993 resultados para Analyse médiatique
A comparison between the yields obtained during 1968 and 1969 from the trawlers based at Abidjan harbour was carried out in various fishing areas. Seasonal fluctuations of abundance were first eliminated and then the regression between yield and motor power was calculated. The unit of fishing effort, one hour of fishing for a standard trawler of 400 BHP, was chosen for the fishing statistics of the Ivorian fleet.
Abstract In the last years scallops have reached a considerable popularity and the import of scallops into the EU has increased about 20 % over the last fi ve years from some 50.000 t to nearly 63.000 t in the year 2010. Scallops are fi shed or farmed, and traded as fresh or deep frozen product. Recently investigation of scallop products of various origins by determining the species using molecular biological techniques showed that the species had been mislabelled in a considerable proportion of samples. Determination of the species was performed by PCR-based DNA-analysis of mitochondrial DNA followed by (i) sequencing the PCR product and (ii) comparison of the DNA sequence with entries in GenBank using BLAST. The deduced sequences of the analysed samples were considerably different from each other allowing the unambiguous assignment of samples to a certain species. Kurzfassung Die Nachfrage von Kammmuscheln in der EU hat in den letzten fünf Jahren erheblich zugenommen. Der Import stieg von knapp 53.000 t im Jahr 2005 um 20% auf annähernd 63.000 t im Jahr 2010. Gehandelt werden Kammmuscheln sowohl als frische als auch als Tiefkühlware aus Wildfängen und Aquakultur. Untersuchungen von Kammmuschel-Proben aus verschiedenen Ursprungsländern und Bestimmung der Spezies auf molekularbiologischer Basis zeigten, dass ein erheblicher Anteil der Proben falsch deklariert war. Die Bestimmung der Spezies erfolgte durch Vervielfältigung eines Abschnitts des 16S rRNA Gens durch Polymerase- Kettenreaktion (PCR), anschließender Sequenzanalyse der PCR-Produkte und Vergleich der DNA Sequenzen untereinander und mit Dateneintragungen in GenBank. Die DNA-Sequenzen der ermittelten Abschnitte der 16S rRNA der Proben unterschieden sich erheblich voneinander und erlaubten eine eindeutige Zuordnung zu jeweils einer Spezies.
Several 'analyses factorielles des correspondences' were used with the numerical data of planktonic copepods issued from a 1 year sampling programme at different stations of the Ivorian shelf. The main results were the following: (1) 'Ecological seasons' approximately corresponding to hydrological seasons may be defined for planktonic populations. (2) Each 'season' is characterized by one group of species, whose maximum abundance occurs in this period. (3) The same definition of ecological season is obtained whether all species present are used or whether only the most important ones are used. (4) The first principal axes may be interpreted as temperature and salinity or as the station's distance from shore.
Etude par analyse d’images en 2D des processus d’agregation et d’evolution des prosites dans les sol
This paper reports the results of the crystal and molecular structures, CI-MS and FAB-MS analyse of Cl3GeCH2CH2COOH and Cl3GeCH(CH3)CH2COOH. The characters and active parts of these molecules are also discussed
Huelse, Martin, Multifunktionalitaet rekurrenter neuronaler Netze - Synthese und Analyse nichtlinearer Kontrolle autonomer Roboter, DISKI 306, AKA GmbH, Germany, January 2007, ISBN: 978-3-89838-306-6, 216 pp.
After several investigations on the savanna and forest of Ngotto (Central African Republic), we propose a phytogeographical interpretation of our data on the systematic (level family), the biological forms, the dispersion of diaspores and phytogeographical elements spectra. These spectra are given regarding both formation type (savanna, forest) to appreciate their originality. Then, a comparaison is driven in order to set up the differences between these two formations.
In Belgium, gender-parity has been compulsory for all party lists (in local, regional, federal and European elections) for several years. As a result, the proportion of women has risen from a fourth up to a third of the deputies. Yet, strict parity is still far from realised. This article seeks to establish what causes this glass ceiling, namely the parties' reluctance to place female candidates in the top positions or even as the front-runner. In a proportional representation system with half-open lists, and especially when the constituencies are small, this automatically leads to a smaller proportion of women among the elected deputies. One important reason for the parties' reluctance to rank female candidates higher is their assumption that women are less effective as "election locomotives" than men. However, the analysis of the Belgian election results makes clear that this is not the case. Female candidates in top positions are as successful as their male counterparts. © (2008) Swiss Political Science Review.
This paper presents a detailed analysis of Baudelaire's poem ''L'Invitation au voyage''. It aims to understand the general meaning of this poem, showing that Baudelaire's ''voyage'' comes less to an ideal paradise than to a kind of voluptuous purgatory. We associate together dimensions of the poem that are usually treated separately :biographical background, stylistic and intertextual borrowings (orientalized Holland, Goethe's Mignon, popular song and romance, Weber's music, Biblical episodes), formal structure and cognitive effects. Our method is based on Benoît de Cornulier's theory of metrics, Searle and Vanderveken's speech act theory and Marc Dominicy's theory of poetic evocation. As Dominicy's theory is quite recent, our article provides substantial summary and clarification of its main theoretical and methodological hypothesis.
L'article présente quelques éléments de la procédure mise en place pour traiter un corpus écrit comportant 617 textes (près de 500 000 mots) relatifs aux eurorégions. Complexe et hétérogène à plusieurs titres (technique, linguistique, éditorial, générique, énonciatif), le corpus pose la difficulté majeure de l’appréhension de données multilingues (français, italien, espagnol, anglais, allemand, néerlandais). Sa manipulation a nécessité une réflexion adaptée et une démarche de modélisation que nous qualifions d’« agile » en raison de son caractère souple et itératif. La plateforme d’analyse élaborée permet de disposer de résultats utiles à l’analyse qualitative ultérieure du discours eurorégional. Elle articule un logiciel d'analyse morphosyntaxique éprouvé (TreeTagger) à des programmes (Perl) et à une base de données (SQLite) développés pour optimiser les requêtes multilingues simultanées et l’exportation automatique des résultats. Les fonctionnalités liées à la localisation contextualisée de mots- pivots, au recueil de dénominations et à la détection de segments répétés nous servent ici de guides pour exprimer les besoins de la recherche, les problèmes rencontrés et les solutions proposées. L'analyse d'observables récurrents, à savoir les notions de décision et de responsabilité, illustre le propos.