under which dissipative structures of the species may exist in the Brusselator type of nonequilibrium chemical reaction. Since this is the first time the finite element method and related strategies have been used to study the chemical instability problems in a fluid-saturated porous medium, it is essential to validate the method and strategies before they are put into application. For this purpose, we have rigorously derived the analytical solutions for dissipative structures of chemical species in a benchmark problem, which geometrically is a square. Comparison of the numerical solutions with the analytical ones demonstrates that the proposed numerical method and strategy are robust enough to solve chemical instability problems in a fluid-saturated porous medium. Finally, the related numerical results from two application examples indicate that both the regime and the magnitude of pore-fluid flow have significant effects on the nature of the dissipative structures that developed for a nonequilibrium chemical reaction system in a fluid-saturated porous medium. The motivation for this study is that self-organization under conditions of pore-fluid flow in a porous medium is a potential mechanism of the orebody formation and mineralization in the upper crust of the Earth. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.


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Previous studies on tidal dynamics of coastal aquifers have focussed on the inland propagation of oceanic tides in the cross-shore direction, a configuration that is essentially one-dimensional. Aquifers at natural coasts can also be influenced by tidal waves in nearby estuaries, resulting in a more complex behaviour of head fluctuations in the aquifers. We present an analytical solution to the two-dimensional depth-averaged groundwater flow equation for a semi-infinite aquifer subject to oscillating head conditions at the boundaries. The solution describes the tidal dynamics of a coastal aquifer that is adjacent to a cross-shore estuary. Both the effects of oceanic and estuarine tides on the aquifer are included in the solution. The analytical prediction of the head fluctuations is verified by comparison with numerical solutions computed using a standard finite-difference method. An essential feature of the present analytical solution is the interaction between the cross- and along-shore tidal waves in the aquifer area near the estuary's entry. As the distance from the estuary or coastline increases, the wave interaction is weakened and the aquifer response is reduced, respectively, to the one-dimensional solution for oceanic tides or the solution of Sun (Sun H. A two-dimensional analytical solution of groundwater response to tidal loading in an estuary, Water Resour Res 1997;33:1429-35) for two-dimensional non-interacting tidal waves. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Drainage of a saturated horizontal aquifer following a sudden drawdown is reanalyzed using the Boussinesq equation. The effect of the finite length of the aquifer is considered in detail. An analytical approximation based on a superposition principle yields a very good estimate of the outflow when compared to accurate numerical solutions. An illustration of the new analytical approach to analyze basin-scale field data is used to demonstrate possible field applications of the new solution.


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A model for finely layered visco-elastic rock proposed by us in previous papers is revisited and generalized to include couple stresses. We begin with an outline of the governing equations for the standard continuum case and apply a computational simulation scheme suitable for problems involving very large deformations. We then consider buckling instabilities in a finite, rectangular domain. Embedded within this domain, parallel to the longer dimension we consider a stiff, layered beam under compression. We analyse folding up to 40% shortening. The standard continuum solution becomes unstable for extreme values of the shear/normal viscosity ratio. The instability is a consequence of the neglect of the bending stiffness/viscosity in the standard continuum model. We suggest considering these effects within the framework of a couple stress theory. Couple stress theories involve second order spatial derivatives of the velocities/displacements in the virtual work principle. To avoid C-1 continuity in the finite element formulation we introduce the spin of the cross sections of the individual layers as an independent variable and enforce equality to the spin of the unit normal vector to the layers (-the director of the layer system-) by means of a penalty method. We illustrate the convergence of the penalty method by means of numerical solutions of simple shears of an infinite layer for increasing values of the penalty parameter. For the shear problem we present solutions assuming that the internal layering is oriented orthogonal to the surfaces of the shear layer initially. For high values of the ratio of the normal-to the shear viscosity the deformation concentrates in thin bands around to the layer surfaces. The effect of couple stresses on the evolution of folds in layered structures is also investigated. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We consider solutions to the second-harmonic generation equations in two-and three-dimensional dispersive media in the form of solitons localized in space and time. As is known, collapse does not take place in these models, which is why the solitons may be stable. The general solution is obtained in an approximate analytical form by means of a variational approach, which also allows the stability of the solutions to be predicted. Then, we directly simulate the two-dimensional case, taking the initial configuration as suggested by the variational approximation. We thus demonstrate that spatiotemporal solitons indeed exist and are stable. Furthermore, they are not, in the general case, equivalent to the previously known cylindrical spatial solitons. Direct simulations generate solitons with some internal oscillations. However, these oscillations neither grow nor do they exhibit any significant radiative damping. Numerical solutions of the stationary version of the equations produce the same solitons in their unperturbed form, i.e., without internal oscillations. Strictly stable solitons exist only if the system has anomalous dispersion at both the fundamental harmonic and second harmonic (SH), including the case of zero dispersion at SH. Quasistationary solitons, decaying extremely slowly into radiation, are found in the presence of weak normal dispersion at the second-harmonic frequency.